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[[Category:Open Prim Animator|Open Prim Animator]]

Revision as of 04:16, 14 December 2011

<lsl> // Open Prim Animator - by Todd Borst // Extensive Modifications by SignpostMarv Martin

// This is provided AS IS without support. Please don't bug me demanding // help or custom work for this free script.

// Summary: This is a simple prim animation script. Just add this script // to your object and a dialog will automatically pop up for you to use.

// Features: // -Single script "Prim Puppeteer" like animation tool // -Playback controllable through external scripts // -Animation is scalable and resizeable // -On-touch trigger built-in // -Completely free and open sourced

// License: // You are welcome to use this anyway you like, even bring to other grids // outside of Second Life. If you try to sell what I'm giving away for // free, you will be cursed with unimaginably bad juju.

integer COMMAND_CHANNEL = 32;

integer primCount = 0; integer commandListenerHandle = -1;

list posList = []; list rotList = []; list scaleList = []; integer currentSnapshot = 0; integer recordedSnapshots = 0;

vector rootScale = ZERO_VECTOR; vector scaleChange = <1,1,1>;

// For tracking memory usage. The amount of snapshots you can record is based // on the number of prims and available memory. Less prims = more snapshots integer maxMemory = 0; integer freeMemory = 0;

integer playAnimationStyle = 0; // The values for playAnimationStyle means // 0 = no animation playing // 1 = play animation once // 2 = play animation looping

// This function is used to display a recorded snapshot showSnapshot(integer snapNumber) {

   if(snapNumber > 0 && snapNumber <= recordedSnapshots )
       integer i = 0;
       vector   pos;
       rotation rot;
       vector   scale;

       vector rootPos = llGetPos();

       // Might want to move llGetRot() into the loop for fast rotating objects.
       // Rotation during the animation playback may cause errors.
       rotation rootRot = llGetRot();
       list params = [];

       //2 is the first linked prim number.
       for( i = 2; i <= primCount; i++)
           pos     = llList2Vector(posList,((snapNumber-1)*(primCount-1))+(i-2));
           rot     = llList2Rot(rotList,((snapNumber-1)*(primCount-1))+(i-2));
           scale   = llList2Vector(scaleList,((snapNumber-1)*(primCount-1))+(i-2));

           //Adjust for scale changes
           if( rootScale.x != 1.0 || rootScale.y != 1.0 || rootScale.z != 1.0 )
               pos.x *= scaleChange.x;
               pos.y *= scaleChange.y;
               pos.z *= scaleChange.z;
               scale.x *= scaleChange.x;
               scale.y *= scaleChange.y;
               scale.z *= scaleChange.z;
           params += [

           if(llGetListLength(params) > 64){
               params = [];

       if(llGetListLength(params) > 0){
           params = [];


// This function is used to start a sequential animation playback. // If the delay speed is set too low, the script might not be able to keep up. playAnimation(float delay, integer loop) {

   if(delay < 0.1) delay = 1.0;

   if( loop == FALSE)
       playAnimationStyle = 1;
       playAnimationStyle = 2;

   if (recordedSnapshots >= 1)


// This shows the edit menu showMenuDialog() {

   return; // comment out line to re-enable menu
   string temp = (string)((float)freeMemory/(float)maxMemory * 100.0);
   string menuText = "Available Memory: " + (string)freeMemory + " (" + llGetSubString(temp, 0, 4) +"%)" +
   "\nCurrent Snapshot: " + (string)currentSnapshot +"\tSnapshots Recorded: " + (string)recordedSnapshots +
   "\n\n[ Record ] - Record a snapshot of prim positions\n[ Play ] - Play back all the recorded snapshots\n[ Publish ] - Finish the recording process\n[ Show Next ] - Show the next snapshot\n[ Show Prev ] - Show the previous snapshot";

   llDialog(llGetOwner(), menuText, ["Record","Play","Publish","Show Prev","Show Next","Loop","Stop","Export"], COMMAND_CHANNEL);

} string truncate_float(float foo){

   if(foo == 0.0){
       return "0";
   }else if(foo == (float)((integer)foo)){
       return (string)((integer)foo);
   string bar = (string)foo;
   while(llGetSubString(bar,-1,-1) == "0"){
       bar = llGetSubString(bar,0,-2);   
   if(llGetSubString(bar,-1,-1) == "."){
       bar = llGetSubString(bar,0,-2);
   return bar;


key op_import = "6b78fcc8-e147-4105-99a6-ff19b4bf559d"; key op_export = "7c2ca168-2b64-4836-8727-8e62b78dbd44"; key op_alter_rootScale = "f9d3389e-a78c-43f8-9e35-c11adec112a5"; calc_scaleChange(){

   if (rootScale != ZERO_VECTOR){
       vector newScale = llGetScale();
       //since change_scale is triggered even with linked prim changes,
       //this is to filter out non-root changes.
       if( ( newScale.x / rootScale.x) != scaleChange.x ||
           ( newScale.y / rootScale.y) != scaleChange.y ||
           ( newScale.z / rootScale.z) != scaleChange.z )
           scaleChange.x = newScale.x / rootScale.x;
           scaleChange.y = newScale.y / rootScale.y;
           scaleChange.z = newScale.z / rootScale.z;

} default {

       maxMemory = llGetFreeMemory();
       freeMemory = llGetFreeMemory();

       primCount = llGetNumberOfPrims();
       commandListenerHandle = llListen(COMMAND_CHANNEL,"", llGetOwner(), "");

       //setting initial root scale.  this allows the animation to scale if the root size is changed afterwards.
       rootScale = llGetScale();
       if(llGetInventoryType("OPA Notecard Import - 2011-11-03") == INVENTORY_SCRIPT){
           llResetOtherScript("OPA Notecard Import - 2011-11-03");

/* //Feel free to remove this on-touch trigger if you are using your own script to control playback

   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       //only activate after publish.
       if (commandListenerHandle == -1)
           //if animation not playing start it, else stop it.
           if( playAnimationStyle == 0)
               playAnimationStyle = 0;

   changed(integer change)
       //this is needed to detect scale changes and record the differences in order to adjust the animation accordingly.
       if (change & CHANGED_SCALE)
       // if new prims are added or removed from this object then the script resets
       // because the animations are now broken.
       else if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
           if( primCount != llGetNumberOfPrims() )
               llOwnerSay("Link change detected, reseting script.");

   //The message link function is to allow other scripts to control the snapshot playback
   //This command will display snapshot #2:
   //      llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 2, "XDshow", NULL_KEY);  llSleep(1.0);
   //This command will play through all the recorded snapshots in ascending order.  The number "1.0" is the delay speed and can be changed.
   //      llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 0, "XDplay", "1.0");
   //This command will loop through all the recorded snapshots in ascending order.  The number "1.0" is the delay speed and can be changed.
   //      llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 0, "XDplayLoop", "1.0");
   //To stop any playing animation use
   //      llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 0, "XDstop", NULL_KEY);
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       if ("XDshow" == str && num >= 1 && num <= recordedSnapshots){
       }else if ("XDplay" == str){
           currentSnapshot = 1;
           float delay = (float)((string)id);
       }else if ("XDplayLoop" == str){
           float delay = (float)((string)id);
       }else if ("XDstop" == str){
           playAnimationStyle = 0;
       }else if("XDexport" == str && num == 0){ // added by Marv
           list export = [];
           string foo;
           vector bar;
           rotation baa;
           string baz;
           integer i;
           integer j = primCount;
               export += [llGetLinkName(i)];
           j= llGetListLength(posList);
           llMessageLinked(sender_num, 1, llDumpList2String(export,"|")  , op_export);
           export = [];
               bar = llList2Vector(posList,i);
               export += ["<" + truncate_float(bar.x) + "," + truncate_float(bar.y) + "," + truncate_float(bar.z) + ">"];
           llMessageLinked(sender_num, 2, llDumpList2String(export,"|")  , op_export);
           export = [];
           j= llGetListLength(rotList);
               baa = llList2Rot(rotList,i);
               export += ["<" + truncate_float(baa.x) + "," + truncate_float(baa.y) + "," + truncate_float(baa.z) + "," + truncate_float(baa.s) + ">"];
           llMessageLinked(sender_num, 3, llDumpList2String(export,"|")  , op_export);
           export = [];
           j= llGetListLength(scaleList);
               bar = llList2Vector(scaleList,i);
               export += ["<" + truncate_float(bar.x) + "," + truncate_float(bar.y) + "," + truncate_float(bar.z) + ">"];
           llMessageLinked(sender_num, 4, llDumpList2String(export,"|")  , op_export);
       }else if("XDmenu" == str){
       }else if("XDimportLength" == str && num > 0){
           list foo = [];
           list bar = [];
           integer i;
               foo += [ZERO_VECTOR];
               bar += [ZERO_ROTATION];
           posList = foo;
           scaleList = foo;
           rotList = bar;
           recordedSnapshots = num / (llGetNumberOfPrims() - 1);
           llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, recordedSnapshots, "XDrecordedSnapshots", NULL_KEY);
           currentSnapshot = 1;
       }else if("XDrecordedSnapshots" == str && num == -1){
       }else if(id == op_import && num >= 0){
           list params = llParseString2List(str, ["|"], []);
           vector impPos = (vector)llList2String(params,0);
           rotation impRot = (rotation)llList2String(params,1);
           vector impSize  = (vector)llList2String(params,2);
           posList = llListReplaceList(posList,[impPos],num,num);
           rotList = llListReplaceList(rotList,[impRot],num,num);
           scaleList = llListReplaceList(scaleList,[impSize],num,num);
       }else if(id == op_alter_rootScale){
           rootScale = (vector)str;

   //This event handler takes care of all the editing commands.
   //Available commands are: record, play, publish, show next, show prev, show #
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       list parsedMessage = llParseString2List(message, [" "], []);
       string firstWord = llToLower(llList2String(parsedMessage,0));
       string secondWord = llToLower(llList2String(parsedMessage,1));

       //display a snapshot
       if("show" == firstWord && recordedSnapshots > 0)
           //stop any currently playing animation.

           if(secondWord == "next")
               if(currentSnapshot > recordedSnapshots)
                   currentSnapshot = 1;

           else if(secondWord == "prev")
               if(currentSnapshot < 1)
                   currentSnapshot = recordedSnapshots;

               // when the conversion fails, snapshotNumber = 0
               currentSnapshot = (integer)secondWord;
               if(currentSnapshot > 0 && currentSnapshot <= recordedSnapshots )
                   llOwnerSay("Showing snapshot: "+(string)currentSnapshot);
                   llOwnerSay("Invalid snapshot number given: " + (string) currentSnapshot +
                               "\nA valid snapshot number is between 1 and " + (string) recordedSnapshots);
                   currentSnapshot = 1;
       //record a snapshot
       else if(firstWord == "record")
           integer i = 0;
           //2 is the first linked prim number.
           vector rootPos = llGetPos();
           for( i = 2; i <= primCount; i++)
               vector pos = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_POSITION]),0);
               //need to convert into local position
               pos.x -= rootPos.x;
               pos.z -= rootPos.z;
               pos.y -= rootPos.y;
               pos = pos / llGetRot();
               posList += pos;

               rotation rot = llList2Rot(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_ROTATION]),0);
               //Converting into local rot
               rot = rot / llGetRot();
               rotList += rot;

               scaleList += llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_SIZE]),0);

           llOwnerSay("Total number of snapshots recorded: " + (string)recordedSnapshots);
           freeMemory = llGetFreeMemory();
       //play the animation from beginning to end once without looping.
       else if (firstWord == "play")
           float delay = (float)secondWord;
           currentSnapshot = 1;
           //play the animation once without loop
           playAnimation(delay, FALSE);
       //publish disables the recording features and enables the on-touch trigger
       else if("publish" == firstWord)
           //stop any currently playing animation.
           playAnimationStyle = 0;
           currentSnapshot = 1;

           //remove listeners to disable recording
           commandListenerHandle = -1; //indicating that it's been published

           llOwnerSay("Recording disabled. Publish complete.\nClick me to toggle animation on/off.");
       }else if("loop" == firstWord){
       }else if("stop" == firstWord){
       }else if("export" == firstWord){
           llOwnerSay("Should be exporting");

       //if not published, show menu
       if(commandListenerHandle != -1)

   //Timer event is used to handle the animation playback.

       //if not at the end of the animation, increment the counter
       if(currentSnapshot < recordedSnapshots)
           // if animation is looping, set the counter back to 1
           if( playAnimationStyle == 2)
               currentSnapshot = 1;
           // if animation isn't looping, stop the animation
               //if not published, show dialog menu
               if(commandListenerHandle != -1)

} </lsl>