SLVI Events/Attractions Policies/es

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¿Eres un Voluntario de Second Life? ¿Le interesa ser anfitrión de sus propias atracciones? ¿Necesita un lugar tranquilo para un acontecimiento privado? ¡Con avisar anticipadamente al VTeam, esto es muy posible! Por favor lea esta página para la informarse acerca de las pautas para acontecimientos y atracciones.

Por favor tenga en cuenta: El privilegio de construir en estas islas actualmente lo tienen todos los Mentores. ¡Lamentaríamos restringir este derecho a roles específicos o grupos así que por favor sea ordenado! En el futuro, puede formarse un comité supervisar las construcciones de la Isla de Voluntarios de SL para alertar al VTeam de cualquier conflicto con las construcciones en dichas islas. :)

Utilización del Sandbox

Por favor siéntase libre de utilizar las islas y el área del sadbox para construir zonas de ocio o proyectos, pero por favor esté seguro de limpiar el área antes de retirarse. Todos lo construído en la isla debe atenerse a las pautas de Atracciones y Eventos. Por favor no realice su trabajo en la isla si no sigue estos términos.


To host an event on SLVI requiring a guest list including non-volunteers, please give at least one day (24 hours) advanced notice to a Linden VTeam member who can document your need. Such events can occur on SL Volunteer Island, SL Volunteer Island S, SL Volunteer Island SW, and SL Volunteer Island W. Presently, it is up to the host of the event to advertise the party.


  • Sorry, NO houses or humble abodes of any wacky Second Life kind are allowed on SL Volunteer Islands.


  • Sorry! In the interest of fun and functionality, office spaces are not allowed on SL Volunteer Islands. Let's save paperweights for the real world or mainland! :)


  • Vehicles may be used at leisure on the islands. However, it is your responsibility to pick up your vehicle when you are finished using it!


  • Attractions that are built on the island that are not created for events must be in the interest of fun, and/or functional, shared experiences. Because the space of the islands are shared by all members of the Volunteer group, parceling of the island, homes, and offices are prohibited.
  • Selling is prohibited--freebies are okay!
  • Land and prim usage are subject to availability. Volunteers are asked to build with consideration. Being a good neighbor and sharing resources reasonably are musts. If you would like a prim count on your objects in one of the regions, please contact a VTeam member, preferably at their office hours.
  • Please note the center stage at the corners of SL Volunteer Island SLVIW, SLVISW, and SLVIS is reserved as a meeting/party area, but the rest is open for change.
  • Attractions should be documented at the article: SL Volunteer Island. For help with Wiki additions, feel free to contact a VTeam member.


A decoration build does not have to be documented on the SL Volunteer Island wiki page. For a build on SL Volunteer Island to qualify as a decoration, your contribution to one of the regions must be less than 25 prims and meet all other guidelines for the attractions policy. If your build is more than 25 prims, it must be categorized as an Attraction and requires documentation.

¿Preguntas e Consultas? ¡Contáctenos!

The best way to be in touch with a VTeam member is to show during one of the volunteer specialist office hours, which can be found here:

Volunteer Specialist Office Hours

If the times are not convenient, you are welcome to send an IM to one of the VTeam members, but please wait for confirmation before hosting the event to avoid any scheduling conflicts.

Help us keep SL Volunteer Island fun and functional! Thank you for your cooperation and participation!