User:jenna Huntsman

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Revision as of 05:13, 18 April 2022 by Jenna Huntsman (talk | contribs) (Added note about internal function.)
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thumb|Jenna Huntsman


I'm a hobbyist scripter.



My Marketplace Store.

Code Snippets


Note that when converting a colour from regular LSL space (sRGB) to linear space for use in a light, it's likely quicker and cleaner to use the internal function llsRGB2Linear. This is mostly a function that can be used for fun to manipulate the gamma space of colours.


Function: vector srgb_eotf( vector color, float gamma );

Converts a gamma-encoded color value to linear space. Useful when dealing with lights (as these expect a non-gamma-encoded color).
Returns a vector

• vector color
• float gamma


vector srgb_eotf(vector color, float gamma) //To convert from regular LSL colour to light colour, gamma value should be 2.4
{ //Conversion from gamma-encoded sRGB space to linear space. Credit: Jenna Huntsman, Christopher J. Howard
    vector low = color / 12.92;
    vector high = <llPow((color.x + 0.055)/1.055,gamma), llPow((color.y + 0.055)/1.055, gamma), llPow((color.z + 0.055)/1.055, gamma)>;
    return mix(low, high, step(<0.04045,0.04045,0.04045>, color));

float max(float x, float y)
{ //Return the higher of 2 given values.
    if( y > x ) return y;
    return x;

vector mix(vector x, vector y, vector t)
    vector ret;
    ret.x = x.x*(1-t.x) + y.x*t.x;
    ret.y = x.y*(1-t.y) + y.y*t.y;
    ret.z = x.z*(1-t.z) + y.z*t.z;  
    return ret;

vector step(vector edge, vector x)
    vector ret = <1,1,1>;
    if(x.x < edge.x) ret.x = 0;
    if(x.y < edge.y) ret.x = 0;
    if(x.z < edge.z) ret.x = 0;
    return ret;


vector LampCol = <1,0.74510,0.47451>; //3200 kelvin
//Set light source colour and prim colour to same colour; despite taking different input values.

Random Notes

I be a placeholder. At least for now.