LlGetUnixTime Test

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  1. Put this script on an object in world
  2. Touch the object
  3. Copy the number after 'Unix time ='
  4. Paste the number into the Timestamp box on http://www.4webhelp.net/us/timestamp.php
  5. Press 'Convert to a date'
  6. Verify the date shown near the top of the web page matches the date and time said by the box
  7. Repeat 2 - 6 a few times
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        string time;
        float ft = llGetGMTclock();
        integer ut = llGetUnixTime();
        integer hours = llFloor(ft / 3600);
        integer minutes = llFloor((ft - (hours*3600)) / 60.0);
        time = (string)hours+ ":" + (string)minutes + ":" + (string)(llFloor(ft) % 60);
        llOwnerSay("This object was touched at " + llGetDate() + "  " + time + ".  Unix time = " + (string)ut);