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Message Layout

	ObjectPropertiesFamily Medium Trusted Zerocoded
		ObjectData			Single
		{	RequestFlags	U32	}
		{	ObjectID		LLUUID	}
		{	OwnerID			LLUUID	}
		{	GroupID			LLUUID	}
		{	BaseMask		U32	}
		{	OwnerMask		U32	}
		{	GroupMask		U32	}
		{	EveryoneMask	U32	}
		{	NextOwnerMask	U32	}
		{	OwnershipCost	S32	}
		{	SaleType		U8	}   
		{	SalePrice		S32	}
		{	Category		U32	}	
		{	LastOwnerID		LLUUID	}
		{	Name			Variable	1	}
		{	Description		Variable	1	}

Usage and Notes

This packet is generated by the sim in response to the RequestObjectPropertiesFamily packet from the client.

In the client, it's used to populate the pop-tip messages that you get when you hover over an object

  • RequestFlags is used for tracking why the request was made, used in payments, bug reports and complaint(abuse) reports.
  • ObjectID is the LLUUID of the asset in world
  • CreatorID is the LLUUID of the object's original creator
  • OwnerID is the LLUUID of the object's current Owner
  • GroupID is the LLUUID of the group that the object is assigned to (for group permission)
  • OwnerMask is the ObjectFlags (bit vector) containing the permissions that the owner has over the object. (ex: edit, copy)
  • GroupMask is the ObjectFlags (bit vector) containing the group permissions for that object
  • EveryoneMask is the ObjectFlags (bit vector) containing the 'everyone else' permissions for that object
  • NextOwnerMask is the ObjectFlags (bit vector) containing what permissions get applied to the object when it moves to the next owner (via purchase or transfer)
  • SaleType is a byte containing the type of sale the object is currently set to (byte) 0 is 'no sale' See ObjectProperties
  • SalePrice is the amount of Lindens that the object is priced at
  • Category corresponds to the category drop down in the client
  • OwnerShipCost(?)
  • LastOwnerID is the LLUUID of the avatar who previously owned the asset before current owner.
  • Name is the Name(up to 63 characters) of the prim that you're hovering over.
  • Description is the Description (up to 127 characters) of the prim that you're hovering over.

RequestFlags values

Value Flag Comment
0x01 BUG_REPORT_REQUEST Original request was made for details on an object to be used in a bug report.
0x02 COMPLAINT_REPORT_REQUEST Original request was made for details on an object to be used in a complaint report.
0x04 OBJECT_PAY_REQUEST Original request was made for details on an object that is about to be paid.

Official Viewer Behavior

If RequestFlags matches either BUG_REPORT_REQUEST or COMPLAINT_REPORT_REQUEST details are sent to the reporter window.

If RequestFlags matches OBJECT_PAY_REQUEST and the OwnerID is on the mute list, the OwnerID is removed from the mute list automatically for interaction by paying the object.

Refreshes all editing dialogs and pie menus.