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Here is my quick hack of your code to allow forms to be submitted using the javascript trick.

<lsl> string url; // Our base http-in url integer r; // Used for uniqueness in PrimMedia urls integer page; // The page number.

show(string html) {

   html += "";

   llSetPrimMediaParams(0,                  // Side to display the media on.
           [PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY,TRUE,      // Show this page immediately
            PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL,html,    // The url if they hit 'home'
            PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL,html,       // The url currently showing
            PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS,512,   // Height/width of media texture will be
            PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS,512]);  //   rounded up to nearest power of 2.


// This creates a data: url that will render the output of the http-in url // given. string build_url(string url) {

   return "data:text/html," 
       + llEscapeURL("<html><head><script src='" + url 
       + "' type='text/javascript'></script></head><body onload='init()'></body></html>");


// This wraps the html you want to display so that it will be shown from links // made with build_url string build_response(string body) {

   return "function init() {document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML='" + body + "';}";


string replace_all(string src, string target, string replace) {

   return llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(src,[target],[]),replace);


string get_query(key id, string name) {

   string query = llGetHTTPHeader(id,"x-query-string");
   query = replace_all(query,"+"," ");
   query = llUnescapeURL(query);
   list q = llParseString2List(query,["=","&",";"],[]);
   integer i = llListFindList(q,[name]);
   if (i != -1)
       return llList2String(q,i+1);

   return "";


default {


   http_request(key id, string method, string body)
       if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
           url = body + "/";

           show(build_url(url + "page" + (string)(page)));
       else if (method == "GET")
           //Check for submited form value here
           string float_text=get_query(id,"text");
           if (float_text!="")
               show(build_url(url + "page" + (string)(page)));
           string path = llGetHTTPHeader(id,"x-path-info");

string content = "

path: " + path + "


           page = (integer)llGetSubString(path,5,5);
           if (page > 0) content += "<a href=\"" + build_url(url + "page" + (string)(page - 1)) + "\">Previous</a> ";
           if (page < 9) content += "<a href=\"" + build_url(url + "page" + (string)(page + 1)) + "\">Next</a>
"; integer k; for(;k<10;++k) { if (k == page) content += "
Page " + (string)k; else content += "
<a href=\"" + build_url(url + "page" + (string)(k)) + "\">Page " + (string)k + "</a>"; }

content += "

<form action=\""+url+"\" method=\"GET\">Floating Text:<input type=\"text\" name=\"text\">
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Set\"></form>


           content += "

This page is " + (string)(llStringLength(build_response(content)) + 37) + " bytes long."; llHTTPResponse(id,200,build_response(content)); } }

} </lsl>

In regards to needing to use llEscapeURL.

There are specific characters that must be encoded when included in a URL. llEscapeURL encodes MORE than what is needed.

Specifically llEscapeURL only leaves [0-9a-zA-Z] as not encoded.

Other characters can be left not encoded as well - $-_.+!*'(),

See the following link for more information.

URL Encoding

Thraxis Epsilon 03:22, 31 August 2010 (UTC)