User:Enkidu Linden/Office Hours/2010-09-03

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List of Attendees

  • Dahlia Trimble
  • Enkidu Linden
  • NikoKito Aries
  • Widget Whiteberry


[11:06] NikoKito Aries: welcome
[11:06] Enkidu Linden: hi there!
[11:07] NikoKito Aries: hello Enkidu
[11:07] Widget Whiteberry: greetings
[11:07] NikoKito Aries: welcome Widget
[11:07] Enkidu Linden: sorry i'm a bit late today
[11:07] NikoKito Aries: not problem
[11:08] NikoKito Aries: nice avatar
[11:08] Widget Whiteberry: is this chart related to todays meeting?
[11:08] Enkidu Linden: it is not
[11:08] Enkidu Linden: i have an open agenda today
[11:09] Enkidu Linden: whatever you'd like to talk about, as long as it's web-related!
[11:09] NikoKito Aries: is my first here in this meeting
[11:09] Enkidu Linden: and of course it will have to be something i know about
[11:09] Enkidu Linden: welcome!
[11:09] NikoKito Aries: Thanks very much
[11:11] Enkidu Linden: so what would you like to talk about?
[11:11] NikoKito Aries: my english is small
[11:12] Widget Whiteberry: I'm wondering about the scope of 'web based'
[11:12] Enkidu Linden: i am a web engineer so i can talk about web technology in general or specific secondlife web products i've worked on
[11:13] NikoKito Aries: i like learn new things
[11:13] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) learn new things i like
[11:13] Widget Whiteberry: hmm, I imaging the emerald renderer is not part of that, Enkidu
[11:13] Enkidu Linden: haha no it definitely is out
[11:13] Widget Whiteberry: lol
[11:14] NikoKito Aries: i use the imprudence viewer for my poor pc
[11:14] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) i use the viewer Imprudence for my poor pc
[11:14] Widget Whiteberry: are there any plans for creating sl seach on the website?
[11:14] Widget Whiteberry: search*
[11:14] Widget Whiteberry: to augment inworld search
[11:15] Enkidu Linden: you can search on the web site now, pretty much the same stuff, although it looks a bit different
[11:15] Enkidu Linden:
[11:15] Widget Whiteberry: ok, thank you
[11:15] Widget Whiteberry: I'll come back when I have questions
[11:15] Widget Whiteberry: and I'll check that out
[11:15] NikoKito Aries: nice day
[11:15] Enkidu Linden: anytime
[11:16] NikoKito Aries: welcome Dahila
[11:16] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) Dahil welcome
[11:16] Dahlia Trimble: hi :)
[11:16] Enkidu Linden: hey dahlia!
[11:16] Dahlia Trimble: what's new in Enkiduville?
[11:17] Enkidu Linden: nikikito, is that attachment translating from spanish to english for you?
[11:17] NikoKito Aries: :
[11:17] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) :
[11:17] Enkidu Linden: not too much really
[11:17] NikoKito Aries: i can remove the translator if disturb to you
[11:17] Enkidu Linden: my current project is heating up and i missed OH last week
[11:17] Enkidu Linden: happy to be back in world
[11:18] Dahlia Trimble: heating? oh oh ;)
[11:18] Enkidu Linden: nikikito, that's ok. i was just wondering if it worked well
[11:18] NikoKito Aries: excellent browser for search in the web of second life
[11:18] NikoKito Aries: i just learn any english with help my translator
[11:18] Enkidu Linden: mmm a rare compliment about search. i'll take it!
[11:19] Dahlia Trimble: ;p;
[11:19] Dahlia Trimble: lol
[11:19] Dahlia Trimble: I have a question about the internal browser
[11:19] NikoKito Aries: i learn any english with second life
[11:19] Enkidu Linden: i probably can't answer but i'd love to hear it anyway
[11:20] Dahlia Trimble: sometimes it doesnt show the address bar or the back or refresh buttons
[11:20] Enkidu Linden: that's very cool, nikikito
[11:20] NikoKito Aries: yes, it is
[11:20] Dahlia Trimble: in V2.1.1
[11:20] Enkidu Linden: oh really?
[11:20] Dahlia Trimble: or any V2
[11:20] Enkidu Linden: oh
[11:20] Dahlia Trimble: on linux
[11:21] NikoKito Aries: thanks for put spanish in the language of second life in the web
[11:21] Enkidu Linden: there are some pages that load in webkit that style webkit to look like a viewer window rather than a web browser
[11:21] Enkidu Linden: like the help system
[11:21] Enkidu Linden: is that what you mean?
[11:22] Dahlia Trimble: it does it often for regular web pages
[11:22] NikoKito Aries: i like help to newbies
[11:22] Dahlia Trimble: ya it's more like a window, not a browser
[11:22] Dahlia Trimble: missing the browser components
[11:22] Enkidu Linden: nikikito, i think you mean "i like help for newbies"
[11:23] Enkidu Linden: dahlia, does it happen when you load a particular url?
[11:23] Enkidu Linden: or maybe when you click some buttons in the viewer?
[11:23] Dahlia Trimble: dont know any offhand, but I can save some when it does it
[11:24] Enkidu Linden: if it's with urls, like when you click then it sounds like a bug
[11:24] Dahlia Trimble: if I notice.. I usually only notice when I want to go back a page ;)
[11:24] Dahlia Trimble: that one looks ok
[11:24] Dahlia Trimble: but it's with urls
[11:24] Dahlia Trimble: often ones other people send in group chat
[11:26] Dahlia Trimble: I guess I can take a snapshot next time it happens and jira it
[11:26] Enkidu Linden: yes, please!
[11:26] NikoKito Aries: welcome Dido
[11:26] NikoKito Aries: sit please
[11:27] NikoKito Aries: mmm
[11:28] NikoKito Aries: not talk?
[11:29] Enkidu Linden: what shall we talk about?
[11:29] NikoKito Aries: i can use the translator ?
[11:30] Dahlia Trimble: redecorating the office
[11:30] Enkidu Linden: sure, nikikito
[11:30] NikoKito Aries: i have a small lamp made for me
[11:30] NikoKito Aries: is a free gift for decoration
[11:30] Enkidu Linden: you think i should get rid of some of Which's stuff?
[11:31] Dahlia Trimble: or add toit
[11:31] NikoKito Aries: is a free lamp for up table or garden
[11:31] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) is to free up table lamp for garden or
[11:31] Dahlia Trimble: ty :)
[11:32] Enkidu Linden: yeah i should add to it
[11:32] NikoKito Aries: thanks to you
[11:32] Enkidu Linden: i love the bamboo though
[11:32] NikoKito Aries: nice fence the bambu
[11:33] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) the nice bamboo fence
[11:33] Dahlia Trimble: it needs the Enkidu touch
[11:33] Enkidu Linden: that could scare people away
[11:33] NikoKito Aries: then best decoration of a woman for decoration
[11:34] NikoKito Aries: my viewer today bad connection
[11:34] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) today my bad connection viewer
[11:35] NikoKito Aries: a question
[11:35] Enkidu Linden: yes?
[11:36] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) is possible to see the name or avatar in the SLURL map?
[11:36] NikoKito Aries: is possible see the name avatar in the slurl or map ?
[11:36] NikoKito Aries: not in the minimap
[11:37] NikoKito Aries: in the Map general or world map
[11:37] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) in the general or world map Map
[11:37] NikoKito Aries: or location of name avatar in the web
[11:37] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) avatar name or location of the web in
[11:38] NikoKito Aries: ower the map
[11:38] Enkidu Linden: you can't see avatars on the web yet, as far as i know
[11:38] NikoKito Aries: in a future will posible see ?
[11:38] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) possible in the future will see?
[11:39] NikoKito Aries: or, other question
[11:39] Enkidu Linden: well, actually, yes. in the distant future
[11:39] Enkidu Linden: have you see google's new location feature on
[11:39] NikoKito Aries: any can see the owner of a sim from the air (see the map)
[11:39] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) Any dog see the owner of a sim from the air (see the map)
[11:40] Enkidu Linden: i think you need to go there for that but i'm not sure
[11:40] Enkidu Linden: on the minimap, if you mouse-over the dot, it tells you their name
[11:40] Enkidu Linden: i think that's the best you can do right now
[11:41] NikoKito Aries: es decir, alguien podrá saber el propietario de un terreno desde la SLURL o visor de mapas de la web ?
[11:41] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) that is, someone may know the owner of a site from the SLURL maps or display the web?
[11:41] Enkidu Linden: wow, that was a great translation
[11:41] NikoKito Aries: sorry for the many questions
[11:42] Enkidu Linden:
[11:42] NikoKito Aries: yes, i known these web
[11:42] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) yes, i These web Known
[11:42] Enkidu Linden: i don't think it has what you're asking for
[11:43] NikoKito Aries: ok thanks
[11:43] NikoKito Aries: perhaps in new search in web
[11:44] Enkidu Linden: yes, try searching for the parcel
[11:44] Enkidu Linden: tht might tell you
[11:44] Enkidu Linden: sorry i didn't think of that
[11:44] NikoKito Aries: ok thanks
[11:44] NikoKito Aries: not problem
[11:45] NikoKito Aries: Thanks again very much
[11:45] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) Thanks very much again
[11:45] Enkidu Linden: here's an example i got just now
[11:45] Enkidu Linden:
[11:46] Enkidu Linden: the owner is not listed in this one, but it appears it could be elsewhere
[11:46] NikoKito Aries: i see thanks
[11:47] NikoKito Aries: JamesAgente007 Bonne
[11:47] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) Bonne JamesAgente007
[11:48] Enkidu Linden: yes
[11:48] Enkidu Linden: interesting that it shows up (???)(???)
[11:49] NikoKito Aries: curioso mas bien
[11:49] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) rather curious
[11:49] Enkidu Linden: nikikito, does your translater also translate what i say into spanish?
[11:49] NikoKito Aries: my translator translate many languages
[11:50] Dahlia Trimble: gotta run, bye all :)
[11:50] NikoKito Aries: Dahila happy day
[11:50] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) Dahil happy day
[11:51] Enkidu Linden: did you buy the translator?
[11:51] Enkidu Linden: oh, thanks!
[11:51] NikoKito Aries: this is the manual of my translator
[11:51] NikoKito Aries: yes 500 lindens
[11:51] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) 500 Linden yes
[11:51] NikoKito Aries: free updates for live
[11:51] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) live for free updates
[11:52] NikoKito Aries: exist too a speeling of = autor
[11:52] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) too exist to speeling of = author
[11:52] NikoKito Aries: speller sorry
[11:52] Enkidu Linden: oh very cool
[11:53] NikoKito Aries: you have see the place or translator, exist a version demo too
[11:53] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) Have you see the place or translator, demo version exists too
[11:53] Enkidu Linden: i haven't but i think i will go buy it later
[11:53] NikoKito Aries: if you need money say me
[11:53] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) if you say I need money
[11:54] NikoKito Aries: i not known if you have money
[11:54] Enkidu Linden: i should have enough money
[11:54] Enkidu Linden: but thank you!
[11:55] NikoKito Aries: thanks to you very much
[11:55] NikoKito Aries: if you need alguna cosa say me please, aunque sea poca cosa
[11:55] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) If You Need me please say something, albeit little
[11:56] NikoKito Aries: yo suelo regalar lo bueno que yo tengo que es muy poco
[11:56] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) I usually give good that I have that very little
[11:56] Enkidu Linden: that's very generous of you
[11:56] NikoKito Aries: Gracias to You for compartir su tiempo con nosotros
[11:56] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) Thanks to You for sharing your time with us
[11:56] Enkidu Linden: it is my pleasure
[11:56] Enkidu Linden: shall i see you next week?
[11:57] NikoKito Aries: lo mismo digo, siempre es grato conocer a buenas personas en este mundo
[11:57] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) I say the same, it is always gratifying to meet good people in this world
[11:57] Enkidu Linden: wow, my spanish is very bad
[11:57] NikoKito Aries: i can add to you to list of friends ? for see you online; my english in IM is pésimo
[11:57] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) i can add to you to list of friends? for see you online, my English is very bad in IM
[11:57] Enkidu Linden: sure
[11:58] NikoKito Aries: thanks again
[11:58] NikoKito Aries: Thanks very much
[11:58] Enkidu Linden: any time. have a great week! see you next time!
[11:58] NikoKito Aries: yo no quitar mas preciado tiempo a usted
[11:58] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) I do not take you more precious time
[11:59] NikoKito Aries: deseo qyue tenga usted un maravilloso dia en todo lo que tenga previsto hacer
[11:59] NikoKito Aries: (es->en) qyue wish you have a wonderful day in everything you plan to do
[11:59] Enkidu Linden: you too. see you!
[11:59] NikoKito Aries: best for you Thanks!
[12:34] You are about to be logged off for inactivity.

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