User:Andrew Linden/Office Hours/2008 05 29

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Transcript of Andrew Linden's office hours:

[17:03] Sindy Tsure: hiya andrew!
[17:03] Sidewinder Linden: hmm yup time dilation here is low forsome reason
[17:03] Darling Brody: lol @ short pants.
[17:04] Yuu Nakamichi: Hello Andrew
[17:04] Andrew Linden: Hello
[17:04] Kitty Barnett: blog has a more general sounding descripton for the office hours :o but I guess it's just Havok4?
[17:04] Andrew Linden: hrm... these office hours?
[17:04] Kitty Barnett: yesh :)
[17:04] Andrew Linden: Perhaps I should read the blog.
[17:04] Kitty Barnett: uhm wiki sorry
[17:04] Darling Brody: i was hoping we could talk a little abotut eh sound issue. llLoopSound breaks the sound in SL now :(
[17:04] Kitty Barnett: tired :o
[17:05] Kitty Barnett: wiki, not blog :)
[17:05] Andrew Linden: oh yeah. These office hours are not necessarily Havok4 specific.
[17:05] Sindy Tsure asks Sidewinder and Andrew if they have any spare bears, before she forgets
[17:05] Andrew Linden: Especially now that the Havok4 project is winding down... bugs only.
[17:05] Sidewinder Linden: heh sure sindy
[17:05] Sindy Tsure: yay!
[17:05] Kitty Barnett: oooooo *wouldn't mind a leftover bear either* :)
[17:06] Darling Brody: short pants on breat too.. lol
[17:06] Sindy Tsure loves the name. ty!
[17:06] Kitty Barnett: thankies :)
[17:06] Darling Brody: andrew your too funny!
[17:06] Sindy Tsure: L$10!! you charge for your bear??
[17:06] Kitty Barnett: both of you :)
[17:06] Sidewinder Linden: ??
[17:06] Sidewinder Linden: shouldn't be
[17:06] Sindy Tsure: no... andrews
[17:06] Kitty Barnett: Andrew's was for sale for the default price hehe
[17:06] Andrew Linden: oops, I meant to set the price to $1
[17:07] Darling Brody: good to see you still hair hair sidewinder...
[17:07] Sindy Tsure can come up with 10 for a bear, i think
[17:07] Andrew Linden: mostly because I couldn't see you yet Sindy.
[17:07] Sindy Tsure: no worries
[17:07] Sindy Tsure makes a note to check the economic stats graphs for a 'bear sales' source
[17:07] Gaius Goodliffe: hehe
[17:08] Andrew Linden: Ok, I've got a few announcements...
[17:08] Andrew Linden: First of all, the ADITI database appears to have been updated.
[17:08] Andrew Linden: ADITI is the domain namespace of the "test grid" that Havok4 has traditionally be deployed to.
[17:09] Andrew Linden: so... if you login there I think you should find your inventory nearly in sync with that of the main grid (aka AGNI)
[17:09] Darling Brody: yes i was there yesterday, it is in sync. very good :)
[17:09] Yuu Nakamichi: great to see
[17:09] Sindy Tsure: (sans new bears)
[17:09] Andrew Linden: Second... I have to leave a little bit early today so I can make an appointment this evening.
[17:10] Andrew Linden: So I'll be heading out around 17:50
[17:10] Yuu Nakamichi: it's been months since the last update I think
[17:10] Andrew Linden: It has been a long time... almost half a year I think...
[17:10] Sidewinder Linden: right yuu.. we have now a new update process which will hopfeully make the updates more freqent
[17:10] Sidewinder Linden: frequent
[17:10] Yuu Nakamichi: something like that
[17:10] Yuu Nakamichi: :)
[17:11] Andrew Linden: Updates now take... what? 48 hours Sidewinder?
[17:11] Sidewinder Linden: that was the problem - we'd have to schedule the preview to be offline for two days
[17:11] Yuu Nakamichi: ah
[17:11] Sidewinder Linden: we now have a "warm swap" process which allows us to do the swap in a couple of hours
[17:11] Yuu Nakamichi: how often do you think you'll be updating the db then?
[17:11] Sidewinder Linden: because otherwise, by the end ofthe year we'd have to take three days offline ;)
[17:11] Andrew Linden: There appears to be a bug in the avatar control that went out in the 1.22 deploy...
[17:12] Sindy Tsure: 1.22.1?
[17:12] Sidewinder Linden: /yuu - it's not formally scheduled at regular intervals, but hopefully more frequent
[17:12] Andrew Linden: When the avatar is hovering, sometimes it takes a few keystrokes before it starts moving
[17:12] Andrew Linden: so the hover state is sometimes "sticky". At least, that is how it was described to me.
[17:13] Andrew Linden: Yes, in 1.22.1
[17:13] Andrew Linden: So anyway, that problem is known.
[17:13] Andrew Linden: I just finished a small overhaul of the avatar hover stuff in the havok4 maintenance branch
[17:14] Andrew Linden: and I wasn't able to see that problem there, so I think it is fixed... whenever these changes manage to get in... hopefully by 1.23, but not sure
[17:14] Andrew Linden: Finally... on Tuesday I had reports of a hugger bug where the avatar would bounce up a bit on contact.
[17:15] Andrew Linden: I tried to reproduce the problem on the Havok4 maintenance code and failed.
[17:15] Andrew Linden: So it may just happen to be fixed, but am not 100% positive about that.
[17:15] Andrew Linden: Again, I lost the box of hugger examples that Dan Linden gave me on ADITI after the db refresh
[17:16] Sindy Tsure has seen that happen this week.. the old abranimatios "Couples MultiAnimator" has the bouncy hug
[17:16] Andrew Linden: but now I've got a few that were given to me here, and they appear to work ok as far as I can tell.
[17:16] Andrew Linden: Alirght... that is it for announcements.
[17:16] Kitty Barnett: and the "sink through prims while tp'ing" bug?
[17:16] Andrew Linden: The table is open for whatever. Just ask
[17:16] Andrew Linden: or state the topic you want to talk about.
[17:17] Nickel Undertone: A question about avatar capacity in Havok 4
[17:17] Sindy Tsure: on the sticky hover issue you mentioned, is that like when you studder when you start flying from hover?
[17:17] Andrew Linden: "sink through prims while TP'ing"? I don't think I'ver heard of that one.
[17:17] Darling Brody: is the bug when your walking up a step and get tossed into a wall know?
[17:17] Sidewinder Linden: /that sounds like it sindy... takes tapping a few times to get going
[17:17] Sindy Tsure has seen that earlier this week - before 1.22.0
[17:17] Kitty Barnett: if you tp and it fails, you'll come back into the sim and have sunken straight through any solid prim between you and the terrain
[17:18] Andrew Linden: Oh, the "stride and falling" animation glitch when walking up stairs... yes I think I fixed that (not deployed yet)
[17:18] Darling Brody: excuse my building on the table.. making example.
[17:18] Andrew Linden: however Dan Lnden reported a new bug about getting into the falling animation when doing a double jump on a platform... I wasnt' able to reproduce it.
[17:18] Wolfhaven Teleportation HUD v3.0 is Ready
[17:19] Sindy Tsure: this is some horrible experiment with andrews bear, isn't it??
[17:19] Kitty Barnett: lol
[17:19] Arawn Spitteler: Isn't that the official Andrew Linden Bear?
[17:19] Darling Brody: scale ti big enough for walking up of course. when you step up, you sometimes get stuck int he wall.
[17:19] Andrew Linden: Ah Kitty... I hadn't head about that TP bug, but I have an inkling as to what might cause that to happen.
[17:20] Andrew Linden: I take it there is a jira on it?
[17:20] Andrew Linden: Someone assign that one to me and I'll try to look into it.
[17:20] Kitty Barnett: uhm... iono... I figured someone else would have reported it :p
[17:20] Gaius Goodliffe: Oh, I think I might now the falling one. You jump, come down, and you remain in the falling anim, plus, you can't actually jump again. You have to toggle fly to get back normal controls.
[17:20] Darling Brody: i only just remembered it now.... i'll jira it if it is not there already. seems to be related to the push we seem to get when we go up steps.
[17:21] Andrew Linden: Oh really Gaius, so that bug is not new?
[17:21] Gaius Goodliffe: I've seen in a few times in the past couple weeks.
[17:21] Arawn Spitteler: Is there a Jira?
[17:21] Gaius Goodliffe: Not sure how long it's been around.
[17:21] Andrew Linden: Alright, well that is good to know... in that it means that bug shouldn't block the next batch of fixes I've got lined up.
[17:22] Andrew Linden: Dan thought it was new.
[17:22] Gaius Goodliffe: It's hard to get to happen, so he probably just hadn't seen it yet. It's damn near impossible to reproduce on demand.
[17:22] Andrew Linden: Darling, repeat what this little floor/wall scale model is for?
[17:23] Darling Brody: ok
[17:23] Andrew Linden: Darling that was supposed to be a mock up of something that could reproduce a bug?
[17:23] Darling Brody: well when you walk up a step and there is a wall at the the top of the step you often get stuck int he wall when you bunce up the step,
[17:24] Andrew Linden: ok, so if you walk straight at the wall when going up the steps?
[17:24] Darling Brody: yoru animation seems to stick int he walking up a step too.
[17:24] Andrew Linden: I'll try it out. Do you have some real example content where it happens? Some building perhaps?
[17:24] Sindy Tsure picures a staircase with a 90 degree turn as a likely candidate for walking into a wall
[17:25] Darling Brody: if you wanted to stand on that. like ti was a teleporter.. often you get stuck int he wall when walking up the step
[17:25] Andrew Linden: If it is easy to repro then I'll try building it myself.
[17:25] Arawn Spitteler is minded, by the idea of a little bug that blocks a batch of fixes, of an Incompleteness Theorem: When we get around to it, seems to mention, that llSensorRepeat is to view across sim borders, about once in five. My Rail follower HUD hasn't been doing that.
[17:25] Darling Brody: yes. i'll give you a teleporter that has the problem
[17:25] Darling Brody gave you Quantum Portal - v1.42.03.
[17:26] Andrew Linden: Ok thanks Darling.
[17:26] Andrew Linden: I had a few topics to talk about. I actually wrote them down this time...
[17:26] Andrew Linden: first one... Simon Linden brought up the idea that we should totally eliminate fly height limits.
[17:27] Darling Brody: YES!
[17:27] Sidewinder Linden: heh darling just pinged me about this today as well ;)
[17:27] Andrew Linden: So we wouldn't need flight assist attachments... at least not for normal speed flying.
[17:27] Arawn Spitteler: As in Terameter High Vehicles?
[17:27] Andrew Linden: What do you all think of that idea?
[17:27] Sidewinder Linden: what was the original (way back) reason for fly height limits?
[17:27] Andrew Linden: (not that I'm going to go do it myself, but I'm curious to hear your responses)
[17:27] Sindy Tsure would vote for raising them - even raising them a lot - but not eliminating them..
[17:27] Gaius Goodliffe: It seems like it would make the situation idential to the way it is now, except that we get the same thing without all the extra scripts running.
[17:28] Yuu Nakamichi: I welcome all ideas that lead to a reduction of assistive technology
[17:28] Yuu Nakamichi: like aos
[17:28] Yuu Nakamichi: or flight assists
[17:28] Andrew Linden: The fly height limits are very old... and predate most features in SL...
[17:28] Darling Brody: it seems silly ot have an in-world script that everying is running just to get over some limit that cant be inforced!
[17:28] Kitto Flora: Is the objective to reduce the number of used flight attachments?
[17:28] Gaius Goodliffe: The "limit" doesn't actually limit things anyhow, it just changes flight characteristics at different altitudes, which seems messy to me.
[17:29] Arawn Spitteler: AOs should be more efficiently scriptable; I don't know the reason for Fly Height Limits
[17:29] Andrew Linden: The reasons were mostly social engineering... to keep the world's content and Residents down near the ground.
[17:29] Sidewinder Linden: heh
[17:29] Sidewinder Linden: well that worked really well :)
[17:29] Yuu Nakamichi: hehe
[17:29] Sindy Tsure: lol
[17:29] Andrew Linden: Some of the worried speculation way back was that the world would appear to be very empty
[17:29] Gaius Goodliffe: Realistically, gravity should get *weaker* the higher you get, rather than greater.
[17:29] Andrew Linden: and we wanted to increase the relative cross-section between Residents
[17:30] Darling Brody: Well Andrew, i think that failed. building int he sky is popular. lol
[17:30] Arawn Spitteler recalls a depiction of Hell, where most denizens clustered around the bus stop, for Heaven, but some lived out in the Boonies
[17:30] Yuu Nakamichi: Kitto: absolutely, I would like to see the basic functionality "out of the box"so to speak
[17:30] Andrew Linden: So fly height was limited, build heights were also encouraged to be near the ground via tax scales
[17:30] Yuu Nakamichi: custom aos and assists are a different thing
[17:30] Andrew Linden: and point to point teleports were not enabled
[17:31] Arawn Spitteler: Point to Point TP, as in the Estate Option?
[17:31] Sidewinder Linden: as in you had to arrive at a "telehub"
[17:31] Darling Brody: how many people are in SL now? i think we have an overcrowding problem on the ground. flying up is a good thing.
[17:31] Sidewinder Linden: couldn't pick an arbitrary landing point
[17:31] Andrew Linden: The original tax systetm was scrapped a long time ago.
[17:31] Kitto Flora: I wear flight attachements to go faster, or get hight up fast, or to prevent sinking at high altitudes. Therefore changing the flight height limit will not mean that I no longer need carbon rod.
[17:31] Andrew Linden: Hrm.. my keyboard is acting up... I wonder if the batteries are dying.
[17:32] Sidewinder Linden: hands andrew a new hamster to power his keyboard with
[17:32] Andrew Linden: I'm talking way before private estates existed Arawn.
[17:32] Yuu Nakamichi just replaced his track ball batteries
[17:32] Yuu Nakamichi: :)
[17:32] Andrew Linden: Ok, so no one is totally against removing fly height limits?
[17:32] Arawn Spitteler imagines future productions of Welcome Back Carter: Horshak means, The Batteries are Dying.
[17:33] Gaius Goodliffe: No by all means get rid of the legacy crud :)
[17:33] Andrew Linden: Arawn is always a source of almost random thought connections.
[17:33] Kitty Barnett: I'd for introducing them on a parcel basis :o but block any kind of flight at that height.. scripted or otherwise
[17:33] Darling Brody: god know. i delete delete the most bothersome script i own.. the one that keeps breaking.... please, remove the limits :)
[17:33] Sidewinder Linden: i keep imagining that *anything* we change will break things... can anyone come up with content that would break from removing the limit?
[17:33] Gaius Goodliffe: (And I say that as someone who recently added a flight-assist to my store -- I'd rather *not* be selling them. :)
[17:33] Darling Brody: dam it.. typos!
[17:34] Sindy Tsure: personally, i make private areas at high-altitude.. it doesn't keep everybody out but it does help. i'd rather you raised the unassisted ceiling to 2k or so
[17:34] Kitto Flora: People build hight up - 1) For privacy 2) to escape or avoid ground-lag
[17:34] Arawn Spitteler: Eventually, we're thought to migrate to a P2P Grid, and I think individual Estate Holders would be choosing their own Physics Engines.
[17:34] Kitto Flora: 3) to build out-of-context stuff
[17:34] Arawn Spitteler: Wouldn't Ground Lag be Client Side?
[17:34] Andrew Linden: Ok, so a few are in favor of per-parcel, per-region, or per-estate fly height limits?
[17:34] Sidewinder Linden: @arawn... good luck getting consistent product behavior across engines ;)
[17:34] Gaius Goodliffe: People also build high up to build in-context stuff that should be high up. E.g. skybases, space stations, etc.
[17:35] Darling Brody: the only think i can think of is, what will happen to the flight assist scripts when the limit goes? will our flying be too fast? thats the only down side. we need to test a flight assist in a region without the limit active.
[17:35] Sindy Tsure: per-parcel might make roaming the mainland painful..
[17:35] Kitty Barnett: as long as they affect all flight... if it just affect unassisted flight I'm not sure if there's any point in the effort?
[17:35] Kitto Flora: Arawan: It is - usually caused by lots of prims on the ground, or Avatars, and limited graphix cards
[17:35] Andrew Linden: We currently have a no-fly per-parcel setting.
[17:35] Kitty Barnett: but that's not enforced on the sim or even the client
[17:35] Sindy Tsure: but that's only if you try to start flying on the parcel
[17:36] Andrew Linden: Sindy is right. That is how it works right now.
[17:36] Andrew Linden: Somewhat flawed, but I doubt we could change it now ;-)
[17:36] Sindy Tsure: if you have per-parcel ceilings, what would happen if you were just flying around, exploring the mainland?
[17:36] Arawn Spitteler: Has anyone noticed a change in stand up behaviour?
[17:36] Kitto Flora: It would be good to have the max height for NOENTRY/No-script etc limited. Clear Skies!
[17:36] Sindy Tsure: up at 500m then suddenly drop down to 100m?
[17:36] Arawn Spitteler: If we stand up, we now tend to stand on the floor.
[17:36] Andrew Linden: Actually, Simon's motivation for mentioning it was to clean up the messy fragile avatar control code.
[17:37] Darling Brody: the no-fly option is very anoying when a neighbour turns it on and has high fence, you cant get out! i sould not support makign that restriction any stronger than it is.
[17:37] Gaius Goodliffe: It doesn't seem a feature worth preserving if it messes up the code that bad.
[17:37] Darling Brody: *would not
[17:37] Sidewinder Linden: no fly is used by some role play regions
[17:37] Gaius Goodliffe: Most people don't want it anyways, and flight-assists utterly circumvent it in any case.
[17:37] Arawn Spitteler wonders if Darling would like a magic flight pill
[17:38] Gaius Goodliffe: (Refering to the "ceiling". No-fly is a good idea for some places.)
[17:38] Darling Brody: region wide no-fly is ok. but parcel wide is a pain. if the parcels could also set differnt flight heights it would be worse!
[17:38] Sidewinder Linden: oh whoops
[17:38] Kitty Barnett: View Admin Options will ungray Fly anywhere, Darling... it's useful to get around no fly :p
[17:38] Darling Brody: i got my own home brew flight assist... which broke today.. again :(
[17:38] Andrew Linden: Oh really Kitty? Is it enforced on the client only? Hrm...
[17:38] Arawn Spitteler was doing that, just today, but you can't TP anyone in that state, unless you're a linden
[17:39] Darling Brody: ctrl-alt-v yes i know.
[17:39] Kitty Barnett: yesh
[17:39] Sindy Tsure: oh great.. now he's going to move it server side! :(
[17:39] Andrew Linden: I guess that makes sense sorta... that it would originally have been coded that way.
[17:39] Kitto Flora: It should be that say 300+ meters above terrain is always open space.
[17:39] Darling Brody: you can bypass the no-fly. which is good for when your stuck somewhere.
[17:39] Andrew Linden: Weeeelll... if the code is currently client side, then the per-parcel no-fly is somewhat meaningless.
[17:40] Andrew Linden: As far as a feature it is unenforcable.
[17:40] Kitty Barnett: or even sim-wide
[17:40] Sindy Tsure: it keeps the honest people on the ground.. even though i know the trick, i usually respect the parcel owners settings
[17:40] Andrew Linden: Heh, is sim-wide no-fly done the same way? Oh my...
[17:40] Kitto Flora: The no-outside script and no-prim-entry are the more onerous problems.
[17:40] Darling Brody: most regions that are resious about no-fly run a script the checks the people in the region and ejects those people flying.
[17:40] Arawn Spitteler: It's really for RPGs, rather than Privacy. So, Enforceable is just a matter of whether you're with the Game
[17:40] Kitto Flora: They kill aircraft
[17:40] Darling Brody: *serious
[17:41] Kitty Barnett: one thing I would really like back is being able to sit through walls when you try to sit on something without a sit target :o
[17:41] Kitty Barnett: it makes getting out of something that's solid so easy
[17:41] Sindy Tsure had a llMoveToTarget issue she wanted to bring up before the Lindens run away, once this topic winds down
[17:41] Andrew Linden: That has been nerfed Kitty?
[17:41] Darling Brody: if you set the prim to have a default action of sit, you can still go through the wall :)
[17:41] Moundsa Mayo gave you SLRC Got Rail? Shirt.
[17:41] Kitty Barnett: a whole while back unless it's back again now?
[17:42] Kitty Barnett tries
[17:42] Arawn Spitteler was showing Babbage a thing, that was hard to sit on, until the hole was shrunk: Are there any defined rules of Sitting?
[17:42] Kitty Barnett: oh, never mind it's back again :o
[17:42] Kitty Barnett: lol
[17:42] Andrew Linden: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one more announcement... last meeting I agreed to hold a 1-hour vehicle session (motivated by problems with some trains) tomorrow from 13:30 to 14:30...
[17:42] Andrew Linden: lemme find the location from my last hours transcripts...
[17:43] Darling Brody: i noticed the palce you click your mouse on the prim can effect if you sit or not. choose a strate edge off the prim to click gives a better chance of the sit working. choosing the top of a flat prim often fails.
[17:43] Arawn Spitteler: Hulaboom isn't on, right now.
[17:43] Overlord HUD [script:;aS]: Script run-time error
[17:43] Overlord HUD [script:;aS]: Math Error
[17:44] Darling Brody: lol @ broken overload hud
[17:44] Kitto Flora: The new sit is pretty good mostly. But theres some places it totally fails, that uses to work ok for the old sit
[17:44] Darling Brody: i have a sound issue to raise if i may
[17:45] Andrew Linden: hrm... my last transcript appears to be corrupt...
[17:45] Andrew Linden: I'll try to fix it tonight.
[17:45] Patio Plasma: /ao off
[17:45] Andrew Linden: BTW, I'm going to have to run soon... a little early today 17:50
[17:46] Darling Brody: Server llLoopSound() of something like music will result in the sound quolity dropping and becomming more and more crackely. Once this happends, all in world sounds, even parcel music and menus opening/closing, are also crackely. Sounds outside of the SL viewer are normal. It takes about 1 minute of a looping sound for this to happen. I noticed it while playing dance music from an attackment.
[17:46] Kitto Flora: Its probably in Vicina - the Rail Meet place
[17:46] Andrew Linden: I had another topic to raise...
[17:46] Andrew Linden: Uh... you're saying that is a server bug Darling/
[17:46] Andrew Linden: ?
[17:46] Darling Brody: it didnt happen before all the messing with sound.
[17:47] Andrew Linden: Oh hrm...
[17:47] Darling Brody: just a basic disco loop i play when scripting is now breaking all SL sounds.
[17:47] Andrew Linden: Well, file a jira with a repro script example
[17:47] Arawn Spitteler: Sounds like Client Side
[17:47] Kitto Flora: I never heard this cracling bug
[17:48] Andrew Linden: Yeah, I'd expect it to be client-side, but the recent changes were server-side
[17:48] Darling Brody: if you dont object i'll play the music now.
[17:48] Andrew Linden: Go ahead.
[17:48] Kitto Flora: I used a lot of loop sounds. The common prroblem is the wrong sound loops. But the quality is always good
[17:48] Darling Brody: fair warning, anyone who pays me money when i do this gets orbited :)
[17:48] Darling Brody: dance
[17:48] Andrew Linden: The other topic I wanted to raise is... should there perhaps be a limit on total number of prims in an asset that can be taken to inventory?
[17:48] Darling Brody: take s alittle while..
[17:48] Sidewinder Linden: lmao darling
[17:48] Andrew Linden: ATM there is no limit and that causes a few problems.
[17:49] Yuu Nakamichi: :)
[17:49] Darling Brody: i feel like such an idiot!
[17:49] Sindy Tsure: in the objects inventory?
[17:49] Sindy Tsure: contents
[17:49] Darling Brody: dance
[17:49] Sidewinder Linden: does that happen with all viewers?
[17:49] Sidewinder Linden: and platforms?
[17:49] Arawn Spitteler: Sounded fine to me, but I thought it was over.
[17:49] Darling Brody: not bloken yet. i will say when :)
[17:49] Andrew Linden: No, in the asset... you can select an arbitrarily large number of prims/objects ant take them all to one asset.
[17:50] Sindy Tsure: like the coalese stuff?
[17:50] Sindy Tsure mangles spelling
[17:50] Gaius Goodliffe: Is there an official term for that? I already refer to them as "piles" in my inventory.
[17:50] Kitto Flora: Sounds like a question for the fancy house builders
[17:50] Kitty Barnett: depends on the limit? I don't think anyone would care if it's 15,000 prims :p
[17:50] Gaius Goodliffe: Hehe
[17:50] Sindy Tsure: the bunch-of-boxes icon in inventory
[17:50] Andrew Linden: Each item in your inventory is an "asset" (not counting the folders)
[17:51] Kitto Flora: I think I'v save 200 prim groups
[17:51] Darling Brody: .
[17:51] Andrew Linden: yeah, so one pile is really just one asset.
[17:51] Arawn Spitteler: I know Zero's Alt has a Goban, that has almost 400 prims, and can't use Linked_Message over 255
[17:51] Andrew Linden: Darling, did your bad sound kick in?
[17:51] Andrew Linden: I didn't notice it.
[17:51] Darling Brody: no..
[17:51] Darling Brody: :(
[17:51] Kitto Flora: Sounds sounded good here
[17:51] Arawn Spitteler: Music Stopped; did it mean to?
[17:52] Gaius Goodliffe: I've needed piles up to about 700 prims before. I would hope any limit is at least that big.
[17:52] Sidewinder Linden: heh "demos"
[17:52] Andrew Linden: ack, I'll need to run soon
[17:52] Sindy Tsure: for disco..
[17:52] Sindy Tsure: cya, andrew!
[17:52] Sindy Tsure: ty again for the bear :)
[17:52] Sidewinder Linden: i am going to need to jump as well... thanks for dropping in guys
[17:52] Gaius Goodliffe: later Andrew
[17:52] Sindy Tsure: & sidewinder
[17:52] Ellla McMahon: bye Andrew :)
[17:52] Arawn Spitteler: Anyone know the limits of SLPP?
[17:52] Ellla McMahon: and Sidewinder :)
[17:52] Andrew Linden: Thanks for coming. Sorry I had to run
[17:52] Patio Plasma: So over in the exhibit test area I placed a gravity well, like a curved funnel, under havoc 1 balls roll fine around it once, on havok 4 they don't roll at all, justs top and drop to the bottom. Balls seem to roll OK on single unjoined flat prims, but not in funnels. Should I file JIRA?
[17:52] Andrew Linden: early
[17:53] Darling Brody: abotu prims in a group. if the prims have scripts and there is more than 512 (i think the limit is) scripts the asset will not rez again. even though they are seperate objects
[17:53] Kitto Flora: Anyone got a 4?
[17:53] Kitto Flora is 4 years old today :)
[17:53] Patio Plasma: Yay Kitto
[17:53] Sindy Tsure: congrats, kitto!
[17:53] Arawn Spitteler: Happy Birthday.
[17:53] Kitty Barnett: Andrew-would you know which Linden to nudge with a potential problem with search? I don't want to file an exploit on JIRA if it's an undocumented feature
[17:53] Kitto Flora: TY :)
[17:54] Sindy Tsure: will you blog or somehow make it known where the meeting is tomorrow, andrew?
[17:54] Ellla McMahon: wow Kitto ..congrats !!! :)
[17:54] Kitty Barnett: congrats Kitto!
[17:54] Andrew Linden: Kitty, try talking to James Linden.
[17:54] Kitty Barnett: thankies
[17:54] Arawn Spitteler: I think there's a protocol for Security Jira
[17:54] Kitto Flora: Meeting tomorrow: Its probably in Vicina - the Rail Meet place
[17:54] Darling Brody: i think andrew is gone...
[17:54] Patio Plasma: must be
[17:54] Darling Brody: oh .. no he isnt.. lol
[17:54] Andrew Linden: Arawn is right, there is a protocol for security problems.