Talk:Microsoft Windows Builds

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Python and Cygwin aren't listed as dependencies, yet setting their paths is mentioned. Perhaps there should be pointers to these packages as well?

- LearCale

What is TLC?

Soft Linden introduced several sentences that include an acronym "TLC." What does that mean? I looked up several dictionaries, but I got "thin layer chromatography" and "tender loving care", that both don't make any sense in this context... Please use plain, no cryptic English when updating SL wiki. Thanks. --Alissa Sabre 06:48, 18 May 2008 (PDT)

Actually, I'm fairly sure he did mean "tender loving care", by which Soft meant it needs some work. --Ky Aska 05:19, 3 June 2008 (PDT)
Thanks. --Alissa Sabre 07:32, 28 July 2008 (PDT)