Second Life 快速入門

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Second Life 的小秘訣

不知道該去哪裡?不知道該做什麼?還是兩者皆是?!本文章將引導您快速上手 Second Life。


要在 Second Life 生活,您必須學習好多東西。但下列是您進入 Second Life 後首先需要學會的事情。

移動包括行走、奔跑及飛行。只要使用方向鍵就可以向前走、向後走、左轉及右轉,不過您也可以使用鍵盤上的 WASD 鍵來行走。按下 Control+R 鍵即可切換奔跑模式。按住 Shift 鍵時按下向左鍵或向右鍵即可向側邊移動。
只要按一下畫面底部藍色的飛行 (Fly) 按紐、按下 FHome 鍵,或者按住 Page Up 鍵不放即可升空。當您漂浮在空中時,即可使用鍵盤上的 Page UpPage Down 鍵或 EC 鍵來上升與下降。不過當您站在地面上時,按一下 Page UpE 鍵會讓您跳躍。漂浮在空中時再次按下 HomeF 鍵,或按一下停止飛行 (Stop Flying) 按鈕即可不再飛行並落回地面。
當您在交談時,可能會發現到某些按鍵的功用改變了,這是因為焦點改變的緣故。您上一次用滑鼠按一下的動作可能會讓 WASD 鍵變成只能輸入對應的字母。如果要讓焦點重新回到移動功能上,按下 Esc 鍵最多三次,或按一下您前方的地面即可。
Click and drag on your back to take a look around. Alternate+click and drag on an object to zoom in and out and pan around it. Control+Alternate+click and drag to "orbit". Control+Alternate+⇧ Shift+click and drag to pan left right up and down. Hitting the Esc key twice will reset your view.
Mouse Look
Mouse look will have you see from your avatar's point of view and change your controls a little. You will now strafe left and right and steer with the mouse. Hit M to toggle mouse look. Esc will also get out of it.
Make sure you know how to Instant Message people you can see, and people you can't see via your Search and Friends buttons. Also make sure you get an idea of how far you can be "heard" when you chat or shout. As you join groups, you will see that you can start chats with entire groups. Gestures in your inventory are another way to communicate or add to what you say.
Interacting with objects is a big part of Second Life. Have you tried sitting on poseballs? Playing a game? Buying and object? Make sure you know about the pie menu as well as when to right click or left click. If you are on a Mac, use ⌘ Cmd+click for right click.
New Interactions
While most actions still are accessable via right click. Many can now happen with a left click. For example, if you see a chair icon when you hover over an object, touching (left-clicking) it will automatically seat you. Similar icons exist for buying, paying money to, and opening objects.
Objects and Inventory
While not everyone builds in Second Life, it's a good idea to learn the basics of moving things in edit, attaching and detaching objects from your avatar, how to find things in your inventory, and how to "unpack" a box you may receive.


Map and Teleporting
The map lets you see nearly the whole world at once if you zoom out. Each tiny square represents an area as big as help island. Each one is a "simulator" (sim). Second Life is at about 1600 sims as of January 2006. Some are connected so that you can walk and fly between them. Others are individual islands that can be reached only via teleport. Walking or even flying everywhere would take hours.

Double click on an area to be transported there, you will either arrive there directly, or as close as possible and be given a red beacon to follow. When you want to bring someone to a location, you can offer them a teleport via their profile.

Landmarks are the Second Life equivalent of a bookmark. They save a place that you or someone else has been. You can find them in your inventory. Double click them and you will get a teleport option as a pop up. Create your own by pulling down the WORLD menu and choosing "Create Landmark Here"
Find will let you look up events, people, products, and also let you teleport to the various areas you find.
As you explore you may make many friends. When you offer friendship it is reciprocal and gives the ability to see each other on the map. You can also offer a calling card instead.
Damage Enabled Areas
In certain areas you will see a heart and "100%" at the top of your screen. This means you can take damage. If your health reaches zero you get sent back to where you have set as your "home".


It's best to get help where it's already offered. Not everyone you meet in Second Life is experienced and knowledgeable in every area. Some people specialize. Others may be brand new, like yourself. If you missed Help Island or left too soon, a public version of Help Island exists. Pressing on the links below should give you a landmark into your inventory. Also listed are some other locations where people are happy to help you out.

  • Island with tutorials
  • Classrooms and lots of help to be found

If you have an immediate issue, pull dodwn the "Help" menu at the top of your screen and choose "Help Request".