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The Registration API (Reg API) enables you to register new Second Life users on your website, and set the location where they initially appear inworld after they log in. With the Reg API you can:

  • Create, manage, and track your community in Second Life.
  • Maintain your brand identity from your website through user registration and into Second Life.

Important limitations and conditions apply. For example, you must make clear that users are establishing a relationship with Linden Lab, separate from their relationship with you.

The Reg API is a simple REST-style web service. Pass information to and from the service in LLSD XML documents. Linden Lab provides libraries to parse and encode LLSD in Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby; see Reg API Examples.

What the Reg API can do

Use the Reg API to create Second Life accounts during the user registration process on your website. You can customize the Second Life registration process to capture additional information or fit your registration process. When a user registers, they choose a unique Second Life name and password. Registration provides Linden Lab with the same information provided through standard registrations on the Second Life website. At the end of registration, your customer must download the Second Life client, install, and run it. At that time, they will be registered with the account they created on your website and will start Second Life in a location you specify.

With the Reg API, you can:

  • Register Second Life Residents from your website and track them.
  • Provide customized and branded registration.
  • Send them to a location of your choice when they first log in to Second Life.
  • Limit accounts to your estate.
  • If Linden Lab has granted permission, limit name selection, or create accounts with a custom name. You must request this permission separately; see Custom Name Program for more information.
  • Provide registrations for your organization with internal access only, for example using an internal web site.

What the Reg API cannot do

The Reg API does not provide the ability to:

  • Assign new Residents to groups
  • Provide inventory, create attachments, or control the Resident's outfit
  • Alter the appearance of the Viewer.
  • Automatically balance load on a sim. Instead, use the Reg API to selectively set the starting location based on data sent from an LSL script in each location.

The Reg API does not prohibit you from setting a starting location to land that you don't own. You must make sure that the owner of the landing location agrees to have the new Residents arrive there if you don't own the land.

How to participate

To request participation in the beta Registration API program, submit the Registration API Request Form. Linden Lab will contact you by email after reviewing your application.

Important notices

The RegAPI is a beta program that requires some technical proficiency to use successfully. Linden Lab does not currently provide support or technical advice on its use.

Accounts with Reg API capabilities that have not signed up at least one account within 90 days of receipt of the capabilities will have their Reg API access removed.

All participants in the Reg API program must abide by Linden Lab's API Terms Of Service.

Discussion and support

General procedure

To use the Reg API:

  1. Fill out and submit the Registration API Request Form. Linden Lab will respond by email.
  2. Verify your capabilities using the capabilities form.
  3. Make sure you have permission from the owner of the estate where your users will appear inworld. You must have permission of the landowner (except for Linden Lab Orientation Islands). If you have multiple registrations and need to send people to different locations, contact us to obtain additional assignments.
  4. Create your registration web page
  5. If using PHP, make sure the necessary libraries are installed and working (see )
  6. Test your registration application:
    • Register several new users.
    • If you aren't getting results you expect, check the error code.
    • Create registrations to test the most common error codes and verify that you receive and properly handle them appropriately.


If you are using the Reg API to sign up registrants on the main grid, users under 18 will not be allowed to register, since they are not permitted on the Main Grid. Therefore, when testing, use a birth date that makes the registrant older than 18 years.

Use an email address that does not currently exist in Second Life. If a user has already registered with an email address, the Reg API will return error 95, email exists. If you trap errors, you will see this error code, but if not, registration will simply fail.

Using capability URLs

Reg API capabilities represent permissions to perform certain actions. The Reg API grants capabilities with capability URLs of th