Letter Positioning

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This script was created by Dedric Mauriac in January 2006 (Earliest date found on Letter Board 1.2 scripts). It works similar to that of XyText_1.5 in that it displays up to 10 letters in a single prim.

1. Your prim description needs to be "ROW;COLUMN" format. Rows start at zero. Each prim is considered as a column (even though they show 10 letters). 2. You need to reset the script if you change the description. 3. Number of letters available are only the lower ASCII printable characters. See XyText_1.5 or XyzzyText if you need to support more characters.

In order to display text, you must send a link message to the link set indicating the row index, and the text command. <lsl>llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, rowIndex, "text;Hello World!", NULL_KEY);</lsl>

You may also change the color of the text with the color command and the row index. <lsl>llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, rowIndex, "color;<1,0,0>", NULL_KEY);</lsl>

<lsl> integer globalRow; integer globalColumn;

string fontName = "Lucida Console"; // determines what notecard to lookup information from string characters = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; integer columns = 9; // number of characters per row integer rows = 11; // number of rows per image integer lastRows = 0; // number of rows in last image list pairText = ["", "", "", "", ""]; // keeps track of what is currently displayed list pairImage = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]; // keeps track of what image to use list images = []; // UUID of all images of font string message = " "; string delimiter = ";"; float width; float innerWidth; // width without left and right margins float height; // percent each row takes up in image float lastHeight; // percent of each row takes up in last image float lastVOffset; float vOffset; float hOffset; integer lastSet; list prim;

integer mapSide(integer index) {

   // return the face index for the side provided.
   // values are for a hollow cut prism
   if(index == 0) return 3;
   if(index == 1) return 7;
   if(index == 2) return 4;
   if(index == 3) return 6;
   if(index == 4) return 1;
   return -1;

} showText(string text) {

   // if text too long, truncate it
   if(llStringLength(text) > 10) text = llGetSubString(text, 0, 10);
   // if text not long enough, append spaces
   while(llStringLength(text) < 10) text += " ";
   prim = [];
   // loop through each pair of characters
   integer i;
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       // parse charcter pair from text
       string pair = llGetSubString(text, i * 2, (i * 2) + 1);
       // show the pair on the designated side
       showTextOnSide(pair, i);
   if(llGetListLength(prim) != 0) 

} showTextOnSide(string text, integer side) {

   // if text is already shown on this side, no further action is necessary
   if(llList2String(pairText, side) == text) return;
   // remember new text for next time
   llListReplaceList(pairText, [text], side, side);
   integer value = baseValue(text);
   integer set = llFloor(value / (columns * rows));
   integer tempValue = value - (set * columns * rows);
   integer row = llFloor(tempValue / columns);
   integer column = (tempValue - (row * columns));
   integer face = mapSide(side);
   key texture = llList2Key(images, set);
   vector size = getSize(set, side);
   vector offset = getOffset(set, row, column, side);
   prim += [PRIM_TEXTURE, face, texture, size, offset, 0];

} vector getOffset(integer set, integer row, integer column, integer side) {

   vector offset = <0,0,0>;
   offset.x = hOffset + column * width;
   offset.x -= width * 0.08333;
   if(set == lastSet)
       offset.y = lastVOffset - row * lastHeight;
       offset.y = vOffset - row * height;
   offset.y += height * .1;
   if(side == 0) offset.x += width * .54;
   else if (side == 1) offset.x -= width * .05;
   else if (side == 2) offset.x -= width * 5.7;
   else if (side == 3) offset.x -= width * .05;
   else if (side == 4) offset.x -= width * .65;
   if(offset.x > 1.0) offset.x -= 1.0; 
   else if(offset.x < -1.0) offset.x += 1.0;
   if(offset.y > 1.0) offset.y -= 1.0; 
   else if(offset.y < -1.0) offset.y += 1.0;
   return offset;

} vector getSize(integer set, integer side) {

       if(set == lastSet)
           if(side == 0 || side == 4) return <innerWidth * 2.5, lastHeight, 0>;
           else if(side == 2) return <innerWidth * -16.666, lastHeight, 0>;
           else return <innerWidth, lastHeight, 0>;
           if(side == 0 || side == 4) return <innerWidth * 2.5, height, 0>;
           else if(side == 2) return <innerWidth * -16.666, height, 0>;
           else return <innerWidth, height, 0>;

} integer baseValue(string text) {

   integer base = llStringLength(characters);
   integer num = llSubStringIndex(characters, llGetSubString(text, 0, 0)) * base;
   num += llSubStringIndex(characters, llGetSubString(text, 1, 1));
   return num;


init() { images = [ "e8a6022f-7447-d2e6-49a8-b494d62d5886", "bc06ac3c-b52c-8002-77ed-a47a854b2974", "e4457ea8-922d-9b96-66f1-407152fc9c40", "6ae0aa0b-2bc8-ee28-d38c-7c5afbeb4a69", "bac54c4e-4dbc-0c93-53f2-4a53d807ccac", "f2d823eb-a3d0-79ca-4c7d-72106249eb00", "cae27783-f95e-cdbd-991e-76a51ad02a76", "65f4bcf0-172e-7e3e-a175-1429f3e1c7c6", "633e2086-2d7c-2539-1bcb-7a1ba7b9e6e6", "ca481e1e-2a5e-bfb9-d777-01923e4e3838", "a8b3c485-4697-28fc-34cd-6a7afe92c053", "a7474832-ac05-8109-af00-91ed8aa9efdd", "cb45883b-dd43-010a-4b6f-dbafe56ae241", "26a13d39-eebb-3840-1fff-96842e3b0b0f", "5dafcd3e-be2a-43d6-c407-781bd132cc65", "0b968b04-ee67-0fa3-e5a3-eee313fa9f38", "1afb9c1c-4b19-cf22-0a76-4da4ee3de4b9", "ca09b4ea-a731-d8f0-b887-7e8de54b4d95", "48b13bf0-939d-d8ba-9c40-bdb3e9535708", "fbdc23ac-b5da-7ac6-a4a5-16c241f2b242", "2584c008-20ec-9ebe-0ec7-9edeecc6e002"]; images += [ "3db97303-5416-1d8e-585f-1b056ad2593c", "afd2c644-4791-0b6e-ce94-23f6954586df", "db323f1a-096e-f211-c94c-458f4250fd78", "221c9458-25dc-b2cd-22d0-02f2a08ad332", "60d8ea8a-4706-e517-c709-d44cb2f70f63", "5741bde0-1407-7b13-5ccc-86d44f3d0629", "6978c82a-d38e-576f-549b-c14cb06577ac", "9398f35b-f951-5d19-109c-5e21299df950", "cfa54236-bfbe-b59e-f360-072c697cdbd9", "91a14d85-1df7-42bc-7343-28e2ac22a89e", "9aa62d16-d5b5-9d20-59ab-448278152c34", "755a74fe-4bda-c682-a9da-58f6a4f1ad70", "2d2e9c4d-a521-2fb3-7907-7ca7e5696c98", "0e573e63-9a75-1f0d-c830-78a7f37e4df4", "426bcf2e-b842-a3a3-1521-89498cb67cb5", "153620b6-e276-d8b3-1efd-2223028cc8f0", "fd275b06-42e5-e93e-fc34-6f281a1985f3", "45840424-bb73-78f9-4689-277bd810b125", "25c4f66d-bff0-f059-cc56-11528ef518f3", "7e014232-0095-9c0d-975f-1eeb9d2ce5af", "1efa0dfe-6c25-ad2c-a890-9072214f7847", "83b52b04-704f-3bed-ec27-7a14717e376b", "1390ef19-7bc9-ec9b-bf4e-97becd4ec36c", "e9afccbb-b79a-bf85-7faa-9a6a95c0a3bc", "ba8ded30-1624-2c34-e800-e6c5e5106b87", "d6d25fb8-500b-9859-4148-57fee9f59113", "0c370927-0752-b40b-afa8-23ce2aee3382", "db6d27ed-88c6-7244-f2bc-a3b7e90efa43", "02f72ba7-7daf-80dd-128f-1abccadccf1e", "2b8ebf28-3a90-2c82-e3b6-c067c44704ba", "5aa06213-f0e6-4356-2958-9a4321f374e6", "2073a851-7afe-3ea2-9902-5edfa6f3c4dd", "942763a1-984d-7977-89ba-3760f15e051e", "89fce16e-7ef7-4cb4-49f3-a92a40a2f696", "e2259cee-b1f1-0fa3-3d1f-071e76c06c5d", "d01816a6-4463-0b4c-5de7-b4501b1586aa", "476322e9-5245-c99f-7929-d1e48553bba2", "85b73391-0504-7a9f-754c-69afe9d8a60e", "e905b435-e10a-eaf1-6917-04ce559aaead"]; images += [ "b769d41b-b3d8-c16b-0bfa-a2a6fea15ea5", "65769a55-5c00-02d8-5e64-27cf9bc8005b", "a9dea7cf-63a3-a4e8-9857-e4d88cab334d", "13abaee5-a730-bdf3-9d33-8336a31b0e23", "e03f1c9f-f64b-85fd-e439-ab402d75b54d", "700ada18-367e-acc1-07a4-c89e0f0895af", "f6e1a6e0-4851-606e-56b2-62a616e7413e", "283b7cba-b819-322d-f1e9-5fededd10eab", "36e045eb-e8bc-52ee-7ec7-acd2ee8d1158", "40ad6793-49b3-a7a6-140f-4c4a3c021e2f", "a5afb13a-8491-a914-9c92-38a710ca1996", "7cdd72eb-cbd9-5f52-1502-5bb011633748", "883f74f0-58c4-c3eb-7e94-1fb9322e478f", "b1b7c584-f028-0082-3f61-f977e7b4e8cc", "9446bbf7-5bd8-daaa-78b7-f05b9f9b3af3", "17c9d5e0-1c59-331d-ab6a-13385c074ebc", "596db9f4-38e6-0ff9-1aae-38c9cdd5e1b6", "2b19d5c6-5085-99aa-ca10-212ee1a4b047", "38cf3e3c-00ab-833b-a5c2-61e6f3a76751", "697d40ce-dc51-96d4-530a-d74343658542", "0d3916cb-dbad-d3e3-28b4-be68deb2d2dd", "f218385a-6c6d-1ff8-6b9e-fad3781c767b", "4c3a2035-de3a-12b2-c5e9-7319871a7434", "6ac3c2cf-3454-a160-075e-273410897a60", "f42f28c4-e903-3a65-2532-dbbaf5b742b9", "a60206b4-84e9-6663-6116-cc930ca0f984", "9879a388-0a84-ae07-d28f-9f0d87e85fd7", "68a342f2-96b2-1a4e-a538-ea4bfc5f4eb0", "adb0e8cf-f1c7-d025-8080-0d4046dc68a4", "3a75dc08-43e9-431d-4c89-1fe968aa3b46", "1d4e3f85-02e3-76dc-a9d3-52450d061385", "f0a8cd70-1e34-cbe0-04cf-f330edbf8de6"];

   lastRows = llStringLength(characters) * llStringLength(characters);
   lastRows -= ((llGetListLength(images) - 1) * columns * rows);
   lastRows = llCeil(lastRows / (float)columns);
   width = 1.0 / columns;
   innerWidth = width * 0.8;
   height = 1.0 / rows;
   lastHeight = 1.0 / lastRows;
   hOffset = -0.5 + (width * 0.5);
   vOffset = -0.5 - (height * 0.5);
   lastVOffset = -0.5 - (lastHeight * .5);
   lastSet = llGetListLength(images) - 1;
   list coords = llParseString2List(llGetObjectName(), [";"], []);
   globalRow = llList2Integer(coords, 0);
   globalColumn = llList2Integer(coords, 1);

} default {

   on_rez(integer start_param)
   link_message(integer sender, integer num, string msg, key id)
       if(num != globalRow) return;
       list params = llParseString2List(msg, [";"], []);
       string command = llList2String(params, 0);
       if(command == "text")
           if(llStringLength(msg) == 5) msg = ""; 
           else msg = llGetSubString(msg, 5, -1);
           while(llStringLength(msg) < 30) msg += " ";
           msg = llGetSubString(msg, globalColumn * 10, (globalColumn * 10) + 9);
       else if(command == "color")
           string arg1 = llList2String(params, 1);
           llSetColor((vector)arg1, ALL_SIDES);

} </lsl>