Volunteer-sponsored Events

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Revision as of 13:06, 8 May 2008 by Zai Lynch (talk | contribs) (old german mentors meeting removed, new scheduled)
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Please post your Volunteer-sponsored events here. Be sure to include event time, location, and a contact for more information.

May Listings

Title: German Mentors - Sim organisation and group guidelines
Hosted by: Holger Gilruth
Date: 11-May-2008 (Sunday)
SL Time: {{{sltime}}} SLT
Length: we'll see...
Location: SLVEC - Sandbox
Language: German
RSVP: (none required)
Description: A Meeting of the German Mentors. We'll discuss the organisation of the German Orientation Island (obsolete infos) and possible group guidelines within the German Mentors group. Please add further discssion topics to the agenda.

Notes: 12:00 PM SLT is 21:00 in Germany.

June Listings

Title: German Linguists Meeting
Hosted by: Zai Lynch
Date: 05-Jun-2008 (Thursday)
SL Time: {{{sltime}}} SLT
Length: as long as it takes ^^
Location: SLVEC - Sandbox
Language: German
RSVP: (none required)
Description: A Meeting of the German Linguists. Please add topics you'd like to discuss to the agenda.

Notes: 12:15 PM SLT is 21:15 in Germany.

Post your event here - Month day, year - time, place

Other Meetings and Events

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