Running Multiple Viewers

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Information for Linux


  1. Make a new shortcut to the SL exe file.
  2. Then in that shortcut go to properties.
  3. Then in the properties find the Target box.
    • It will say something like "C:\Program Files\SecondLife\SecondLife.exe"
  4. Just after the last " in that box put this in. -multiple
    • So it reads like this "C:\Program Files\SecondLife\SecondLife.exe" -multiple

That lets you open as many as your computer can handle.

(You can only have one login at a time to an account. So you'll need a second account for the second SL client you have open. Etc. Max is 5 per household.)

Mac OS X

  1. Select the "newview" executable
  2. Open the "get info" dialog
  3. Navigate to the "Arguments" tab
  4. Add "-multiple" to "Arguments to be passed on launch".