Adding Spelling Dictionaries

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Revision as of 11:52, 15 June 2012 by Oz Linden (talk | contribs) (moved Adding Spell Checking Dictionaries to Adding Spelling Dictionaries)
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To install a dictionary for a language that doesn't ship with the viewer by default:

  • click "Browse" on the spell checker "Import Dictionary" floater and navigate to the folder you unzipped the dictionary to
  • select the Dictionaries.xcu file as the file to open
  • type a friendly name for the dictionary in the "Language" textbox (i.e. French, German, Dutch, ...)
  • click "Import" to actually import the dictionary


If the Dictionaries.xcu file does not exist in the unzipped folder, or if you're trying to import a dictionary from elsewhere, you'll need to manully select the .dic file to import: for most dictionaries it will start with an abbreviation of the language (i.e. fr for French, de for German, nl for Dutch, ...).

If you see multiple .dic files, try to import the simplest name first (i.e. a filename that does not contain things like "hyph" or "thes").