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Revision as of 06:33, 19 January 2013 by Omei Qunhua (talk | contribs) (shorter decToBin)
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The next function converts a binary value to a decimal number. Works +/- 5 times faster than Base2Dec : <lsl>integer binToDec(string val) {

   integer dec = 0;
   integer i = ~llStringLength(val);
       dec = (dec << 1) + (integer)llGetSubString(val, i, i);
   return dec;


This one converts a decimal to a binary value:

<lsl>string decToBin(integer val) {

   string binary = (string)(val & 1);
   for(val = ((val >> 1) & 0x7FFFffff); val; val = (val >> 1))
       if (val & 1)
           binary = "1" + binary;
           binary = "0" + binary;
   return binary;


Greets from Soundless :)

This version of decToBin doesn't crash on negatives, is shorter source code and about 50 bytes shorter in Mono bytecode than the original, but sadly about 50% slower. << and >> are expensive on bytecode.

<lsl> string decToBin(integer val) {

   string binary;
       binary = (string) (val & 1) + binary;
   while (val /= 2);
   return binary;

} </lsl> ((Omei))