Color conversion scripts

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The following functions convert between LSL color in Red Green Blue (RGB) format and color in Hue Saturation Value (HSV) format. The functions are based on "c" algorithms from c color conversion but required some debugging and extensive re-working to fit them in to LSL. For a discussion of HSV color format please see the wikipedia entry at HSV Color


<lsl> // by Sally LaSalle, code released to the public domain under GNU GPL version 3.0 license. // you are free to use, and you are free to donate to me if you wish!! :P

// takes an RGB color as a vector, with range <float R[0,1], float G[0,1], float B[0,1]> // returns a vector with HSV ranged from <float H[0,360], float S[0,1], float V[0,1]> // H ranges smoothly from Red=0, Yellow=60, Green=120, Cyan=180, Blue=240, Violet=300 and back to Red

vector RGBtoHSV( vector rgb ) {

   float R = rgb.x;
   if (R<0)		// catch malformed input
   else if (R>1)
   float G = rgb.y;
   if (G<0)		// catch malformed input
   else if (G>1)
   float B = rgb.z;
   if (B<0)		// catch malformed input
   else if (B>1)
   float H;
   float S;
   float V;
   list rgbList = [R, G, B]; // list used to get min and max
   float min;
   float max;
   float achromatic;  // =1 if R=G=B
   float delta;
   vector hsv;  // the return HSV vector
   min = llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MIN, rgbList); //MIN of ( R, G, B );
   max = llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MAX, rgbList); //MAX of ( R, G, B );
   if (R==G && G==B)
       achromatic = 1;  // it is a shade of grey, white or black
       achromatic = 0;
   V = max;                    // V = brightness Value form 0 to 1
   delta = max - min;
   if( max != 0 )
       S = delta / max;        // S = saturation from 0 to 1
   else {
       // R = G = B = 0        // S = 0, V = 0, H = 0
       S = 0;                  
       V = 0;                  
       H = 0;
       hsv.x = H;
       hsv.y = S;
       hsv.z = V;
       return hsv;             //H = S = V = 0
   if (achromatic == 1)
       H = 0;
   else if( R == max )
       H = 0 + ( G - B ) / delta;    // between red & yellow
   else if( G == max )
       H = 2 + ( B - R ) / delta;    // between yellow & cyan
       H = 4 + ( R - G ) / delta;    // between cyan & red
   H *= 60;                	      // H is traditionally a figure between 0 and 360 degrees
   if( H < 0 )
       H += 360;
   hsv.x = H;
   hsv.y = S;
   hsv.z = V;
   return hsv;

} </lsl>


<lsl> // by Sally LaSalle, code released to the public domain under GNU GPL version 3.0 license. // you are free to use, and you are free to donate to me if you wish!! :P

// takes a vector encoded Hue Saturation Value (HSV) triplet // HSV should be entered with floats the ranges: <float H(0 to 360), float S(0 to 1),float V(0 to 1)> // And Returns a vector encode Red Green Blue (RGB) color triplet // RGB will be returned with floats in ranges <float R(0 to 1),float G(0 to 1),float B(0 to 1)>

vector HSVtoRGB( vector hsv ) {

   integer i;
    float H = hsv.x;
    if (H<0)		// catch malformed H input


    else if (H>360)


    float S = hsv.y;
    if (S<0)		// catch malformed S input


    else if (S>1)


    float V = hsv.z;
    if (V<0)		// catch malformed V input


    else if (V>1)


   float R;
   float G;
   float B;
   float f; 	    // variables for calculating base color mixing around the "spectrum circle"
   float p;
   float q;
   float t;
   vector rgb;
   if( S == 0 ) {  // achromatic (grey) simply set R,G, & B = Value
       R = V;
       G = V;
       B = V;
       rgb.x = R;
       rgb.y = G;
       rgb.z = B;
       return rgb;
   H /= 60;              // Hue factored into range 0 to 5
   i = llFloor( H );	  // integer floor of Hue
   f = H - i;            // factorial part of H
   p = V * ( 1 - S );
   q = V * ( 1 - S * f );
   t = V * ( 1 - S * ( 1 - f ) );
   if (i==0){
       R = V;
       G = t;
       B = p;
   } else if (i==1){
       R = q;
       G = V;
       B = p;
   } else if (i==2){
       R = p;
       G = V;
       B = t;
   } else if (i==3){
       R = p;
       G = q;
       B = V;
   } else if (i==4){
       R = t;
       G = p;
       B = V;
   } else {       
       R = V;
       G = p;
       B = q;
   rgb.x = R;
   rgb.y = G;
   rgb.z = B;
   return rgb;

} </lsl>


<lsl> //HSL to RGB conversion function. By Cobalt Arkright. Released to the public under GNU GPL version 3.0 license. //Takes a vector encoded HSL triplet and outputs a vector encoded RGB triplet. //Input values should be in the following ranges: <float H(0 to 1), float S(0 to 1), float L(0 to 1). //If you wish to use H(0 to 360), comment out the lines 6, 7, and 8, then remove the comment for lines 11, 12, and 13. vector HSLtoRGB (vector hsl) { //Catch malformed H input for H(0 to 1) if (hsl.x < 0)hsl.x = 0; else if (hsl.x > 1.0)hsl.x = 1.0;

//Catch malformed H input for H(0 to 360) //if (hsl.x < 0) hsl.x = 0; //else if (hsl.x > 360) hsl.x = 360; //hsl.x = hsl.x/360;

//Catch malformed S input if (hsl.y < 0)hsl.y = 0; else if (hsl.y > 1.0)hsl.y = 1.0;

//Catch malformed L input if (hsl.z < 0)hsl.z = 0; else if (hsl.z > 1.0)hsl.z = 1.0;

//Declare required variables vector rgb; float q; float p; float tr; float tg; float tb;

//Special case: When S = 0, the result is monochromatic, and R = B = G = L. if (hsl.y == 0){ rgb.x = rgb.y = rgb.z = hsl.z; return rgb; }

//Set up temporary values for conversion if (hsl.z < 0.5)q = hsl.z*(1.0+hsl.y); else if (0.5 <= hsl.z) q = hsl.z+hsl.y-(hsl.z*hsl.y); p = 2*hsl.z-q; tr = hsl.x+0.3333; tg = hsl.x; tb = hsl.x-0.3333;

//Normalize temporary R value if (tr < 0 )tr = tr + 1.0; else if (tr > 1.0)tr = tr - 1.0;

//Normalize temporary G value if (tg < 0 )tg = tg + 1.0; else if (tg > 1.0)tg = tg - 1.0;

//Normalize temporary B value if (tb < 0 )tb = tb + 1.0; else if (tb > 1.0)tb = tb - 1.0;

//Calculate R value if (tr < 0.1666)rgb.x = p+((q-p)*6*tr); else if (0.1666 <= tr < 0.5)rgb.x = q; else if (0.5 <= tr < 0.6666)rgb.x = p+((q-p)*6*(0.6666-tr)); else if (0.6666 <= tr) rgb.x = p;

//Calculate G value if (tg < 0.1666)rgb.y = p+((q-p)*6*tg); else if (0.1666 <= tg < 0.5)rgb.y = q; else if (0.5 <= tg < 0.6666)rgb.y = p+((q-p)*6*(0.6666-tg)); else if (0.6666 <= tg) rgb.y = p;

//Caluclate B value if (tb < 0.1666)rgb.z = p+((q-p)*6*tb); else if (0.1666 <= tb < 0.5)rgb.z = q; else if (0.5 <= tb < 0.6666)rgb.z = p+((q-p)*6*(0.6666-tb)); else if (0.6666 <= tb) rgb.z = p;

//Return the result return rgb; } </lsl>


For more info about the difference between HSL and HSV, see the wikipedia entry: HSL and HSV

<lsl> // Convert from HSV (hue, saturation, value) to HSL (hue, saturation, luminosity) // Created by Michaelangelo David, code released to the public domain under GNU GPL version 3.0 license.

vector hsv_to_hsl( vector HSV ) {

    vector HSL;  
    HSL.x = HSV.x;
    HSL.z = (2 - HSV.y) * HSV.z;
    HSL.y = HSV.y * HSV.z;
    if (HSL.z <= 1) HSL.y /= HSL.z;
    else HSL.y /= (2 - HSL.z);
    HSL.z /= 2;
    return HSL;

} </lsl>


<lsl> // Convert from HSL (hue, saturation, luminosity) to HSV (hue, saturation, value) // Created by Michaelangelo David, code released to the public domain under GNU GPL version 3.0 license. vector hsl_to_hsv( vector HSL ) {

    vector HSV;  
    HSV.x = HSL.x;
    HSL.z *= 2;
    if (HSL.z <= 1) HSL.y *= HSL.z;
    else HSL.y *= ( 2 - HSL.z);
    HSV.z = (HSL.z + HSL.y) / 2;
    HSV.y = (2 * HSL.y) / (HSL.z + HSL.y);
    return HSV;

} </lsl>