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* 2009-03-12 - '''[http://weblog.siliconcerebrate.com/cerebrate/2009/03/curmudgeonly_second_life_advic.html 口氣不佳的 Second Life 建議]''' - 作者:The Cerebrate
* 2009-03-12 - '''[http://weblog.siliconcerebrate.com/cerebrate/2009/03/curmudgeonly_second_life_advic.html 口氣不佳的 Second Life 建議]''' - 出自 The Cerebrate,作者:[[User:Athanasius Skytower|Athanasius Skytower]]
* 2009-01-30 - '''[http://sl4nowt.wordpress.com/2009/01/30/30-things-every-newbie-should-know-before-starting-second-life/ 每位 Second Life 新手在開始自己的 Second Life 前,必須知道的 30 件 (以上的) 事]''' - 作者:SL For Nowt 的 Mar
* 2009-01-30 - '''[http://sl4nowt.wordpress.com/2009/01/30/30-things-every-newbie-should-know-before-starting-second-life/ 每位 Second Life 新手在開始自己的 Second Life 前,必須知道的 30 件 (以上的) 事]''' - 出自 SL For Nowt,作者:Mar
* 2008-10-11 - '''[http://sylectra.blogspot.com/2008/10/how-to-participate-in-online-discussion.html 如何加入線上談話活動]''' - 這是 Sylectra Darwin 的個人經驗。
* 2008-10-11 - '''[http://sylectra.blogspot.com/2008/10/how-to-participate-in-online-discussion.html 如何加入線上談話活動]''' - 這是 Sylectra Darwin 的個人經驗。
* 2008-02-27 - '''[http://slmeangirls.blogspot.com/2008/02/club-etiquette-in-sl.html SL 的夜店禮節]''' - 出自:「SL 的壞女孩指南 (Mean Girls Guide to SL)」,但作者似乎還蠻友善的。
* 2008-02-27 - '''[http://slmeangirls.blogspot.com/2008/02/club-etiquette-in-sl.html SL 的夜店禮節]''' - 出自「壞女孩的 SL 指南 (Mean Girls Guide to SL)」,但作者似乎還蠻友善的。
* 2008-02-01 - '''[http://www.slideshare.net/GwynethLlewelyn/second-life-etiquette/ SL 禮節幻燈片]''' - 一份清楚易懂的簡報,由 Gwyneth Llewellyn 製作。[http://gwynethllewelyn.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/sletiquette.pdf PDF 格式的檔案在此]。
* 2008-02-01 - '''[http://www.slideshare.net/GwynethLlewelyn/second-life-etiquette/ SL 禮節幻燈片]''' - 一份清楚易懂的簡報,由 Gwyneth Llewellyn 製作。[http://gwynethllewelyn.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/sletiquette.pdf PDF 格式的檔案在此]。
* 2007-09-17 - '''[http://www.citrusvirtual.com/?q=node/14 Second Life 禮節]''' - 出自 Citrus Virtual
* 2007-09-17 - '''[http://www.citrusvirtual.com/?q=node/14 Second Life 禮節]''' - 出自 Citrus Virtual
* 2007-07-10 - '''[http://ets.tlt.psu.edu/gaming/node/203 SL 禮節]''' - 出自:賓州州立大學
* 2007-07-10 - '''[http://ets.tlt.psu.edu/gaming/node/203 SL 禮節]''' - 出自賓州州立大學
* 2007-05-16 - '''[http://alexiacournoyer.wordpress.com/2007/05/16/ms-alexias-second-life-etiquette-guide-part-1/ Alexia 女士的 Second Life 禮節指南第一部] 與 [http://alexiacournoyer.wordpress.com/2007/05/16/ms-alexias-second-life-etiquette-guide-part-2/ 第二部]''' - 作者:Alexia Cournoyer
* 2007-05-16 - '''[http://alexiacournoyer.wordpress.com/2007/05/16/ms-alexias-second-life-etiquette-guide-part-1/ Alexia 女士的 Second Life 禮節指南第一部] 與 [http://alexiacournoyer.wordpress.com/2007/05/16/ms-alexias-second-life-etiquette-guide-part-2/ 第二部]''' - 作者:Alexia Cournoyer
* 2007-05-14 - '''[http://www.sltriptips.com/node/11 Second Life 禮節]''' - 出自:SL Trip Tips
* 2007-05-14 - '''[http://www.sltriptips.com/node/11 Second Life 禮節]''' - 出自 SL Trip Tips
* 2006-07-05 - '''[http://www.managingthegray.com/2006/07/05/second-life-etiquette/ Second Life 禮節]''' - 作者:C.C. Chapman
* 2006-07-05 - '''[http://www.managingthegray.com/2006/07/05/second-life-etiquette/ Second Life 禮節]''' - 作者:C.C. Chapman

Revision as of 20:42, 24 March 2009

SL 禮節 (SLetiquette):能讓您的 Second Life 過得更快樂的禮貌與習慣。您可能已經很熟悉在一般網際網路流行的網路禮節 (Netiquette),但由於 Second Life 是 3D 虛擬世界,因此還有些獨特的地方需要注意。這些 SL 禮節全都很重要,大家都應該要牢記在心。雖然它們並非嚴格的規定,但這些社交指南一定會為您以及與您互動的人帶來好處。

除了由居民撰寫的指南外,您也可以參考下方由 Torley Linden 給您的建議。請從這些寶貴的見解中,選擇最適合您的來做。


這些都是來自 SL 居民的個人建議,只有在你覺得它們有用時才有用。換句話說,您可以試試某個建議,但如果覺得它不適合您,就試試另一個建議。要不然,您可以撰寫您自己的社交指南。想在這裡加上您的建議嗎?來吧!


Torley 的建議

這些不是準則,而是我個人的觀察,也是我從自己超過一千個小時的 Second Life 生活中去蕪存菁的結果。


對他人表現出最真誠的興趣,是讓您討人喜歡最簡單、也是最好的方式。當我剛來 Second Life 時,我幾乎跟所有引起我興趣的人和東西攀談。不是每個人都會回答我,但大多數人的反應的確讓我在 Second Life 中感覺更愜意。

當您看到喜歡的東西時,例如設計出色的房子或精緻優美的睡衣,不妨告訴創造者您的感覺。這種作法在您購買某樣商品,而且您非常喜歡那個商品時尤其合適:直接告訴創造者您有多欣賞他們的作品,而您的正面評價將會鼓勵他們繼續創作。我已經這樣做至少 100 次以上了,而且從來沒出過什麼差錯。但在稱讚創造者時,千萬不要當個乞丐,期待創造者會免費送您東西來感謝你,不過有時這種事的確會發生。;-)

所有偉大的友情都是從陌生人開始的,這一點在 SL 中是再真實不過了。


許多人在 Second Life 裡工作,因此可能無法回覆即時訊息 (Instant Messages,IM)。舉例來說,某位建造者 (Builder) 可能會在自己的個人資料 (Profile) 指明,當您需要他的支援服務時,必須用電子郵件提出要求,或連絡他列在個人資料中的好友來處理。尊重別人希望的溝通方式,通常能讓您更快速地獲得服務,並省下所有人的麻煩。

有些居民甚至會在個人資料中詳細列出能讓您更容易從 Second Life 中連絡到他們的方式,例如一個能讓您留言的虛擬信箱,或是在個人資料的網頁 [Web] 標籤中指定連絡表單的網址:


而當您想連絡 Linden 員工時,這個建議也同樣適用。千萬不要隨便挑個 Linden 員工就傳送 IM 來尋求幫助,即使您覺得自己的問題真的很重要也不行。Linden 員工通常都會把自己負責的工作寫在個人資料中,因此如果您不先詳讀他們的個人資料就傳送即時訊息,就是浪費大家的時間。



當別的居民沒有回答您的對話時,千萬不要消極地假設他討厭您!他可能正在現實生活中忙著做其他事,因此無法待在電腦前面 (不過當然,如果他能事先表示他在忙就好了)。他也可能正忙著跟別人討論在您開口之前就已經開始的話題,或忙著回覆 IM。而且搞不好他會的語言跟您不一樣,因此無法了解您在說什麼。要不然,他可能只是害羞而已。


但請注意,如果您用惡劣的方式對待別人,或因為對方自己的決定 (即使原因很無聊,但還是他們自己的選擇),他們可以把您消音 (Mute),也就是說他們將不會再看到您的聊天內容。您也可以把自己覺得討厭的人消音,不過如果您有方法解決彼此溝通不良的問題,最好還是先試著解決問題再說。


大部分團體 (Group) 只允許成員在團體即時訊息 (Group IM) 中談論與團體有關的話題,有些團體則讓成員隨便聊什麼話題都行。在團體即時訊息中傳送垃圾資訊 (Spam) 通常都被認為是沒禮貌的行為,而違反團體規則的人可能會被驅逐 (Eject) 出團體。How can you find out? Open a group's profile: Communicate window > Groups tab, click a group and click Info. From there, read the Group Charter or contact a group owner in the list.

And if you have a question, it can only help to do a cursory search first and see if you find the answer elsewhere — like on this wiki! Anyone can appreciate well-done research.

Don't teleport unannounced

Unless you have a mutual understanding, this is true when both TPing (TelePorting) yourself and offering a TP to another:

  • Don't send an unsolicited teleport without explaining why. When you offer a teleport, you can state a reason. Make good use of it.


  • Don't teleport to someone without getting permissionfirst. They may be in the middle of a private, intimate, awkward, etc. situation, or focused on a task that requires concentration. You can add/remove the ability for someone to map-track you via Communicate window > Friends tab. Look for the icon with the eye and the green dot; it means a friend can find you on the map by opening your profile and clicking "Find on Map".


Don't try to mass-teleport unwitting strangers — that's spamming, and quite frankly, a crap thing to do.

Don't beg for L$

Just like in first life, no one with self-respect likes a badgering beggar. It's one thing to be curious and ask to learn, but it's annoying to cyber-panhandle (unless you're doing in-character as part of a role-playing game). You may even get disciplined for disturbing the peace, so don't do it. You want to be well-liked, yes?

If so, your options are bountiful:

  • Convert "real world" money to L$ using LindeX.
  • Get a job. Some are rather fun, and you may find yourself making pocket money or even a fulltime living. For a partial overview, see the Guide to Jobs in Second Life.
  • Immerse yourself in Second Life and through experience, look for holes in markets and create new opportunities for yourself. For example, Torley's observed there's a lack of usability consultants.
  • Learn to make stuff (so you don't have to buy everything — and quality freebies abound).
  • Make friends who can offer you opportunities, and hopefully you can exchange something in return (for example, a builder and a scripter collaborating on an awesome car).

These and many more are open to everyone. If you don't have certain skills, then do your best to learn them — and empower yourself. Only by doing will you know what you're capable of.

What about camping chairs?

"Camping chairs" and their ilk are objects you sit on for extended durations to earn L$ at a rate that makes grass growing look fast, like L$1/10 min. To put that in perspective, if you're really that desperate, you'd do much better completing Mechanical Turk HITs. (No one has come up with a way to bridge MTurk and SL yet... smells like an opportunity!)

Simply put, there are many ways of making L$ which are faster and more fun. It's your choice to camp, but exceptional, remarkable people don't camp because they're doing greater things. (Samantha Poindexter thoughtfully points out "camping while multitasking", e.g., sitting and sorting your inventory, which is more effective aggregate use of your time.) Consider that no one has Second Life-changing experiences sitting on a camping chair alone; you're more likely to be rewarded and succeed while discovering the world.

Voice chat: turn push-to-talk on

Unless your background noise is exceptionally quiet, when on voice chat, it's usually a good thing to enable push-to-talk. Edit menu > Preferences > Voice Chat tab and turn on "Use Push-to-Talk in toggle mode".

Common "on the telephone" reminders also apply, such as: don't eat loudly when on voice, it sounds gross, as I can show you:


Or if you must, only eat when voice is toggled off. See more VOICE CHAT video tutorials.

Read Lifehack guides

There are a number of life-improvement sites which aren't Second Life-specific but offer applicable advice nonetheless: among them are Lifehacker and Stepcase Lifehack (different from each other). Do be aware I'm an active community member on both, and I originally got into them because I found the variety of posts inspiring and beneficial.

And if you're into old-skool classics, there's always Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends & Influence People.