Teleport HUD

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<lsl> //Teleport HUD //Jesse Barnett //1/16/08

//One of my first "real" scripts from waaaaaay back when. //Hopefully users will do more than just use this script. Strided lists and //manipulating lists are the closest we get to arrays in LSL presently. //Even with all of the list juggling here, you will be surprised just how many //destinations you can add.

//A lot of code but this is the only teleporter I have been using for over a year now. //No notecards or lists to fill out. Very user freindly. //Wherever you are, just touch the button, hit ""Add" and it will prompt you for the name //Type what you want to name it in open chat, hit enter and you are done //It will store the sim name, the name you gave it for the menu buttons and the location //automatically //It will only show the destinations for the simulator you are in. //Pick the destination from the menu, touch the bubble that is rezzed in front of //you and you will instantly teleport to that spot. //You can also easily remove destinations by picking ""Remove" in the menu and then //touching the button name you wish to remove. //In case you are worried about loosing your destinations, you can also use the //"List" button to output the list of all destinations from all sims. //I have never lost the destinations because of sim resets etc. //Have lost them twice tweaking the script. But adding destinations again is so easy //it is no problem.

//To use, create a button and attach it to the desired position on your HUD. //Place this script inside, Put the warp pos script into another object you want //to rez as the bubble, edit it so that when you left click, you will sit. //Take the "bubble" back into inventory and then place it in the HUD also.

string sim; list sims; list dest; list main_menu; list menu_options =["Add", "Remove", "Back", "List"]; integer rez_chan; integer rez_chan_handle; integer menu_chan; integer menu_chan_handle; integer edit_chan = 0;// Could change this to another channel if you want for privacy //It is only used to enter the destination name when you use "Add" integer edit_chan_handle; integer edit_test = FALSE; vector target; string tp_object = "bubble";

default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { menu_chan = (integer) llFrand(-100000 - 99999999) - 100000; if (sim != llGetRegionName() || edit_test) { //Don't recalculate if no change to region or an edit sim = llGetRegionName(); edit_test = FALSE; main_menu =[]; dest = llListSort(dest, 3, TRUE);//Sorts the list in Strides according to sim sims = llListSort(sims, 1, TRUE); integer dest_list_sim_loc = llListFindList(dest,[sim]); //1st entry in list with the current sim integer sim_list_sim_loc = llListFindList(sims,[sim]); string next_sim_name = llList2String(sims, (sim_list_sim_loc + 1)); integer next_sim_loc = (integer) llListFindList(dest,[next_sim_name]) - 1; //Calculates the last entry in the current sim main_menu = llList2ListStrided(llDeleteSubList(dest, 0, 0), dest_list_sim_loc, next_sim_loc, 3); //Now menu list is built only showing destinations that are in the current sim main_menu = llListSort(main_menu, 1, TRUE); main_menu = (main_menu =[]) + ["Options"] + main_menu; } menu_chan_handle = llListen(menu_chan, "", llGetOwner(), ""); llSetTimerEvent(20); llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "Choose destination or Options to add/remove destinations", main_menu, menu_chan); } listen(integer channel, string lm, key id, string message) { if (llListFindList(main_menu + menu_options,[message]) != -1) { if (message == "Options") { llDialog(id, "Pick an option!", menu_options, menu_chan); } else if (message == "Back") { llDialog(id, "Where do you want to go?", main_menu, menu_chan); } else if (message == "Add") { integer b = TRUE; integer m = TRUE; b = ((llGetListLength(main_menu)) <= 11); //Only allows 11 entries per simulator m = (llGetFreeMemory() >= 1000); //Make usre we have enough memory to manipulate the lists if (!b || !m) { llOwnerSay("You can not add any more destinations"); } else { llOwnerSay("What do you want to name this destination?"); llListenRemove(menu_chan_handle); state add_dest; } } else if (message == "Remove") { llDialog(id, "Which desination do you want to remove?", main_menu, menu_chan); state rem_dest; } else if (message == "List") { integer i; if (llGetListLength(dest) > 0) { for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(dest); i += 3) { string sim_name = llList2String(dest, i); string name = llList2String(dest, i + 1); string location = llList2String(dest, i + 2); llOwnerSay(sim_name + " , " + name + " = " + location); } } else { llOwnerSay("No Destinations Available."); } } else if (llListFindList(dest,[message]) != -1) { integer index = llListFindList(dest,[message]); if (index != -1) { vector pos = llGetPos(); if (pos.z <= 4095) { target = (vector) llList2String(dest, index + 1); rez_chan = (integer) llFrand(100000 - 1000000) - 100000; llSay(0, "Touch the pumpkin to teleport"); llRezObject(tp_object, llGetPos() + (<1, 0, 1> * llGetRot()), ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, rez_chan); } else { llOwnerSay("Too high to teleport. You must be lower than 4096 meters"); } } } } } object_rez(key id) { llWhisper(rez_chan, (string) target); } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); llListenRemove(menu_chan_handle); llListenRemove(rez_chan_handle); return; } }

state add_dest { state_entry() { edit_test = TRUE; llSetTimerEvent(20); edit_chan_handle = llListen(edit_chan, "", llGetOwner(), ""); } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) { integer e = llListFindList(sims,[sim]); if (e == -1) { sims = (sims =[]) + sims +[sim]; } vector pos = llGetPos(); dest = (dest =[]) + dest +[sim, msg, pos]; llOwnerSay("Added : " + sim + " , " + msg + " = " + (string) pos); llListenRemove(edit_chan_handle); state default; } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); llListenRemove(edit_chan_handle); llOwnerSay("Timeout. Click TP HUD to start again"); state default; } }

state rem_dest { state_entry() { edit_test = TRUE; llSetTimerEvent(20); menu_chan_handle = llListen(menu_chan, "", llGetOwner(), ""); } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) { integer d = llListFindList(dest,[msg]); if (d != -1) { dest = llDeleteSubList(dest, d - 1, d + 1); llOwnerSay("Removed : " + msg); integer f = llListFindList(dest,[sim]); if (f == -1) { sims = llDeleteSubList(sims, f, f); llListenRemove(menu_chan_handle); state default; } llListenRemove(menu_chan_handle); state default; } } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); llListenRemove(menu_chan_handle); llOwnerSay("Timeout. Click TP HUD to start again"); state default; } } </lsl> Question2.JPGEditted warpPos script for syntax errorJesse Barnett 11:46, 23 April 2008 (PDT) <lsl> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Multi-HUD WarpPos // "Apr 23 2008", "14:36:26" // Creator: Jesse Barnett // Released into the Public Domain //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

integer listenId; // Listener ID key gAvatarID; vector target; // The location the av will be teleported to.

warpPos(vector target) { //R&D by Keknehv Psaltery, 05/25/2006 //with a little pokeing by Strife, and a bit more //munging by Talarus Luan //Final cleanup by Keknehv Psaltery //and of course Jesse Barnett got to jump in here //and made it work up to 4096 meters //Fail safe removed // Compute the number of jumps necessary integer jumps = (integer) (llVecDist(target, llGetPos()) / 10.0) + 1; if (jumps > 411) jumps = 411; list rules =[PRIM_POSITION, target]; //The start for the rules list integer count = 1; while ((count = count << 1) < jumps) rules += rules; llSetPrimitiveParams(rules + llList2List(rules, (count - jumps) << 1, count)); } default { state_entry() { llSetObjectName("WarpPos"); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { target = (vector) message; llListenRemove(listenId); llSetText("Touch to teleport", <1, 1, 1 >, 1); llSitTarget(<0, 0, 0.5 >, ZERO_ROTATION); } on_rez(integer start_param) { // When this object rezzes setup a listener to get the target listenId = llListen(start_param, "", "", ""); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { gAvatarID = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (gAvatarID != NULL_KEY) warpPos(target); warpPos(target); llSleep(0.5); llDie(); } } } } </lsl>