Tool-Texture cube hollow face

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Tool-Texture cube hollow face v0.1.0

--BETLOG Hax GMT+10: 20090210 0222 [SLT: 20090209 0922]

A tool for adjusting texture repeats for inside (hollow) face of cubes.
I made some attempt to accommodate other prim types, but never actually finished it.

f_setHollowX(float Xrepeats)
{   list data = llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TYPE]);
    vector cut = llList2Vector(data, 2);
    float hollow = llList2Float(data, 3);
    if (hollow == 0.0)
    {   llOwnerSay("ERROR: not hollow.");
    if (llList2Integer(data, 0) != PRIM_TYPE_BOX)
    {   llOwnerSay("WARNING: not a box. This is completely UNTESTED");
    integer face = 5;
    if (cut.y - cut.x <= 0.75)  face = 4;
    if (cut.y - cut.x <= 0.5)   face = 3;
    if (cut.y - cut.x <= 0.25)  face = 2;
    float rpt = Xrepeats/-hollow;
    float ofs = (((Xrepeats/-hollow)+Xrepeats) / 2.0)+(Xrepeats/2.0/Xrepeats);
    if ((ofs > 1.0) ||  (ofs < -1.0))
        ofs -= (float)llFloor(ofs);
    vector o = llGetTextureOffset(face);
    vector r = llGetTextureScale(face);    
    llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXTURE, face
        , llGetTexture(face)
        , <rpt, r.y, 0.0>//repeats
        , <ofs, o.y, 0.0>//offsets
        , 0*DEG_TO_RAD
{   on_rez(integer start_param)
    {   llResetScript();
    {   llOwnerSay(
            "\n Type number of X texture repeats for the hollow face of a cube."
            +"\n Type 'done' to delete script and finish.");
        llListen(0, "", llGetOwner(), "");
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
    {   if ((float)message != 0.0)
        {   f_setHollowX((float)message);
        if (llToLower(message) == "done")
        {   llOwnerSay("OK, removing script.");