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{{LSL Header}}
{{LSL Header}}
This is the complete source code to the widely popular and free "HR Universal Translator" by [[Hank Ramos]].  This device is a dynamic public chat listener that automatically translates between 50+ languages and delivers translations of spoken text to those nearby that don't speak the language of the original speaker.
This is the complete source code to the widely popular and free "HR Universal Translator" by [[Hank Ramos]].  This device is a dynamic public chat listener that automatically translates between 50+ languages and delivers translations of spoken text to those nearby that don't speak the language of the original speaker.
Please help to further development on this open-source project.
== Future Upgrades Needed ==
1. Support for Google Spellcheck.  Would be great to be able to spell-check chat first, and automatically do suggested corrections before the translation.
2. Break the engine script into two or more scripts to allow for future expansion and to be able to handle low memory situations better.
3. Support pseudo-instant message.  This could be done with avatars wearing the device within 100m of each others, or could be done world-wide using email or some other communications mechanism. Avatars would chat on a hidden channel, and would be able to communicate with another avatar or group chat.  Would require inworld servers of prims to link translators up together and find one another.
4. Ensure that unicode is supported correctly.  Ensure that Right-to-Left languages are input and output correctly.  May need additional options since the SL client doesn't support this correctly and sometimes people speak backwards into SL chat to get around this.
5. Rework auto-detection of language code. Should only automatically change the avatar's language if it is reliably predicted that they have changed languages.
6. Can you think of other improvements?

The device consists of 3 key scripts, with several ancillary scripts to function.  The key scripts are listed here...
The device consists of 3 key scripts, with several ancillary scripts to function.  The key scripts are listed here...

Revision as of 12:53, 15 November 2009

This is the complete source code to the widely popular and free "HR Universal Translator" by Hank Ramos. This device is a dynamic public chat listener that automatically translates between 50+ languages and delivers translations of spoken text to those nearby that don't speak the language of the original speaker.

Please help to further development on this open-source project.

Future Upgrades Needed

1. Support for Google Spellcheck. Would be great to be able to spell-check chat first, and automatically do suggested corrections before the translation. 2. Break the engine script into two or more scripts to allow for future expansion and to be able to handle low memory situations better. 3. Support pseudo-instant message. This could be done with avatars wearing the device within 100m of each others, or could be done world-wide using email or some other communications mechanism. Avatars would chat on a hidden channel, and would be able to communicate with another avatar or group chat. Would require inworld servers of prims to link translators up together and find one another. 4. Ensure that unicode is supported correctly. Ensure that Right-to-Left languages are input and output correctly. May need additional options since the SL client doesn't support this correctly and sometimes people speak backwards into SL chat to get around this. 5. Rework auto-detection of language code. Should only automatically change the avatar's language if it is reliably predicted that they have changed languages. 6. Can you think of other improvements?

The device consists of 3 key scripts, with several ancillary scripts to function. The key scripts are listed here...

Universal Translator Engine

This is the "heart" of the translator. It handles communications with other translators, handles listening to avatars for chat, and handles most of the HTTP traffic.

How do multiple translators communicate? There are two chat channels at work...

The heartbeat channel: this channel is fixed and common amongst all Universal Translators. This is where each translator regularly announces its presence to other translators in the area. If another one is found, a "master' translator is elected at random (with higher version releases of the translators getting higher values). The master translator is in charge of listening to all chat, and sending text to be translated and IMed to the recipient to the other "slave" translators.

Unique translator channel: each translator will select it's own channel to listen for incoming translations. This serves as a unique conduit for the master translator to communicate with each individual slave. This allows the heartbeat channel to be free for command messages to be sent, since the translated text being passed around can quickly saturate it.

This multi-translator communication might be useful in other scripting projects.

<lsl> //Universal Translator //Version 1.9.0 //November 12, 2009 //LSL Script copyright 2006-2009 by Hank Ramos //Web Server Services powered by Google

//Variables list agentsInTranslation; list agentsInTranslationOptions; list requestList; integer listenID;

integer isMaster = 1; integer autoLanguage = TRUE; integer enabled = FALSE; integer showTranslation = FALSE; integer tranObjects = TRUE;

integer lastHeartBeat; list languageCodes = [ "zh-CN", "zh-TW", "hr", "bg", "be", "ca", "af", "sq", "ar",

"tl", "fr", "gl", "fi", "en", "et", "cs", "da", "nl",

"id", "ga", "it", "hi", "hu", "is", "de", "el", "iw",

"mt", "no", "fa", "lt", "mk", "ms", "ja", "ko", "lv",

"sl", "es", "sw", "ru", "sr", "sk", "pl", "pt-PT", "ro",

"yi", "", "", "uk", "vi", "cy", "sv","th", "tr"];

list translators; list sayCache; list sayCachePrivate; integer priorityNumber; integer priorityNumListenID; integer isInitialized = FALSE; string options;

//Options //integer debug = TRUE; integer broadcastChannel = -9999999; //note this is not the channel used by the HR Universal Translator string password = "password"; //note this is not the password used to encrypt comms of the HR Universal Translator integer version = 190; sendIM(key id, string str) {

   if (llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_SCRIPTS)
       llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 85234119, str, id); 
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 85304563, str, id);


sendTextBatch(integer channel, string sendText) {

   sendText = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(llStringToBase64(sendText), llStringToBase64(password));;
   while (llStringLength(sendText) > 508) //If string is 509 characters or longer 
       llSay(channel, llGetSubString(sendText, 0, 507)); //send 508 character chunk
       sendText = llGetSubString(sendText, 508, -1);  //delete 508 character chunk
   llSay(channel, sendText);  //send out any remainder chunk or original chunk
   if (llStringLength(sendText) == 508)
       llSay(channel, (string)(channel*4958654));
   llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<0.25, 0, 0.25>, ""); 


string receiveTextBatch(key id, string message) {

   integer listPos;
   string  tempString = "";
   listPos = llListFindList(sayCache, [id]);
   if (listPos >= 0)
       while (listPos >= 0)
           tempString = tempString + llList2String(sayCache, listPos + 1);
           sayCache = llDeleteSubList(sayCache, listPos, listPos + 1);
           listPos = llListFindList(sayCache, [id]);
       message = tempString + message;
   message = llBase64ToString(llXorBase64StringsCorrect(message, llStringToBase64(password)));
   return message;

} string receiveTextBatchPrivate(key id, string message) {

   integer listPos;
   string  tempString = "";
   listPos = llListFindList(sayCachePrivate, [id]);
   if (listPos >= 0)
       while (listPos >= 0)
           tempString = tempString + llList2String(sayCachePrivate, listPos + 1);
           sayCachePrivate = llDeleteSubList(sayCachePrivate, listPos, listPos + 1);
           listPos = llListFindList(sayCachePrivate, [id]);
       message = tempString + message;
   message = llBase64ToString(llXorBase64StringsCorrect(message, llStringToBase64(password)));
   return message;

} updateTranslatorList() {

   integer x;
   integer listLength;
   list    newList;
   string  tempString;
   integer newMaster;
   //Scan and remove translators not in the area
   for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(translators); x += 2)
       tempString = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(translators, x + 1), [OBJECT_POS]), 0);
       if ((llVecDist(llGetPos(), (vector)tempString) <= 20.0) && (tempString != ""))
           newList += llList2List(translators, x, x + 1);
   translators = newList;
   listLength = llGetListLength(translators);
   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 65635544, (string)listLength, "");
   if (listLength == 0)
       newMaster = 1;
       if (enabled)
           newMaster = 2;
           for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(translators); x += 2)
               //llOwnerSay("Checking Priority Number(" +  (string)priorityNumber + "): " + (string)llList2Integer(translators, x));
               if (llList2Integer(translators, x) > priorityNumber)
                   newMaster = 0;
           newMaster = 0;
   if ((isMaster > 0) && (newMaster == 0))
       //We are being demoted from master to slave
       //Flush agentsInTranslation to master
       if (llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation) > 0)
           //Demotion Dump of agentsInTranslation to Master
           sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1003, llList2CSV(agentsInTranslation)]));
           if (isInitialized == FALSE) return;
           sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1004, options])); //error
   if ((isMaster == 0) && (newMaster > 0))
       listenID = llListen(0, "", "", ""); 
   isMaster = newMaster;
   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 34829304, (string)isMaster, "");


sendHeartbeat() {

   sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1001, priorityNumber]));
   //Broadcast agentList to Slaves
   if (isMaster == 2)
       sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1002, llList2CSV(agentsInTranslation)]));


//Functions checkThrottle(integer num, string msg, list params) {

   integer x;
   integer maxCount;
   float   oldTime;
   float   sleepTime;
   list    newList;
   key     returnValue;
   integer channelToSpeak;
   //loop though list and remove items older than 25 seconds
   for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(requestList); x += 1)
       oldTime = llList2Float(requestList, x);
       //Construct new list with only times less than 25 seconds
       if ((llGetTime() - oldTime) <= 25.0) 
           newList += oldTime;
   requestList = newList;
   x = llGetListLength(requestList);
   //Shunt all translations to linked translators if master
   if (isMaster == 2)
       if (num == 0)
           //Send HTTP request to other translator
           //Send out Request to Random Translator Channel
           channelToSpeak = llList2Integer(llListRandomize(llList2ListStrided(translators, 0, -1, 2), 1), 0);
           if (channelToSpeak > 0) 
               sendTextBatch(channelToSpeak, llList2CSV([num, llList2CSV(params)]) + "~" + msg);
   if (x == 19)
       sleepTime =  25.0 - (llGetTime() - llList2Float(requestList, 0));
       if (sleepTime > 0) 
       requestList = llDeleteSubList(requestList, 0, 0);
   if (num == 0)
       msg = "translate?v=1.0&q=" + msg;
       msg = "detect?v=1.0&q=" + msg;
   requestList += llGetTime();
   returnValue = llHTTPRequest("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/" + msg, [HTTP_METHOD, "GET", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "plain/text;charset=utf-8"], " ");
   if (returnValue != NULL_KEY)
       if (num == 0)
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 235365342, llList2CSV(params), returnValue); 
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 235365343, llList2CSV(params), returnValue); 
       llSleep(40.0); //Something has gone horribly wrong, sleep 40 seconds to clear throttle


string checkLanguage(string tempString) {

   if      (llGetSubString(tempString, 0, 1) == "zh")    tempString = "zh-CN";
   else if (tempString == "und")   tempString = "el";
   else if (llListFindList(languageCodes, [tempString]) < 0) tempString = "";
   tempString = llGetSubString(tempString, 0, 1);
   return tempString;

} addAgent(key id, string language, integer recheckLangauge) {

   integer listPos;
   integer listPosID;
   integer idNum;
   string  tempString;
   listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [id]);
   if (listPos < 0)
       while (listPosID >= 0)
           idNum = llRound(llFrand(2000000)) + 1;
           listPosID = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [idNum]);
       agentsInTranslation += [id, language, recheckLangauge, idNum];
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 64562349, language, id);
       agentsInTranslation = llListReplaceList(agentsInTranslation, [language, recheckLangauge], listPos + 1, listPos + 2);


string addNewAgent(key id) {

   string speakerLanguage;
   if (llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_CREATOR]), 0) == NULL_KEY)
       speakerLanguage  = checkLanguage(llGetAgentLanguage(id));
       if (speakerLanguage == "")
           speakerLanguage = "en";
           addAgent(id, speakerLanguage, TRUE);
           addAgent(id, speakerLanguage, FALSE);
   return speakerLanguage;


key getAgentKey(integer agentID) {

   integer listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [agentID]);
   if (listPos < 0)
       return "";
       return llList2Key(agentsInTranslation, listPos - 3);

} processHTTPResponse(integer type, string body, list params) {

   integer listPos;
   list    recepientList;
   key     recepientID;
   string  recepientLanguage;
   string  languagePair;
   key     speakerID;
   string  speakerName;
   string  speakerLanguage;
   string  translatedText;
   string  tempString;
   integer x;
   integer speakerLanguageReliable;
   float   speakerLanguageConfidence;
   list    tempList;
   //Process Translation
   if (type == 0)
       speakerID  = llList2Key(params, 1);
       speakerName = llKey2Name(speakerID);
       if (speakerName == "")
           speakerName = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(speakerID, [OBJECT_NAME]), 0);
       recepientList = llParseString2List(llList2String(params, 2), ["@"], []);
       tempList = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(params, 3), ["|"],[]);
       recepientLanguage = llList2String(tempList, 1);
       languagePair = llDumpList2String(tempList, ">>"); 
       //Perform Text Cleanup
       x = llSubStringIndex(body, "\",\"detectedSourceLanguage\":\""); 
       if (x >= 0)
           translatedText  = llGetSubString(body,  llSubStringIndex(body, "{\"translatedText\":\"") + 18, x);
           speakerLanguage = checkLanguage(llGetSubString(body, x + 28, llSubStringIndex(body, "\"}, \"responseDetails\":") - 1));
           listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [speakerID]);
           if (listPos >= 0)
               if (speakerLanguage != llList2String(agentsInTranslation, listPos + 1))
                   agentsInTranslation = llListReplaceList(agentsInTranslation, [TRUE], listPos + 2, listPos + 2);  //Mark for recheck of actual spoken language.
           translatedText = llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, "{\"translatedText\":\"") + 18, llSubStringIndex(body, "\"}, \"responseDetails\""));
       //Reverse order if Recepient Language is Hebrew or Arabic
       if ((recepientLanguage == "iw") || (recepientLanguage == "ar"))
           tempString = "";
           for(x = llStringLength(translatedText);x >= 0; x--)
               tempString += llGetSubString(translatedText, x, x); 
           translatedText = tempString;
       tempString = speakerName + "(" + languagePair + "): " + translatedText;
       if (showTranslation)
           sendIM(speakerID, tempString);  
       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(recepientList); x += 1)
           recepientID = getAgentKey(llList2Integer(recepientList, x));
           if (recepientID != "")
               recepientLanguage = llList2String(agentsInTranslation, llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [recepientID]) + 1);
               if (recepientLanguage != speakerLanguage)
                   sendIM(recepientID, tempString);
   //Process Language Detection
   if (type == 1)
       speakerID = llList2Key(params, 1);
       speakerLanguageReliable = llToLower(llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, "\",\"isReliable\":") + 15, llSubStringIndex(body, ",\"confidence\":") - 1)) == "true";
       speakerLanguageConfidence = (float)llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, ",\"confidence\":") + 14, llSubStringIndex(body, "}, \"responseDetails\":") - 1);
       listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [speakerID]);
       if (((listPos < 0) && (speakerLanguageReliable) || (speakerLanguageConfidence >= 0.18)))
           //Analyze Data
           tempString = checkLanguage(llToLower(llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, "{\"language\":\"") + 13, llSubStringIndex(body, "\",\"isReliable\":") - 1)));
           if (tempString == "") return;
           if (speakerLanguageConfidence < 0.14)
               addAgent(speakerID, tempString, TRUE);
               addAgent(speakerID, tempString, FALSE);


default {

       //Multiplexor Initialization
       priorityNumber = version*1000000 + llRound(llFrand(499999) + 50000);
       llListen(broadcastChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
       priorityNumListenID = llListen(priorityNumber, "", NULL_KEY, "");
       //Send out initial heartbeat
       lastHeartBeat = llGetUnixTime();
       sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1001, priorityNumber]));
       //Wait for the network to settle down
       //llSetTimerEvent(10 + ((1-llGetRegionTimeDilation()) * 1));       
   sensor(integer num_detected)
       integer x;
       key     id;
       for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)
           id = llDetectedKey(x);
           if (llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [id]) < 0)
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       integer x;
       integer listPos;
       list    tempList;
       integer channelToSpeak;
       //Old Multiplexor
       if (num == 8434532)
           enabled = (integer)str;
       else if (num == 3342976)
           //Send Preferences
           options = str;
           if (isInitialized == FALSE) return;
           tempList = llCSV2List(options);
           showTranslation = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
           tranObjects = llList2Integer(tempList, 1);
           autoLanguage = llList2Integer(tempList, 2);
           sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1004, options]));
       else if (num == 9384610)
           if (isMaster == 0) //markering
               //llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 5598321, llList2CSV([id, str, FALSE]), "");
               sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1003, id, str, FALSE]));
               addAgent(id, str, TRUE);
       else if (num == 345149625)
           //Return Translation
           processHTTPResponse(0, str, llCSV2List(id));
       else if (num == 345149626)
           //Return Detection
           processHTTPResponse(1, str, llCSV2List(id));
       integer x;
       string  tempString;
       list    newList;
       integer translatorCount = llGetListLength(translators)/2;
       if (isInitialized == FALSE)
           isInitialized = TRUE;
           enabled = TRUE;
           listenID = llListen(0, "", "", ""); 
           llListen(777, "", NULL_KEY, "");
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 6877259, (string)enabled, NULL_KEY);
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 94558323, llList2CSV(agentsInTranslation), "");
       if (isMaster > 0)
           for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation); x += 4)
               tempString = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(agentsInTranslation, x), [OBJECT_POS]), 0);
               if ((llVecDist(llGetPos(), (vector)tempString) <= 20.0) && (tempString != ""))
                   newList += llList2List(agentsInTranslation, x, x + 3);
           agentsInTranslation = newList;
           if ((llGetUnixTime() - lastHeartBeat) >= 5)
               //Send heartbeat
               lastHeartBeat = llGetUnixTime();
           if ((llGetUnixTime() - lastHeartBeat) >= `0 + llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation)*2 + llPow(translatorCount, 1.4) + translatorCount + ((1-llGetRegionTimeDilation()) * 5))
               //Send heartbeat
               lastHeartBeat = llGetUnixTime();
       //turn on and off scanner
       if ((autoLanguage) && (isMaster > 0))
           llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 20.0, PI);
       //llSetTimerEvent(4 + ((1-llGetRegionTimeDilation()) * 5));
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       integer x;
       string  speakerLanguage;
       string  recepientLanguage;
       integer recepientID;
       integer listPos;
       string  languagePair;
       list    translationCache;
       list    tempList;
       integer ImessageType;
       string  Imessage;
       string  tempString;
       string  tempString2;
       //Multiplexor Code
       if ((channel == broadcastChannel) || (channel == priorityNumber))
           //Process Proxy HTTP Request
           if (channel == priorityNumber)
               if (llStringLength(message) >= 508)
                   if (((integer)message/channel) != 4958654)
                       sayCachePrivate += [id, message];
                   message = "";
               message = receiveTextBatchPrivate(id, message);
               //Received packet to translate
               llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<0.25, 0.05, 0.25>, "");
               tempList = llParseString2List(message, ["~"], []);
               tempString = llList2String(tempList, 0);
               tempList = llDeleteSubList(tempList, 0, 0);
               tempString2 = llDumpList2String(tempList, "|");
               tempList = llCSV2List(tempString);
               listPos = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
               tempList = llDeleteSubList(tempList, 0, 0);
               checkThrottle(listPos, tempString2, tempList);
           //Process Global Messages
           if (llStringLength(message) >= 508)
               if (((integer)message/channel) != 4958654)
                   sayCache += [id, message];
               message = "";
           message = receiveTextBatch(id, message);
           tempList = llCSV2List(message);
           if (llGetListLength(tempList) >= 2)    
               ImessageType = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
               tempList = llDeleteSubList(tempList, 0, 0);
               Imessage = llList2CSV(tempList);        
               llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<0.25, 0, 0.25>, "");
               //Process Message Here
               if (ImessageType == 1001)
                   //Incoming Heartbeat
                   if ((integer)Imessage == priorityNumber)
                       llOwnerSay("Priority Number Conflict!  Resetting Script...");
                       llResetScript(); //Reset if conflicting priority number
                   listPos = llListFindList(translators, [id]);
                   if (listPos < 0) 
                       translators += [(integer)Imessage, id];
                       if ((isMaster > 0) && (isInitialized))
                           sendTextBatch((integer)Imessage, llList2CSV([1002, llList2CSV(agentsInTranslation)]));
                           sendTextBatch((integer)Imessage, llList2CSV([1004, options]));
                       translators = llListReplaceList(translators, [(integer)Imessage], listPos - 1, listPos - 1);
               else if (ImessageType == 1002)
                   //Incoming agentsInTranslation Master Broadcast
                   if (isMaster == 0)
                       //llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9458021, Imessage, "");  
                       tempList = llCSV2List(Imessage);
                       agentsInTranslation = [];
                       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(tempList); x += 4)
                           agentsInTranslation += [llList2Key(tempList, x), llList2String(tempList, x + 1), llList2Integer(tempList, x + 2), llList2Integer(tempList, x + 3)];
               else if (ImessageType == 1003)
                   //Incoming agentsInTranslation dump from Slave
                   tempList = llCSV2List(Imessage);
                   for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(tempList); x += 4)
                       addAgent(llList2Key(tempList, x), llList2String(tempList, x + 1), llList2Integer(tempList, x + 2));
               else if (ImessageType == 1004)
                   //Incoming Preferences
                   options = Imessage;
                   tempList = llCSV2List(options);
                   showTranslation = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
                   tranObjects = llList2Integer(tempList, 1);
                   autoLanguage = llList2Integer(tempList, 2);
                   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3342977, Imessage, "");  
       //Translator Engine Code
       if ((llToLower(message) == "translator") && (isMaster > 0)) 
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 2540664, message, id);
       if ((!enabled) && (isMaster == 1)) return;
       if (!tranObjects)
           if (llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_CREATOR]), 0) != NULL_KEY) return;
       listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [id]);
       if (listPos >= 0)
           speakerLanguage = llList2String(agentsInTranslation, listPos + 1);
           speakerLanguage = addNewAgent(id);
       if (speakerLanguage == "xx") return;  //Agent Opt-Out
       llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<1, 1, 0>, "");
       //Formulate Translation Requests
       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation); x += 4)
           //Loop through translation group and do appropriate translations as needed
           recepientID = llList2Integer(agentsInTranslation, x + 3);
           recepientLanguage =  checkLanguage(llList2Key(agentsInTranslation, x + 1)); 
           if ((speakerLanguage != recepientLanguage) && (recepientLanguage != "") && (recepientLanguage != "xx"))
               languagePair = speakerLanguage + "|" + recepientLanguage;
               listPos = llListFindList(translationCache, [languagePair]);
               if (listPos < 0)
                 translationCache += [languagePair, recepientID];
                 translationCache = llListReplaceList(translationCache, [llList2String(translationCache, listPos + 1) + "@" + (string)recepientID], listPos + 1, listPos + 1);
       //Process Requests
       if (llGetListLength(translationCache) > 0)
           for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(translationCache); x += 2)
               //Forumulate and Send Translation Request
               languagePair = "|" + llList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(translationCache, x), ["|"],[]), 1); 
               checkThrottle(0, llEscapeURL(message) + "&langpair=" + llEscapeURL(languagePair), [llGetTime(), id , llList2String(translationCache, x + 1), llList2String(translationCache, x)]);
           speakerLanguage = "";
       //Language Detection
       if (llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_CREATOR]), 0) == NULL_KEY)
           if (((speakerLanguage == "") || (llList2Integer(agentsInTranslation, llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [id]) + 2) == TRUE)) || (isMaster == 2))
               //Forumulate and Send Language Detect Request
               checkThrottle(1, llEscapeURL(message), [llGetTime(), id]);
   http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
       string  tempString;
       if (status != 200) 
           //llOwnerSay("WWW Error:" + (string)status);
           llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<1, 0, 0>, "");
       //Process Resonse Code
       tempString = llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, "\"responseStatus\":"), -1);
       status = (integer)llGetSubString(tempString, 17, llSubStringIndex(tempString, "}") - 1);
       if (status != 200)
           //llOwnerSay("Language Server Returned Error Code: " + (string)status);
           llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<1, 0, 0>, "");
       llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<0, 0, 1>, "");
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 345149624, body, request_id);

} </lsl>

HTTP Handler

Even though the name of this script is "HTTP Handler", it really just stores the requested translation traffic so that we can match incoming translations from Google with what was requested. Since this takes a lot of memory for storage, this information is kept out of the engine script. When an incoming HTTP response comes in, we fetch the data from here. If the requests didn't come back in a timely fashion, we remove it from the queue.

<lsl> //HTTP Handler //Copyright 2006-2009 by Hank Ramos

list requestedTranslations; list requestedDetections;

default {

       integer x;
       list    newList;
       float timeElapsed; 
       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(requestedDetections); x += 2)
           timeElapsed = llGetTime() - llList2Float(llCSV2List(llList2String(requestedDetections, x + 1)), 0);
           if (timeElapsed < 60.0) 
               newList += llList2List(requestedDetections, x, x + 1);
       requestedDetections = newList;
       newList = [];
       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(requestedTranslations); x += 2)
           timeElapsed = llGetTime() - llList2Float(llCSV2List(llList2String(requestedTranslations, x + 1)), 0);
           if (timeElapsed < 60.0) 
               newList += llList2List(requestedTranslations, x, x + 1);
       requestedTranslations = newList;
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       integer listPos;
       if (num == 235365342)
           requestedTranslations += [id, str];
       else if (num == 235365343)
           requestedDetections += [id, str];
       else if (num == 345149624)
           listPos = llListFindList(requestedTranslations, [id]);
           if (listPos >= 0)
               llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 345149625, str, llList2String(requestedTranslations, listPos + 1));
               requestedTranslations = llDeleteSubList(requestedTranslations, listPos, listPos + 1);
           listPos = llListFindList(requestedDetections, [id]);
           if (listPos >= 0)
               llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 345149626, str, llList2String(requestedDetections, listPos + 1));
               requestedDetections = llDeleteSubList(requestedDetections, listPos, listPos + 1);

} </lsl>

Interface Handler

This is the interface, or menu-system of the translator. It handles all of the numerous dialogs, language selection, etc. of the translator.

<lsl> //Menu System //Copyright 2006-2009 by Hank Ramos

//Variables integer randomDialogChannel; integer lastAttachPoint; list detectedAgentKeyList; list detectedAgentNameList; key agentInDialog; integer isInitialized = FALSE; list agentsInTranslation; integer translatorCount;

//Options integer groupAccess = FALSE; integer autoLanguage = TRUE; integer deviceAttached; integer enabled = FALSE; integer isShowTran = FALSE; integer showAgents = TRUE; string displayStringMD5; integer isMaster = 1; integer tranObjects = TRUE;

//Constants list languages= [ "Chinese-Simple", "Chinese-Trad", "Croatian", "Bulgarian", "Belarusian", "Catlan", "Afrikaans", "Albanian", "Arabic",

"Filipino", "French", "Galician", "Finnish", "English", "Estonian", "Czech", "Danish", "Dutch",

"Indonesian", "Irish", "Italian", "Hindi", "Hungarian", "Icelandic", "German", "Greek", "Hebrew",

"Maltese", "Norwegian", "Persian", "Lithuanian", "Macedonian", "Malay", "Japanese", "Korean", "Latvian",

"Slovenian", "Spanish", "Swahili", "Russian", "Serbian", "Slovak", "Polish", "Portuguese", "Romanian",

"Yiddish", "\t ", "\t ", "Ukrainian", "Vietnamese", "Welsh", "Swedish", "Thai", "Turkish"];

list languageCodes = [ "zh-CN", "zh-TW", "hr", "bg", "be", "ca", "af", "sq", "ar",

"tl", "fr", "gl", "fi", "en", "et", "cs", "da", "nl",

"id", "ga", "it", "hi", "hu", "is", "de", "el", "iw",

"mt", "no", "fa", "lt", "mk", "ms", "ja", "ko", "lv",

"sl", "es", "sw", "ru", "sr", "sk", "pl", "pt-PT", "ro",

"yi", "", "", "uk", "vi", "cy", "sv", "th", "tr"];

//Functions //Takes in the offsets, and the attach point vector fn_makePos(integer attach_point, vector offset) {

   if ((attach_point == 31) || (attach_point == 35)) { //center 2 & center        
       return <0,0,0>;
   } else if (attach_point == 32) { // Top right
       return <offset.x, offset.y, offset.z * -1>;
   } else if (attach_point == 33) { // Top
       return <offset.x, 0, offset.z * -1>;
   } else if (attach_point == 34) { // Top Left
       return <offset.x, offset.y * -1, offset.z * -1>;
   } else if (attach_point == 36) { // Bottom Left
       return <offset.x, offset.y * -1 , offset.z>;
   } else if (attach_point == 37) { // Bottom
       return <offset.x, 0, offset.z>;
   } else if (attach_point == 38) { // Bottom Right - Baseline
       return offset;
   } else { //Not a HUD point? Then return it's current pos
       return llGetLocalPos();


updateDisplay() {

   string  tempString;
   integer listLength;
   integer x;
   string  agentName;
   if (isInitialized == FALSE) return;
   tempString = "Universal Translator";
   if (isMaster != 1)
       tempString += " (Link-" + (string)(translatorCount + 1) + ")";
   tempString += "\n===============";
   if (enabled) 
       listLength = llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation);
       if (((showAgents) && (listLength <= 40)) && (listLength != 0))
           for (x = 0; x < listLength; x += 4)
               agentName = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(agentsInTranslation, x), [OBJECT_NAME]), 0);
               if (llStringLength(agentName) > 25)
                   agentName = llGetSubString(agentName, 0, 24);
               if (agentName != "")
                   tempString += "\n" + agentName + "(" + llList2String(agentsInTranslation, x + 1) + ")";
           tempString += "\n# Agents Translated: " + (string)llRound(listLength/3);
       tempString += "\n>> Disabled <<";
   if (llMD5String(tempString, 0) != displayStringMD5)
       displayStringMD5 = llMD5String(tempString, 0);
       llSetText(tempString, <1,1,1>, 1);


showMainMenu(key id) {

   if (isInitialized == FALSE) return;
   integer avatarParticipating;
   list buttonList = ["Language", "Help"];
   string dialogMsg = "Main Menu\nLANGUAGE: manually choose your source language. Target languages are detected automatically\nHELP: get help notecard";
   buttonList += "FREE Copy";
   dialogMsg += "\nFREE COPY: receive FREE copy of Universal Translator."; 
   if (llList2String(agentsInTranslation, llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [(string)id]) + 1) != "xx")
       buttonList += "Opt-Out";
       dialogMsg += "\nOPT-OUT: disable receipt of translations";
       buttonList += "Opt-In";
       dialogMsg += "\nOPT-IN: join the translations";
   if (id == llGetOwner())
       buttonList += "Donate";
       dialogMsg += "\nDONATE: donate L$ to the developer of Universal Translator.";
   if ((id == llGetOwner()) || ((groupAccess) && (llSameGroup(id))))
       buttonList += "Reset";
       buttonList += "Options";
       buttonList += "Send Copy";
       dialogMsg += "\nSEND COPY: send FREE copy of Universal Translator."; 
       if (enabled)
           buttonList += "Disable";
           buttonList += "Enable";
       dialogMsg += "\nRESET: reset all scripts in translator";
   llDialog(id, dialogMsg, buttonList, randomDialogChannel);


showOptionsMenu(key id) {

   integer avatarParticipating;
   list buttonList = [];
   string dialogMsg = "Options Menu.";
   if (id == llGetOwner())
       if (groupAccess)
           buttonList += "Group OFF";
           buttonList += "Group ON";
       dialogMsg += "\nGROUP: allow group members to admin.";
   if ((id == llGetOwner()) || ((groupAccess) && (llSameGroup(id))))
       buttonList += "Main Menu";
       if (!deviceAttached)
           if (autoLanguage)
               buttonList += "Scan OFF";
               buttonList += "Scan ON";
       dialogMsg += "\nSCAN: scan for Avatars and automatically add to translation matrix.";
       if (isShowTran)
           buttonList += "Echo OFF";
           buttonList += "Echo ON";
       dialogMsg += "\nECHO: show translations of your chat sent to others."; 

       if (tranObjects)
           buttonList += "Objects OFF";
           buttonList += "Objects ON";
       dialogMsg += "\nOBJECTS: translate chat of scripted objects"; 
       if (showAgents)
           buttonList += "Agents OFF";
           buttonList += "Agents ON";
       dialogMsg += "\AGENTS: show list of agents translated."; 
   llDialog(id, dialogMsg, buttonList, randomDialogChannel);


showLanguageDialog1(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language...", ["\t", "\t", ">> NEXT"] + llList2List(languages, 0, 8),  randomDialogChannel);

} showLanguageDialog2(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK", "\t ", ">> NEXT "] + llList2List(languages, 9, 17),  randomDialogChannel);

} showLanguageDialog3(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK ", "\t  ", ">> NEXT  "] + llList2List(languages, 18, 26),  randomDialogChannel);

} showLanguageDialog4(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK  ", "\t   ", ">> NEXT   "] + llList2List(languages, 27, 35),  randomDialogChannel);

} showLanguageDialog5(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK   ", "\t    ", ">> NEXT    "] + llList2List(languages, 36, 44),  randomDialogChannel);

}showLanguageDialog6(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK    ", "\t     ", "\t     "] + llList2List(languages, 45, 53),  randomDialogChannel);

} processListen(string name, key id, string message) {

   key listenKey;
   if (llListFindList(languages, [message]) > -1) //Language Selected in Dialog
       if (message != "") llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9384610, llList2String(languageCodes, llListFindList(languages, [message])), id);
   else if (llToLower(message) == "help") 
       llGiveInventory(id, "Universal Translator Help");
   else if (message == "Main Menu")
   else if (message == "Options")
   else if (message == "Language")
   else if (message == "Opt-In")
   else if (message == "Opt-Out")
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9384610, "xx", id);
   else if (message == "FREE Copy")
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9455209, llKey2Name(id), id);
   if (id == llGetOwner())
       if (message == "Group ON")
           groupAccess = TRUE;
       else if (message == "Group OFF")
           groupAccess = FALSE;
       else if (message == "Donate")
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 324235353254, "", llGetOwner());
   if ((id == llGetOwner()) || ((groupAccess) && (llSameGroup(id))))
       if (message == "Reset")
       else if (message == "Enable")
           enabled  = TRUE;
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 8434532, (string)enabled, id);
       else if (message == "Disable")
           enabled  = FALSE;
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 8434532, (string)enabled, id);
       else if (message == "Echo ON")
           isShowTran = TRUE;
           //llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 2734322, (string)isShowTran, id);
       else if (message == "Echo OFF")
           isShowTran = FALSE;
       else if (message == "Objects OFF")
           tranObjects = FALSE;
       else if (message == "Objects ON")
           tranObjects = TRUE;
       else if (message == "Agents OFF")
           showAgents = FALSE;
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 455832, (string)showAgents, id);
       else if (message == "Agents ON")
           showAgents = TRUE;
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 455832, (string)showAgents, id);
       else if (message == "Scan ON")
           autoLanguage  = TRUE;
       else if (message == "Scan OFF")
           autoLanguage = FALSE;
       else if ((message == "Send Copy") || (message == ">>RESCAN<<"))
           agentInDialog = id;
           llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 20.0, TWO_PI);
           if (llGetListLength(detectedAgentNameList) > 0)
               listenKey = llList2Key(detectedAgentKeyList, llListFindList(detectedAgentNameList, [message]));
               if (listenKey != "")
                   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9455209, message, listenKey);
               detectedAgentNameList = [];
   if (message == ">> NEXT")
   else if (message == ">> NEXT ")
   else if (message == ">> NEXT  ")
   else if (message == ">> NEXT   ")
   else if (message == ">> NEXT    ")
   else if (message == "<< BACK")
   else if (message == "<< BACK ")
   else if (message == "<< BACK  ")
   else if (message == "<< BACK   ")
   else if (message == "<< BACK    ")
   if (message == "\t")
   else if (message == "\t ")
   else if (message == "\t  ")
   else if (message == "\t   ")
   else if (message == "\t    ")
   else if (message == "\t     ")
   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3342976, llList2CSV([isShowTran, tranObjects, autoLanguage]), id);

} checkAttach() {

   if (llGetAttached() > 0)
       llSetScale(<0.125, 0.125, 0.087>);
       if(lastAttachPoint != llGetAttached())
           llSetPos(fn_makePos(llGetAttached(), <0.00000, 0.13500, 0.15433>));
           lastAttachPoint = llGetAttached();                
       llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS);
       llMessageLinked(llGetLinkNumber(), 3792114, (string)TRUE, NULL_KEY);
       llSetScale(<0.5, 0.5, 0.750>);
       llMessageLinked(llGetLinkNumber(), 3792114, (string)FALSE, NULL_KEY);


default {

   run_time_permissions(integer perms)
       //integer hasPerms = llGetPermissions();
       llTakeControls( CONTROL_UP , TRUE, TRUE);
       //llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS );
       string speakerLanguage;
       //llOwnerSay("Welcome to the Universal Translator, the best FREE translator in SL! Please consider making a L$ donation to help with maintenance and further updates. Select DONATE in the translator menu to make a donation.");
       //llSetText("Initializing...", <1,1,1>, 1);
       llSetText("Searching for\nnearby translators...", <1,1,1>, 1);
       randomDialogChannel = -(integer)llFrand(2147483647);
       llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 20957454, "", NULL_KEY);
       llResetOtherScript("Universal Translator Engine");
       llResetOtherScript("HTTP Handler");
       llResetOtherScript("No-Script IM Handler");
       //Other Setup
       llListen(randomDialogChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3342976, llList2CSV([isShowTran, tranObjects, autoLanguage]), "");        
       //llOwnerSay("Mem Free=" + (string)llGetFreeMemory());
   on_rez(integer startup_param)
   sensor(integer num_detected)
       integer x;
       string  tempString;
       if (num_detected > 11)
           num_detected = 11;
       detectedAgentKeyList = [];
       detectedAgentNameList = [];
       for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)
            detectedAgentKeyList += llDetectedKey(x);
            tempString = llDetectedName(x);
            if (llStringLength(tempString) > 24) tempString = llGetSubString(tempString, 0, 23);
            detectedAgentNameList += tempString;
       if (llGetListLength(detectedAgentNameList) > 0)
           llDialog(agentInDialog, "Select someone nearby to receive FREE a copy of the Universal Translator...", [">>RESCAN<<"] + detectedAgentNameList, randomDialogChannel);
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       integer listPos;
       list    tempList;
       string  tempString;
       if (num == 2540664)
       else if (num == 3792114)
           deviceAttached = (integer)str;
           if (deviceAttached) autoLanguage = TRUE;
       else if (num == 65635544)
           translatorCount = ((integer)str)/2;
       else if (num == 6877259)
           if (isInitialized == FALSE)
               isInitialized = TRUE;
               //Owner Language Detection
               tempString  = llGetAgentLanguage(llGetOwner());
               if (llGetSubString(tempString, 0, 1) == "en") tempString = "en";
               if (tempString == "") 
                   tempString = "en";
               llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9384610, tempString, llGetOwner());
         enabled = (integer)str; //marker
       else if (num == 34829304)
           isMaster = (integer)str;
       else if (num == 455832)
           showAgents = (integer)str;
       else if (num == 94558323)
           agentsInTranslation = llCSV2List(str);
       else if (num == 3342977)
           //Options are Show Tran and tranObjects at this time
           tempList = llCSV2List(str);
           isShowTran = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
           tranObjects = llList2Integer(tempList, 1);
           autoLanguage = llList2Integer(tempList, 2);
       else if (num == 32364364)
           //Send Options
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 8434532, (string)enabled, NULL_KEY);            
   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       integer x;
       key avatarKey;
       for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x++)
           avatarKey = llDetectedKey(x);
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       processListen(name, id, message);
   attach(key id)
       if (id) //tests if it is a valid key and not NULL_KEY
           llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS );
   control(key id,integer held, integer change) {

} </lsl>