Universal Translator

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Universal Translator Engine

<lsl> //Universal Translator //Version 1.9.0 //November 12, 2009 //LSL Script copyright 2006-2009 by Hank Ramos //Web Server Services powered by Google

//Variables list agentsInTranslation; list agentsInTranslationOptions; list requestList; integer listenID;

integer isMaster = 1; integer autoLanguage = TRUE; integer enabled = FALSE; integer showTranslation = FALSE; integer tranObjects = TRUE;

integer lastHeartBeat; list languageCodes = [ "zh-CN", "zh-TW", "hr", "bg", "be", "ca", "af", "sq", "ar",

"tl", "fr", "gl", "fi", "en", "et", "cs", "da", "nl",

"id", "ga", "it", "hi", "hu", "is", "de", "el", "iw",

"mt", "no", "fa", "lt", "mk", "ms", "ja", "ko", "lv",

"sl", "es", "sw", "ru", "sr", "sk", "pl", "pt-PT", "ro",

"yi", "", "", "uk", "vi", "cy", "sv","th", "tr"];

list translators; list sayCache; list sayCachePrivate; integer priorityNumber; integer priorityNumListenID; integer isInitialized = FALSE; string options;

//Options //integer debug = TRUE; integer broadcastChannel = -9999999; //note this is not the channel used by the HR Universal Translator string password = "password"; //note this is not the password used to encrypt comms of the HR Universal Translator integer version = 190; sendIM(key id, string str) {

   if (llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_SCRIPTS)
       llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 85234119, str, id); 
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 85304563, str, id);


sendTextBatch(integer channel, string sendText) {

   sendText = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(llStringToBase64(sendText), llStringToBase64(password));;
   while (llStringLength(sendText) > 508) //If string is 509 characters or longer 
       llSay(channel, llGetSubString(sendText, 0, 507)); //send 508 character chunk
       sendText = llGetSubString(sendText, 508, -1);  //delete 508 character chunk
   llSay(channel, sendText);  //send out any remainder chunk or original chunk
   if (llStringLength(sendText) == 508)
       llSay(channel, (string)(channel*4958654));
   llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<0.25, 0, 0.25>, ""); 


string receiveTextBatch(key id, string message) {

   integer listPos;
   string  tempString = "";
   listPos = llListFindList(sayCache, [id]);
   if (listPos >= 0)
       while (listPos >= 0)
           tempString = tempString + llList2String(sayCache, listPos + 1);
           sayCache = llDeleteSubList(sayCache, listPos, listPos + 1);
           listPos = llListFindList(sayCache, [id]);
       message = tempString + message;
   message = llBase64ToString(llXorBase64StringsCorrect(message, llStringToBase64(password)));
   return message;

} string receiveTextBatchPrivate(key id, string message) {

   integer listPos;
   string  tempString = "";
   listPos = llListFindList(sayCachePrivate, [id]);
   if (listPos >= 0)
       while (listPos >= 0)
           tempString = tempString + llList2String(sayCachePrivate, listPos + 1);
           sayCachePrivate = llDeleteSubList(sayCachePrivate, listPos, listPos + 1);
           listPos = llListFindList(sayCachePrivate, [id]);
       message = tempString + message;
   message = llBase64ToString(llXorBase64StringsCorrect(message, llStringToBase64(password)));
   return message;

} updateTranslatorList() {

   integer x;
   integer listLength;
   list    newList;
   string  tempString;
   integer newMaster;
   //Scan and remove translators not in the area
   for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(translators); x += 2)
       tempString = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(translators, x + 1), [OBJECT_POS]), 0);
       if ((llVecDist(llGetPos(), (vector)tempString) <= 20.0) && (tempString != ""))
           newList += llList2List(translators, x, x + 1);
   translators = newList;
   listLength = llGetListLength(translators);
   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 65635544, (string)listLength, "");
   if (listLength == 0)
       newMaster = 1;
       if (enabled)
           newMaster = 2;
           for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(translators); x += 2)
               //llOwnerSay("Checking Priority Number(" +  (string)priorityNumber + "): " + (string)llList2Integer(translators, x));
               if (llList2Integer(translators, x) > priorityNumber)
                   newMaster = 0;
           newMaster = 0;
   if ((isMaster > 0) && (newMaster == 0))
       //We are being demoted from master to slave
       //Flush agentsInTranslation to master
       if (llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation) > 0)
           //Demotion Dump of agentsInTranslation to Master
           sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1003, llList2CSV(agentsInTranslation)]));
           if (isInitialized == FALSE) return;
           sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1004, options])); //error
   if ((isMaster == 0) && (newMaster > 0))
       listenID = llListen(0, "", "", ""); 
   isMaster = newMaster;
   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 34829304, (string)isMaster, "");


sendHeartbeat() {

   sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1001, priorityNumber]));
   //Broadcast agentList to Slaves
   if (isMaster == 2)
       sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1002, llList2CSV(agentsInTranslation)]));


//Functions checkThrottle(integer num, string msg, list params) {

   integer x;
   integer maxCount;
   float   oldTime;
   float   sleepTime;
   list    newList;
   key     returnValue;
   integer channelToSpeak;
   //loop though list and remove items older than 25 seconds
   for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(requestList); x += 1)
       oldTime = llList2Float(requestList, x);
       //Construct new list with only times less than 25 seconds
       if ((llGetTime() - oldTime) <= 25.0) 
           newList += oldTime;
   requestList = newList;
   x = llGetListLength(requestList);
   //Shunt all translations to linked translators if master
   if (isMaster == 2)
       if (num == 0)
           //Send HTTP request to other translator
           //Send out Request to Random Translator Channel
           channelToSpeak = llList2Integer(llListRandomize(llList2ListStrided(translators, 0, -1, 2), 1), 0);
           if (channelToSpeak > 0) 
               sendTextBatch(channelToSpeak, llList2CSV([num, llList2CSV(params)]) + "~" + msg);
   if (x == 19)
       sleepTime =  25.0 - (llGetTime() - llList2Float(requestList, 0));
       if (sleepTime > 0) 
       requestList = llDeleteSubList(requestList, 0, 0);
   if (num == 0)
       msg = "translate?v=1.0&q=" + msg;
       msg = "detect?v=1.0&q=" + msg;
   requestList += llGetTime();
   returnValue = llHTTPRequest("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/" + msg, [HTTP_METHOD, "GET", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "plain/text;charset=utf-8"], " ");
   if (returnValue != NULL_KEY)
       if (num == 0)
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 235365342, llList2CSV(params), returnValue); 
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 235365343, llList2CSV(params), returnValue); 
       llSleep(40.0); //Something has gone horribly wrong, sleep 40 seconds to clear throttle


string checkLanguage(string tempString) {

   if      (llGetSubString(tempString, 0, 1) == "zh")    tempString = "zh-CN";
   else if (tempString == "und")   tempString = "el";
   else if (llListFindList(languageCodes, [tempString]) < 0) tempString = "";
   tempString = llGetSubString(tempString, 0, 1);
   return tempString;

} addAgent(key id, string language, integer recheckLangauge) {

   integer listPos;
   integer listPosID;
   integer idNum;
   string  tempString;
   listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [id]);
   if (listPos < 0)
       while (listPosID >= 0)
           idNum = llRound(llFrand(2000000)) + 1;
           listPosID = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [idNum]);
       agentsInTranslation += [id, language, recheckLangauge, idNum];
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 64562349, language, id);
       agentsInTranslation = llListReplaceList(agentsInTranslation, [language, recheckLangauge], listPos + 1, listPos + 2);


string addNewAgent(key id) {

   string speakerLanguage;
   if (llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_CREATOR]), 0) == NULL_KEY)
       speakerLanguage  = checkLanguage(llGetAgentLanguage(id));
       if (speakerLanguage == "")
           speakerLanguage = "en";
           addAgent(id, speakerLanguage, TRUE);
           addAgent(id, speakerLanguage, FALSE);
   return speakerLanguage;


key getAgentKey(integer agentID) {

   integer listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [agentID]);
   if (listPos < 0)
       return "";
       return llList2Key(agentsInTranslation, listPos - 3);

} processHTTPResponse(integer type, string body, list params) {

   integer listPos;
   list    recepientList;
   key     recepientID;
   string  recepientLanguage;
   string  languagePair;
   key     speakerID;
   string  speakerName;
   string  speakerLanguage;
   string  translatedText;
   string  tempString;
   integer x;
   integer speakerLanguageReliable;
   float   speakerLanguageConfidence;
   list    tempList;
   //Process Translation
   if (type == 0)
       speakerID  = llList2Key(params, 1);
       speakerName = llKey2Name(speakerID);
       if (speakerName == "")
           speakerName = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(speakerID, [OBJECT_NAME]), 0);
       recepientList = llParseString2List(llList2String(params, 2), ["@"], []);
       tempList = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(params, 3), ["|"],[]);
       recepientLanguage = llList2String(tempList, 1);
       languagePair = llDumpList2String(tempList, ">>"); 
       //Perform Text Cleanup
       x = llSubStringIndex(body, "\",\"detectedSourceLanguage\":\""); 
       if (x >= 0)
           translatedText  = llGetSubString(body,  llSubStringIndex(body, "{\"translatedText\":\"") + 18, x);
           speakerLanguage = checkLanguage(llGetSubString(body, x + 28, llSubStringIndex(body, "\"}, \"responseDetails\":") - 1));
           listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [speakerID]);
           if (listPos >= 0)
               if (speakerLanguage != llList2String(agentsInTranslation, listPos + 1))
                   agentsInTranslation = llListReplaceList(agentsInTranslation, [TRUE], listPos + 2, listPos + 2);  //Mark for recheck of actual spoken language.
           translatedText = llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, "{\"translatedText\":\"") + 18, llSubStringIndex(body, "\"}, \"responseDetails\""));
       //Reverse order if Recepient Language is Hebrew or Arabic
       if ((recepientLanguage == "iw") || (recepientLanguage == "ar"))
           tempString = "";
           for(x = llStringLength(translatedText);x >= 0; x--)
               tempString += llGetSubString(translatedText, x, x); 
           translatedText = tempString;
       tempString = speakerName + "(" + languagePair + "): " + translatedText;
       if (showTranslation)
           sendIM(speakerID, tempString);  
       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(recepientList); x += 1)
           recepientID = getAgentKey(llList2Integer(recepientList, x));
           if (recepientID != "")
               recepientLanguage = llList2String(agentsInTranslation, llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [recepientID]) + 1);
               if (recepientLanguage != speakerLanguage)
                   sendIM(recepientID, tempString);
   //Process Language Detection
   if (type == 1)
       speakerID = llList2Key(params, 1);
       speakerLanguageReliable = llToLower(llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, "\",\"isReliable\":") + 15, llSubStringIndex(body, ",\"confidence\":") - 1)) == "true";
       speakerLanguageConfidence = (float)llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, ",\"confidence\":") + 14, llSubStringIndex(body, "}, \"responseDetails\":") - 1);
       listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [speakerID]);
       if (((listPos < 0) && (speakerLanguageReliable) || (speakerLanguageConfidence >= 0.18)))
           //Analyze Data
           tempString = checkLanguage(llToLower(llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, "{\"language\":\"") + 13, llSubStringIndex(body, "\",\"isReliable\":") - 1)));
           if (tempString == "") return;
           if (speakerLanguageConfidence < 0.14)
               addAgent(speakerID, tempString, TRUE);
               addAgent(speakerID, tempString, FALSE);


default {

       //Multiplexor Initialization
       priorityNumber = version*1000000 + llRound(llFrand(499999) + 50000);
       llListen(broadcastChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
       priorityNumListenID = llListen(priorityNumber, "", NULL_KEY, "");
       //Send out initial heartbeat
       lastHeartBeat = llGetUnixTime();
       sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1001, priorityNumber]));
       //Wait for the network to settle down
       //llSetTimerEvent(10 + ((1-llGetRegionTimeDilation()) * 1));       
   sensor(integer num_detected)
       integer x;
       key     id;
       for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)
           id = llDetectedKey(x);
           if (llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [id]) < 0)
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       integer x;
       integer listPos;
       list    tempList;
       integer channelToSpeak;
       //Old Multiplexor
       if (num == 8434532)
           enabled = (integer)str;
       else if (num == 3342976)
           //Send Preferences
           options = str;
           if (isInitialized == FALSE) return;
           tempList = llCSV2List(options);
           showTranslation = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
           tranObjects = llList2Integer(tempList, 1);
           autoLanguage = llList2Integer(tempList, 2);
           sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1004, options]));
       else if (num == 9384610)
           if (isMaster == 0) //markering
               //llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 5598321, llList2CSV([id, str, FALSE]), "");
               sendTextBatch(broadcastChannel, llList2CSV([1003, id, str, FALSE]));
               addAgent(id, str, TRUE);
       else if (num == 345149625)
           //Return Translation
           processHTTPResponse(0, str, llCSV2List(id));
       else if (num == 345149626)
           //Return Detection
           processHTTPResponse(1, str, llCSV2List(id));
       integer x;
       string  tempString;
       list    newList;
       integer translatorCount = llGetListLength(translators)/2;
       if (isInitialized == FALSE)
           isInitialized = TRUE;
           enabled = TRUE;
           listenID = llListen(0, "", "", ""); 
           llListen(777, "", NULL_KEY, "");
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 6877259, (string)enabled, NULL_KEY);
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 94558323, llList2CSV(agentsInTranslation), "");
       if (isMaster > 0)
           for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation); x += 4)
               tempString = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(agentsInTranslation, x), [OBJECT_POS]), 0);
               if ((llVecDist(llGetPos(), (vector)tempString) <= 20.0) && (tempString != ""))
                   newList += llList2List(agentsInTranslation, x, x + 3);
           agentsInTranslation = newList;
           if ((llGetUnixTime() - lastHeartBeat) >= 5)
               //Send heartbeat
               lastHeartBeat = llGetUnixTime();
           if ((llGetUnixTime() - lastHeartBeat) >= `0 + llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation)*2 + llPow(translatorCount, 1.4) + translatorCount + ((1-llGetRegionTimeDilation()) * 5))
               //Send heartbeat
               lastHeartBeat = llGetUnixTime();
       //turn on and off scanner
       if ((autoLanguage) && (isMaster > 0))
           llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 20.0, PI);
       //llSetTimerEvent(4 + ((1-llGetRegionTimeDilation()) * 5));
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       integer x;
       string  speakerLanguage;
       string  recepientLanguage;
       integer recepientID;
       integer listPos;
       string  languagePair;
       list    translationCache;
       list    tempList;
       integer ImessageType;
       string  Imessage;
       string  tempString;
       string  tempString2;
       //Multiplexor Code
       if ((channel == broadcastChannel) || (channel == priorityNumber))
           //Process Proxy HTTP Request
           if (channel == priorityNumber)
               if (llStringLength(message) >= 508)
                   if (((integer)message/channel) != 4958654)
                       sayCachePrivate += [id, message];
                   message = "";
               message = receiveTextBatchPrivate(id, message);
               //Received packet to translate
               llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<0.25, 0.05, 0.25>, "");
               tempList = llParseString2List(message, ["~"], []);
               tempString = llList2String(tempList, 0);
               tempList = llDeleteSubList(tempList, 0, 0);
               tempString2 = llDumpList2String(tempList, "|");
               tempList = llCSV2List(tempString);
               listPos = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
               tempList = llDeleteSubList(tempList, 0, 0);
               checkThrottle(listPos, tempString2, tempList);
           //Process Global Messages
           if (llStringLength(message) >= 508)
               if (((integer)message/channel) != 4958654)
                   sayCache += [id, message];
               message = "";
           message = receiveTextBatch(id, message);
           tempList = llCSV2List(message);
           if (llGetListLength(tempList) >= 2)    
               ImessageType = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
               tempList = llDeleteSubList(tempList, 0, 0);
               Imessage = llList2CSV(tempList);        
               llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<0.25, 0, 0.25>, "");
               //Process Message Here
               if (ImessageType == 1001)
                   //Incoming Heartbeat
                   if ((integer)Imessage == priorityNumber)
                       llOwnerSay("Priority Number Conflict!  Resetting Script...");
                       llResetScript(); //Reset if conflicting priority number
                   listPos = llListFindList(translators, [id]);
                   if (listPos < 0) 
                       translators += [(integer)Imessage, id];
                       if ((isMaster > 0) && (isInitialized))
                           sendTextBatch((integer)Imessage, llList2CSV([1002, llList2CSV(agentsInTranslation)]));
                           sendTextBatch((integer)Imessage, llList2CSV([1004, options]));
                       translators = llListReplaceList(translators, [(integer)Imessage], listPos - 1, listPos - 1);
               else if (ImessageType == 1002)
                   //Incoming agentsInTranslation Master Broadcast
                   if (isMaster == 0)
                       //llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9458021, Imessage, "");  
                       tempList = llCSV2List(Imessage);
                       agentsInTranslation = [];
                       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(tempList); x += 4)
                           agentsInTranslation += [llList2Key(tempList, x), llList2String(tempList, x + 1), llList2Integer(tempList, x + 2), llList2Integer(tempList, x + 3)];
               else if (ImessageType == 1003)
                   //Incoming agentsInTranslation dump from Slave
                   tempList = llCSV2List(Imessage);
                   for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(tempList); x += 4)
                       addAgent(llList2Key(tempList, x), llList2String(tempList, x + 1), llList2Integer(tempList, x + 2));
               else if (ImessageType == 1004)
                   //Incoming Preferences
                   options = Imessage;
                   tempList = llCSV2List(options);
                   showTranslation = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
                   tranObjects = llList2Integer(tempList, 1);
                   autoLanguage = llList2Integer(tempList, 2);
                   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3342977, Imessage, "");  
       //Translator Engine Code
       if ((llToLower(message) == "translator") && (isMaster > 0)) 
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 2540664, message, id);
       if ((!enabled) && (isMaster == 1)) return;
       if (!tranObjects)
           if (llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_CREATOR]), 0) != NULL_KEY) return;
       listPos = llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [id]);
       if (listPos >= 0)
           speakerLanguage = llList2String(agentsInTranslation, listPos + 1);
           speakerLanguage = addNewAgent(id);
       if (speakerLanguage == "xx") return;  //Agent Opt-Out
       llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<1, 1, 0>, "");
       //Formulate Translation Requests
       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation); x += 4)
           //Loop through translation group and do appropriate translations as needed
           recepientID = llList2Integer(agentsInTranslation, x + 3);
           recepientLanguage =  checkLanguage(llList2Key(agentsInTranslation, x + 1)); 
           if ((speakerLanguage != recepientLanguage) && (recepientLanguage != "") && (recepientLanguage != "xx"))
               languagePair = speakerLanguage + "|" + recepientLanguage;
               listPos = llListFindList(translationCache, [languagePair]);
               if (listPos < 0)
                 translationCache += [languagePair, recepientID];
                 translationCache = llListReplaceList(translationCache, [llList2String(translationCache, listPos + 1) + "@" + (string)recepientID], listPos + 1, listPos + 1);
       //Process Requests
       if (llGetListLength(translationCache) > 0)
           for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(translationCache); x += 2)
               //Forumulate and Send Translation Request
               languagePair = "|" + llList2String(llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(translationCache, x), ["|"],[]), 1); 
               checkThrottle(0, llEscapeURL(message) + "&langpair=" + llEscapeURL(languagePair), [llGetTime(), id , llList2String(translationCache, x + 1), llList2String(translationCache, x)]);
           speakerLanguage = "";
       //Language Detection
       if (llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(id, [OBJECT_CREATOR]), 0) == NULL_KEY)
           if (((speakerLanguage == "") || (llList2Integer(agentsInTranslation, llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [id]) + 2) == TRUE)) || (isMaster == 2))
               //Forumulate and Send Language Detect Request
               checkThrottle(1, llEscapeURL(message), [llGetTime(), id]);
   http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
       string  tempString;
       if (status != 200) 
           //llOwnerSay("WWW Error:" + (string)status);
           llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<1, 0, 0>, "");
       //Process Resonse Code
       tempString = llGetSubString(body, llSubStringIndex(body, "\"responseStatus\":"), -1);
       status = (integer)llGetSubString(tempString, 17, llSubStringIndex(tempString, "}") - 1);
       if (status != 200)
           //llOwnerSay("Language Server Returned Error Code: " + (string)status);
           llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<1, 0, 0>, "");
       llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 6634934, (string)<0, 0, 1>, "");
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 345149624, body, request_id);

} </lsl>

HTTP Handler

<lsl> //HTTP Handler //Copyright 2006-2009 by Hank Ramos

list requestedTranslations; list requestedDetections;

default {

       integer x;
       list    newList;
       float timeElapsed; 
       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(requestedDetections); x += 2)
           timeElapsed = llGetTime() - llList2Float(llCSV2List(llList2String(requestedDetections, x + 1)), 0);
           if (timeElapsed < 60.0) 
               newList += llList2List(requestedDetections, x, x + 1);
       requestedDetections = newList;
       newList = [];
       for (x = 0; x < llGetListLength(requestedTranslations); x += 2)
           timeElapsed = llGetTime() - llList2Float(llCSV2List(llList2String(requestedTranslations, x + 1)), 0);
           if (timeElapsed < 60.0) 
               newList += llList2List(requestedTranslations, x, x + 1);
       requestedTranslations = newList;
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       integer listPos;
       if (num == 235365342)
           requestedTranslations += [id, str];
       else if (num == 235365343)
           requestedDetections += [id, str];
       else if (num == 345149624)
           listPos = llListFindList(requestedTranslations, [id]);
           if (listPos >= 0)
               llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 345149625, str, llList2String(requestedTranslations, listPos + 1));
               requestedTranslations = llDeleteSubList(requestedTranslations, listPos, listPos + 1);
           listPos = llListFindList(requestedDetections, [id]);
           if (listPos >= 0)
               llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 345149626, str, llList2String(requestedDetections, listPos + 1));
               requestedDetections = llDeleteSubList(requestedDetections, listPos, listPos + 1);

} </lsl>

Interface Handler

<lsl> //Menu System //Copyright 2006-2009 by Hank Ramos

//Variables integer randomDialogChannel; integer lastAttachPoint; list detectedAgentKeyList; list detectedAgentNameList; key agentInDialog; integer isInitialized = FALSE; list agentsInTranslation; integer translatorCount;

//Options integer groupAccess = FALSE; integer autoLanguage = TRUE; integer deviceAttached; integer enabled = FALSE; integer isShowTran = FALSE; integer showAgents = TRUE; string displayStringMD5; integer isMaster = 1; integer tranObjects = TRUE;

//Constants list languages= [ "Chinese-Simple", "Chinese-Trad", "Croatian", "Bulgarian", "Belarusian", "Catlan", "Afrikaans", "Albanian", "Arabic",

"Filipino", "French", "Galician", "Finnish", "English", "Estonian", "Czech", "Danish", "Dutch",

"Indonesian", "Irish", "Italian", "Hindi", "Hungarian", "Icelandic", "German", "Greek", "Hebrew",

"Maltese", "Norwegian", "Persian", "Lithuanian", "Macedonian", "Malay", "Japanese", "Korean", "Latvian",

"Slovenian", "Spanish", "Swahili", "Russian", "Serbian", "Slovak", "Polish", "Portuguese", "Romanian",

"Yiddish", "\t ", "\t ", "Ukrainian", "Vietnamese", "Welsh", "Swedish", "Thai", "Turkish"];

list languageCodes = [ "zh-CN", "zh-TW", "hr", "bg", "be", "ca", "af", "sq", "ar",

"tl", "fr", "gl", "fi", "en", "et", "cs", "da", "nl",

"id", "ga", "it", "hi", "hu", "is", "de", "el", "iw",

"mt", "no", "fa", "lt", "mk", "ms", "ja", "ko", "lv",

"sl", "es", "sw", "ru", "sr", "sk", "pl", "pt-PT", "ro",

"yi", "", "", "uk", "vi", "cy", "sv", "th", "tr"];

//Functions //Takes in the offsets, and the attach point vector fn_makePos(integer attach_point, vector offset) {

   if ((attach_point == 31) || (attach_point == 35)) { //center 2 & center        
       return <0,0,0>;
   } else if (attach_point == 32) { // Top right
       return <offset.x, offset.y, offset.z * -1>;
   } else if (attach_point == 33) { // Top
       return <offset.x, 0, offset.z * -1>;
   } else if (attach_point == 34) { // Top Left
       return <offset.x, offset.y * -1, offset.z * -1>;
   } else if (attach_point == 36) { // Bottom Left
       return <offset.x, offset.y * -1 , offset.z>;
   } else if (attach_point == 37) { // Bottom
       return <offset.x, 0, offset.z>;
   } else if (attach_point == 38) { // Bottom Right - Baseline
       return offset;
   } else { //Not a HUD point? Then return it's current pos
       return llGetLocalPos();


updateDisplay() {

   string  tempString;
   integer listLength;
   integer x;
   string  agentName;
   if (isInitialized == FALSE) return;
   tempString = "Universal Translator";
   if (isMaster != 1)
       tempString += " (Link-" + (string)(translatorCount + 1) + ")";
   tempString += "\n===============";
   if (enabled) 
       listLength = llGetListLength(agentsInTranslation);
       if (((showAgents) && (listLength <= 40)) && (listLength != 0))
           for (x = 0; x < listLength; x += 4)
               agentName = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(agentsInTranslation, x), [OBJECT_NAME]), 0);
               if (llStringLength(agentName) > 25)
                   agentName = llGetSubString(agentName, 0, 24);
               if (agentName != "")
                   tempString += "\n" + agentName + "(" + llList2String(agentsInTranslation, x + 1) + ")";
           tempString += "\n# Agents Translated: " + (string)llRound(listLength/3);
       tempString += "\n>> Disabled <<";
   if (llMD5String(tempString, 0) != displayStringMD5)
       displayStringMD5 = llMD5String(tempString, 0);
       llSetText(tempString, <1,1,1>, 1);


showMainMenu(key id) {

   if (isInitialized == FALSE) return;
   integer avatarParticipating;
   list buttonList = ["Language", "Help"];
   string dialogMsg = "Main Menu\nLANGUAGE: manually choose your source language. Target languages are detected automatically\nHELP: get help notecard";
   buttonList += "FREE Copy";
   dialogMsg += "\nFREE COPY: receive FREE copy of Universal Translator."; 
   if (llList2String(agentsInTranslation, llListFindList(agentsInTranslation, [(string)id]) + 1) != "xx")
       buttonList += "Opt-Out";
       dialogMsg += "\nOPT-OUT: disable receipt of translations";
       buttonList += "Opt-In";
       dialogMsg += "\nOPT-IN: join the translations";
   if (id == llGetOwner())
       buttonList += "Donate";
       dialogMsg += "\nDONATE: donate L$ to the developer of Universal Translator.";
   if ((id == llGetOwner()) || ((groupAccess) && (llSameGroup(id))))
       buttonList += "Reset";
       buttonList += "Options";
       buttonList += "Send Copy";
       dialogMsg += "\nSEND COPY: send FREE copy of Universal Translator."; 
       if (enabled)
           buttonList += "Disable";
           buttonList += "Enable";
       dialogMsg += "\nRESET: reset all scripts in translator";
   llDialog(id, dialogMsg, buttonList, randomDialogChannel);


showOptionsMenu(key id) {

   integer avatarParticipating;
   list buttonList = [];
   string dialogMsg = "Options Menu.";
   if (id == llGetOwner())
       if (groupAccess)
           buttonList += "Group OFF";
           buttonList += "Group ON";
       dialogMsg += "\nGROUP: allow group members to admin.";
   if ((id == llGetOwner()) || ((groupAccess) && (llSameGroup(id))))
       buttonList += "Main Menu";
       if (!deviceAttached)
           if (autoLanguage)
               buttonList += "Scan OFF";
               buttonList += "Scan ON";
       dialogMsg += "\nSCAN: scan for Avatars and automatically add to translation matrix.";
       if (isShowTran)
           buttonList += "Echo OFF";
           buttonList += "Echo ON";
       dialogMsg += "\nECHO: show translations of your chat sent to others."; 

       if (tranObjects)
           buttonList += "Objects OFF";
           buttonList += "Objects ON";
       dialogMsg += "\nOBJECTS: translate chat of scripted objects"; 
       if (showAgents)
           buttonList += "Agents OFF";
           buttonList += "Agents ON";
       dialogMsg += "\AGENTS: show list of agents translated."; 
   llDialog(id, dialogMsg, buttonList, randomDialogChannel);


showLanguageDialog1(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language...", ["\t", "\t", ">> NEXT"] + llList2List(languages, 0, 8),  randomDialogChannel);

} showLanguageDialog2(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK", "\t ", ">> NEXT "] + llList2List(languages, 9, 17),  randomDialogChannel);

} showLanguageDialog3(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK ", "\t  ", ">> NEXT  "] + llList2List(languages, 18, 26),  randomDialogChannel);

} showLanguageDialog4(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK  ", "\t   ", ">> NEXT   "] + llList2List(languages, 27, 35),  randomDialogChannel);

} showLanguageDialog5(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK   ", "\t    ", ">> NEXT    "] + llList2List(languages, 36, 44),  randomDialogChannel);

}showLanguageDialog6(key id) {

   llDialog(id, "Select your TARGET language..", ["<< BACK    ", "\t     ", "\t     "] + llList2List(languages, 45, 53),  randomDialogChannel);

} processListen(string name, key id, string message) {

   key listenKey;
   if (llListFindList(languages, [message]) > -1) //Language Selected in Dialog
       if (message != "") llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9384610, llList2String(languageCodes, llListFindList(languages, [message])), id);
   else if (llToLower(message) == "help") 
       llGiveInventory(id, "Universal Translator Help");
   else if (message == "Main Menu")
   else if (message == "Options")
   else if (message == "Language")
   else if (message == "Opt-In")
   else if (message == "Opt-Out")
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9384610, "xx", id);
   else if (message == "FREE Copy")
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9455209, llKey2Name(id), id);
   if (id == llGetOwner())
       if (message == "Group ON")
           groupAccess = TRUE;
       else if (message == "Group OFF")
           groupAccess = FALSE;
       else if (message == "Donate")
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 324235353254, "", llGetOwner());
   if ((id == llGetOwner()) || ((groupAccess) && (llSameGroup(id))))
       if (message == "Reset")
       else if (message == "Enable")
           enabled  = TRUE;
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 8434532, (string)enabled, id);
       else if (message == "Disable")
           enabled  = FALSE;
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 8434532, (string)enabled, id);
       else if (message == "Echo ON")
           isShowTran = TRUE;
           //llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 2734322, (string)isShowTran, id);
       else if (message == "Echo OFF")
           isShowTran = FALSE;
       else if (message == "Objects OFF")
           tranObjects = FALSE;
       else if (message == "Objects ON")
           tranObjects = TRUE;
       else if (message == "Agents OFF")
           showAgents = FALSE;
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 455832, (string)showAgents, id);
       else if (message == "Agents ON")
           showAgents = TRUE;
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 455832, (string)showAgents, id);
       else if (message == "Scan ON")
           autoLanguage  = TRUE;
       else if (message == "Scan OFF")
           autoLanguage = FALSE;
       else if ((message == "Send Copy") || (message == ">>RESCAN<<"))
           agentInDialog = id;
           llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 20.0, TWO_PI);
           if (llGetListLength(detectedAgentNameList) > 0)
               listenKey = llList2Key(detectedAgentKeyList, llListFindList(detectedAgentNameList, [message]));
               if (listenKey != "")
                   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9455209, message, listenKey);
               detectedAgentNameList = [];
   if (message == ">> NEXT")
   else if (message == ">> NEXT ")
   else if (message == ">> NEXT  ")
   else if (message == ">> NEXT   ")
   else if (message == ">> NEXT    ")
   else if (message == "<< BACK")
   else if (message == "<< BACK ")
   else if (message == "<< BACK  ")
   else if (message == "<< BACK   ")
   else if (message == "<< BACK    ")
   if (message == "\t")
   else if (message == "\t ")
   else if (message == "\t  ")
   else if (message == "\t   ")
   else if (message == "\t    ")
   else if (message == "\t     ")
   llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3342976, llList2CSV([isShowTran, tranObjects, autoLanguage]), id);

} checkAttach() {

   if (llGetAttached() > 0)
       llSetScale(<0.125, 0.125, 0.087>);
       if(lastAttachPoint != llGetAttached())
           llSetPos(fn_makePos(llGetAttached(), <0.00000, 0.13500, 0.15433>));
           lastAttachPoint = llGetAttached();                
       llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS);
       llMessageLinked(llGetLinkNumber(), 3792114, (string)TRUE, NULL_KEY);
       llSetScale(<0.5, 0.5, 0.750>);
       llMessageLinked(llGetLinkNumber(), 3792114, (string)FALSE, NULL_KEY);


default {

   run_time_permissions(integer perms)
       //integer hasPerms = llGetPermissions();
       llTakeControls( CONTROL_UP , TRUE, TRUE);
       //llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS );
       string speakerLanguage;
       //llOwnerSay("Welcome to the Universal Translator, the best FREE translator in SL! Please consider making a L$ donation to help with maintenance and further updates. Select DONATE in the translator menu to make a donation.");
       //llSetText("Initializing...", <1,1,1>, 1);
       llSetText("Searching for\nnearby translators...", <1,1,1>, 1);
       randomDialogChannel = -(integer)llFrand(2147483647);
       llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 20957454, "", NULL_KEY);
       llResetOtherScript("Universal Translator Engine");
       llResetOtherScript("HTTP Handler");
       llResetOtherScript("No-Script IM Handler");
       //Other Setup
       llListen(randomDialogChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
       llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3342976, llList2CSV([isShowTran, tranObjects, autoLanguage]), "");        
       //llOwnerSay("Mem Free=" + (string)llGetFreeMemory());
   on_rez(integer startup_param)
   sensor(integer num_detected)
       integer x;
       string  tempString;
       if (num_detected > 11)
           num_detected = 11;
       detectedAgentKeyList = [];
       detectedAgentNameList = [];
       for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x += 1)
            detectedAgentKeyList += llDetectedKey(x);
            tempString = llDetectedName(x);
            if (llStringLength(tempString) > 24) tempString = llGetSubString(tempString, 0, 23);
            detectedAgentNameList += tempString;
       if (llGetListLength(detectedAgentNameList) > 0)
           llDialog(agentInDialog, "Select someone nearby to receive FREE a copy of the Universal Translator...", [">>RESCAN<<"] + detectedAgentNameList, randomDialogChannel);
   link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       integer listPos;
       list    tempList;
       string  tempString;
       if (num == 2540664)
       else if (num == 3792114)
           deviceAttached = (integer)str;
           if (deviceAttached) autoLanguage = TRUE;
       else if (num == 65635544)
           translatorCount = ((integer)str)/2;
       else if (num == 6877259)
           if (isInitialized == FALSE)
               isInitialized = TRUE;
               //Owner Language Detection
               tempString  = llGetAgentLanguage(llGetOwner());
               if (llGetSubString(tempString, 0, 1) == "en") tempString = "en";
               if (tempString == "") 
                   tempString = "en";
               llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 9384610, tempString, llGetOwner());
         enabled = (integer)str; //marker
       else if (num == 34829304)
           isMaster = (integer)str;
       else if (num == 455832)
           showAgents = (integer)str;
       else if (num == 94558323)
           agentsInTranslation = llCSV2List(str);
       else if (num == 3342977)
           //Options are Show Tran and tranObjects at this time
           tempList = llCSV2List(str);
           isShowTran = llList2Integer(tempList, 0);
           tranObjects = llList2Integer(tempList, 1);
           autoLanguage = llList2Integer(tempList, 2);
       else if (num == 32364364)
           //Send Options
           llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 8434532, (string)enabled, NULL_KEY);            
   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       integer x;
       key avatarKey;
       for (x = 0; x < num_detected; x++)
           avatarKey = llDetectedKey(x);
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       processListen(name, id, message);
   attach(key id)
       if (id) //tests if it is a valid key and not NULL_KEY
           llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS );
   control(key id,integer held, integer change) {

} </lsl>