User:Kireji Haiku/SIMchat headset

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SIMchat headset

General information:

This script is being provided "as is". It's been thoroughly tested in May 2010.

If you want to use it, you should drop it into a childprim of a linkset. This setup will give you the possibilty to forward your chat on a certain channel within the whole region your are in and encrypt it. Just make sure anybody you want to talk to has the same variables as you do.

This is what it could look like. There's no particle system in the script, I just added it to see better in the picture.
Yellow marker shows the main prim, red marker shows the invisible childprim containing the script.

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<lsl> key ownerKey; string ownerName;

integer KEY1 = 11111111; integer KEY2 = 22222222; integer KEY3 = 33333333; integer KEY4 = 44444444;

integer COMM_CHANNEL = 9;

integer CYCLES = 6;

list cypherkey = []; integer delta = 0x9E3779B9;

integer ord(string chr) {

   string ASCII = "             \n                    !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
   if(llStringLength(chr) != 1)
       return -1;
   if(chr == " ")
       return 32;
   return llSubStringIndex(ASCII, chr);


string chr(integer i) {

   string ASCII = "             \n                    !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
   i %= 127;
   return llGetSubString(ASCII, i, i);


string DWord2Hex(integer m) {

   string result;
   integer i = 0;
   integer index = 0;
   string characters = "0123456789ABCDEF";   
   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
       index  = (m >> (i * 4)) & 0xF;
       result = llInsertString(result, 0, llGetSubString(characters,index,index));
   return result;


integer Hex2DWord(string m) {

   integer result = 0;
   integer i = 0;
   string digit;
   integer value;
   integer index;
   string characters = "0123456789ABCDEF";
   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        index = 8 - (i + 1);
       digit = llGetSubString(m,index,index);
       value = llSubStringIndex(characters, digit);
       result = result | value << (i * 4);
   return result;


string Encrypt(string cleartext) {

       integer dword1 = 0;
       integer dword2 = 0;
       integer cyphertext_numeric;
       list cypherblock;
       string cyphertext = "";
       while(llStringLength(cleartext) & 0x7)
           cleartext += " ";
       integer stringlength = llStringLength(cleartext); 
       integer i=0;
       integer character;
       while (i < stringlength)
           dword1 =  ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i));
           dword1 =  dword1 | (ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 8);
           dword1 =  dword1 | (ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 16);
           dword1 =  dword1 | (ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 24);
           dword2 =  ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i));
           dword2 =  dword2 | ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 8;
           dword2 =  dword2 | ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 16;
           dword2 =  dword2 | ord(llGetSubString(cleartext,i,i)) << 24;
           cypherblock = TEAEncrypt(dword1,dword2,cypherkey);
           cyphertext = cyphertext + DWord2Hex(llList2Integer(cypherblock,0)) + DWord2Hex(llList2Integer(cypherblock,1));
           dword1 = 0;
           dword2 = 0;
           cypherblock = [];
       return cyphertext;        


string Decrypt(string cyphertext) {

       string hexvalue1 = "";
       string hexvalue2 = "";
       integer dword1 = 0;
       integer dword2 = 0;
       list clearblock = [];
       string cleartext = "";
       integer i;
       while (i < llStringLength(cyphertext))
           hexvalue1 += llGetSubString(cyphertext,i,i + 7);
           i = i + 8;
           hexvalue2 += llGetSubString(cyphertext,i,i + 7);
           i = i + 8;
           dword1 = Hex2DWord(hexvalue1);
           dword2 = Hex2DWord(hexvalue2); 
           clearblock = TEADecrypt(dword1, dword2, cypherkey);
           cleartext += chr( llList2Integer(clearblock,0) & 0x000000FF);
           cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,0) & 0x0000FF00)  >> 8);
           cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,0) & 0x00FF0000)  >> 16);
           cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,0) & 0xFF000000)  >> 24);
           cleartext += chr( llList2Integer(clearblock,1) & 0x000000FF);
           cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,1) & 0x0000FF00)  >> 8);
           cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,1) & 0x00FF0000)  >> 16);
           cleartext += chr( (llList2Integer(clearblock,1) & 0xFF000000)  >> 24);
           hexvalue1 = "";
           hexvalue2 = "";
           dword1 = 0;
           dword2 = 0;
           clearblock = [];
       return cleartext;        


list TEAEncrypt(integer dword1, integer dword2,list cypherkey) {

           list cryptlist = [];
           integer n = CYCLES;
           integer sum = 0;
           while (n-- > 0)
               dword1 = dword1 + ( ( dword2 << 4 ^ ((dword2 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF) ) + dword2 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey, (sum & 3) ) );
               sum += delta;
               dword2 = dword2 + ( ( dword1 << 4 ^ ((dword1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF) ) + dword1 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey, ((sum >> 11) & 3) ) );
           cryptlist = [dword1,dword2];
           return cryptlist;


list TEADecrypt(integer dword1, integer dword2,list cypherkey) {

           list cryptlist = [];
           integer n = CYCLES;
           integer sum = delta * CYCLES;
           while (n-- > 0)
               dword2 = dword2 - ( ( dword1 << 4 ^ ((dword1 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF) ) + dword1 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey, ((sum >> 11) & 3) ) );
               sum -= delta;
               dword1 = dword1 - ( ( dword2 << 4 ^ ((dword2 >> 5) & 0x07FFFFFF) ) + dword2 ^ sum + llList2Integer(cypherkey, (sum & 3) ) );        
           cryptlist = [dword1,dword2];
           return cryptlist;


default {

   on_rez(integer start_param)
       if (llGetOwner() != ownerKey)
   changed(integer change)
       if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
       ownerKey = llGetOwner();
       ownerName = llKey2Name(ownerKey);
       cypherkey = [KEY1,KEY2,KEY3,KEY4];
       llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [
           PRIM_NAME, ownerName,
           PRIM_DESC, "Last reset: " + llGetTimestamp()]);
       llRequestPermissions(ownerKey, PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS);
       llListen(COMM_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, "");
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       if (channel != COMM_CHANNEL)
       if (id == ownerKey)
           llRegionSay(COMM_CHANNEL, Encrypt(message));
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_NAME, ""]);
           llOwnerSay("/me [" + ownerName + "]: '" + message + "'");
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_NAME, ownerName]);
       else if (llGetAgentSize(id) == ZERO_VECTOR)
           message = Decrypt(message);
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_NAME, ""]);
           llOwnerSay("/me [" + name + "]: '" + message + "'");
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_NAME, ownerName]);
   run_time_permissions(integer perm)
           llTakeControls(CONTROL_DOWN, TRUE, TRUE);
   control(key id, integer level, integer edge)

} </lsl> Go to top!