User:LepreKhaun Resident/Delete Json Element

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< User:LepreKhaun Resident
Revision as of 03:09, 7 September 2013 by LepreKhaun Resident (talk | contribs) (Fixed case for a single item pathtoElement)
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// Function: string deleteJsonElement( string jsonSource, list pathtoElement );
// Version 1.5 9/7/2013 Fixed case for a single item pathtoElement
// Version 1.0 by LepreKhaun, 6/21/2013. Free to copy, modify and use as one wishes with this comment included.
// This function takes a JSON text string and returns a copy of it with a specified element removed from it.
// jsonSource is the JSON text to remove an element from.
// pathToElement is a List containing the transversal path to the element
// (as defined as "specifiers" in )
// AND ending with the element to remove.
// The element may be an array Value or the "Key" within an object
// If the parent of the element is a JSON_ARRAY, the element to be removed must be an integer INDEX 
// If the parent of the element is a JSON_OBJECT, the element to be removed must be a string "KEY"
// NOTE: This code is not optimized nor does it contain any error checking!!! 
// Add whatever you feel is needed to ensure correct operation of your script.

string deleteJsonElement( string jsonSource, list pathtoElement ) 
	integer placeinlist;
	// Obtain the JSON object of the parent of the element
	string jsonParent = llJsonGetValue( jsonSource, llDeleteSubList( pathtoElement, -1, -1 ) );
	// Convert it to a list
	list listParent = llJson2List( jsonParent );
	// Do test
	if (llJsonValueType( jsonParent, [] ) == JSON_ARRAY)
		placeinlist = llList2Integer( pathtoElement, -1 );
		listParent = llDeleteSubList( listParent, placeinlist, placeinlist );
		// convert to a JSON object
		jsonParent = llList2Json( JSON_ARRAY, listParent );
	else	// We are dealing with a JSON_OBJECT
		placeinlist =  llListFindList( listParent, llList2List( pathtoElement, -1, -1 ) );
		listParent = llDeleteSubList( listParent, placeinlist, placeinlist + 1 );
		// convert to a JSON object
		jsonParent = llList2Json( JSON_OBJECT, listParent );

	// Insert our results and return
	return llJsonSetValue( jsonSource, llList2List( pathtoElement, 0, -2 ), jsonParent ); 

== More Json Tips, Tricks and Coding Examples ==