User:Lum Pfohl/LSL Goodies/LoopRez v0.6 Lum Mods

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LoopRez v0.6 Lum Mods

This is a posting of Ged Larsen's LoopRez v0.6 script. I have modified it slightly so that it automatically rezzes a root prim of the correct orientation.

// LoopRez v0.6, by Ged Larsen, 20 December 2006
// Strife Onizuka was here in 2008 
// - rez a number of objects in an ellipse, whose size is determined by xRadius and yRadius
// - all facing "outwards", along a tangent to the ellipse
// - can set how much the objects flare outwards
// - properly handles object rotation corrections (for example, X-axis 180 degree rotation helps for flexi-prim skirts)
// - can also get a 'saddle' bend, to generate a bend that might help for necklaces (from Ariane Brodie)
// To use:
//    1) create a prim that will contain this script and the object to use
//    2) put the script into the prim
//     3) create an object that will be used, and name it "Object"
//    4) put "Object" into the prim containing the script, by dragging it from your inventory
//    5) get out of Edit Mode, and touch the prim
// Random note:
// - this version does NOT insure equal spacing of objects along the perimeter of the ellipse
// - i.e., objects "bunch up" at the long ends of an ellipse; the effect should be acceptable for non-extreme ellipses
// - even spacing of objects can be accomplished, but requires simulation of integral calculus, which slows down the script
// References:
// - tangent formulas from:

// CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS, change these to your liking

string objectName = "My Skirt Prim";          // object to use; will need to be in the inventory of the prim containing this script
string rootPrimName = "Root Prim (Rename Me)";      // root prim that will appear at center of dress
integer numObjects = 16 ;                // how many objects
float xRadius = .72;                    // ellipse x-axis radius in meters
float yRadius = .72;                        // ellipse y-axis radius in meters
float flareAngle = 70.0;                // how many DEGREES the bottom of object will flare outwards, the "poof" factor
float bendCoefficient = 0.0;            // makes a "saddle shape", bends DOWN this number of meters at extremes of X-axis
vector rotOffset = <0.0, 180.0, 0.0>;     // rotation offset in DEGREES -- fixes the rotation of ALL objects; for flexi prims, often you will want <180.0, 0.0, 0.0>
vector posOffset = <0.0, 0.0, 1.0>;        // position offset

// No need to mess with anything below here

    integer n = 0;                      // which object is being placed
    float cos;                          // cosine of the angle
    float sin;                          // sine of the angle
    vector pos;                         // position
    rotation rot;                       // rotation in quaternion format

    vector rezzerPos = llGetPos();
    vector rootPrimPos = rezzerPos + posOffset + <0.0, 0.0, 0.5>;
    float s = TWO_PI / numObjects;

    for(; n < numObjects; ++n) {
        cos = llCos(s * n);
        sin = llSin(s * n);

        //x = ellipse: 2x xRadius meters wide
        //y = ellipse: 2x yRadius meters wide
        //z = saddle shape, bending downwards on X-axis
        pos = <xRadius * cos, yRadius * sin, -bendCoefficient * cos * cos> + 
              rezzerPos + 

        // user-chosen rotation offset correction
        // flare generation (poof)
        // the following make the objects face outwards properly for an ellipse; using theta alone is only correct for a circle
        rot = llEuler2Rot(rotOffset * DEG_TO_RAD) * 
              llEuler2Rot(<0, -flareAngle * DEG_TO_RAD, 0>) * 
              llRotBetween(<1.0,0.0,0.0>, <yRadius * cos, xRadius * sin, 0.0>);

        llRezObject(objectName, pos, ZERO_VECTOR, rot, n);
    // My dresses always use a root prim at the center of the circle/ellipse.
    // Rather than copying the rezzer, deleting objects and scripts inside and renaming it, I
    // am going to rez a root prim specifically designed for this purpose, at or around the corect
    // height, centered in the skirt.  
    llRezObject(rootPrimName, rootPrimPos, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, 0);

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        if (llDetectedOwner(0) == llGetOwner())

Lum Pfohl 20:23, 13 December 2007 (PST)

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