Linden Department of Public Works

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What is it?

The Linden Department of Public Works (LDPW) is a program focused on improvements related to the experience of living on, or visiting the Linden Mainland. The LDPW will organize teams of Resident builders, artists, and scripters (the Moles!) to create new content on Linden Lab's behalf and to the benefit of all. Rather than divert company resources from areas of development that contribute to important issues like stability and usability, Linden Lab is choosing to go to the experts...

It should be no surprise that when it comes to creating compelling SL content, it's the Resident population itself that serves as the best talent pool. In the beginning, in order to hit the ground running, the LDPW approached a number of content creators whose credentials were well-established, but from the start, its intentions were to make application to the program open to all residents.

Lindens in the LDPW

Patch Linden is the Vice President of Product Operations.

Derrick, Guy, Izzy, Kady, Kit, Madori, Oatmeal, Sequoia, Wendi and Whitney Linden work with the LDPW on a daily basis.

Past and Present Moles of the LDPW

  • Michael Linden
  • Abnor Mole
  • Adora Mole
  • Alotta Mole
  • Ancient Mole
  • Ani Mole
  • Anna Mole
  • Artsy Mole
  • Auspicious Mole
  • Avogadro Mole
  • Bashful Mole
  • Bat Mole
  • Bianca Mole
  • Binky Mole
  • Bloomin Mole
  • Bonnie Mole
  • Brigantia Mole
  • Buhbuhcuh Mole
  • Button Mole
  • Buzzy Mole
  • Cherie Mole
  • Chipper Mole
  • Chronos Mole
  • Cloud Mole
  • Cornelius Mole
  • Cosmic Mole
  • Crafty Mole
  • Crazy Mole
  • Dark Mole
  • Deep Mole
  • Delicious Mole
  • Dion Mole
  • Donald Mole
  • Dreaming Mole
  • Dyna Mole
  • Earthy Mole
  • Exotic Mole
  • Fire Mole
  • Fluffy Mole
  • Fox Mole
  • Freerange Mole
  • Frost Mole
  • Garden Mole
  • Ginger Mole
  • Glamorous Mole
  • Gloomy Mole
  • Glowing Mole
  • Grumpy Mole
  • Guaca Mole
  • Hazel Mole
  • Hexadeci Mole
  • Hobbes Mole
  • Holy Mole
  • Hyper Mole †
  • Igneous Mole
  • Inconspicuous Mole
  • Itsa Mole
  • Jester Mole
  • Justa Mole
  • La Mole
  • Lost Mole
  • Lulabell Mole
  • Lunar Mole
  • Macho Mole
  • Magic Mole
  • Maladaptive Mole
  • Maximus Mole
  • Meraki Mole
  • Mighty Mole
  • Milk Mole
  • Milli Mole
  • Mini Mole
  • Mischievious Mole
  • Mister Mole
  • Misty Mole
  • Moonstruck Mole
  • Mossy Mole
  • Mouldy Mole
  • Muffin Mole
  • Multi Mole
  • Myopic Mole
  • Mysterious Mole
  • Mystic Mole
  • Mythic Mole
  • Naughty Mole
  • Norsk Mole
  • Notta Mole
  • Opti Mole
  • Paranor Mole
  • Passionate Mole
  • Pepper Mole
  • Pico Mole
  • Poki Mole
  • Princess Mole
  • Protean Mole
  • Quartz Mole
  • Railway Mole
  • River Mole
  • Rockan Mole
  • Sagan Mole
  • Secret Mole
  • Sergal Mole
  • Shimmy Mole
  • Silent Mole
  • Sleepy Mole
  • Smokey Mole
  • Sneaky Mole
  • Space Mole
  • Sparkling Mole
  • Spiffy Mole
  • Spirit Mole
  • Squeaky Mole
  • Squishy Mole
  • Star Mole
  • Stoic Mole
  • Sunny Mole
  • Sylvan Mole
  • Tobias Mole
  • Undercover Mole
  • Vanity Mole
  • Venus Mole
  • Viola Mole
  • Whacka Mole
  • Xeno Mole
  • Yonder Mole


Here are some common questions from the various blog postings and LDPW office hours, as answered by LDPW Lindens.

Is this a volunteer position?
No, the moles are contractors, paid an hourly rate.
Do I have to be good at design, building, texturing, sculpting, 3D modelling AND scripting to apply?
Fully rounded content creators are certainly encouraged to apply, but we will be asking you to indicate your core skill, assuming that most people are not Leonardo DaVinci and specialize in certain areas.
How do I apply?
Send a resume to Izzy Linden at - please include a CV/Resume, your areas of expertise and any links, screenshots or other information you would like to have considered so we can see recent examples of your work.
What if I can't do any of those things, but still want to help somehow?
Contribute your ideas by emailing Izzy Linden. Suggest Region names and builds, or future LDPW projects, or even other ways for individuals to participate.
Do the contractors keep the rights to their content?
In order to maintain the rights to reproduce the content and to make some of it available via the Library, Linden Lab is purchasing full rights to content created by the Mole builders.
Aren't you supposed to be fixing lag and stuff?
The LDPW project has no impact whatsoever on engineering or development efforts to improve Second Life. You REALLY don't want the the LDPW folks mucking about in the server code. Trust me.
So this LDPW thing is all about making new city Regions?
Not usually, no, although a new city area (Bay City) was the first LDPW project.
So there will be road building then?
Yes, LDPW creates, maintains and upgrades roads and bridges on Mainland regions, along with a number of other infrastructure projects ranging from planting trees, new Welcome Islands, game experiences, Linden Homes and much more. We'll be taking all suggestions into account, so please stay tuned and join the continued discussion.
What's all this about moles?
The contractors use accounts with the last name Mole, which references a bit of graffiti that appeared in the original city Regions long ago ... "Beware the Mole People!"

LDPW Projects

LDPW Projects