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The ReadOfflineMsgs Capability performs a function similar to the RetrieveInstantMessages LLMessage. It retrieves offline Instant Messages and returns them to the caller. Those IMs are returned directly in the response body rather than in individual messages. As a side-effect of the retrieval, certain offers, such as friendship, may become active and available to the caller.

Client Request GET ->

; 200 Response <-
      asset_id:  UUID,
      binary_bucket:  Binary,
      dialog:  Integer,
      estate_id:  Integer,
      from_agent_id:  UUID,
      from_agent_name:  String,
      from_group:  Boolean,
      message:  String,
      message_time:  String,
      offline:  Integer,
      parent_estate_id:  Integer,
      position:  [ Real, Real, Real ],
      region_id:  UUID,
      timestamp:  Integer,
      to_agent_id:  UUID,
      transaction-id:  UUID

An early form of the service had a response structure of:

  messages: [

but that should not be encountered anymore.

Side Effects. The GET operation currently deletes all of an agent's stored IMs and subsequent calls will return empty arrays until new IMs are stored.


~2018 Introduced