User:CelestialStarsong Dreamscape

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Celestial is a sweet, sassy, fun loving chick who came to Second Life to be with her love, SirMarkus Kidd. She found the world of Tinies & has completely immersed herself in it. Most of the time she can be found wearing her tiny racoon av, although sometimes she'll wear her regular raccoon av to match SirMarkus. She can usually be found hanging out at SirMarkus' house, on her tiny island, or shopping at Hug*Mart. Her favorite things to do on Second Life are to collect pets and drive vehicles.

The name Celestial Starsong comes from her actual obsession with World of Warcraft, where she plays several characters. Her favorte race is the Night Elves so she chose Celestial Starsong for it's Druidish sound.