User:Tavis Nico

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Pardon the stub: I hope to get a better profile in soon.

Rez Day: 7/7/2005

My time in SL has been punctuated mostly by the ways the virtual world reflects the real one, people who have been hurt in the physical world finding support from kind souls online, groups coordinating attacks on everything from individuals to the very core of the grid itself, friends who have been with me in good times and in bad, and new frontiers to explore: the frontiers made by people I have yet to meet. Some of those frontiers run deep, and those cannot be found by simply flying across the islands that appear to welcome new guests. They are being made in the very heart of SL itself, the core structures that make virtual worlds possible. I have wanted to learn more about computers inside and out, and I see the potential for revolutionary things coming from this as a virtual world becomes a virtual multiverse, one whose scope will be far larger than you, me, Linden Labs, or even entire countries. What is this world going to be like? That is for the architects, the engineers, the artists, and the rest of the population to find out.