User:Yoshiko Lotus

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Hi I'm Yoshiko Lotus in Second Life, who is very very different from me in real life! I see lots of people trying to recreate their real life in Second Life, well I am just the opposite. Second Life gives me the chance to explore a second life (and third, and forth......)

In real life I am from England and live on the south coast. I'm a really serious 50 year old guy (though young at heart). I'm a manager at a blue chip IT company and also teach as a guest lecturer at my local university. I also teach beginners Japanese one evening a week.

I am a Myers Briggs ISTJ 100% so am well organized but quite reserved.

Yoshiko gives me the possibility to be very much more friendly with other people! Yoshiko's inventory is well over 20 000 items, she has some very cool gear.

Yoshiko teaches in Second Life at the Mogor school house, a nice Japanese hut...

I mentor real life students via Second Life.

Coaching, guiding, teaching, mentoring is in my blood so I'm only too pleased to use this official route as well.

I have created help folders for newbies. One for males and one for females. Each folder has the maximum 42 items, including skins, shape, hair, clothes, etc. to give folks a start... I hand these out to folk I meet and chat with who I feel deserving. Not everyone gets them!!!

That's enough for now.

IM me at anytime for a chat (I'm logged on 24/7 and might be camping while at work, so don't feel snubbed if I don't reply instantly)

Thanks for reading so far, have a great Second Life...