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If you read this, please IM Kitto Flora that you have, he wants to know if this gets any use.
If you read this, please IM Kitto Flora that you have, he wants to know if this gets any use.

August 29 2010
Novemner 11 2010

'''New Location'''
'''New Location'''

Kitto Flora Transportation is now located at 'kidzz nation' region.
Kitto Flora Transportation is now located at 'Kidzz Park ' region.

June 30 2010
October 2010

'''Second Life Server / Havok 7'''
'''Second Life Server using Havok 7'''
This new simulator version has now been installed in some regions of the main grid. It contains bugs that affect some train operations.
SVC-5880 Vehicles "Jumping" when crossing prims.
This is a worse version of a bug that first appeared when Havok 2 was used in SL. Rather than being fixed it now affects the new 'Welsh' 1st and 3rd class passenger coaches when they cross straight girder track sections. The wheels will stick at the end of a section causing the coach tip up. There is no present fix for this. If LL persists in installing the bugged version I will look into a rebuild of the track or coach to attempt to work around the bug.
SVC-5889 Small vehicle (steam engine) has 3 degree y-axis rotation while moving.
This makes the small engine ride 'nose-up'. Cause unknown, but it appeared only with version 1.40/Havok 7.
Some new bugs involving 'touch' events on various prims where fixed, but the old bug listed back in February is still present. It affects the chimney, lamp and whistle. You can sound the whistle while driving the train by typing '/1 toot' or '/2 toot' if on channel 2, etc. Touching the chimney to reach this page or the lamp to change its setting works when the engine is stopped.

This new simulator version has now been installed in most regions of the main grid. It appears that the bugs that affected some train operations has been fixed. I have received no communication from SL that they have been fixed, but none of the initial H7 bugs have appeared recently.

April 20 2010
April 20 2010

Revision as of 16:41, 11 November 2010

Kitto Flora Transportation News

If you read this, please IM Kitto Flora that you have, he wants to know if this gets any use.

Novemner 11 2010

New Location

Kitto Flora Transportation is now located at 'Kidzz Park ' region. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kidzz%20Park/36/169/23

October 2010

Second Life Server using Havok 7

This new simulator version has now been installed in most regions of the main grid. It appears that the bugs that affected some train operations has been fixed. I have received no communication from SL that they have been fixed, but none of the initial H7 bugs have appeared recently.

April 20 2010

Welsh Steam Train

The first of the new Welsh Steam Trains is now on sale at Kitto Flora Transportation. One engine and copyable coal tender, slate wagon, tracks, instructions included.

February 18 2010

There appears to be a bug in SL preventing operation of the whistle (touch_start event) while the engine is moving.

Update your old Steam Train

The Steam and Diesel trains have been updated to V14.3: all-MONO scripts, and a minor bug fixed. Get your free update at the Update Center: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Jaxx%20Island/230/200/996

March 23rd 2008

Wengen Railcar Line

Ride the new Wengen to Smithers Bluff Railcar line while you can. I built the Wengen to Okemo Gorge section, sponsored by Sejong Linden who has a great vision for SL. It connects to the ONSR railcar line that runs from Okemo Gorge down to Smithers Bluff. This is likely the only long-line rail service operational in SL at present.

The future of the Wengen to Okemo Gorge section is in doubt now, due to Linden Lab politics. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Wengen/69/209/92

Future link:Steam Trains