Difference between revisions of "User:Kireji Haiku/SIMchat headset"

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m (updated picture description)
m (saving some script memory, causing less lag and made minor speed-improvements)
Line 43: Line 43:
integer Debug = TRUE;
integer Debug = TRUE;
integer listener;
integer listener;
integer gListenID = -1;
string  prim_name;
string  prim_desc;
string error(string message)
string error(string message)
Line 136: Line 133:
        gListenID = llListen(communicationsChannel, "", "", "");
         llOwnerSay("Initialisation complete!");
         llOwnerSay("\n \n \n \nInitialisation complete!\nSIMchat online!\nType /" + (string)communicationsChannel + " and then your message to talk to people that have their channel set to the same.");
        llOwnerSay("SIMchat online!");
        llOwnerSay("Type /" + (string)communicationsChannel + " and then your message to talk to people that have their channel set to the same.");
        PRIM_NAME,"SIMchat(" + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + ")",
         prim_name = "SIMchat(" + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + ")";
        PRIM_DESC,"Last reset was: " + llGetTimestamp()]);
        prim_desc = "Last reset was: " + llGetTimestamp();

Revision as of 03:52, 3 January 2011

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SIMchat headset

General information:

This script is being provided "as is". It's been thoroughly tested in May 2010.

If you want to use it, you should drop it into a childprim of a linkset. This setup will give you the possibilty to forward your chat on a certain channel within the whole region your are in and encrypt it. Just make sure anybody you want to talk to has the same variables as you do.

This is what it could look like. There's no particle system in the script, I just added it to see better in the picture.
Yellow marker shows the main prim, red marker shows the invisible childprim containing the script.

Go to top!


<lsl> string ProtocolSignature = "ENC";//your signature float ProtocolVersion = 0.3; // can range from 0.0 to 255.255 string Password = "P@ssw0rd";//your password integer communicationsChannel = 9;//the channel you use for communication string strHex = "0123456789ABCDEF";//hex-password

//############################################################################## //do not change anything below if you are not 100% sure about what you are doing //##############################################################################

string Header; integer Debug = TRUE; integer listener;

string error(string message) {

   if(Debug) llSay(DEBUG_CHANNEL, message);
   return "";


string decrypt(string password, string message) {

   integer signatureLength = llStringLength(ProtocolSignature);
   integer headerLength = signatureLength + 12;
   if(llStringLength(message) < signatureLength + 44)
       return error("Too small for secret message.");
   if(llSubStringIndex(message, ProtocolSignature) != 0)
       return error("Unknown protocol.");
   integer index = signatureLength;
   string major = "0x" + llGetSubString(message, index, ++index);
   string minor = "0x" + llGetSubString(message, ++index, ++index);
   float version = (float)((string)((integer)major) + "." + (string)((integer)minor));
   if(version != ProtocolVersion)
       return error("Unknown version.");
   integer nonce = (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(message, ++index, index + 7));
   message = llGetSubString(message, headerLength, -1);
   string oneTimePad = llMD5String(password, nonce);
   while(llStringLength(oneTimePad) < (llStringLength(message) / 2 * 3))
       oneTimePad += llMD5String(oneTimePad, nonce);
   oneTimePad = llStringToBase64(oneTimePad);
   message = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(message, oneTimePad);
   message = llBase64ToString(message);
   string digest = llGetSubString(message, 0, 31);
   message = llGetSubString(message, 32, -1);
   if(llMD5String(message, nonce) != digest)
       return error("Message digest was not valid.");
   return message;


string hex(integer value) {

   integer digit = value & 0xF;
   string text = llGetSubString(strHex, digit, digit);
   value = (value >> 4) & 0xfffFFFF;
   integer odd = TRUE;
       digit = value & 0xF;
       text = llGetSubString(strHex, digit, digit) + text;
       odd = !odd;
       value = value >> 4;
       text = "0" + text;
   return text;


string encrypt(string password, string message) {

   integer nonce = (integer)llFrand(0x7FFFFFFF);
   message = llMD5String(message, nonce) + message;
   string oneTimePad = llMD5String(password, nonce);
   integer count = (llStringLength(message) - 1) / 32;
           oneTimePad += llMD5String(oneTimePad, nonce);
   return Header + llGetSubString("00000000" + hex(nonce), -8, -1) + llXorBase64StringsCorrect(llStringToBase64(message), llStringToBase64(oneTimePad));


init1() {

   list versions = llParseString2List((string)ProtocolVersion, ["."], []);
   string minor = llList2String(versions, 1);
   integer p = 0;
   while(llGetSubString(minor, --p, p) == "0");
   Header = ProtocolSignature + hex(llList2Integer(versions, 0)) + hex((integer)llGetSubString(minor, 0xFF000000, p));


init2() {

   if(listener != 0)
       listener = 0;
   listener = llListen(communicationsChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");


default {

       llOwnerSay("\n \n \n \nInitialisation complete!\nSIMchat online!\nType /" + (string)communicationsChannel + " and then your message to talk to people that have their channel set to the same.");
       		PRIM_NAME,"SIMchat(" + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + ")",
       		PRIM_DESC,"Last reset was: " + llGetTimestamp()]);

   on_rez(integer start_param)

   attach(key id)
       if (id)
           llOwnerSay("Resetting scripts...");


   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       if (channel == communicationsChannel)
           if (id == llGetOwner())
               llRegionSay(communicationsChannel, encrypt(Password, message));
               llOwnerSay("You said: " + message);
           if (llGetAgentSize(id) == ZERO_VECTOR)
               string message = decrypt(Password, message);
               llOwnerSay((string)name + " said: " + (string)message);

} </lsl> Go to top!