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vector gBRxX( vector Ro, vector Rd, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){
vector gBRxX( vector Ro, vector Rd, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){
     float k = gBRxZ(Ro,Rd,Bo,Bs,Br);
     float k = gBRxZ(Ro,Rd,Bo,Bs,Br);
     if( k != -1.0 ) return Ro + Rd * k;
     if( ~k ) return Ro + Rd * k;
     else return ZERO_VECTOR;}
     else return ZERO_VECTOR;}

Revision as of 21:42, 26 October 2008

Please vote for: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-235 So that I can expand each function into deeper detail without the page starting to fail in readability. --Nexii Malthus 23:05, 24 October 2008 (UTC)

Geometric Library

Line Functions

Line Nearest Point

Calculates the vector from a point to the closest point on a line

<lsl> vector gLXdV(vector O,vector D,vector A){

   return (O-A)-((O-A)*D)*D;}


Input Description
vector O Origin of Line
vector D Direction of Line
vector A Origin of Point
Output Description
return vector gLXdV Returns origin of closest point on Line to Point
By Nexii Malthus

Line Nearest Point, Distance

Calculates distance of this vector, but faster on it's own <lsl> float gLXdZ(vector O,vector D,vector A){

   vector k = ( A - O ) % D;
   return llSqrt( k * k );}


Input Description
vector O Origin of Line
vector D Direction of Line
vector A Origin of Point
Output Description
return float gLXdZ Returns numerical distance from Line to Point
By Nexii Malthus

Line Nearest Point, Nearest Point

Returns nearest point on line to given point <lsl> vector gLXnX(vector O,vector D,vector A){

   return gLXdV(O,D,A) + A;}


Input Description
vector O Origin of Line
vector D Direction of Line
vector A Origin of Point
Output Description
return vector gLXnX Returns nearest point on line given point
function vector gLXdV(vector O,vector D,vector A)
By Nexii Malthus

Line and Line, Vector

Shortest vector of two lines <lsl> vector gLLdV(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){

   vector A = O2 - O1; vector B = D1 % D2;
   return B*( (A*B)/(B*B) );}


Input Description
vector O1 Origin of Line 1
vector D1 Direction of Line 1
vector O2 Origin of Line 2
vector D2 Direction of Line 2
Output Description
return vector gLLdV Returns shortest vector between the two lines
By Nexii Malthus

Line and Line, Distance

Returns the distance between two lines <lsl> float gLLdZ(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){

   vector A = D1%D2;float B = llVecMag(A);A = <A.x/B,A.y/B,A.z/B>;
   return (O2-O1) * A;}


Input Description
vector O1 Origin of Line 1
vector D1 Direction of Line 1
vector O2 Origin of Line 2
vector D2 Direction of Line 2
Output Description
return float gLLdZ Returns numerical distance between the two lines
By Nexii Malthus

Line and Line, Nearest point

Closest point of two lines <lsl> vector gLLnX(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){

   vector nO1 = < O1*D1, O1*D2, 0>;
   vector nO2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>;
   vector nD1 = < D1*D1, O1*D2, 0>;
   vector nD2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>;
   float t = ( nD2.x*nD1.y - nD1.x*nD2.y );
   t = ( nD2.y*(nO1.x-nO2.x) - nD2.x*(nO1.y-nO2.y) ) / t;
   return O1 + D1*t;}


Input Description
vector O1 Origin of Line 1
vector D1 Direction of Line 1
vector O2 Origin of Line 2
vector D2 Direction of Line 2
Output Description
return vector gLLnX Returns closest point between the two lines
By Nexii Malthus

Line and Line, intersection point

Computes intersection point of two lines, if there is any, else <-1,-1,-1> if none. <lsl> vector gLLxX( vector A, vector B, vector C, vector D ){

   vector V = <-1,-1,-1>;
   if ( A == B || C == D ) return V;
   B -= A; C -= A; D -= A;
   float distAB = llSqrt( B.x*B.x + B.y*B.y );
   float c = B.x / distAB;float s = B.y / distAB;
   float t = C.x * c + C.y * s;
   C.y = C.y * c - C.x * s; C.x = t;
   t = D.x * c + D.y * s;
   D.y = D.y * c - D.x * s; D.y = t;
   if( C.y == D.y ) return V;
   t = D.x + ( C.x - D.x ) * D.y / ( D.y - C.y );
   return <A.x + t*c, A.y + t*s, A.y>;}


Input Description
vector A Start of Line 1
vector B End of Line 1
vector C Start of Line 2
vector D End of Line 2
Output Description
return vector gLLxX The intersection point of the two lines, else <-1,-1,-1> if none
By Nexii Malthus

Line and Line, two nearest points along both lines

Two closest points of two lines on each line <lsl> vector X1;vector X2; gLLnnXX(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){

   vector nO1 = < O1*D1, O1*D2, 0>;
   vector nO2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>;
   vector nD1 = < D1*D1, O1*D2, 0>;
   vector nD2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>;
   float t = ( nD2.x*nD1.y - nD1.x*nD2.y );
   t = ( nD2.y*(nO1.x-nO2.x) - nD2.x*(nO1.y-nO2.y) ) / t;
   X1 = O1 + D1*t;
   X2 = X1 + nD1%nD2;}


Input Description
vector O1 Origin of Line 1
vector D1 Direction of Line 1
vector O2 Origin of Line 2
vector D2 Direction of Line 2
Output Description
vector X1 Closest point on line 1 to line 2
vector X2 Closest point on line 2 to line 1
global vector X1
global vector X2
By Nexii Malthus

Line and Line, two nearest points with vector and distance

Computes two closest points of two lines, vector and distance <lsl> vector X1;vector X2;vector V1;float Z1; gLLnnXXVZ(vector O1,vector D1,vector O2,vector D2){

   vector nO1 = < O1*D1, O1*D2, 0>;
   vector nO2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>;
   vector nD1 = < D1*D1, O1*D2, 0>;
   vector nD2 = < O2*D1, O2*D2, 0>;
   float t = ( nD2.x*nD1.y - nD1.x*nD2.y );
   t = ( nD2.y*(nO1.x-nO2.x) - nD2.x*(nO1.y-nO2.y) ) / t;
   X1 = O1 + D1*t;
   X2 = X1 + CP(nD1,nD2);
   V1 = nD1%nD2;
   Z1 = llVecMag(V1);}


Input Description
vector O1 Origin of Line 1
vector D1 Direction of Line 1
vector O2 Origin of Line 2
vector D2 Direction of Line 2
Output Description
vector X1 Closest point on line 1 to line 2
vector X2 Closest point on line 2 to line 1
vector V1 Direction vector of line 1 to line 2
float Z1 Numerical distance of line 1 to line 2
global vector X1
global vector X2
global vector V1
global float Z1
By Nexii Malthus

Plane Functions

Plane and Point, Distance

Finds distance of a point from a plane <lsl> float gPXdZ(vector Pn,float Pd,vector A){

   return A * Pn + Pd;}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane
float Pd Distance of Plane
vector A Origin of Point
Output Description
return float gPXdZ Returns Distance between plane and point
By Nexii Malthus

Plane and Point, Vector

Finds vector that points from point to nearest on plane <lsl> vector gPXdV(vector Pn,float Pd,vector A){

   return -(Pn * A + Pd)*Pn;}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane
float Pd Distance of Plane
vector A Origin of Point
Output Description
return vector gPXdV Returns vector from point to closest point on plane
By Nexii Malthus

Plane and Point, Nearest point

Finds closest point on plane given point <lsl> vector gPXnX(vector Pn,float Pd,vector A){

   return A - (Pn * A + Pd) * Pn;}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane
float Pd Distance of Plane
vector A Origin of Point
Output Description
return vector gPXnX Returns vector of a point from closest of point to plane
By Nexii Malthus

Plane and Ray, Intersection Distance

Finds distance to intersection of plane along ray <lsl> float gPRxZ(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){

   return -((Pn*O+Pd)/(Pn*D));}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane
float Pd Distance of Plane
vector O Origin of Ray
vector D Direction of Ray
Output Description
return float gPRxZ Returns float distance of intersection between ray and plane
By Nexii Malthus

Plane and Ray, Vector

Finds distance vector along a ray to a plane <lsl> vector gPRdV(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){

   return D * gPRxZ(Pn,Pd,O,D);}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane
float Pd Distance of Plane
vector O Origin of Ray
vector D Direction of Ray
Output Description
return vector gPRdV Returns vector along a ray to a plane
function float gPRxZ(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D)
By Nexii Malthus

Plane and Ray, Intersection Point

Finds intersection point along a ray to a plane <lsl> vector gPRxX(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){

   return O + gPRdV(Pn,Pd,O,D);}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane
float Pd Distance of Plane
vector O Origin of Ray
vector D Direction of Ray
Output Description
return vector gPRxX Returns vector point of intersection between ray and plane
function vector gPRdV(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D)
By Nexii Malthus

Plane and Line, Intersection Point

Finds interesection point of a line and a plane <lsl> vector gPLxX(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){

   return O -( (Pn*D)/(Pn*O+Pd) )*D;}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane
float Pd Distance of Plane
vector O Origin of Line
vector D Direction of Line
Output Description
return vector gPLxX Returns vector point of intersection between line and plane
By Nexii Malthus

Plane and Plane, Intersection Line

Finds line of intersection of two planes <lsl> vector oO;vector oD;

gPPxL(vector Pn,float Pd,vector Qn,float Qd){

   oD = (Pn%Qn)/llVecMag(Pn%Qn);
   vector Cross = (Pn%Qn)%Pn;
   vector Bleh = (-Pd*Pn);
   oO = Bleh - (Qn*Cross)/(Qn*Bleh+Qd)*Cross/llVecMag(Cross);}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane 1
float Pd Distance of Plane 1
vector Qn Origin of Plane 2
float Qd Distance of Plane 2
Output Description
vector oO Intersection Line's origin
vector oD Intersection Line's direction
global vector oO
global vector oD
By Nexii Malthus

Plane and Ray, Projection

Projects a ray onto a plane <lsl> vector oO;vector oD;

gPRpR(vector Pn,float Pd,vector O,vector D){

   oO = O - (Pn * O + Pd) * Pn;
   vector t = llVecNorm( D - (Pn*((D*Pn)/(Pn*Pn))) );t = <1.0/t.x,1.0/t.y,1.0/t.z>;
   oD = Pn%t;}


Input Description
vector Pn Normal of Plane
float Pd Distance of Plane
vector O Origin of Ray
vector D Direction of Ray
Output Description
vector oO Projected Ray Origin
vector oD Projected Ray Direction
global vector oO
global vector oD
By Nexii Malthus

Sphere Functions

Sphere and Ray, Intersection Point

Finds intersection point of sphere and ray <lsl> vector gSRxX(vector Sp, float Sr, vector Ro, vector Rd){

   float t;Ro = Ro - Sp;
   if(Rd == ZERO_VECTOR) return ZERO_VECTOR;
   float a = Rd * Rd;
   float b = 2 * Rd * Ro;
   float c = (Ro * Ro)  - (Sr * Sr);
   float disc = b * b - 4 * a * c;
   if(disc < 0) return ZERO_VECTOR;
   float distSqrt = llSqrt(disc);
   float q;
   if(b < 0)
       q = (-b - distSqrt)/2.0;
       q = (-b + distSqrt)/2.0;
   float t0 = q / a;
   float t1 = c / q;
   if(t0 > t1){
       float temp = t0;
       t0 = t1;
       t1 = temp;
   if(t1 < 0) return ZERO_VECTOR;
   if(t0 < 0)
       t = t1;
       t = t0;
   return Ro + (t * Rd);

} </lsl>

Input Description
vector Sp Origin of Sphere
float Sr Radius of Sphere
vector Ro Origin of Ray
vector Rd Direction of Ray
Output Description
vector gSRxX Returns intersection point of sphere and ray otherwise ZERO_VECTOR
By Nexii Malthus

Sphere and Ray, Intersection Boolean

Finds if there is a intersection of sphere and ray <lsl> integer gSRx(vector Sp, float Sr, vector Ro, vector Rd){

   float t;Ro = Ro - Sp;
   //vector RayOrg = llDetectedPos(x) - llGetPos();
   if(Rd == ZERO_VECTOR) return FALSE;
   float a = Rd * Rd;
   float b = 2 * Rd * Ro;
   float c = (Ro * Ro)  - (Sr * Sr);
   float disc = b * b - 4 * a * c;
   if(disc < 0) return FALSE;
   return TRUE;

} </lsl>

Input Description
vector Sp Origin of Sphere
float Sr Radius of Sphere
vector Ro Origin of Ray
vector Rd Direction of Ray
Output Description
integer gSRx Returns a boolean indicating if there is a valid intersection
By Nexii Malthus

Ray Functions

Ray and Point, projected distance

Finds projected distance of a point along a ray <lsl> float gRXpZ(vector O,vector D,vector A){

   return (A-O)*D;}


Input Description
vector O Origin of Ray
vector D Direction of Ray
vector A Origin of Point
Output Description
float gRXpZ Returns projected distance of a point along a ray
By Nexii Malthus

Box Functions

Box and Ray, Intersection Distance

Finds intersection of a Ray to a Box and returns intersection distance, otherwise -1 if there is no legal intersection. <lsl> float gBRxZ(vector Ro,vector Rd, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){

   vector oB = (Ro-Bo)/Br;    vector dB = Rd/Br;    vector eB = 0.5*Bs;
   float mD = -1.0;    float D;    vector X;
   if(llFabs(dB.x) > 0.000001){
       D = (-eB.x - oB.x ) / dB.x;
       if(D >= 0.0){
           X = oB + D * dB;
           if(X.y >= -eB.y && X.y <= eB.y && X.z >= -eB.z && X.z <= eB.z)
               mD = D;
       D = ( eB.x - oB.x ) / dB.x;
       if (D >= 0.0){
           X = oB + D * dB;
           if(X.y >= -eB.y && X.y <= eB.y && X.z >= -eB.z && X.z <= eB.z) 
               if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D)
                   mD = D;
   if(llFabs(dB.y) > 0.000001){
       D = (-eB.y - oB.y ) / dB.y;
       if(D >= 0.0){
           X = oB + D * dB;
           if(X.x >= -eB.x && X.x <= eB.x && X.z >= -eB.z && X.z <= eB.z)
               if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D)
                   mD = D;
       D = ( eB.y - oB.y ) / dB.y;
       if (D >= 0.0){
           X = oB + D * dB;
           if(X.x >= -eB.x && X.x <= eB.x && X.z >= -eB.z && X.z <= eB.z)
               if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D)
                   mD = D;
   if(llFabs(dB.z) > 0.000001){
       D = (-eB.z - oB.z ) / dB.z;
       if(D >= 0.0){
           X = oB + D * dB;
           if(X.x >= -eB.x && X.x <= eB.x && X.y >= -eB.y && X.y <= eB.y)
               if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D)
                   mD = D;
       D = ( eB.z - oB.z ) / dB.z;
       if (D >= 0.0){
           X = oB + D * dB;
           if(X.x >= -eB.x && X.x <= eB.x && X.y >= -eB.y && X.y <= eB.y)
               if (mD < 0.0 || mD > D)
                   mD = D;
   return mD;

} </lsl>

Input Description
vector Ro Origin of Ray
vector Rd Direction of Ray
vector Bo Origin of Box
vector Bs Size of Box
rotation Br Rotation of Box
Output Description
float gBRxZ Returns distance to intersection of a ray and a box

Box and Ray, Intersection Point

Finds intersection of a Ray to a Box and returns intersection point, otherwise ZERO_VECTOR if there is no legal intersection. <lsl> vector gBRxX( vector Ro, vector Rd, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){

   float k = gBRxZ(Ro,Rd,Bo,Bs,Br);
   if( ~k ) return Ro + Rd * k;
   else return ZERO_VECTOR;}


Input Description
vector Ro Origin of Ray
vector Rd Direction of Ray
vector Bo Origin of Box
vector Bs Size of Box
rotation Br Rotation of Box
Output Description
vector gBRxX Returns point of intersection of a ray and a box
float gBRxZ(vector Ro,vector Rd, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br)

Box and Point, Intersection Boolean

Finds if there is an intersection of a Point and a Box and returns boolean <lsl> integer gBXx(vector A, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){

   vector eB = 0.5*Bs;
   vector rA = (A-Bo)/Br;
   if( rA.x < eB.x && rA.x > -eB.x &&
       rA.y < eB.y && rA.y > -eB.y &&
       rA.z < eB.z && rA.z > -eB.z ) return TRUE;
   else return FALSE;}


Input Description
vector A Origin of Point
vector Bo Origin of Box
vector Bs Size of Box
rotation Br Rotation of Box
Output Description
integer gBXx(vector A, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br) Returns boolean check of intersection of a point and a box if there is one, otherwise FALSE
By Nexii Malthus

Box and Point, Nearest Point on Edge

Processes point on nearest edge of box to given point <lsl> vector gBXnEX(vector A, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br){

   vector eB = 0.5*<llFabs(Bs.x),llFabs(Bs.y),llFabs(Bs.z)>;
   vector rA = (A-Bo)/Br;
   float mD = 3.402823466E+38;
   vector X;
   list EdgesX = [< 0, eB.y, eB.z>, < 0,-eB.y, eB.z>, < 0,-eB.y,-eB.z>, < 0, eB.y,-eB.z>];
   list EdgesY = [< eB.x, 0, eB.z>, <-eB.x, 0, eB.z>, <-eB.x, 0,-eB.z>, < eB.x, 0,-eB.z>];
   list EdgesZ = [< eB.x, eB.y, 0>, <-eB.x, eB.y, 0>, <-eB.x,-eB.y, 0>, < eB.x,-eB.y, 0>];
   integer x = (EdgesX != []);
   while( --x + 1 ){
       float y = gLXdZ( llList2Vector( EdgesX, x ), <1,0,0>, rA );
       if( rA.x > eB.x ) y += rA.x - eB.x;
       else if( rA.x < -eB.x ) y -= rA.x - -eB.x;
       if( y < mD ){ mD = y; X = gLXnX( llList2Vector( EdgesX, x ), <1,0,0>, rA ); }
   x = (EdgesY != []);
   while( --x + 1 ){
       float y = gLXdZ( llList2Vector( EdgesY, x ), <0,1,0>, rA );
       if( rA.y > eB.y ) y += rA.y - eB.y;
       else if( rA.y < -eB.y ) y -= rA.y - -eB.y;
       if( y < mD ){ mD = y; X = gLXnX( llList2Vector( EdgesY, x ), <0,1,0>, rA ); }
   x = (EdgesZ != []);
   while( --x + 1 ){
       float y = gLXdZ( llList2Vector( EdgesZ, x ), <0,0,1>, rA );
       if( rA.z > eB.z ) y += rA.z - eB.z;
       else if( rA.z < -eB.z ) y -= rA.z - -eB.z;
       if( y < mD ){ mD = y; X = gLXnX( llList2Vector( EdgesZ, x ), <0,0,1>, rA ); }
   if( mD < 0.000001 ) return <-1,-1,-1>;
   if(      X.x >  eB.x ) X.x =  eB.x;
   else if( X.x < -eB.x ) X.x = -eB.x;
   if(      X.y >  eB.y ) X.y =  eB.y;
   else if( X.y < -eB.y ) X.y = -eB.y;
   if(      X.z >  eB.z ) X.z =  eB.z;
   else if( X.z < -eB.z ) X.z = -eB.z;
   return Bo + ( X * Br );}


Input Description
vector A Origin of Point
vector Bo Origin of Box
vector Bs Size of Box
rotation Br Rotation of Box
Output Description
vector gBXnEX(vector A, vector Bo, vector Bs, rotation Br) Returns nearest point on edge of box B closest to point A. Returns <-1,-1,-1> if already on closest point.
float gLXdZ(vector O,vector D,vector A)
vector gLXdV(vector O,vector D,vector A)
vector gLXnX(vector O,vector D,vector A)
By Nexii Malthus

Other Functions

3D Projection

Projects a vector A by vector B. <lsl> vector Project3D(vector A,vector B){

   return B * ( ( A * B ) / ( B * B ) );}


Input Description
vector A First Vector
vector B Second Vector
Output Description
return Project3D(vector A, vector B) Returns result of projection
By Nexii Malthus


For anyone curious to the shorthand used and who wish to use a lookup table can use this as a reference. Or anyone who wishes to add a new function to the library is welcome to but it would be recommended to keep consistency. I tried to minimize the script function names to be easily readable. All the geometric function names start with a g. Here is the legend:

Shorthand Name Description
Geometric Types
X Point vector defining a point in space
L Line A line has an origin and a direction and is infinitely long
LS Line Segment A line segment is a finite line and therefore consists of a start and end position
R Ray A ray is like a line, except it is more distinct as it defines wether it points forward or back
P Plane A 2D doubly ruled surface of infinite size
S Sphere A sphere is defined by origin and radius
B Box A box is six sided and defined by origin, size as well as a rotation.
What does it do?
d Distance Calculate distance
n Nearest Calculate nearest
p Project Calculates projection
x Intersection Calculates intersection
What kind of data do I get out of it?
Z Float Represents that a float is returned
V Vector Represents that a vector is returned
O Origin Represents the Origin of the ray or line
D Direction Direction from the Origin
E Edge Edge of a shape, such as an edge on a box, suffix may mark special case return type