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Revision as of 07:02, 11 March 2014

*DS* Anti Rezz

A great tool to annoy your customers. It delete the complete object by rezzing on ground and detach it after 5 minutes from avatar.

KBcaution.png Important: In Second Life are no scripts available which can protect objects/mesh against copybots!

<lsl> /*

   *DS* Anti Rezz
   Dear content creator, this script will not protect your creations against copybots.
   It is a real stupid placebo, because each copybot needs just some seconds for copy all what he can see.
   For that is it not necessary to rez an object/mesh, attachments are not secure too.
   This script will not work in no script parcells, even not when it contain control permission,
   because it can not start at parcells that dont allow scripts.
   The only thing what you reach with scripts like this, you will loose customers!
  • /

integer Limit = 300; // 5 minutes integer count = 0; // empty counter

default {

       //llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");
   attach(key id) // gets AvatarKey who wear it automatically
       if(id) // check the available key
           llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_ATTACH); // asks for permissions to attach/detach
   run_time_permissions(integer perm)
       if(perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH) // check the requested permission
           if(count < Limit) // check the counter-limit
               llSetTimerEvent(1); // start the timer
               llSay(0, "This placebo detach your object after 5 minutes.");
           else if(count >= Limit) // check the counter-limit
               llSay(0, "Time's up, this placebo will now always remove the object immediately.");
               llDetachFromAvatar(); // detach the object from avatar when permission is given
       if(count == Limit) // check the counter-limit
           llDetachFromAvatar(); // detach the object from avatar when permission is given
           llSetTimerEvent(0); // stop the timer
           return; // leave the event immediately
       count += 1; // counts the seconds
   on_rez(integer Dae)
       if(llGetAttached() == 0) // check for rezzing onground
           llSay(0, "This placebo delete your object when you rez it on ground");
           llDie(); // delete the complete object

} </lsl>