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                                            ''' Welcome to my TSL Volunteer Wiki 2008'''
== My Blog ==
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com '''My SL Blog''']

[[Category:Teen Second Life Volunteers]]
'''HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!'''
[[Category::TSL 2.0 Mentors]]

[[File:2016_002.jpg|1000px|thumb|right|My 2016 look]]
== About Me ==
Greetings, I’m Daniel Voyager and I started Second Life on 31st October 2006.

'''About Me'''
I started blogging on 17th December 2007 and I enjoy blogging all things Second Life, OpenSim and Project Sansar.

Hey, Greetings I'm called Daniel Voyager in TSL i'm from the United Kingdom. I am dedicated to the Teen Second Life Volunteer Program in TSL to make a difference to new residents joining us. Im always here to help you if you need it just ask!
I transferred to the Main Grid in mid December 2008. I enjoy exploring, photography and volunteering in Second Life.

On 31st October 2016 marks my 10th anniversary (rezday) in Second Life and I can’t wait.

TSL Born date: 10/31/2006
I’m looking forward to SL13B, VWBPE, BURN2, Bay City annual events and more during 2016.

Status: Active Resident

Time left until I transfer to MG: '''10 months and counting'''
== My Interests ==
* Enjoys blogging, exploring, mentoring, photography, beta testing and OpenSim
* Enjoys volunteering at big events: BURN2, SL Birthdays, SL conferences and Relay For Life and much more
* Likes new technology, social networking, sci-fi movies, tv programs and space

== Second Life Experience ==
* Manager of Clearwater Beach (2008 to 2012)
* Manager of Metaverse Mentors (2008 to 2012)
* Mental Mentors Officer (April 2010)
* Officer of Second Life Ex-Mentor
* WTM Volunteer & Mental Mentor Volunteer
* Mental Mentor Officer 2009
* SL Wiki Reviewer 2009 (KB2Wiki Piloteer)
* Stage Manager at Burning Life 2009
* Official SL Mentor (December 2008-December 2009)
* Resident judge for Vetting Committee for Linden Prize 2010
* SL7B Greeter & SL7B Pass Press Member in June 2010
* Became part of the official SLCC 2010 Twitter team
* BURN2 Volunteer Greeter / Burn2 Press Pass 2010
* News writer for Brews News in SL in November 2010
* Manager of SL Discovery Explorers & Resident Greeters (2011+)
* SL8B Greeter / SL8B Press Pass / SL8B Stage Manager (June 2011)
* BURN2 2011 Press Pass / Guide / Greeter / Stage Manager
* Reached 20, 000 SL Flickr snapshots  (29th December 2011)
* SL9B Flickr Admin, SL9B Greeter & SL9B Press (June 2012)
* BURN2 2012 News Blogger  & Greeter (October 2012)
* One Billion Rising Press Member - 12th February 2013
* SL10B PR team, Blog Admin, Flickr/Google+ Admin, Greeter (March 2013 to July 2013)
* LEA Volunteer (January 2014+)
* One Billion Rising Volunteer (February 2014)
* VWBPE 2014 volunteer & blogger (April 2014)


== History of SL Rez Days ==
* 31st October 2007: Party underground celebrating 1st Rez Day
* 31st October 2008: Explored the mainland for my 2nd Rez Day
* 31st October 2009: 3 hours of live music for my 3rd Rez Day
* 31st October 2010: Explored cool SL Halloween places for my 4th Rez Day
* 31st October 2011: Exploring scary halloween places
* 31st October 2012: Got 6th rezday bear from LL
* '''31st October 2013: Celebrated 7 years at Muddy's Music Cafe'''
* 31st October 2014 & 2015: Halloween adventures
[http://www.flickr.com/search/?s=rec&w=31846520@N00&q=rez+day&m=text '''My Rez Day Snapshots''']

Joined TSL Mentors 2.0 in (September 2007), Done my first ever TSL Machinima (summer 07), Being Estate manager and Managers of groups in TSL (2007 + 2008), Running my own greeters group, Creating a Venture for Beat Bullying (current, Being in the news - Eye4you blog website, global kids, second life newsletter, second life newsnetwork, second life blog, Selfcity, Metaversa Island website etc
== My Historical SL Milestones ==
* I created my wiki page on '''December 29, 2007''' at 12:09pm PDT = (86 bytes)
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/07/08/200-days-on-the-main-grid/ 200 days on MG]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/07/27/1000-days-old-in-second-life/ 1000 days old in Second Life]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/1-000-channel-views/ 1, 000 channel views on my SL YouTube page]
* Reached the 8, 000 views milestone on my SL Wiki page during first week of August 2009
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/08/14/sl-feeds-no-1-on-google-search-results/ SL Feeds at No.1 on Google search results]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/08/22/1kflickrfriends/ 1, 000+ SL Flickr friends]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2010/08/11/600-days-on-the-main-grid/ 600 days on the Main Grid]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2010/10/27/reached-100000-total-blog-views/ Reached 100, 000 blog views]
* [http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Reached+10%2C+000+SL+tweets+milestone!+hahahaha#q=Reached+10%2C+000+SL+tweets+milestone!+hahahaha&hl=en&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=mbl&ei=biMPTtH-M8-FhQfQxs Reached 10, 000 SL tweets milestone]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2011/10/31/my-5th-rez-day-in-second-life/ My 5th rez day in Second Life]
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/6597002127/in/photostream Reached 20, 000 Flickr SL snapshots milestone on 29th December 2011]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2012/06/14/100-000-blog-hits-record-reached/ '''100, 000 blog hits record reached on 14th June 2012''']
* Reached 3000 comments on my SL blog - 15th March 2013

== My SL Projects ==
* [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/KB2Wiki_Pilot KB2Wiki Pilot]
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/sl-metrics/ SL Metrics]
* [http://widgets.pbwiki.com/iDP-Voyager iDP-Voyager]
* NASA & Space rockets (2008-2009)
* RHN (2010-2011)
* SL News Press (2011-2014)
* [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/History_of_Second_Life History of Second Life]
* [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Daniel_Voyager/SLHistorical My new SL Historical page]


'''I made the TSL News'''
== TSL Experience ==
* Managed [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Teen_Second_Life_Volunteers TSL Volunteer Portal and TSL Volunteer Island]
* Was well-known for TSL Mentoring in TSL between 2007-2008
* Kept TeenSL Wikia page updated
* Kept documentation of all things TG including events, blog posts and snapshots!
* Became Estate Manager of Eye4you Alliance, NCI manager and owner of The Nix Bazaar
* Took part in many TG educational projects 
* Manager of TSL Welcomers & HQ
* Helped with TSL4B and TSL5B birthday celebrations
* Explored every region on the [[Teen Grid]] in [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2008/03/16/how-long-does-it-take-to-visit-all-public-tg-sims/ 3 hours and 10 minutes].
* Snapshots taken on TSL = 6, 500 snapshots

|name=Daniel Voyager
[http://www.secondlifeinsider.com/2007/10/22/teen-grid-college-fair-a-huge-success/ College Fair 07]
[http://eye4youalliance.youthtech.info/?p=369 College Fair 07]
[http://www.slnn.com/article/college-fair-followup/ College Fair 07]
[http://eye4youalliance.youthtech.info/?p=369 College Fair Talk 07]
[http://www.slnn.com/article/teen-grid-machinima/ CRC Machinima]
[http://secondlife.com/newsletter/2007_07/ TSL4B]
[http://www.slnn.com/index.php/article/about/didi/page/1.html?sid=Jnfona8b0xpLkNS3 D.I.D.I]
[http://www.metaversa.de/island/?p=24 Metaversa]
[http://http://eye4youalliance.youthtech.info/?p=545 Eye4you Literary Festival]
'''Who Am I:'''
I am Daniel Voyager in Teen Second Life I am very popular around the grid with many good friends, I like to greet and mentor new residents at the Welcoming Areas, Explore Around, Make Friends, Take part in almost everything, I am ready to make a difference to Teen Grid to make it a friendly place so we can really enjoy it and helping out the TSL community. I also like test out Tools made by other residents, New areas in TSL, Beta Testing, Reporting Bugs. I love events, classes, machinimas, partys, hanging out and lots more :D
Helping, Volunteering, Scripting the basics, Building, Event Planning, Working with groups, Custom Avatars (not that great one), Working with Team Mates, Texturing, Creating, Idea Planner, Support person :)
'''Groups i'm in'''
Eye4you (main group), Eye4you Nasa, Eye4you Land Mangement, Eye4you Intern, Eye4you Machinima, Eye4you model in UN, Eye4you EcoSystem, Eye4you Theatre, Eye4you Nasa Builders, Teen Second Life Blog, The Media Group, TSL Annoucements Group, Greeters, TSL Abuse Reporters, The Nix Bazaar, The D.I.D.I Initiative, Second Life helpers, Scripting Mentors and Students, Nix Bazaar, Metaversa Mentoren, Global Kids (main group), GK gaming, TSL Mentors 2.0 :)
'''My Blogs'''
[http://danielvoyagerwebsite2008.wordpress.com/ Daniel Voyager Blog]
[http://danielvoyager.blogspot.com/ Blogspot]
[http://danielvoyager.blogspot.com/ Greeters Blog]
'''My TSL Photo Sites'''
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/ My Flickr]
[http://www.sluniverse.com/pics/Default.aspx?Name=Daniel+Voyager My SLUniverse]
'''Manager of these groups'''
Eye4you Groups, The Nix Bazaar, Greeters group, TSL Annocuments group, TSL Blog, TSL Media group and hopefully more soon, slowly taking over TSL haha
'''TSL Mentors 2.0 Roles:'''
* TSL Second Life Mentor
* TSL Mentor Buddy
* TSL Nix Bazaar Manager
* TSL Greeter
'''Summary so far:''' I Applied for TSL Mentors 2.0 in late May 2007 on the secondlife website then finally got accepted into the TSL Mentors 2.0 group by e-mail in September 2007 yay because of the group was getting a re-make over so there was a wait. Went to the First Orientation Session in September 2007 which was cool to meet the VTeam and get a free TSL Mentors T-Shirt and Info Notecards. Went to the first TSL Mentors Meeting 2.0 Meeting in December on the new TSL Volunteer Island with fellow Mentors that was a excellent experience.
In 2008 the new TSL Volunteer Island was getting built (still under going work). I went the 2nd TSL Mentors Meeting on the 31st January from 4pm - 5pm SLT to get told the upcoming projects, news, new roles etc, guess what? I had to talk about the TSL Greeter role in TSL Mentors 2.0 group woooot! that was amazing to do that to speak about it. I joined TSL Mentor Buddy role on 4th February 2008 woot woot yay this is so amazing, also I was the first Buddy to be invited into TSL Mentors 2.0 wow!
Also sometime I would love to be accepted into the other Mentor Roles too, can't wait =)
'''TSL Mentor 2.0 Links'''
[http://http://tslvolunteer.com/TSL VTeam Blog]
[http://https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Teen_Second_Life_Volunteers TSL Volunteers Portal]
'''Online Virtual Worlds I play'''
World of Warcraft, There, Vast Park, Runescape and more more however i play TSL more than the rest lol.
This section will be up shortly!
'''Contact Me'''
Need Help, Want to ask a question? Where to go? New to TSL?.....Feel free to IM me In-World i will be glad to help and make your day a happy one :). Also please check out my Blog about how to contact me through Email.

Latest revision as of 08:42, 1 January 2016

My Blog


My 2016 look

About Me

Greetings, I’m Daniel Voyager and I started Second Life on 31st October 2006.

I started blogging on 17th December 2007 and I enjoy blogging all things Second Life, OpenSim and Project Sansar.

I transferred to the Main Grid in mid December 2008. I enjoy exploring, photography and volunteering in Second Life.

On 31st October 2016 marks my 10th anniversary (rezday) in Second Life and I can’t wait.

I’m looking forward to SL13B, VWBPE, BURN2, Bay City annual events and more during 2016.

My Interests

  • Enjoys blogging, exploring, mentoring, photography, beta testing and OpenSim
  • Enjoys volunteering at big events: BURN2, SL Birthdays, SL conferences and Relay For Life and much more
  • Likes new technology, social networking, sci-fi movies, tv programs and space

Second Life Experience

  • Manager of Clearwater Beach (2008 to 2012)
  • Manager of Metaverse Mentors (2008 to 2012)
  • Mental Mentors Officer (April 2010)
  • Officer of Second Life Ex-Mentor
  • WTM Volunteer & Mental Mentor Volunteer
  • Mental Mentor Officer 2009
  • SL Wiki Reviewer 2009 (KB2Wiki Piloteer)
  • Stage Manager at Burning Life 2009
  • Official SL Mentor (December 2008-December 2009)
  • Resident judge for Vetting Committee for Linden Prize 2010
  • SL7B Greeter & SL7B Pass Press Member in June 2010
  • Became part of the official SLCC 2010 Twitter team
  • BURN2 Volunteer Greeter / Burn2 Press Pass 2010
  • News writer for Brews News in SL in November 2010
  • Manager of SL Discovery Explorers & Resident Greeters (2011+)
  • SL8B Greeter / SL8B Press Pass / SL8B Stage Manager (June 2011)
  • BURN2 2011 Press Pass / Guide / Greeter / Stage Manager
  • Reached 20, 000 SL Flickr snapshots (29th December 2011)
  • SL9B Flickr Admin, SL9B Greeter & SL9B Press (June 2012)
  • BURN2 2012 News Blogger & Greeter (October 2012)
  • One Billion Rising Press Member - 12th February 2013
  • SL10B PR team, Blog Admin, Flickr/Google+ Admin, Greeter (March 2013 to July 2013)
  • LEA Volunteer (January 2014+)
  • One Billion Rising Volunteer (February 2014)
  • VWBPE 2014 volunteer & blogger (April 2014)

History of SL Rez Days

  • 31st October 2007: Party underground celebrating 1st Rez Day
  • 31st October 2008: Explored the mainland for my 2nd Rez Day
  • 31st October 2009: 3 hours of live music for my 3rd Rez Day
  • 31st October 2010: Explored cool SL Halloween places for my 4th Rez Day
  • 31st October 2011: Exploring scary halloween places
  • 31st October 2012: Got 6th rezday bear from LL
  • 31st October 2013: Celebrated 7 years at Muddy's Music Cafe
  • 31st October 2014 & 2015: Halloween adventures

My Rez Day Snapshots

My Historical SL Milestones

My SL Projects

TSL Experience

  • Managed TSL Volunteer Portal and TSL Volunteer Island
  • Was well-known for TSL Mentoring in TSL between 2007-2008
  • Kept TeenSL Wikia page updated
  • Kept documentation of all things TG including events, blog posts and snapshots!
  • Became Estate Manager of Eye4you Alliance, NCI manager and owner of The Nix Bazaar
  • Took part in many TG educational projects
  • Manager of TSL Welcomers & HQ
  • Helped with TSL4B and TSL5B birthday celebrations
  • Explored every region on the Teen Grid in 3 hours and 10 minutes.
  • Snapshots taken on TSL = 6, 500 snapshots