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== My Blog ==
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com '''My SL Blog''']

'''HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!'''
[[File:2016_002.jpg|1000px|thumb|right|My 2016 look]]
== About Me ==
== About Me ==
Greetings, I’m Daniel Voyager and I started Second Life on 31st October 2006.

I started blogging on 17th December 2007 and I enjoy blogging all things Second Life, OpenSim and Project Sansar.
[[File:DV's_Inspector_Gadget_Bear_V2.jpg|300px|thumb|right|My V2 Bear: IM me in-world for a copy!]]

* Daniel Voyager ('''2006-2010 active''')
I transferred to the Main Grid in mid December 2008. I enjoy exploring, photography and volunteering in Second Life.
* United Kingdom
* Joined [[Teen Second Life]] on 31st October 2006.
* Transferred to [http://secondlife.com/whatis/ Second Life] (Main Grid) in Mid December 2008]
* I love inworld exploring, helping others, sharing SL resources and taking SL snapshots
* I love to collect [[Linden Bears]] and hunt Lindens
* I enjoy going to [[Office Hours]] and seasonal LL events
* Check out my SL News Coverage: [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/sl-coverage/ LINK]

'''Second Life Experience'''
On 31st October 2016 marks my 10th anniversary (rezday) in Second Life and I can’t wait.
* Manager of Clearwater Beach
* SL Wiki Reviewer (KB2Wiki Piloteer)
* Manager of Metaverse Mentors
* Stage Manager at Burning Life 2009
* Official SL Mentor (December 2008-December 2009)
* Officer of Second Life Ex-Mentor
* WTM Volunteer (White Tiger Mentor) /[RHN]/ Mental Mentor Volunteer

'''Teen Grid'''
I’m looking forward to SL13B, VWBPE, BURN2, Bay City annual events and more during 2016.
* Helped with the [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Teen_Second_Life_Volunteers TSL Volunteer Portal and TSL Volunteer Island]
* Most active TSL Mentor in the TSL community from 2007-08
* Helped to update information on the SL Wikia for Teen SL section!
* Managed (EM) Eye4you Alliance island, The Nix Bazaar, NCI and was Manager of TSL Welcomers
* Helped with TSL4B and TSL5B birthday celebrations
* Kept documentation of all things TG including events, blog posts and snapshots!
* Took part in many TG educational projects
* Explored every region on the [[Teen Grid]] in [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/2008/03/16/how-long-does-it-take-to-visit-all-public-tg-sims/ 3 hours and 10 minutes].  
* Took over 6, 500 snapshots while on the Teen Grid in total

'''SL Rez Days'''
* 31st October 2007: Underground club party (TB)
* 31st October 2008: Having fun (TG)
* 31st October 2009: 3 hour party of DJ fun (MG)
* 2010 - TBC
[http://www.flickr.com/search/?s=rec&w=31846520@N00&q=rez+day&m=text '''My Rez Day Snapshots''']

'''SL Projects'''
== My Interests ==
* Enjoys blogging, exploring, mentoring, photography, beta testing and OpenSim
* [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/KB2Wiki_Pilot KB2Wiki Pilot]
* Enjoys volunteering at big events: BURN2, SL Birthdays, SL conferences and Relay For Life and much more
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/sl-metrics/ SL Metrics]
* Likes new technology, social networking, sci-fi movies, tv programs and space
* [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/History_of_Second_Life History of Second Life]
* [http://widgets.pbwiki.com/iDP-Voyager iDP-Voyager]
* NASA & Space rockets
* NHN 2010

== Second Life Experience ==
* Manager of Clearwater Beach (2008 to 2012)
* Manager of Metaverse Mentors (2008 to 2012)
* Mental Mentors Officer (April 2010)
* Officer of Second Life Ex-Mentor
* WTM Volunteer & Mental Mentor Volunteer
* Mental Mentor Officer 2009
* SL Wiki Reviewer 2009 (KB2Wiki Piloteer)
* Stage Manager at Burning Life 2009
* Official SL Mentor (December 2008-December 2009)
* Resident judge for Vetting Committee for Linden Prize 2010
* SL7B Greeter & SL7B Pass Press Member in June 2010
* Became part of the official SLCC 2010 Twitter team
* BURN2 Volunteer Greeter / Burn2 Press Pass 2010
* News writer for Brews News in SL in November 2010
* Manager of SL Discovery Explorers & Resident Greeters (2011+)
* SL8B Greeter / SL8B Press Pass / SL8B Stage Manager (June 2011)
* BURN2 2011 Press Pass / Guide / Greeter / Stage Manager
* Reached 20, 000 SL Flickr snapshots  (29th December 2011)
* SL9B Flickr Admin, SL9B Greeter & SL9B Press (June 2012)
* BURN2 2012 News Blogger  & Greeter (October 2012)
* One Billion Rising Press Member - 12th February 2013
* SL10B PR team, Blog Admin, Flickr/Google+ Admin, Greeter (March 2013 to July 2013)
* LEA Volunteer (January 2014+)
* One Billion Rising Volunteer (February 2014)
* VWBPE 2014 volunteer & blogger (April 2014)

== My SL Links 2010 ==

* [https://blogs.secondlife.com/people/Daniel.Voyager My SL Profile]
== History of SL Rez Days ==
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/ My Blog]
* 31st October 2007: Party underground celebrating 1st Rez Day
* [http://www.netvibes.com/danielvoyager#My_Feeds My SL Feeds]
* 31st October 2008: Explored the mainland for my 2nd Rez Day
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/ My Flickr stream]
* 31st October 2009: 3 hours of live music for my 3rd Rez Day
* [http://www.plurk.com/user/danielvoyager My Plurk updates]
* 31st October 2010: Explored cool SL Halloween places for my 4th Rez Day
* [https://twitter.com/danielvoyager My Twitter updates]
* 31st October 2011: Exploring scary halloween places
* [http://profile.to/danielvoyager/ Facebook]
* 31st October 2012: Got 6th rezday bear from LL
* [http://friendfeed.com/danielvoyager FriendFeed]
* '''31st October 2013: Celebrated 7 years at Muddy's Music Cafe'''
* [http://www.youtube.com/user/sldanielvoyager My YouTube videos]
* 31st October 2014 & 2015: Halloween adventures
* [http://secondlife.wikia.com/wiki/User:Daniel_Voyager Wikia]
[http://www.flickr.com/search/?s=rec&w=31846520@N00&q=rez+day&m=text '''My Rez Day Snapshots''']
* [http://www.myspace.com/danielvoyagerprofile MySpace]
* [http://genv.net/en-us/user/danielv Venture page]

== My SL Milestones ==  
== My Historical SL Milestones ==  
* I created my wiki page on '''December 29, 2007''' at 12:09pm PDT = (86 bytes)
* I created my wiki page on '''December 29, 2007''' at 12:09pm PDT = (86 bytes)
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/2009/07/08/200-days-on-the-main-grid/ 200 days on MG]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/07/08/200-days-on-the-main-grid/ 200 days on MG]
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/2009/07/27/1000-days-old-in-second-life/ 1000 days old in Second Life]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/07/27/1000-days-old-in-second-life/ 1000 days old in Second Life]
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/1-000-channel-views/ 1, 000 channel views on my SL YouTube page]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/08/06/1-000-channel-views/ 1, 000 channel views on my SL YouTube page]
* Reached the 8, 000 views milestone on my SL Wiki page during first week of August 2009
* Reached the 8, 000 views milestone on my SL Wiki page during first week of August 2009
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/2009/08/14/sl-feeds-no-1-on-google-search-results/ SL Feeds at No.1 on Google search results]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/08/14/sl-feeds-no-1-on-google-search-results/ SL Feeds at No.1 on Google search results]
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/2009/08/22/1kflickrfriends/ 1, 000+ SL Flickr friends]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2009/08/22/1kflickrfriends/ 1, 000+ SL Flickr friends]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2010/08/11/600-days-on-the-main-grid/ 600 days on the Main Grid]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2010/10/27/reached-100000-total-blog-views/ Reached 100, 000 blog views]
* [http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Reached+10%2C+000+SL+tweets+milestone!+hahahaha#q=Reached+10%2C+000+SL+tweets+milestone!+hahahaha&hl=en&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=mbl&ei=biMPTtH-M8-FhQfQxs Reached 10, 000 SL tweets milestone]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2011/10/31/my-5th-rez-day-in-second-life/ My 5th rez day in Second Life]
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielvoyager/6597002127/in/photostream Reached 20, 000 Flickr SL snapshots milestone on 29th December 2011]
* [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2012/06/14/100-000-blog-hits-record-reached/ '''100, 000 blog hits record reached on 14th June 2012''']
* Reached 3000 comments on my SL blog - 15th March 2013

== Viewer 2.0 Updates ==
== My SL Projects ==
Round up of related new Viewer 2.0 news/stories so far. Latest info is that Viewer 2.0 will be sometime launched in the Q1 of 2010. [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_2.0 Second Life 2.0 Wiki]
* [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/KB2Wiki_Pilot KB2Wiki Pilot]
* [http://danielvoyagerblog.wordpress.com/sl-metrics/ SL Metrics]
* [http://widgets.pbwiki.com/iDP-Voyager iDP-Voyager]
* NASA & Space rockets (2008-2009)
* RHN (2010-2011)
* SL News Press (2011-2014)
* [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/History_of_Second_Life History of Second Life]
* [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Daniel_Voyager/SLHistorical My new SL Historical page]

* [https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/technology/blog/2010/01/21/coming-soon-viewer-2-public-beta '''Coming Soon Viewer 2 Public Beta''']
* [http://ow.ly/XPhN M Linden on Viewer 2.0]
* [https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/features/blog/2010/01/03/happy-new-year-looking-backlooking-ahead Happy New Year, Looking Back, Looking Forward]
* [http://foo.secondlifeherald.com/slh/2009/11/alexa-lindens-prehalloween-treat.html Alexa Linden's Pre-Halloween Treat Viewer 2.0 Feedback]
* [http://www.massively.com/2009/10/19/looking-forward-to-second-life-2-0/ Looking forward to Second Life 2.0]
* [http://changingworldsbuildingdreams.com/second-life-2-0-tom-hale-presents-the-new-second-life-viewer-website-and-interactive-web-media-at-slcc SLCC09 Second Life 2.0]
* [http://www.massively.com/2009/06/12/second-life-2-0-a-sneak-peek-at-the-new-user-interface/ Second Life 2.0: A sneak peek at the new user-interface]
* [https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/technology/blog/2009/06/12/viewer-2009 Viewer 2009]

== TSL Experience ==
* Managed [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Teen_Second_Life_Volunteers TSL Volunteer Portal and TSL Volunteer Island]
* Was well-known for TSL Mentoring in TSL between 2007-2008
* Kept TeenSL Wikia page updated
* Kept documentation of all things TG including events, blog posts and snapshots!
* Became Estate Manager of Eye4you Alliance, NCI manager and owner of The Nix Bazaar
* Took part in many TG educational projects 
* Manager of TSL Welcomers & HQ
* Helped with TSL4B and TSL5B birthday celebrations
* Explored every region on the [[Teen Grid]] in [http://danielvoyager.wordpress.com/2008/03/16/how-long-does-it-take-to-visit-all-public-tg-sims/ 3 hours and 10 minutes].
* Snapshots taken on TSL = 6, 500 snapshots


Latest revision as of 08:42, 1 January 2016

My Blog


My 2016 look

About Me

Greetings, I’m Daniel Voyager and I started Second Life on 31st October 2006.

I started blogging on 17th December 2007 and I enjoy blogging all things Second Life, OpenSim and Project Sansar.

I transferred to the Main Grid in mid December 2008. I enjoy exploring, photography and volunteering in Second Life.

On 31st October 2016 marks my 10th anniversary (rezday) in Second Life and I can’t wait.

I’m looking forward to SL13B, VWBPE, BURN2, Bay City annual events and more during 2016.

My Interests

  • Enjoys blogging, exploring, mentoring, photography, beta testing and OpenSim
  • Enjoys volunteering at big events: BURN2, SL Birthdays, SL conferences and Relay For Life and much more
  • Likes new technology, social networking, sci-fi movies, tv programs and space

Second Life Experience

  • Manager of Clearwater Beach (2008 to 2012)
  • Manager of Metaverse Mentors (2008 to 2012)
  • Mental Mentors Officer (April 2010)
  • Officer of Second Life Ex-Mentor
  • WTM Volunteer & Mental Mentor Volunteer
  • Mental Mentor Officer 2009
  • SL Wiki Reviewer 2009 (KB2Wiki Piloteer)
  • Stage Manager at Burning Life 2009
  • Official SL Mentor (December 2008-December 2009)
  • Resident judge for Vetting Committee for Linden Prize 2010
  • SL7B Greeter & SL7B Pass Press Member in June 2010
  • Became part of the official SLCC 2010 Twitter team
  • BURN2 Volunteer Greeter / Burn2 Press Pass 2010
  • News writer for Brews News in SL in November 2010
  • Manager of SL Discovery Explorers & Resident Greeters (2011+)
  • SL8B Greeter / SL8B Press Pass / SL8B Stage Manager (June 2011)
  • BURN2 2011 Press Pass / Guide / Greeter / Stage Manager
  • Reached 20, 000 SL Flickr snapshots (29th December 2011)
  • SL9B Flickr Admin, SL9B Greeter & SL9B Press (June 2012)
  • BURN2 2012 News Blogger & Greeter (October 2012)
  • One Billion Rising Press Member - 12th February 2013
  • SL10B PR team, Blog Admin, Flickr/Google+ Admin, Greeter (March 2013 to July 2013)
  • LEA Volunteer (January 2014+)
  • One Billion Rising Volunteer (February 2014)
  • VWBPE 2014 volunteer & blogger (April 2014)

History of SL Rez Days

  • 31st October 2007: Party underground celebrating 1st Rez Day
  • 31st October 2008: Explored the mainland for my 2nd Rez Day
  • 31st October 2009: 3 hours of live music for my 3rd Rez Day
  • 31st October 2010: Explored cool SL Halloween places for my 4th Rez Day
  • 31st October 2011: Exploring scary halloween places
  • 31st October 2012: Got 6th rezday bear from LL
  • 31st October 2013: Celebrated 7 years at Muddy's Music Cafe
  • 31st October 2014 & 2015: Halloween adventures

My Rez Day Snapshots

My Historical SL Milestones

My SL Projects

TSL Experience

  • Managed TSL Volunteer Portal and TSL Volunteer Island
  • Was well-known for TSL Mentoring in TSL between 2007-2008
  • Kept TeenSL Wikia page updated
  • Kept documentation of all things TG including events, blog posts and snapshots!
  • Became Estate Manager of Eye4you Alliance, NCI manager and owner of The Nix Bazaar
  • Took part in many TG educational projects
  • Manager of TSL Welcomers & HQ
  • Helped with TSL4B and TSL5B birthday celebrations
  • Explored every region on the Teen Grid in 3 hours and 10 minutes.
  • Snapshots taken on TSL = 6, 500 snapshots