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{{Archive|If you are looking for current articles in our major markets, please visit the [http://lindenlab.com/pressroom/news News Archives]}}
This page shows some of the press coverage we receive and the media trends in some of Second Life's major markets.

=Linden Lab News Archives=
=== Week Ending January 16, 2009 ===
==== US ====
* [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,478626,00.html Fox News] - Reports on the Gaza protests taking place in social media including Second Life.
* [http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/01/08/gaza-war-sentiment-seeps-into-second-life/ MTV Multiplayer Blog] - Reports on the Gaza protests in Second Life and highlights the thoughtful discussion afterwards.
* [http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/jan2009/id20090114_754937.htm?chan=innovation_innovation+%2B+design_top+stories BusinessWeek] –An article about Nortel’s failed attempt at creating its own virtual world, mentioning Second Life.
* [http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2009/01/rrr-launches-immersve-tool-for-retail-planning-and-management.html Virtual Worlds News] - Reports Rivers Run Red’s announcement of its Immersive Planograms tool for its Immersive Workspaces in Second Life aimed at Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies.
* [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,478626,00.html Fox News] – Covers the Gaza protests taking place in social media, including Second Life.
* [http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/01/08/gaza-war-sentiment-seeps-into-second-life/ MTV Multiplayer Blog] - Gaza protests in Second Life are discussed.

Here are links to the various Linden Lab websites where we catalog the press we receive.  (Not all of these are up-to-date, but we are constantly working on it.)<br>
==== UK ====

[http://lindenlab.com/pressroom/news English] <br>
== Weekly Reports-January 1-January 16, 2009 ==
French<br>[http://de.secondlife.com/whatis/press-releases German]<br>
[http://jp.secondlife.com/PR  Japanese]<br>
[http://kr.secondlife.com/whatis/news Korean]<br>
=Weekly Reports=

In this section, you will find the media trends and press stories we are tracking in some of our key markets.
In this section, you will find the media trends and press stories we are tracking in some of our key markets.

=== Week Ending January 16, 2009 ===
==== US ====
* [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,478626,00.html Fox News] - Reports on the Gaza protests taking place in social media including Second Life.
* [http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/01/08/gaza-war-sentiment-seeps-into-second-life/ MTV Multiplayer Blog] - Reports on the Gaza protests in Second Life and highlights the thoughtful discussion afterwards.
* [http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/jan2009/id20090114_754937.htm?chan=innovation_innovation+%2B+design_top+stories BusinessWeek] –An article about Nortel’s failed attempt at creating its own virtual world, mentioning Second Life.
* [http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2009/01/rrr-launches-immersve-tool-for-retail-planning-and-management.html Virtual Worlds News] - Reports Rivers Run Red’s announcement of its Immersive Planograms tool for its Immersive Workspaces in Second Life aimed at Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies.
* [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,478626,00.html Fox News] – Covers the Gaza protests taking place in social media, including Second Life.
* [http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/01/08/gaza-war-sentiment-seeps-into-second-life/ MTV Multiplayer Blog] - Gaza protests in Second Life are discussed.

==Week Ending November 7, 2008==
==== UK ====
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/jan/15/internet-web20-victor-keegan The Guardian] - Second Life is at the forefront of a project to recreate London as a 3D world online.
Key Coverage by Market
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7829070.stm BBC news] - A video report describes Middlesbrough City Learning Centre’s use of Second Life.
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/blog/2009/jan/12/labour-media The Guardian] - Reports Peter Mandelson, who is Secretary of State for Business, and one of the UK’s highest profile politicians has created an avatar within Second Life.
* [http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/135166.php Medical News Today] - Reports Dr. Kourosh Dini, author of ‘Video Game Play and Addiction: A Guide for Parents’, is a fan of Second Life and recommends it as a tool for developing empathy in children.
* [http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2009/01/us-state-depart.html gamepoliticals.com] - Produces a blog post with high authority that demonstrates the educational value of meeting in Second Life. Journalism students in Cairo are due to meet with head of the US state department’s public affairs in Second Life.
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
* [http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/2009/01/12/acklam-grange-launches-3d-virtual-school-84229-22673340/ Gazettelive] - Reports about Acklam Grange creating a school in Second Life.
-- Generally positive with coverage from major media outlets.<br>
* [http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/2009/01/13/48957/the-learning-technologies-show-and-conference-2009.html Personnel Today] – Discusses the upcoming Learning Technologies show and conference 2009 in which the benefits of virtual worlds will be discussed.
-- The presidential election was a big trend in the news this week, with several mainstream publications picking up on the events going on in Second Life.<br>
-- Coverage of new Openspaces policy.<br>
-- Collaboration was a theme this week, with Second Life featured as a great training and distance learning tool.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.cnbc.com/id/27540708 CNBC] - Reports on the election activities in Second Life, allowing Residents to participate in the presidential election through inworld events. <br>
[http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/nov2008/tc2008115_988160.htm BusinessWeek] - A story about the election activity in Second Life, featuring crowded gatherings. The journalist talks about events taking place and the groups that have been active during the presidential race.<br>
[http://blogs.computerworld.com/will_the_next_president_be_virtual Computerworld] - Observes presidential election activities in Second Life including events at Obama’s Headquarters in Victory Plaza and discussions held in McCain’s Straight Talk Café.<br>
[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iYwQxC00pxu4qFJvjc06EWZkQfaAD948KR804 AP] - Obama’s Second Life headquarters were so packed that some avatars weren’t even able to get in.<br>
[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iYwQxC00pxu4qFJvjc06EWZkQfaAD948HTQG1 AP] - Hundreds of volunteers have been unofficially campaigning for the election in Second Life.<br>
[http://gigaom.com/2008/11/04/top-three-virtual-worlds-for-election-da/ GigaOM] - Second Life is one of the top three virtual worlds to be in for Election Day.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2008/11/linden-revises-pricing-plans-in-response-to-users.html Virtual Worlds News] – Covers the update for land pricing and Mark’s response to the community.<br>
[http://gigaom.com/2008/11/05/linden-lab-revises-rebellion-land-price-hike/ GigaOm] - Linden Lab has significantly revised its pricing policies due to mass protest from Second Life Residents.<br>
[http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal_tech/virtualworlds/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=210602208 InformationWeek] - What future does Second Life have; will it fulfill its goal to be mainstream, embraced by everyone? Some argue that Second will always be a niche product.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2008/11/linden-cuts-four-possibly-in-business-development.html Virtual Worlds News] - Posts our statement about the layoff rumors.<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20081105/BUSINESS/811050335/-1/LIFE04 Demoines Register] - AvivaUSA (life insurance and annuities) is marketing itself to young, prospective agents through Second Life.<br>
[http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1273860 Inform IT] - CODESTATION (by IBM) is viewed as a general meeting place for Second Life’s development community.<br>
[http://www.govtech.com/gt/articles/427330 Government Technology] - Missouri state government recently hired its first IT employee recruited directly from Second Life.<br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.digitalburg.com/artman2/publish/UCM_News_72/UCM_hosts_Distance_Learning_Week.shtml Digital Burg] - Through Second Life, participants can hear guest presentations from around the world – developing the tremendous potential of distance learning.<br>
[http://www.masshightech.com/stories/2008/11/03/daily16-Naval-Undersea-Warfare-Center-replicated-in-Second-Life.html Mass High Tech] - The Naval Undersea Warfare Center has created a virtual model of itself in Second Life for training purposes.<br>
[http://esl.about.com/b/2008/11/05/teaching-english-in-second-life.htm About.com] - Explores how ESL might be taught in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.itbusiness.ca/it/client/en/home/News.asp?id=50628 IT Business] - Numerous Canadian colleges are using Second Life to train and teach their students.<br>
[http://gaming.psu.edu/node/748 Educational Gaming Commons] - Covers Second Life as a toolkit for educators.<br>
[http://virtuallyblind.com/2008/11/02/duranske-cle/ Virtually Blind] - The Second Life Bar Association will include a discussion about “Ethics of Practice in Virtual Worlds” in Second Life Saturday.<br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.cnbc.com/id/27540708 CNBC] - Covers election activities in Second Life, allowing Residents to participate in the presidential election through inworld events.<br>
[http://gigaom.com/2008/11/04/top-three-virtual-worlds-for-election-da/ GigaOM] - Reports that Second Life is one of the top three virtual worlds to be in for Election Day.<br>
[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iYwQxC00pxu4qFJvjc06EWZkQfaAD948KR804 AP] - Obama’s Second Life headquarters were so packed, that some avatars weren’t even able to get in.<br>
[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iYwQxC00pxu4qFJvjc06EWZkQfaAD948HTQG1 AP] - Hundreds of volunteers have been unofficially campaigning for the election in Second Life. <br>
[http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3171125 1UP] - Hundreds of Obama supporters also held virtual rallies in the online virtual world game Second Life.<br>
[http://www.wndu.com/politics/headlines/33893529.html 16 WNDU] - Obama’s unofficial Second Life headquarters was so popular that many Residents couldn’t get in.<br>
[http://www.the33tv.com/pages/content_landing_page/?Online-communities-keep-tabs-on-presiden=1&blockID=125941&feedID=13 The 33TV] - Numerous election parties held in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.pej.org/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=7481&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 Peace, Earth and Justice News] - Obama’s campaign has been working hard in Second Life to win the global vote for President of the US.<br>
[http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2008/11/is-the-new-open.html New World Notes] - Posts a poll about the Openspace pricing policy, with 48.8% of respondents satisfied or at least tolerant and 44.2% more suspicious.<br>
[http://gigaom.com/2008/11/05/linden-lab-revises-rebellion-land-price-hike/ GigaOm] - Linden Lab has significantly revised its pricing policies due to mass protest from Second Life Residents.<br>
[http://mmorpgbay.com/?p=3371 MMORPG Bay] - Linden Lab has announced a new land product for Second Life in response to the negative feedback from the price increase for Openspaces.<br>
[http://movies.ign.com/articles/927/927010p1.html IGN] - Reports that
Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski may soon be producing a project about a man’s addiction with Second Life.<br>
[http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1273861 Inform IT] - Provides a step-by-step process to sign up and use Second Life.<br>
[http://www.contracostatimes.com/ci_10881000 Contra Costa Times] - Reports that virtual worlds like Second Life are particularly poised for growth.<br>
[http://www.astd.org/TD/Archives/2008/Nov/0811_WhatThingsCost.htm T+D] - Second Life is an example of a public virtual world. It is extremely accessible, and users have the option of building their own custom space within the public program.<br>
[http://videogamemedia.com/article.php?id=1782&cat=News Video Game Media] - The 2008 Machinima Awards included many filmmakers, cineastes, gamers, students, and technologists from Second Life.<br>
[http://www.clickz.com/showPage.html?page=3631559 Clickz] - Linden Lab selected Big Spaceship to consult on its user experience design.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2008/11/linden-lab-hires-big-spaceship-to-improve-first-hour-experiences.html Virtual Worlds News] – Covers the partnership with Big Spaceship to improve the first hour user experience.<br>
[http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2008/11/big-spaceship.html New World Notes] - Big Spaceship is being brought on to “re-invent” the user experience.<br>
[http://www.technologystory.com/2008/11/03/viva-la-mobile-revolution/ Technology Story] - Sun and Samsung have demonstrated working applications of Second Life on mobile phones.<br>
[http://www.thestandard.com/news/2008/11/05/second-life-residents-split-linden-labs-open-spaces-compromise The Industry Standard] - Linden Lab oversees one of the most successful social virtual worlds in existence, but it is still struggling with Residents about how Second Life should be governed, especially over the use of Openspaces.<br>
[http://www.e-consultancy.com/news-blog/366643/second-life-faces-real-estate-crunch-of-its-own.html e-Consultancy] - Second Life faces a real estate crunch of its own.<br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Enterprise has received the most focus, with the coverage on Clare’s appointment and Silicon.com’s image display of enterprise use being the highlight articles.<br>
-- Continued coverage of Second Life being used for medical training purposes, in particular the training of paramedics in-world.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://networks.silicon.com/webwatch/0,39024667,39328235,00.htm Silicon.com] - Provides a selection of photos showing enterprise use of Second Life.<br>
[Brand Strategy] (not published online) - Discusses the debate around virtual world branding. Catherine Smith forms part of the six contributors.<br>
[http://www.marketingweek.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=63112&d=258&h=262&f=3 Marketingweek.co.uk] - Clare Rees’ appointment as European Marketing Director.<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://networks.silicon.com/webwatch/0,39024667,39328235,00.htm Silicon.com] - Provides a selection of photos showing enterprise use of Second Life.<br>
[http://www.cambridgenetwork.co.uk/news/article/default.aspx?objid=53201 cambridgenetwork.co.uk] - Second Life aids the evolution of corporate websites.<br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/leisure/games/3801198.Paramedics_train_in_Second_Life/ Guardian.co.uk] - Paramedic students at St George’s Hospital have been using Second Life to help prepare them for the real life situations they could face when they qualify.<br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/we-r-you-corporation-and-avatrait-digital,601627.shtml Earth Times] - Avatrait Digital Galleries, the Second Life gallery, has teamed up with the we-R-you Corporation to use their fully integrated social network platform, coRe, within the existing Avatrait website.<br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- There was still some coverage about churches in Second Life and, of course, the presidential elections in the US.<br>
-- Article in Handelsblatt about consultancies urging their clients into Web 2.0.<br>
-- Financial Times Deutschland has published an article about business schools using Web 2.0 features to communicate with students.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.noows.de/us-wahl-im-second-life-obama-vorn-3769  Noows.de] - A long news about the presidential elections within Second Life and Obama’s victory inworld.<br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[Financial Times Deutschland, Nov 31] - Published an article headlined “Business School 2.0”. The article is very positive overall and amongst others introduces the virtual campus that Insead Business School is running in Second Life. This is backed with positive quotes of a marketing professor.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.heise.de/tp/blogs/4/118242 Heise.de] - Writes about an artist who takes care of the avatars that are not in use anymore.<br> 
[http://www.pr-inside.com/de/auch-die-virtuelle-welt-diskutiert-die-r896377.htm PR-Inside.com] - US elections inworld and how they are taken up within Web 2.0.<br>
[http://slinside.com/index.php/SL-Videos-Kurzfilme/Die-Hexen-vom-Eastgrid.html SL Inside.com] - A video called “The witches of Eastgrid” which is quite nice to look at.<br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Coverage of Tom Hale’s appointment.<br>
-- Focus on recruitment in-world and how it can be used by enterprises to get new interesting profiles with several big companies mentioned.<br>
-- New employment agency for French community is now located in Liberta island.<br>
-- Reality Festival in Paris, the first international festival dedicated to virtual realities. Media wonder if Second Life is really a space to create and it has been demonstrated partly by this successful event. Even French singer William Scherrer exploration of Second Life inspire creativity in his latest album.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://virtuelnews.com/secondlife/2008/11/06/jack-linden-sur-second-life-repond-aux-revendications/ Virtuel News] - An article about Jack Linden answering to demands in Second Life. This follows a series of posts on pricing increase, riots inworld, and service interruptions.<br>
[http://gromike.wordpress.com/2008/11/05/cold-war-kids-en-bande-son-dans-second-life/ Gromike] - Covers Cold War Kids in Second Life, that demonstrates how you can be creative inworld.<br>
[http://www.indicerh.net/article.php?sid=4589 IndiceRH.net] - An article about Tom Hale’s appointment as Chief Product Officer of Linden Lab.<br>
[http://www.tdg.ch/actu/hi-tech/site-parler-seropositivite-2008-11-02 Tribune de Genève] - Covers new virtual world dedicated to people who have AIDS to discuss their issues.<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.latribune.fr/carrieres/recrutement/20081106trib000307155/second-life--quattendent-les-recruteurs-dun-avatar-candidat.html La Tribune.fr] - A very positive article about what can recruiters expect from an avatar-candidate. Interview with several recruiters:  AXA France, L’Oréal, La Caisse d’Epargne.<br>
[http://www.blog.adminet.fr/ralentissement-economique-=-acceleration-de-l-adop...-synd0077542.html PC World] - About how to survive economic crisis by developing Internet technologies usage, and mentions immersive workspaces as those proposed by Second Life that can enable to make real economies.<br>
[http://virtuelnews.com/secondlife/2008/11/01/virtueljobs-un-pont-entre-reel-et-virtuel-second-life/ Virtuel News] - On VirtuelJobs: a bridge between Real Life and Virtuel Life in Second Life. This is about a new employment agency located in Liberta French community island.<br>
[http://www.pink-seo.com/blog/le-shopping-virtuel-57 Pink-SEO] – Virtual shopping in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.atelier.fr/usages/10/30102008/internet-debusque-cv-menteurs-reseaux-sociaux-jobetic-37380-.html L’Atelier.fr] - Covers how to detect false CVs when recruiting where Second Life is mentioned: even in Second Life, you need to have a detailed and strong CV to be enable to meet recruiter.<br>
[http://www.sudouest.com/bearn/actualite/oloronnais/article/401341/p/1/mil/3417851.html Sud Ouest] - Stonfield Inworld initiative of e-commerce in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.directioninformatique.com/DI/client/fr/DirectionInformatique/Nouvelles.asp?id=50542 Direction Informatique] - How to attract new talents from Generation Y into your enterprise by using Social networks or Second Life, for instance.<br>
[http://www.sudouest.com/gironde/actualite/article/400316/p/1/mil/3407043.html Direction Informatique] - Digital networks or players, mentioned Second Life as one of the active places to be in.<br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://virtuelnews.com/secondlife/2008/11/03/journee-internationale-de-lenseignement-a-distance-dans-le-monde-virtuel-second-life/  VirtuelNews] - Posted an article on Distance Learning Day in the virtual world Second Life.<br>
[http://daneel-ariantho.blogspot.com/2008/11/journee-mondiale-de-lenseignement.html Daneel Ariantho Digital Log] - Distance Learning Day in the virtual world Second Life.<br>
[http://www.vagabondages.org/post/2008/11/05/Journee-internationale-du-e-learning-le-10-novembre-dans-second-life-et-a-la-Sorbonne Vagabondages] - Distance Learning Day in Second Life.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.liberation.fr/culture/0101166182-reality-territoire-d-avatars Liberation.fr] - Reality Festival with 4 days dedicated to Virtual Worlds. Second Life is mentioned as being an exciting laboratory for artists to experiment their creativity. Only regret is that they often reproduce real experiences inworld rather than developing new types of creativity.<br>
[http://www.vnunet.fr/news/barack_obama_a_aussi_conquis_les_electeurs_internautes_-2029242 Vnunet.fr] - Obama’s success also amongst Web electors in Twitter, Facebook or Second Life. Obama headquarters in Second Life has been filled with people during elections. Celebrations in Second Life have brought huge crowds of avatars together.<br>
[http://www.causeur.fr/la-france-l’autre-grand-pays-du-racisme,1262 Causeur Salon de Réflexion] – Says Sarah Palin is not human at all but rather like an avatar from Second Life. This qualification about her non humanity has been given by journalist Christian Salmon on RTL radio broadcast.<br>
[http://www.chronicart.com/webmag/article.php?id=1493 Chronicart.com] - Reality Festival with an interview of artists Camille Bovier Lapierre and Paul Coudamy. Both artists have worked on the Virtual but not on Second Life. They have been asked if they considered Second Life as a creative space and if it was not dead as a creative environment. Answer is complexity and richness of use is one of the reasons why some have abandoned creating in Second Life but Reality Festival creations hopefully will change things by showing extent of possibilities. <br>
[http://www.afjv.com/press0810/081027_reality_festival.htm Afjv.com] - Reality Festival and Second Life true Creative potential for Artists: “Your World, Your Imagination”.<br>
[http://www.ecrans.fr/Nouvel-article,5574.html Afjv.com] - About Reality Festival, and Second Life mentioned as a creative space.<br>
[http://www.rfimusique.com/musiquefr/articles/106/article_17416.asp RFI] -  Article about William Scherrer, famous French singer who explores Virtual Worlds, as Second Life that he visits regularly, that inspired his last album.<br>
[http://www.wmaker.net/editoweb/Actus-monde-les-Europeens-pour-Obama_a12124.html EditoWeb Magazine] - Obama in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.lemonde.fr/opinions/article/2008/10/31/la-second-life-du-politique-par-christian-salmon_1113284_3232.html LeMonde.fr] – Covers politics “second life” meaning that politics are now focusing on virtual news or virtual political effects based on no reality. Thus, journalist qualifies politics as becoming “second life” politics. He is the same author, Christian Salmon to qualify Sarah Palin as Second Life woman and not real human being. <br>
[http://www.vnunet.fr/news/weblin_petit_surf_commun_entre_avatars_virtuels_-2029035 Vnunet.fr] - Weblin new technologic application to surf and chat online as an avatar in this social network and meeting website. Second Life avatars are allowed.<br>
[http://www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2008/10/31/thriller-fete-ses-25-ans_1113445_3246.html LeMonde.fr] - Covers Thriller’s birthday where it is explained Michael Jackson dance has been reproduced many times as in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.20min.ch/ro/news/vaud/story/Le-swap--ou-comment-avoir-plus-sans-depenser-1-franc-13799905 20 Minutes.ch] - About Swap, a new service to exchange/convert virtual money. This service is available for Second Life.<br>
==Week Ending October 31, 2008==
Key Coverage by Market:
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Several positive articles around education.<br>
-- Increased interest in marketing in-world, and attention has been turned towards the impact of the RL economy on Second Life.<br>
-- Continued interest in colleges’ Second Life presence.<br>
-- Coverage of politics in Second Life due to the presidential election.<br>
Key Coverage: <br>
[http://www.fool.com/investing/high-growth/2008/10/24/one-disruptive-growth-company.aspx Motley Fool ] - States that the Second Life economy is strong and that the company is continuing to grow.<br>
[http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/10/24/1224351545380.html?feed=fairfaxdigitalxml The Sydney Morning Herald] - A piece about the success of in-world businesses and focuses on a successful Australian Resident.<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://dvice.com/archives/2008/10/second_china_in.php Dvice] - Reports on the “Second China Project,” – a federally funded initiative by a team at the University of Florida to create a virtual training ground for American diplomats who will work in China.<br>
[http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=f7e47bca-047c-46af-9485-bf5d1b0990d4 OttawaCitizen] - Reports that many large corporations are starting to use Second Life for training and meeting purposes.<br>
[http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=3fcb24f9-22c9-4e91-8656-2a252c1e8cd4 OttawaCitizen] - Ontario is using Second Life to recruit new public servants.<br>
[http://www.suntimes.com/technology/guy/1241998,CST-FIN-ecol26.article Chicago Sun-Times] - Numerous brands have found success in Second Life such Colgate, IMAX, Nestle, CareerBuilder and the World Bank.<br>
[http://www.mediaincanada.com/articles/mic/20081024/canadapost.html Media in Canada] - Canada Post recently launched Bright Idea Lab, a virtual agency headquartered in Second Life.<br>
[http://stockerblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/guest-article-lessons-learned-from.html Stocker] - Second Life and other virtual worlds have enormous branding opportunities in the next five years, but states that it is still too complex, and too difficult to measure ROI.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.eschoolnews.com/conference-info/conference-news/index.cfm?i=55795 eSchoolnews] - Reports on the future of education and the role technology will play, especially with the success of Second Life.<br>
[http://chronicle.com/free/2008/10/6130n.htm Chronicle for Higher Education] - College students are turning to alternative methods of recruiting for jobs such as Second Life. About 25 percent of campuses reported a presence there this year, compared with about 16 percent last year.<br>
[http://www.buffalo.edu/news/9726 UB News] – The University of Buffalo is developing a presence on Second Life to enhance social work practice education.<br>
[http://media.www.pacepress.org/media/storage/paper424/news/2008/10/29/Features/University.Purchases.Virtual.Island.Through.Grant-3514060.shtml Pace Press] - Pace University acquired its own island for educational exploration.<br>
[http://digitalbirmingham.wordpress.com/2008/10/30/training-future-paramedics-in-second-life/ Digital Birmingham] - National Health Service (NHS) are training paramedics in Second Life.<br>
[http://scienceblogs.com/digitalbio/2008/10/the_technology_gap_in_action_s.php Science Blog] - At the Advanced Technology Education conference in Washington, D.C., instructors received a crash course in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.hoteltechresource.com/article35378.html Hotel Tech Resource] - Covers unique uses of Second Life in eLearning.<br>
[http://transition.turbulence.org/blog/2008/10/29/no-lab-in-rmb-city-new-orleans-second-life/ Network Performance] - Covers RMB City – a virtual art community in the online world of Second Life, initiated by Beijing artist Cao Fei as a public platform for creativity.<br><br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
Key Coverage:
o Traditional/Mainstream Press
[http://blog.entrepreneur.com/2008/10/how-to-be-happy-trade-the-nasdaq-for-a-mmorpg.php Entrepreneur] - While the real economy weakens, Second Life remains strong.<br>
[http://www.philly.com/inquirer/front_page/20081028_Candidates_wage_virtual_campaigns_in_a_real_election.html Philadelphia Inquirer] - McCain & Palin boosters are promoting their candidacy at the Straight Talk Café in Second Life.<br>
[http://ocolly.com/2008/10/27/technology-replacing-a-pragmatic-relationship/ Ocolly.com] - Second Life has helped users find their soul mates, citing an MSNBC report about a romance between Second Life avatars.<br>
[http://www.runwaysl.com/blog/?p=582 Runway] - Runway Magazine will produce fashion shows for designers, agencies and collectives of fashion designers within Second Life.<br><br>
Openspaces coverage:<br>
[http://www.massively.com/2008/10/30/linden-lab-responds-to-void-simulator-furor/ Massively]<br>
[http://harperganesvoort.wordpress.com/2008/10/30/openspace-fee-burns/ Around the Grid] <br>
[http://raulcrimson.wordpress.com/2008/10/28/openspace-sims-another-linden-mistake/ A Crimson Tide] <br>
[http://www.nexeusfatale.com/journal/linden-lab-changes-openspace-and-for-the-better/ Nexeus Fatale] <br>
http://invdaily.blogspot.com/2008/10/lindens-lay-smackdown-on-openspace-sim.html InVDaily] <br>
[http://gofugyoursl.blogspot.com/2008/10/lessons-in-fraud.html GoFugYourselfSL] <br>
[http://metaversalarts.blogspot.com/2008/10/second-revolution-in-second-life_29.html Metaversal Arts] <br>
http://15timez.blogspot.com/2008/10/linden-labs-slams-its-paying-customers.html The Second Life Newspaper] <br>
[http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2008/10/ive-never-seen.html Second Thoughts] <br>
[http://otenth.homefries.org/ Tenth Life] <br>
[http://www.slabsorption.com/massively-sl-rss-linden-lab-changes-pricingpolicy-on-void-simulators Second Life Absorption] <br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Positive articles in the BBC, FT and Silicon.com.<br>
-- The educational and enterprise sections have received the most focus this week, especially with the BBC and bjhcim about paramedics being trained within Second Life.<br>
-- Continued coverage of Second Life being used for medical training purposes, in particular the training of paramedics in-world.<br>
-- Articles looking at the economic benefits of Second Life.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.silicon.com/silicon/networks/webwatch/0,39024667,39285821,00.htm silicon.com] - Predicts a bright future for Second Life.<br>
[http://www.silicon.com/silicon/networks/webwatch/0,39024667,39287127-1,00.htm Silicon.com] - Q&A with Mark Kingdon.<br>
[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7686595.stm BBC News] - Explores the benefits of virtual world training programs such as paramedic training in set up scenarios.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/7911901 The Guardian] - Discusses how Second Life is being used for virtual campaigns in the US presidential race.<br>
[http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/muxlim-launching-muslim-second-life--479053 techradar.com] - Reveals that Muslim social networking site Muxlim is launching its own virtual world. The innovative world is compared to Second Life.<br>
[http://www.cio.co.uk/concern/resources/news/index.cfm?articleid=3263&pagtype=allchandate CIO] – A look into the effects of social networking on businesses and mentions Second Life as being used by a Swiss construction company for posting staff information. <br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7686595.stm BBC News] - Explores the benefits of virtual world training programs such as paramedic training in set up scenarios.<br>
[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/23b7b568-a15e-11dd-82fd-000077b07658,dwp_uuid=02e16f4a-46f9-11da-b8e5-00000e2511c8.html FT.com] - Covers use of Second Life for University lectures and how useful virtual worlds are for lectures and seminars.<br>
http://www.bjhcim.co.uk/news/2008/n810044.htm bjhcim.co.uk] - Explains how paramedic students can now train in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.bjhcim.co.uk/news/2008/n810041.htm bjhcim.co.uk] - About the launch of a ‘silent assassin campaign’ by Diabetes UK in Second Life.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- No negative coverage this week.<br>
-- This week has seen a lot of coverage due to the diocese of Freiburg.<br>
-- The World Bank is a prominent topic in the news.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/Home/Nachrichten/Bayern/Artikel,-Online-zu-Gott-_arid,1368815_regid,2_puid,2_pageid,4289.html Augsburger Allgemeine - Published an article about the diocese of Freiburg, the first catholic diocese that enters Second Life.<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
http://www.sltalk.de/index.php/2008/10/29/weltbank-launch-doing-business-2009-report-in-second-life/ SL Talk - Reports that the World Bank is going to issue the Doing Business 2009 report in Second Life.<br>
http://www.theinquirer.de/2008/10/24/muxlim-startet-second-life-fur-moslems.html The Inquirer - Covers Muxlim’s new virtual world that obeys Islamic rules.<br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
http://www.az-web.de/news/computer-detail-az/699413?_link=&skip=&_g=Kirche-baut-Praesenz-im-Second-life-auf.html Aachener Zeitung Online - An article about this topic which also states some facts about the development of Second Life. Highlights the virtual church’s creation based on the original from 1100 year ago. Is also on the island Reichenau in the German Bodensee. Thus, the archdiocese is building a bridge between the long lasting tradition of the church and modern media usage.<br>
http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/Home/Nachrichten/Bayern/Artikel,-Online-zu-Gott-_arid,1368815_regid,2_puid,2_pageid,4289.html Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung online - Covers archdiocese Freiburg opening a virtual destination. The article also covers quotes from catholic and protestant organizations who have already made trials in Second Life and other virtual worlds and are quite positive about their experiences gained online.<br>
http://www.badische-zeitung.de/nachrichten/badenwuerttemberg/61,51-25928783.html Badische Zeitung Online - An article about this topic also. The journalist called OCTANE this week and requested artwork and statistics for this article.<br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.heise.de/tp/blogs/4/117902 Heise.de] - Writes about the Japanese woman and starts a discussion about virtual justice.<br> [http://www.gulli.com/news/virtuelle-welt-auch-m-rder-von-2008-10-24 Gulli.com] – Same coverage as above.<br>
[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/panorama/769/315658/text/ Süddeutsche Zeitung] – Same topic as above, and publishes a long piece and a picture about it online.<br>
[http://www.sltalk.de/index.php/2008/10/28/avatrait-press-conference-for-festival-della-creativita/ SL Talk] - Reports about the Avatrait conference in Florence.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- This week there has been a great piece of coverage published in Le Figaro, Virtuel news, Ange Zanetti blog, Silicon.fr, I-Marginal about Mark Kingdon press tour in Paris but on the second hand there were lots of posts published against the rise of Openspaces prices.<br>
-- This week tendency was about the reality Festival in Paris, first international festival dedicated to virtual realities.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
La Tribune (not available online) - published an article about Mark Kingdon interview during his venue in Paris and the future evolutions of SL.<br>
-terre/ Wangxiang] - Published a post about Mark Kingdon venue in Paris and the future evolutions of SL.<br>
i-marginal] - Published a post and a video about Mark Kingdon venue in Paris and the future evolutions of SL.<br>
[http://primforge.com/2008-10-23/the-first-hour Primeforge] - Posted about Mark Kingdon venue in Paris and the future evolutions of SL.<br>
ngdon-ceo-linden-lab/ Virtuel news] - Covers Mark Kingdon’s venue in Paris and the future evolutions of SL.<br>
[http://virtuelnews.com/secondlife/2008/10/25/suite-video-de-mark-kingdon-ceo-linden-lab-second-life/ Virtuel News] - A second post with a video of Mark Kingdon intervention in Paris.<br>
[http://angezanetti.blogspot.com/2008/10/m-kingdon-la-suite.html Ange Zanetti] - A second post with a video of Mark Kingdon ‘s interview in Paris.<br>
[http://b-r-ent.com/news/kingdon-ceo-second-life-a-paris-pour-diffuser-les-great-vibes Le blog des managers 2.0] - About Mark Kingdon’s venue in Paris.<br>
[http://www.community-chest.com/2008/10/28/octobre-2008-mark-kingdon-ceo-de-linden-lab-a-paris/ Community chest] - Covers Mark Kingdon venue in Paris and the lunch they had with him.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.fr/2008/10/28/les-mondes-virtuels-au-coeur-de-toutes-les-attentions/ Virtual world news] - Covers the fact that public sector begin to have interest in virtual worlds and SL. Mention of Thelethon association which has built its Island on SL and of the Reality Festival, first festival around virtual worlds in France.<br>
[http://vector.hugo.free.fr/blog/?p=384 Vector Hugo] - A comment about PlayStation Home.<br>
[http://espaces-virtuels.blogspot.com/2008/10/httpwww.html Espaces Virtuels 308] – A note about the fact that virtual world are going to take more space in real life according to Forrester.<br>
[http://www.david-castera.com/2008/10/la-famille-le-seul-reseau-qui-tienne/ dé-signes] - The only network that resists is family. Mention of SL a social network.
[http://www.silicon.fr/fr/news/2008/10/27/second_life_veut_rebondir  Silicon.fr] - Published an article about the Mark Kingdon venue in Paris and the evolutions to be don on SL.<br>
[http://www.lefigaro.fr/medias/2008/10/24/04002-20081024ARTFIG00514-second-life-cherche-un-second-souffle-.php Le Figaro.fr] -  An article about the Mark Kingdon venue in Paris and the evolutions to be done on SL.<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://bouillondecultures.blogspot.com/2008/10/le-3eme-salon-virtuel-working-worlds.html Bouillon de cultures] - Posted an article about “WorkingWorlds” European tradeshow on SL the 27th November. An event to follow up closely.<br>
[http://trouvailles20.blogspot.com/2008/10/le-administration-doit-se-prparer-la.html trouvailles2.0] - An article about the fact that e-administrations should get prepared to web 2.0. Mention of the French city Issy which is in SL.<br>
[http://www.club-business-91.com/le-monde-nouveau-de-la-generation-y-generation-erasmus/2008/10/27/ Club-business-91] - Covers the change of generation and the fact that now companies are now also recruiting on Second Life.<br>
[http://www.doppelganger.name/2008/10/bnp-paribas-utilise-le-jeu-pour.html?showComment=1225197660000 Dopplergame] - An article about new ways of recruitment, mentioning SL.<br>
[http://www.territoire-digital.com/2008/10/shayna-congrejo-alchimiste-virtuelle/ Territoire Digital] - An article about Shayna Congrejo, bank consultant.<br>
[http://www.presse-citron.net/filet-garni-du-mercredi PresseCitron] - Notes RIL Shopping, e commerce on SL.<br><br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.lepressing.com/metaverse/2008/10/29/reality-festival-cette-semaine-a-paris/ Metaverse le pressing] - Covers the Reality Festival.<br>
[http://www.imarginal.com/actualites/parisrivegauche-island/ I-marginal] - Posted an article about its creation: Paris Rive Gauche, on SL.<br>
[http://wangxiang.wordpress.com/2008/10/26/rmb-city-dans-second-life/ Mondes Virtuels] - A post about the construction of RMB city on SL.<br>
[http://webilus.com/screenshot/tous-les-logos-des-mondes-vrtuels webilus] - A note with all virtual world logos including Second Life.<br>
[http://3d-archi.blogspot.com/2008/10/cinema.html 3D archi] – The blog of an architect who has been building in SL for 6 months.<br>
[http://gromike.wordpress.com/2008/10/29/le-monde-de-la-rencontre-ou-la-rencontre-dun-monde/ Gromike] - An article about the growing interest in virtual worlds for dating websites.<br><br>
==Week Ending October 24, 2008==
Key Coverage by Market
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Generally positive, local and non-traditional media coverage.<br>
-- Coverage of the Rivers Run Red partnership.<br>
-- Interest in presidential elections.<br>
-- Universities expanding their presence in SL.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://blogs.wsj.com/biztech/2008/10/20/linking-the-real-web-with-virtual-worlds/ Wall Street Journal] - Second Life’s partnership with Rivers Run Red will allow companies to manage their 3D meetings, store multimedia information, manage news feeds and keep meeting records.<br>
Repost: [http://www.massively.com/category/second-life/ Massively]<br>
[http://www.inquisitr.com/5780/second-life-now-offering-business-teleconferencing/ Inquisitr] - Linden Lab has teamed up with Rivers Run Red to offer a formal business teleconferencing solution on the Second Life Grid.<br>
[http://www.secondlifeupdate.com/news-and-stuff/business-collaboration-in-second-life-with-immersive-workspaces-20-from-rivers-run-red-and-linden-lab/ Second Life Update] - Linden Labs has partnered with Rivers Run Red to release Immersive Workspaces 2.0.<br>
[http://secondthoughts.typepad.com/second_thoughts/2008/10/you-can-step-in.html Second Thoughts] – Blog post about the vast potential of Second Life’s Immersive Workspaces 2.0 platform for businesses.<br>
[http://www.metaverse1.org/2008/10/second-life-launches-inmersive-spaces.html Metaverse1] - Post that Second Life has launched Immersive Spaces, a solution for corporate distant meeting organization.<br>
[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5h2pWY_OiY6I4JRKB4pwPOx_iQp2QD94032180 Associated Press] - Voters are intensely following the U.S. presidential campaign in Second Life.<br><br>
[http://www.forbes.com/technology/2008/10/22/tech-starter-kit-ent-tech-cx_br_1022socialnetworkingglossary.html Forbes] - Second Life is one of the 30 social networking resources you should know, especially for small business.<br>
[http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/business/story.html?id=d62bd011-656f-47f0-b28a-b60f96af315e&p=2 The Gazette] - Second Life is a virtual world where brands attempt to experiment with a new form of business marketing.<br>
[http://news.zdnet.com/2424-9595_22-242832.html ZDnet] - In part two of their feature on corporate meetings, they will explore how Second Life is a great alternative for traditional meetings.<br>
[http://creativity-online.com/?action=news:article&newsId=131799&sectionId=ad_critic_news Creativity Online] - Covers the success of Scion’s “Scion City” inside Second Life.<br><br>
[http://www.udel.edu/udaily/2009/oct/secondlife102208.html UD Daily] -University of Delaware is investing heavy amount of resources to further develop their presence in Second Life.<br>
[http://media.www.bsudailynews.com/media/storage/paper849/news/2008/10/21/News/Bsu-Alumni.Association.Sponsors.Online.Events-3496530.shtml The Ball State Daily news Online] - Ball State University is inviting alumni to tour the campus on Ball State Island, a complete recreation of the school in Second Life.<br>
[http://media.www.duclarion.com/media/storage/paper481/news/2008/10/21/News/Professors.Create.Virtual.Nuclear.Lab-3496896.shtml DU Clarion] - The DU Department of Physics and Astronomy is exploring Second Life as a new way of teaching nuclear energy.<br>
[http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/breaking/2008/10/22/large-hadron-colliders-atlas-in-second-life/ Symmetry Breaking] – Blog post on plans to build the famous Hadron Collider in Second Life.<br>
[http://elearning-it.blogspot.com/2008/10/coffe-with-gavin-dudeney-in-second-life.html e-learning] -  There will be an informal opportunity to ask questions and find out more about the work of one of the main innovators of educational programs in Second Life.<br>
[http://library.ucmo.edu/news/?p=33 JCK Library News] - There will be a tour (w/ live performances) for the opening of the new virtual library in Second Life.<br>
[http://npsl.wikispaces.com/Validation-+Nonprofits+in+SL NPSL] - Covers actual experiences of 12 non-profits that have been working in Second Life for the past year.<br>
[http://www.worldsinmotion.biz/2008/10/virtual_worlds_including_ourwo.php  World in Motion.Biz] -  There will be a mock presidential debate between Second Life residents on October 25.<br><br>
CONSUMER: (all other areas)
[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5h2pWY_OiY6I4JRKB4pwPOx_iQp2QD94032180 Associated Press] - Voters are intensely following the U.S. presidential campaign in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/gamesinc/archives/2008/10/journey_into_ou.html?chan=top+news_top+news+index+-+temp_innovation+%2Bamp%3B+design Business Week] – Post about future saturation of Second Life copycats such as browser-based ourWorld.<br>
[http://www.allakhazam.com/story.html?story=15575 Allakhazam] - Vivox’s technology is integrated directly into the Second Life interfaces making controls easy to use.<br>
[http://laist.com/2008/10/20/pencil_this_inmonday_5.php LAist] - Peggy Weil, will share “Gone Gitmo,” an installation of Guantanamo Prison in the virtual reality environment Second Life.<br>
[http://dusanwriter.com/index.php/2008/10/23/virtual-worlds-and-the-trend-towards-free-second-life-and-the-object-economy/ Dusan Writer] - Second Life is often mirrored or ahead of what happens in the real world.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- The coverage this week has been positive. We’ve had two articles published from Mark’s press tour, in the Times and on Reuters.<br>
-- The educational category has received the most focus with articles on paramedic training and virtual public services.<br>
-- Articles looking at the evolution of Second Life and growing enterprise of the virtual world.<br>
-- Continued coverage of virtual medical training and use of Second Life to promote state public services.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4987240.ece The Times] - Profiles Mark Kingdon following his interview during his press tour. The article takes the view of Second Life growing up by appointing a veteran Internet marketing expert.<br>
[http://uk.reuters.com/news/video?videoId=92549&videoChannel=4000  Reuters TV] -  Online video from the Virtual World Conference in which Mark Kingdon, Justin Bovington and Language Lab are interviewed.<br><br>
[http://www.trainingzone.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=189843&d=1 Training Zone] - Profiles Social and educational technologist Josie Fraser. Josie mentions Orange’s use of Second Life as a great example of commercial technological use.<br>
[http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/884037?UserKey= Aberdeen Press Journal] - Reports Aberdeen-based Second Places is among firms specialising in developing presences in virtual worlds such as Second Life.<br>
[http://management.silicon.com/itdirector/0,39024673,39320360,00.htm  Silicon.com] - Describes different ways in which meetings can be made interesting. Second Life is set to be included in the second part of this series of articles.<br><br>
[http://www.ehealtheurope.net/news/4250/paramedic_students_trained_using_second_life e-health europe] - Discusses the use of Second Life in training paramedic students. The system is being introduced this month for Paramedic Science students studying at the Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, a partnership between St George’s, University of London and Kingston University.<br>
[http://www.silicon.com/publicsector/0,3800010403,39322549,00.htm Silicon.com] - Birmingham is getting its very own virtual island in Second Life showcasing potential ways in which the virtual world can deliver public services.<br>
[http://www.birminghampost.net/birmingham-business/birmingham-business-news/creative-industries-news/2008/10/19/how-visitors-can-get-3d-view-of-birmingham-65233-22069882/ Birmingham Post] - Visitors planning a trip to Birmingham will have the chance to explore the city online when ‘Birmingham Island’ opens in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/local-west-yorkshire-news/2008/10/16/police-protect-students-from-inside-virtual-world-86081-22044324/ Huddersfield Daily Examiner] - Reports West Yorkshire Police are displaying safety messages in Second Life. This move is especially aimed at students.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Second Life seems to become more and more interesting for companies.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.computerwelt.at/detailArticle.asp?a=117924&n=5 Computerwelt.at] - Covers the RRR release and publishes an article about Immersive Workplaces and their use for companies.<br>
[http://www.theinquirer.de/2008/10/17/second-life-trotzt-der-finanzkrise.html The Inquirer.de] - States that Second Life is not affected by the global finance crash.<br>
[http://www.it-times.de/news/special/datum/2008/10/17/was-duerfen-unternehmen-in-virtuellen-welten-erwarten/ IT-Times.de] - Describes in its big series about virtual worlds what companies can expect from them. They are not too enthusiastic about Lively.<br>
[http://www.sltalk.de/index.php/2008/10/22/american-express-open-und-second-life/ SL Talk] - Shows a film about virtual marketplaces in Second Life which has been produced in collaboration with American Express. It is quite nice to look at!<br>
[http://blog.schweizer-web.ch/2008/10/21/islamisches-secondlife/ Schweizer-web.de] - Reports about plans of creating a virtual world that obeys Islamic rules.<br>
[http://fudder.de/artikel/2008/10/16/sprachunterricht-in-second-life/ Fudder.de] - An interview with an English teacher who teaches in Second Life.<br>
[http://idw-online.de/pages/de/news284442 IDW online.de] - A long news piece about students who won prizes for their thesis. One of them, Torsten Spiller, wrote about marketing in Second Life.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.openpr.de/news/252145/Buchvorstellung-Kunst-Bildband-Tyghts-First-Class-Pantyhose-Virtual-Fine-Art-Photography-in-Second-Life.html Open PR.de] - Publishes a news piece about a book with erotic pictures from Second Life.<br>
[http://www.sltalk.de/index.php/2008/10/21/avatrait-digitaler-impressionismus-from-second-life-to-florence/ SL Talk] - Writes about the Avatrait Gallery opening in Second Life. There is also an interesting video about arts and artists of Avatrait.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- A great piece of coverage published in Journal du net, AFP, Le Parisien, DNA about the comment of John Zdanowski comment about the impact of the financial crisis on Second Life.<br>
--This week tendency was still about cyberculture on SL and exchanges with artist on conferences.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5jw90-tp6yI11ug5yT7ljnI2bdRjA AFP] – A press agency published John Zdanowski comment on SL Economy regarding the financial crisis.<br>
[http://slandreamedia.wordpress.com/2008/10/17/agence-communication-second-life/ Andrea media] - A note to let any web surfer know who they are.<br>
[http://www.michelleblanc.com/2008/10/17/bisbille-marketing-pouvoir-des-blogueurs-melange-des-genres/ michelleblanc] -  About her blog explaining the subjects she is interested in with the mention of SL.<br>
[http://www.hakwara.com/sony/playstation-3-en-force-14521.html hakwara] – A forum posted a note about Home.<br>
[http://the.world.of.all.free.fr/?p=168 the world of all] – Published a note about Wonderland, a program using Java to create a sort of SL in 3D.<br>
[http://boost.enaty.com/info-1865.html boost] - Proposes a presentation of SL through another website: gamebiz.<br>
[http://wangxiang.wordpress.com/2008/10/19/musique-interactive-et-realite-mixte-dans-second-life/ Wangxiang] - A note about Interactive music and mixed reality in SL.<br>
[http://marketingisdead.blogspirit.com/archive/2008/09/18/l-apres-web-2-0.html Marketing is dead] - An article about “after web 2.0”.<br>
[http://redact.hautetfort.com/archive/2008/10/20/second-life-en-francais-c-est-pour-bientot.html Redact] - Posted a note about the possibility of having soon a French version of SL.<br>
[http://www.invworlds.fr/?p=416 Inworlds] - Published a note about SL popularity.<br>
[http://www.community-chest.com/2008/10/20/univers-virtuels-age-et-nombre-de-comptes/fr/ Community chest] -  Article about the growth over time of virtual worlds (with a graph) with a mention of SL.<br>
[http://effetdepresence.blogspot.com/2008/10/second-life-est-pargn.html effet de presence] - Published a news piece about the effect of the financial crisis on SL (thanks to our response to the AFP).<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.fr/2008/10/20/beaucoup-de-changements-sous-le-capot-de-second-life/ Virtual world news] published a news about SL and the changes that are going to happen.<br>
[http://gromike.wordpress.com/2008/10/21/presentation-des-tutoriaux-second-life-sur-le-site-portail/ Gromike on second life] -  A note about tutorials on SL.<br>
[http://www.journaldunet.com/breve/32512/la-crise-financiere-epargne-pour-l-instant-second-life.shtml Journal du net] - Published a news piece around Second life and the fact that the financial crisis has no impact on SL economy.<br>
[http://www.theinquirer.fr/2008/10/16/les-indices-economiques-de-second-life-restent-stables.html The Inquirer] - Article about the fact that SL economy is not affected by the financial crisis<br>
[http://www.leparisien.fr/abo-economie/les-entreprises-face-a-la-crise-16-10-2008-277555.php  Le Parisien.fr] - News about the fact that SL economy is not affected by the financial crisis.<br>
[http://www.neteco.com/170114-3d-cybercartes-figaro.html neteco] - Article about the fact that 3D seduces more and more internet actors.<br>
[http://archives.dna.fr/cgi/idxlist_audio?m1=second&m2=life&m3=&aaaammjj=20081012&aaaammjj2=20081022&amjg=20081012-20081022&amj1=&amj2=&rubrique=&a=lst DNA] - News about the fact that SL economy is not affected by the financial crisis.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://angezanetti.blogspot.com/2008/10/second-life-pour-les-entreprises.html Ange zanetti] - Article about SL for companies with the mention to Rivers Run Red.<br>
[http://www.david-castera.com/2008/10/e-commerce-univers-virtuels-ril-shopping/ david castera] - A note about RIL Shopping, or e-commerce on SL.<br>
[http://ziplace.free.fr/index.php/2008/10/17/304-ril-shopping-faire-du-shopping-dans-un-monde Virtuel Ziplace.free] - David castera posted a note about RIL Shopping, or e-commerce on SL.<br>
[http://blog.miscellanees.net/post/2008/10/17/3D-ADN-mode-Flickr-Les-sites-de-rencontres-du-futur-Les-Echos Miscellanees] - A note about a study published around social networks success following SL success.<br>
[http://www.emob.fr/dotclear/ril-shopping-2007 emob] - A note about RIL Shopping, or e-commerce on SL.<br>
[http://www.julienmartel.net/julienmartelnet/2008/10/naissance-du--c.html julien martel] - RIL Shopping, or e-commerce on SL.<br>
[http://sl.chauffeurdebuzz.com/ril+shoping-210 Chauffeur de buzz] - RIL Shopping, or e-commerce on SL.<br>
[http://leblog.vendeesign.com/web20/ril-shopping-le-e-commerce-en-3-dimensions/ vendeesign] - RIL Shopping, or e-commerce on SL.<br>
[http://recrutement.communication.over-blog.com/article-23895679.html Recrutement communication] - About recruitment on SL saying that it is just a beginning.<br>
[http://www.informer-autrement.fr/post/2008/10/19/RIL-Shopping-ou-la-vraie-vie-dans-un-monde-virtuel Informer autrement] - About RIL Shopping on SL.<br>
[http://bruxello.com/story.php?title=stonfield-inworld-lance-la-boutique-virtuelle-ril-shopping bruxello] - About RIL Shopping on SL.<br>
[http://entreprise20.fredcavazza.net/2008/10/20/vive-les-espaces-de-travail-virtuels/ entreprise2.0] - About Immersive Workspaces 2.0.<br>
[http://www.blog-cybermarketing.com/article-23943365.html blog cybermarketing] - A video showing the typical day of a businessman working on virtual worlds.<br>
[http://fr.techcrunch.com/2008/10/17/fr-breves-de-france-ebuzzing-passe-a-la-video-sponsorisee-boursereflex-revisite-linfo-boursiere-ril-shopping-et-ses-boutiques-dans-second-life-yamli-pour-ecrire-arabe-sur-internet-nouvelle-ed/#comment-598004 Techcrunch] - Published a note about RIL Shopping on SL.<br>
[http://www.digg-france.com/INTERNET/Le-referencement-commercial-en-3-dimensions-sur-internet digg france] - Published a note about commercial referencing very useful virtual worlds such as SL.<br>
[http://www.indicerh.net/article.php?sid=4284 Indice RH] - Published an article about RRR.<br>
[http://www.ecommercemag.fr/xml/Breves/2008/01/26686/Stonfield-InWorld-et-Sofinco-creent-une-galerie-marchande-sur-Second-Life/?xtor=RSS-1 ecommercemag] -  Article about RIL shopping.<br>
[http://www.territoire-digital.com/2008/10/madpea-un-petit-pois-fou-dans-le-metaverse/ Territoire digital.com] - About MadPea production a solution provider who offers to company creative and interactive content on SL.<br>
[http://www.journaldunet.com/breve/32496/le-centre-commercial-ril-shopping-bientot-sur-second-life.shtml Journal du net] - A news piece about RIL Shopping on SL.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.girlpower3.com/notes/compte-rendu-7/ girlpower3] – A review of the event they organized last week aux “Beaux arts”.<br>
[http://www.guim.fr/blog/2008/10/visite-virtuell.html guim] -  About the possible visit of the Imperial city in SL.<br>
[http://nathalto.wordpress.com/2008/10/19/soiree-girl-power-30-aux-beaux-arts/ nathalto] - A note about the event Girl Power 3 organized last week aux “Beaux arts”.<br>
[http://sun3000.blogspot.com/2008/10/la-rencontre-qui-simposait-mimi.html Sun3000] - A note about Mimi Carpenter singing on SL.<br>
[http://www.penseesociale.catholique.fr/L-Eglise-et-Internet.html  pensee sociale] - Posted a note saying that catholics are present on SL (article reference: Church and internet).<br>
[http://www.agendadulibre.org/showevent.php?id=2613 agenda du libre] - Posted a note about an event happening in Lille in November “ Numerical Liberties”. In June 2009, the main theme of this event happening every third Monday of each month will be Social Internet and numerical communities with a mention to SL.<br>
[http://www.cyberbougnat.net/Le-Cantal-bientot-dans-Second-Life,2367.html Cyberbougnat] – Coming French region “ le Cantal” in SL.<br>
[http://bernard-claverie.blogspot.com/2008/10/ia-shs-le-racisme-des-avatars.html Bernard Claverie] - Published an article relating of a study led on SL to evaluate the level of racism on SL.<br>
[http://vade-mecum.over-blog.fr/article-23934179.html Vade-Mecum] - A note about the creation of a special place on SL to welcome Terry Pratchett.<br>
[http://www.betapolitique.fr/La-Cite-Interdite-virtuelle-13735.html betapolitique] - Posted a note and photos about the Imperial city on SL.<br><br>
==Week Ending October 17, 2008==
Key Coverage by Market
-- The vast majority of coverage this week was positive in tone.<br>
-- Several articles focused on educational and training uses of Second Life.<br>
-- Many mentions in pieces looking at Obama’s in-game campaign ads.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://chronicle.com/wiredcampus/index.php?id=3396&utm_source=wc&utm_medium=en Chronicle of Higher Education] - Article on the recreation of Darwin’s journey in-world.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://radar.oreilly.com/2008/10/wikitecture-radical-collabor.html O’Reilly Radar] Covers Studio Wikitechture.<br>
[http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/152068/seven_essential_ways_to_cut_your_tech_costs.html PC World] - Mentions Second Life as a platform for virtual meetings in an article about cutting tech costs.<br>
[http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/news/virtual-worlds-to-reach-33-million-users-by-2013-says-study/?biz=1 GameDaily] - Covers the Parks Associates report, which predicts 33M users of virtual worlds by 2013; the piece has very positive subhead: Second Life might be doing well now, but Parks Associates expects all 3D virtual worlds to explode in the next five years.<br>
[http://www.nytimes.com/external/gigaom/2008/10/15/15gigaom-virtual-world-investment-148-mm-in-q3-498-24949.html New York Times] - Reposts a GigaOM piece in which James Au reports that $148M has been invested in virtual worlds in Q3.<br>
[http://techinsider.nextgov.com/2008/10/showing_results_in_virtual_wor.php NextGov] - Writes about using Second Life for training.<br>
[http://www.govtech.com/gt/articles/421733 Government Technology] - Excerpts a white paper that mentions Second Life as a tool for government outreach.<br>
[http://blog.thirdforce.com/e-learning-trends/game-training-virtual-worlds/ Third Force] blogs about training in Second Life.<br>
[http://visatechlawblog.com/2008/10/17/on-lawyers-becoming-real-in-second-life/ Visa Tech] blogs about lawyers entering Second Life.<br>
[http://www.cpasuccess.com/2008/10/decision-to-go.html CPA Success] - Blogs about an inworld panel that discussed the decision to ‘go private’.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://chronicle.com/wiredcampus/index.php?id=3396&utm_source=wc&utm_medium=en Chronicle of Higher Education] - Writes on the recreation of Darwin’s journey inworld.<br>
[http://media.www.kentnewsnet.com/media/storage/paper867/news/2008/10/15/News/Professor.Wins.Award.For.Work.With.Second.Life-3487393.shtml Kent State News] - Reports that a professor has won an award for his work in Second Life.<br>
[http://media.www.kentnewsnet.com/media/storage/paper867/news/2008/10/15/News/Kent-Ensemble.To.Create.Virtual.Play-3487354.shtml Kent State News] - Also reports that students will perform an inworld play.<br>
[http://media.www.browndailyherald.com/media/storage/paper472/news/2008/10/14/Features/Alums.Film.Brings.Real.Camera.To.Virtual.World-3485702.shtml Brown Daily Herald] - Writes about an alum’s film, which is a documentary about three lives in Second Life.<br>
[http://librarian84vreblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/classroom-in-second-life-future.html VRE Blog] - Describes the librarian blogger’s plans for a classroom in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.yournursing.com/2008/10/16/first-paramedic-course-to-use-second-life/ Online Nursing] - Writes about an inworld paramedic training course.<br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.examiner.com/x-1025-New-York-Multiplayer-Gaming-Examiner~y2008m10d16-Virtual-wastelands-Videogames-as-the-postapocalypticout The Examiner] - Mentions Second Life in an article about post-apocalyptic themes in games.<br>
[http://www.argn.com/archive/000788picnic_08_part_three_social_network_fatigue_and_visual_asset_collections.php ARG Net] - Reports on Philip’s panel at PICNIC.<br>
[http://www.bizreport.com/2008/10/in-game_ads_added_to_obama_campaign.html BizReport] - Mentions Obama campaigning inworld in an article about his campaign ads in video games.<br>
[http://machinist.salon.com/blog/2008/10/15/obama_xbox360/ Salon] - Also mentions Obama campaigning inworld in an article about his campaign ads in video games.<br>
[http://www.examiner.com/x-856-Los-Angeles-Video-Games-Examiner~y2008m10d14-Obama-on-Xbox-Live The Examiner] - Also mentions campaigning inworld in an article about Obama’s campaign ads in video games.<br>
[http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/hughes/34671/obama-reaches-out-to-gamers-though-in-game-ads/ Yahoo! News] - Mentions Second Life in an article about Obama’s in-game ads.<br>
[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/14/AR2008101401881.html The Washington Post] - Reposts a Paid Content article, which mentions Second Life in an article about Obama’s in-game ads.<br>
[http://blog.wired.com/games/2008/10/obama-campaign.html WIRED] - Also mentions Second Life in an article about Obama’s in-game ads.<br>
[http://www.popularmechanics.com/blogs/technology_news/4287292.html Popular Mechanics] - Mentions Second Life in a review of the new Macbook, to note that going inworld would use its more powerful graphics card.<br>
[http://www.socialmediawatch.net/index.php/uncategorized/two-americans-create-a-digital-drug-for-second-life/ Social Media Watch] - Posts about an inworld ‘drug’ that changes avatars’ perceptions.<br>
[http://mmorpgbay.com/?p=2566 MMORPG-Bay] - Posts Tateru’s thoughts on the inworld economy.<br>
[http://www.massively.com/2008/10/17/second-life-grid-protocol-leaks-avatar-locations/ Massively] - Reports on Dusan’s claims.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Positive coverage, including a Financial Times article explaining how Second Life benefits the art world.<br>
-- All three major categories/markets have received similar focus in regard to numbers of articles this week.<br>
-- Business platforms using Second Life to boost their recruitment drives. The articles reveal the positives that Second Life offers.<br>
-- Education and non-profits have received the greatest quality of coverage with the focus on medical research, charity awareness and educational use of Second Life.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/fd14a37c-972a-11dd-8cc4-000077b07658.html Financial Times] - Discusses the Chinese artist Cao Fei’s use of Second Life to showcase his artwork. The article also espouses about the benefits of Second Life to art.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2008/10/14/232648/web-2.0-streamlines-financial-services-hr.htm Computerweekly.com] - Discusses how enterprises are using web 2.0 technology as part of their recruitment process.<br>
[http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/2008/10/10/47853/how-to.-recruit-online.html Personnel Today] - Discusses how online recruitment can help a business. Second Life is mentioned as providing numerous opportunities.<br>
[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/archive/7664070.stm BBC Click] - Discusses the increasing number of enterprises embracing web 2.0 technology. Second Life is compared to Smeet.com.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/125259.php Medicalnewstoday.com] - Reveals paramedic students are using Second Life to practice assessing and treating patients in assignments set by professors at St George's, University of London and Kingston University.<br>
[http://www.thirdsector.co.uk/Channels/Communications/login/852493/ Thirdsector.co.uk] - Reveals Diabetes UK has built a virtual HQ in Second Life, as part of its ‘silent awareness’ campaign.<br>
[http://www.iwr.co.uk/information-world-review/news/2228020/nature-builds-further-virtual iwr.co.uk] - Reports that The Nature Publishing Group has increased its presence in Second Life by launching the Elucian Islands, its new official area.<br>
[http://www.lutontoday.co.uk/lut-news/Virtual-learning-for-students-.4574757.jp Luton Today] - Reveals that Barnfield College has opened up a virtual island for the benefits of its students.<br><br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://continuitycentral.com/news04209.html continuitycentral.com] - Describes how IBM offered its Virtual Business Center in Second Life to host the Virtual Worlds Forum Show after a shooting at the original venue.<br>
[http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/ibm-signs-services-agreement-with-fashion-research-institute,574017.shtml earthtimes.org] - Announces the agreement between IBM Global Business Services and the Fashion Research Institute. This first-of-a-kind system will allow fashion and consumer packaging designers to access and use 3-D tools with the Second Life client interface.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Philip’s interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung was published online and in print.<br>
-- A new book about the society in Second Life appeared.<br>
-- IBM’s Data Center secured a lot of attention.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/computer/724/313630/text/ Süddeutsche Zeitung] - Published Helmut Martin-Jung’s interview with Philip at PICNIC in which he asked him critical questions. Philip answered in very confident way.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1220460848080 Der Standard.at] - Almost literally picked up our pitch about IBM.<br>
[http://www.computerzeitung.de/articles/ibm_oeffnet_virtuelles_green_data_center_in_second_life:/2008042/31683275_ha_CZ.html?thes=&tp=/themen/green-it/ Computerzeitung]<br>
[http://www.lanline.de/articles/ibm_oeffnet_gruenes_rz_im_nicht_ganz_so_gruenen_second_life:/2008011/31683605_ha_LL.html?thes  Lanline.de] - Both above published the news about IBM.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://fm4.orf.at/burstup/224361 ORF.at] - Describes how an anthropologist examines the society in Second Life in his new book “Coming of age in Second Life”.<br>
[http://www.lehrer-online.de/721461.php Lehreronline.de] - An article about a seminar at the University of Nuremberg which deals with lessons in virtual worlds.<br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://tinyurl.com/5gxgwg IT Times] - A long article if Lively can make virtual worlds a mass phenomena.<br>
[http://diepresse.com/home/techscience/internet/421207/index.do Die Presse.com] - Publishes an article about Sony’s Home and mentions it together with Second Life. Great comment at the end of the page, where a reader defends Second Life against unfitting comparisons.<br>
[http://www.sltalk.de/index.php/2008/10/14/nutzerzahlen-in-second-life-steigen-weiterhin/ SLtalk]  - Observes rising user numbers in Second Life.<br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Positive coverage.<br>
-- Particularly great piece of coverage published in Les Echos of Second Life.<br>
-- Other articles have been published about SL competitors.<br>
-- This week, the enterprise focus was on Monster virtual recruitment event.<br>
-- Use of Second Life to promote political campaigns.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.lesechos.fr/info/enquete/4783139.htm?xtor=RSS-2059  Les echos.fr] - Published Charles de Laubier article about Second Life. This article was secured thanks to our common work to organize 5 interviews and respond to the journalist demands. The article is positive and expresses the future of Second Life in terms of “teleportation” and business implementation..<br>
[http://leblogduzebre.blogspot.com/2008/10/du-bon-du-beau-du-basquecamp.html LeBlog du Zebre] - Posted a note about “Basque Camp 2” an event with about 30 themes of discussion. One is about the future of virtual worlds as Second Life.<br>
[http://robertbranche.blogspot.com/2008/10/neurocrise-vers-un-neuromonde.html Neuromanagement] - An article about the crises and tries to explain why it is major. Mention of Second Life as a world letting anyone be anything.<br>
[http://cafedetente.blogspot.com/2008/10/le-danger-du-vurtuel.html Cafedete] posted a note about dangers of virtual worlds becoming real for some users. Mention of Second Life as one of them.<br>
[http://mondes-virtuels.stonfield-inworld.com/stonfield-inworld-sera-au-virtual-worlds-london/ Stonfield Inworld] - Solution provider posted a note about the fact that they will be present at the Virtual World London.<br>
[http://bleumers.blogspot.com/2008/10/cyberculture.html Cote d’azure] - Edited an article about cyberculture with a mention to SL.<br>
[http://www.betapolitique.fr/Antisocial-Notworking-13039.html Betapolitique] -  Article about antisocial networking and the fact that Linda Hilfling has placarded SL terms of services on SL advertising space.<br>
[http://www.w3sh.com/2008/10/09/xbox-experience-debutera-le-19-novembre/ w3sh] - Published an article about Xbox Experience (similar to SL).<br>
[http://www.asp-magazine.com/zactus/z/p23523.html ASP Magazine] - Published a news piece about Sony and Microsoft exploring virtual worlds. Mention of SL as the first virtual world.<br>
[http://microsoft-world.com/index.php?post/2008/10/10/Sony-et-Microsoft-se-preparent-a-lancer-des-communautes-virtuelles Microsoft-world] - Published an article about Sony and Microsoft both launching their virtual community. Mention of SL as a similar product.<br>
[http://www.linformatique.org/sony-lance-une-nouvelle-mouture-de-la-playstation-3.html L’informatique] - Published an article about the new version of the Playstation 3, including Home (mention of SL as a different virtual world).<br>
[http://www.penseesociale.catholique.fr/Glossaire-internet.html?artsuite=1 Eglise Catholique.fr] - Edited a web dictionary with a definition of Second Life.<br>
[http://www.community-chest.com/2008/10/14/au-juste-cest-quoi-second-life/ Community Chest] - Published a news about what Second Life is.<br>
[http://www.suib-i.com/blog/slurl.html Sui-Ijeux] - Blog published an article about SLurl.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.tecoman.info/article-23549054.html Tecoman] - Published an article about Monster proposing its event: the eDays (virtual recruitments).<br>
[http://www.korben.info/monster-lance-edays-son-salon-virtuel-3d-du-recrutement.html Korben.info] - Published an article about Monster and their eDays.<br>
[http://detruk.blogspot.com/2008/10/monster-edays-premier-salon-virtuel-du.html Detruc] - Posted a note about Monster’s eDay event (virtual recruitment) such as Second Life.<br>
[http://www.interfacesriches.fr/2008/10/14/monster-lance-edays/ Interfaces Riches] - Posted a note about Monster’s eDay event (virtual recruitment) such as Second Life.<br>
[http://blog.lefigaro.fr/hightech/2008/10/obama-fait-campagne-sur-le-xbo.html Le Figaro’s blog] - Edited a note about Obama on campaign on the Xbox Live. Mention of SL as a place where political campaigns also take place.<br>
[http://jeanrem.info/2008/10/11/en-direct-du-forum-paroles-d%E2%80%99europeens/ Jean Rem] - Posted a note about “Paroles d’Européens” an event with Bernard Kouchner and Jean Pierre Jouyet. Mention of the project of a Future European University in SL.<br>
[http://calinologue.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!FCC722282027A4D9!417.entry Calinologue] - Posted a comment about relations on SL and the fact that anyone can marry everybody.<br>
[http://www.rezo21.net/la-technologie-fait-partie-de-la-reponse/get-real-or-go-home-157 Solutions Internet Durables] - Posted an article about today’s risks from companies with the economical crisis. Mention of Second Life as a company which could suffer of it.<br>
[http://www.territoire-digital.com/2008/10/il-vous-accueille-sur-territoire-digital/ Territoire Digital] - Posted an interview of Jean Pierre Etchegoyhen, Community Manager at the Credit Agricole who just arrived on SL.<br>
[http://www.metalab3d.blogspot.com/ Metalab3d] – A note about history of virtual worlds transposed in a chronological plank.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.fr/2008/10/12/un-cours-de-creation-de-mondes-virtuels/ VirtualWorldnews.fr] - A note about creation courses on SL.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://sldirect.blogspot.com/2008/10/la-biblio-sur-france-inter.html En direct de Second life] - Published a piece about the interview of their journalist on France Inter Radio about their activity on SL (galleries, art, and culture in SL).<br>
[http://tournicoton-art-gallery.blogspot.com/2008/10/tournicoton-art-gallery-plus-dune-anne.html Tournicoton Art Gallery] - Published a page about a year of art and exposure on SL.<br>
[http://vega93.blogspot.com/2008/10/extrait.html VEGA] - Posted an article with extracts from a book about addiction to video games and virtual worlds. Mention of SL as one of them and description of what a virtual life can be in that world.<br>
[http://ficanas.blog.lemonde.fr/2008/10/11/le-ficanas-ouvre-sa-galerie/ Le Ficanas] blog posted a note about the opening of their gallery on SL.<br>
[http://laura-garcia-vitoria.blogspot.com/2008/10/pour-une-prospective-de-la-transmission.html Laura Garcia Victoria] blog posted an note about the transmission of knowledge. Mention of SL as a way to propose teleconferences, courses, and other important interactions.<br>
[http://www.arhv.lhivic.org/index.php/2008/10/12/835-pourquoi-sommes-nous-si-impudiques Actualité de la recherche en histoire visuelle] - An article about “ why are we so impudic”. Mention of SL as a way to show something “else” to other avatars than in the real life.<br>
[http://payre.wordpress.com/2008/10/12/conference-sur-le-e-commerce-20-a-lyon-mardi-14-octobre-2008/ Guillaume Payre’s] - Blog on webmastering posted an article about the e-commerce 2.0 event in Lyon the 14th October, with a mention to SL as a discussion.<br>
[http://www.girlpower3.com/notes/girl-power-3-des-beaux-arts/ Girl Power3] posted a note about their event the 15th October at the place “les Beaux Arts” which has for theme art and creation on SL.<br>
[http://leden.wordpress.com/2008/10/13/seminaire-antroponet-des-outils-de-diffusion-de-la-recherche-9-et-10-octobre-2008/ Leden] - An article about the Antroponet Seminar (taking place to find web tools to promote social and human science). Mention of I-Margina, a company proposing to create content and container and working on SL.<br>
[http://www.invworlds.fr/?p=401 Inworlds] - Published a note about Burning Life event on SL.<br>
[http://artemisia-terredarmoise.blogspot.com/2008/10/water-garden-cafet-sur-second-life.html Terre d’armoise] - Posted a note about Artemisia Mathy proposing a debate on SL about how to better use water in gardens.<br>
[http://www.metaverse3d.com/2008/10/14/cp-exposition-dun-artiste-australien-a-aire-box-sur-second-life/ Metaverse 3d] - Posted a PR about the expositions of an Australian artist at AIRE BOX on SL.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Articles and quotes again are positive.<br> 
-- This week many new virtual worldss were covered by the media, partly because Tokyo Game Show was held.<br>
-- Nortel plans to develop a virtual world, indicating the diversity of companies interested in starting up virtual worlds with the aim of expanding into new areas of business.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
Fuji Sankei Business i (newspaper, 10/7) – Recruitment consulting company Posical Corporation is starting a service on Second Life providing a chance for students to hold virtual meetings with recruitment officers and senior employees of various companies. It tackles the problem that nearly 30% of newly-hired college graduates leave their company within the first 3 years due to a poor match with their companies. Currently six companies -- Shiseido, Kobe Steel, Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Daiwa System, Aruze Corp and MK Group -- are enrolled in this service holding presentations and mock interviews at various booths.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/spot/20081010_with.html The Second Times] – “WITH”, two SIMs run by HAKUHODO Inc., Japan’s 2nd largest advertising company, has opened on Second Life. The SIMs use the new beautiful graphics of sky and water by Second Life.<br>
[http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/NEWS/20081008/316500/ ITPro] – Canadian Nortel Networks announces new business plans under their new CEO.  These plans include creating “Web. Alive”, a Second Life-like communications application aimed at employees scattered around the world and enabling then to hold virtual meetings.<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/spot/20081008_boulange.html The Second Times] – French retailing company Boulanger opened a virtual store on Second Life with support from IBM Research and Global Business Services.<br>
[[http://www.secondtimes.net/news/japan/20081007_itq.html The Second Times] – Resonant Solutions Co. founded the “Kyushu ICT & 3D Internet Research and Social Organization.”<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.nni.nikkei.co.jp/AC/TNKS/Search/Nni20081009D09HH875.htm Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun] – An article on BMI, Brain-Machine Interface technology. Second Life was mentioned in the article along with full-time lecturer Junichi Ushiba and his colleagues at Keio University’s studies on moving the avatar by only using brain waves.<br>
[http://jp.techcrunch.com/archives/20081010real-world-got-you-down-ibm-invites-you-to-a-virtual-forbidden-city/ Tech Crunch] – IBM and the Chinese Palace Museum spent 3 years on recreating the Forbidden City, a 178-acre palace in China. It was created on a platform called Torque, provided by Garage Games. No information is given on whether the program will be interoperable with Second Life.<br>
[http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0810/11/news023.html itmedia] - IBM created a virtual world version of the “Forbidden City” in China working with the Chinese Palace Museum.  This is standalone software which we can be freely downloaded.  No information is given on whether the program will be interoperable with Second Life.<br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/event/20081006_backtoreal.html The Second Times] – A real world event held in BarTube, and hosted by in-world Club Vital, was streamed in SL, both video and music, and then through a connection between SL and RL, was also broadcast in BarTube.  BarTube and Club Vital are planning to hold this event regularly.<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/news/world/20081007_vwf2008.html The Second Times]– The event “Virtual World Forum 2008” which was cancelled due to a gun shooting incident in London will be held in a different place and will have a fresh new start once again.<br>
[http://www.4gamer.net/games/033/G003334/20081010072/ 4Gamernet] - 3Di is a core member of OpenSim development.  They exhibited at Tokyo Game Show 2008 and held a seminar there titled “Importing and Utilizing 3D Data in Virtual Worlds.”
[http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/event/2008/10/09/21129.html INTERNET Watch] - Several virtual world services such as PlayStation Home, meet-me, ViZiMo, 3Di and ai sp@ce exhibited at Tokyo Game Show 2008 in Makuhari for 4 days.<br><br>
==Week Ending October 10, 2008==
Key Coverage by Market
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Coverage has been positive across all sectors this week.<br>
-- A focus on new tools and technologies to improve the education and consumer markets, including the increase of language learning in Second Life and religious organizations’ presence.<br>
-- Mono announcement coverage.<br>
-- Numerous articles about Fashion Research Institute involvement in Second Life.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.informationweek.com/news/software/open_source/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=210800005 InformationWeek] - Second Life will start running Mono-based code on its servers.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.ibtimes.com/prnews/20081009/virtual-world.htm International Business Times] - The Fashion Research Institute will allow fashion and consumer packaging designers to access and use 3-D tools in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.itbusiness.ca/it/client/en/home/News.asp?id=50198 ITbusiness.ca] - The Ontario’s Public Service is showcasing fire simulations in Second Life to recruit future fire-fighters.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/10/081009094645.htm Science Daily] - An international team has developed a wireless virtual reality environment in Second Life that can help promote language learning.<br>
[http://www.nursingdegreeguide.org/2008/25-awesome-virtual-worlds-for-doctors-nurses-and-patients/ Nursing Degree Guide] - The health care industry uses Second Life to encourage advanced training for doctors and nurses, as a place for teens to learn about adolescent health issues, and more.<br>
[http://www.minotdailynews.com/page/content.detail/id/519720.html?nav=5010 Minot Daily News] -  Teachers, administrators and technology education coordinators are exploring ways to incorporate online virtual worlds such as Second Life for use in the classroom.<br>
[http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20081005/NEWS01/810050304/1002/NEWS Democrat and Chronicle] - Students at the Rochester Institute of Technology will be able to experiment with and hold virtual meetings in floating learning pods in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.tampabay.com/news/religion/article839583.ece St. Petersburg Times] - LifeChurch.tv, an evangelical mega-church in Oklahoma, is creating a virtual church in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.episcopalchurch.org/79901_101368_ENG_HTM.htm Episcopal Life Online] – The Anglican Church in Second Life is successfully attracting younger audiences and building new religious communities.<br>
[http://mashable.com/2008/10/06/nasa-colab/ Mashable] - NASA is trying to educate the public about its new programs in its CoLab Island in Second Life.<br>
[http://lincolntrail.typepad.com/about_ltls_members/2008/09/continuing-educ.html Lincoln Trail Library System] – The Graduate School of Library and Information Science will offer courses to anyone interested in learning more about virtual worlds and establishing a presence in Second Life.<br>
[http://media.www.dailyvidette.com/media/storage/paper420/news/2008/10/06/News/Virtual.Campus.Creates.Global.Ties-3470429.shtml Daily Vidette] - University of Illinois global campus initiative program in Second Life has provided researchers the ability to share their work online.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Application-Development/Mono-20-Takes-NET-Cross-Platform/1/ eWeek] - Linden Lab will use Mono to improve the stability and speed of scripts.<br>
[http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-10058509-36.html CNET] – Analysis of social-media marketing’s impact for brands using Second Life for marketing initiatives.<br>
[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27049183/ MSNBC] - A company will release a body scanner that allows users to create realistic avatars in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1847296,00.html Time] - OneSeason will offer a young entrepreneur $2 million to start a company that takes advantage of digital real estate in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.metanomics.net/http%3A//metanomics.net/archive100608 Metanomics] - After surveying 11,000 Second Life residents, The Social Research Foundation found that a majority of people use Second Life for professional reasons and expects those numbers to grow in 2009.<br>
[http://www.orient-lodge.com/node/3221 Orient Lodge] - Next Island, a new virtual world, will compete with Second Life by establishing a real cash virtual economy.<br>
[http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/issues/issue_170/5334-Legislating-The-Virtual-World Escapist] - As virtual worlds are moving into the mainstream, people quit their “real” jobs to become successful land property holders in Second Life.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- The coverage this week has been mostly positive.<br>
-- All categories received equal focus.<br>
-- There have been very positive articles about virtual campaigning and HR/recruitment.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/mccain-vs-obama-the-campaigning-just-got-virtual-954386.html The Independent] - Discusses virtual campaigning including a focus on grassroots activism within Second Life. ‘Obama for President’ and ‘Obama fest’ are used as examples.<br><br>
[http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=174060 Money Marketing] - A US offshoot of UK Company Aviva, created an island in Second Life with the main objective being the recruitment of the next generation of life insurance salespeople. It has closely coordinated with IBM in the creation of its presence.<br>
[http://www.3g.co.uk/PR/Oct2008/Nokia_N96_for_Second_Life_Mobile_3G.htm 3g.co.uk] – Users of Nokia’s new model, the N96, can now access Second Life from their mobile.<br>
[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7657966.stm BBC] - Reports on the creation of ‘Myrl’. The site is designed to store avatars from virtual worlds such as Second Life.<br>
[http://comment.silicon.com/weeklyroundup/0,39024756,39297562,00.htm?r=2 Silicon.com] - Discusses the use of Second Life by Unilever.<br>
[http://www.building.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode=656&storycode=3123830&c=1 Building.co.uk] – Interview with IT professional Neill Pawsey. He describes his fascination with potential business meetings in Second Life.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/mccain-vs-obama-the-campaigning-just-got-virtual-954386.html The Independent] - Discusses virtual campaigning including a focus on grassroots activism within Second Life. ‘Obama for President’ and ‘Obama fest’ are used as examples.<br>
[http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/2008/10/03/47746/how-i-made-a-difference-career-development.html Personnel Today] - Article from Keith Brownlie, group HR and corporate responsibility director, Informa. He states Informa was one of the first companies to launch its own employees' island in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.get.hobsons.co.uk/profile/2564/pa-consulting-group GET] - Profiles PA Consulting. It was the first major consultancy firm to open for business in Second Life.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/tayside_and_central/7654408.stm BBC] - Discusses the increasing use and growth of virtual worlds. Second Life is mentioned as a popular virtual world. The security concerns of virtual worlds are also discussed.<br>
[http://www.metro.co.uk/metrolife/article.html?The_computer_craze_shapes_Infinite_Lives&in_article_id=343179&in_page_id=225&in_a_source= Metro] - Mention of Second Life within the wider context of a diversifying user base in online communities and games.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Positive coverage overall.<br>
-- First result of the CeBIT Press Tour by Sascha Alexander from Computerwoche.<br>
-- This week’s coverage focuses on technical aspects.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.computerwoche.de/knowledge_center/business_intelligence/1875295/# Computerwoche] - An article about their visit at Linden Lab, where Jean is quoted several times. The article is called “A Second Chance for Virtual Worlds” and describes how the market evolves at the moment.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.newsmax.de/erstes-3donlinemehrspielerminispielesystem-mit-opensimulator-umgesetzt-news16620.html Newsmax.de] - A release about the German enterprise TalentRaspel used OpenSimulator-Technology to install the first German OpenSimulator-Grid.<br>
[http://www.dasjournal.net/news/138/ARTICLE/12300/2008-10-07.html Das Journal] - Reports on a browser-plug-in that converts normal websites into 3D-websites.<br>
[http://wcm.krone.at/krone/S22/object_id__117345/hxcms/ Krone.at] - Picks same story as above.<br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.silicon.de/software/business/0,39039006,39197282,00/mono+2_0+sprengt+grenze+zwischen+_net+und+open+source.htm Silicon.de] - About how Mono dissolves the frontier between Open Source and .Net. Second Life is mentioned.<br>
[http://blog.moskaliuk.com/nachlese-workshop-lernen-und-lehren-in-virtuellen-welten/ Johannes Moskaliuk] - Provides readers with additional material about virtual worlds, above all Second Life. It adds his talk at the congress for psychology teachers.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.ez-online.de/lokal/esslingen/kreisesslingen/Artikel1867208.cfm Esslinger Zeitung] - An article about a bagpipe player who is successful in Second Life but also in real life.<br>
[http://www.fronline.de/in_und_ausland/kultur_und_medien/feuilleton/1607693_Spurlos.html Frankfurter Rundschau] - an article about the Burning Man Festival. Second Life is mentioned as well.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Overall outlook is good this week.<br>
-- Business focus on Boulanger, French company new to SL and also Credit Agricole.<br>
-- This week tendency was still about cyberculture and the influence of Internet in everyone’s life but also about the future use of virtual worlds for culture.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.metaverse3d.com/2008/10/07/le-cemea-publie-un-rapport-sur-lusage-de-teen-second-life/ Metaverse3d] - Article about the CEMEA publishes a report about the use of teen SL.<br>
[http://geographie2point0.blogspot.com/2008/10/contact-du-virtuel-au-rel.html Geographie 2.0] - Posted a note about BTAvatalk who offers phone calls and sms from any phone box in SL.<br>
[http://www.lepressing.com/metaverse/2008/10/03/second-life-dans-son-navigateur/ Maetavers.lepressing] - Article about the fact of having SL on its browser thanks to TOKYO ZERO.<br>
[http://wangxiang.wordpress.com/2008/10/04/voler-dans-exitreality/ Mondes Virtuels] - A note about the fact that it is now possible to fly in ExitReality, even it is in a different way than in SL.<br>
[http://www.hebiflux.com/blog/2008/10/04/revue-de-web-3d-mondes-virtuels-iphone-flash/  Hebiflux] – A review of virtual worlds activity with a post saying that 3di is launching its own virtual world and is using OpenSim.<br>
[http://maconsl.free.fr/index.php/second-life-news/slim-second-life-instant-messenger/ MaconSL] - An article about Slim.<br>
[http://framboisedespres.wordpress.com/2008/10/06/real-restraint-restrainedlife/ Framboise des pres] - A note about Real restrain/ Restrained life, a program developed on OpenSim which lets a dominant more strictly a subjected who connects to SL via this program.<br>
[http://marketingisdead.blogspirit.com/archive/2008/10/04/tout-sur-le-web-2-0.html Marketing is dead] - An interview of Capucine Cousin, writer of “All about Web 2.0” and asks her the question: mobile Internet versus Metaverse Roadmap?<br>
[http://e-south.blog.lemonde.fr/2008/10/07/postmodernite-et-culture-numerique-une-contradiction-dans-les-termes-conversation-avec-michel-maffesoli-universite-paris-sorbonne/ e-south... hic and hunc] - An article about Postmodernity and numeric culture written by Michel Maffesoli.<br>
[http://gillardgeorges.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!66D41613EF00ECA8!243.entry GillarGeorges] - A comment about Mono 2.0 with a mention of SL.<br>
[http://www.pocarles.com/2008/10/22-milliards-de-minutes-de-communication-dans-second-life/ Pierre Oliver Carles] - A note about Mark Kingdon announcement that 22billion minutes of voice chat have been used in SL.<br>
[http://domeu.blogspot.com/2008/10/mono-20.html Explore away from Delphi] - Posted a comment about Mono 2.0.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.01net.com/editorial/392084/boulanger-implante-un-magasin-virtuel-dans-second-life/?rss 01net] - An article about the implementation of Boulanger in SL.<br>
[http://www.readthefuckingmanual.fr/actualite/commerce-boulanger-implante-un-magasin-virtuel-dans-second-life.php Readthefuckingmanual] - Posted news about Boulanger in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.universvirtuels.fr/mes-articles-de-lete-sur-virtual-worlds-news/actualites Univers Virtuel] - A news post about virtual worlds, with the mention of Google Lively and Second Life about their different positioning.<br>
[http://conseilsenmarketing.blogspot.com/2008/10/comment-grer-et-diffuser-lidentit.html ConseilMarketing.fr Conseil marketing] - Article about how companies should manage and release its numerical identity. Mentions Second Life.<br>
[http://www.david-castera.com/2008/10/territoire-digital/ dé signes] - Posted a note about the creation of a virtual territory for Credit Agricole on SL.<br>
[http://www.jphilippe.com/2008/10/crdit-agricole-second-life-et-mondes.html Les mots du mutualisme] - An article about Credit Agricole on SL.<br>
[http://www.mrboo.fr/discuter-de-la-crise-avec-un-responsable-du-credit-agicole-pyrenees-gascogne/ MrBoo] - Talks about the fact that Crédit Agricole proposes a discussion on SL about the current financial crisis organized by Stonfield Inworld.<br>
[http://blogsearch.google.fr/blogsearch?hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&um=1&scoring=d&lr=lang_fr&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=w&q=second+life&sa=N&start=20 Le journal de Ray Dacteur] - Posted a note about the fact that Crédit Agricole proposes a discussion on SL about the current financial crisis organized by Stonfield Inworld.<br>
[http://www.julienmartel.net/julienmartelnet/2008/10/la-crise-alors.html  JulienMartel.net] – Post on same subject as above.<br>
[http://www.tecoman.info/article-23401244.html Tecoman.info] posted a note about the Boulange in Second Life.<br>
[http://angezanetti.blogspot.com/2008/10/boulanger-sur-sl-la-suite.html Ange Zanetti] - A second note from Ange Zanetti about Boulanger in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.inpactvirtuel.com/news/26262-Boulanger-Chaine-Magasins-Second-Life.htm Inpactvirtuel] - A note about Boulanger in Second Life.<br>
[http://electromeninges.wordpress.com/2008/10/08/boulanger-dans-second-life/ electromeninges] - A note about Boulanger in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.tapahont.info/2008/10/07/territoire-digital-venez-redecouvrir-second-life-univers-numerique/ Tapahont.info] - Post about Boulanger in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.ustream.tv/channel/territoire-digital-second-life-webcam  USTREAM.tv] - A video about Boulanger company on SL and their digital territory.<br>
[http://forum-pyrenees-gascogne.com/wordpress/fondation-capg/2008/10/07/lancement-de-territoire-digital/ Do you speak d’jeunes] - Discusses Boulanger company on SL.<br>
[http://www.gameinsociety.com/post/2008/10/06/100-millions-d-utilisateurs-reguliers-des-mondes-virtuels GameinSociety] - Posts about virtual worlds, and their use to escape reality. The author questions the survival of these worlds with the subprime crisis.<br>
[http://126566.blog.tdg.ch/archive/2008/10/07/debutants-3-c-est-pour-les-grands.html La tribune de Geneve] – A third note about how to use SL.<br>
[http://leblogdeptitfred.blogspot.com/2008/10/votre-vie-devient-virtuelle.html LeBlogdePtitFred] -  Discusses the TAATU virtual world.<br>
[http://www.philippechouraqui.fr/2008/10/08/le-virtuel-au-secours-de-lemploi/ Philippe Chouraki] -  About employment and virtual worlds with Monsters initiative to create a virtual job forum (Mention of SL as an example of this kind of use).<br>
[http://william-tootill.info/2008/10/08/lesjeudiscom-propose-le-jobmessenger/ Willyblog] - Discusses recruitment and particularly about LesJeudis.com initiative: Job messenger. Mention to the NeoJobmeeting conference organized last year in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.community-chest.com/2008/09/02/michelin-fait-le-keynote-du-gartner-ea-summit-a-londres/ Community Chest] - Published an article about the company Michelin (on SL) doing Gartner’s Keynote at Gartner EA Summit in London.<br>
[http://www.lemondenumerique.com/?p=4868 Le Monde numerique] - An article about the implementation of Boulanger in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.itrnews.com/articles/82571/boulanger-ouvre-magasin-second-life.html ITRnews] – An article about the implementation of Boulanger in SL.<br>
[http://www.territoire-digital.com/2008/10/sl-obama-a-la-cote-mccain-n%E2%80%99a-pas-la-frite%E2%80%A6/ Territoire Digital] - Published an article about Obama and McCain challenging for election on SL.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://testconso.typepad.com/bookdesetudesonline/2008/10/i--les-avantage.html Bookdesetudesonline] - An article about online studies. Mention of the Institut Reperes, which launched a panel of consumers in Second Life to study their habits in the virtual world.<br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.memoirevive.tv/blog/proposition-pour-leurope-de-2020-universite-europeenne-du-futur/ Memoirevive.tv] - Natacha Quester’s video about her proposition for the Europe of 2020 : create a European continent dedicated to science, culture and education. It would regroup many institutions.<br>
[Les Echos] - Published an article about Plus Belle La Vie French serial which has decided to create its own virtual world in a SL way.<br>
[http://bourdieuhommag.podemus.com/2008/10/conferencedebat-avec-gabriel-vommario-autour-de-son-livre-la-%C2%AB-carte-rouge-%C2%BB-de-l%E2%80%99amerique-latine/ Bourdieuhommage blog] - A note about a conference on Bourieu’s place in SL in October, the 23rd.<br>
[http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6y5yk_natacha-quester-semeon-proposition_news Video of Natacha Quester Semeon] – Post about her proposition for the Europe of 2020: create a European continent dedicated to science, culture and education. It would regroup many institutions.<br>
[http://www.blogmemes.fr/meme/34624 Blogmemes] - An article about Natacha Quester’s proposition for the Europe of 2020: create a European continent dedicated to science, culture and education. It would regroup many institutions.<br>
[http://jeanrem.info/2008/10/06/proposition-pour-l%E2%80%99europe-de-2020-universite-europeenne-du-futur/ JeanRem] - Posted an article about Natacha Quester’s proposition for the Europe of 2020: create a European continent dedicated to science, culture and education.<br>
[http://karenguillorel.free.fr/?p=99 E-troubadours] - A note about the fact that they were at “Nuits Blanche” event in Paris.<br>
[http://as-map.com/blog/index.php/2008/10/03/plus-belle-la-vie-en-3d-iso-ma-mere-va-adorer-le-web/ As maps] - A note about Plus belle la life, a virtual world like SL, developed to refer to the famous French serial “Plus Belle La vie”.<br>
[http://www.clipclip.org/chmiche/clips/detail/265884 Clipclip] - Published a note about object on the Internet and the fact that avatars can buy things virtually as if it was for real and receive their objects in the real world.<br>
[http://sldirect.blogspot.com/2008/10/rendez-vous-le-8-octobre-paris-et-dans.html En direct de Second Life] - Posted an article about an event on SL in October the 8th for Proust lectures.<br>
[http://sun3000.blogspot.com/2008/10/la-rencontre-de-marcel-duchamp-est-de.html Sun3000] – A post about Marcel Duchamps’s art on SL.<br>
[http://deuxpoint0.blogspot.com/2008/10/le-livre-de-la-semaine-web-20-et-au-del.html La revolution du web 2.0] - An article about a new book untitled “Web 2.0 et au delà”.<br>
[http://livrenumerique.blogspot.com/2008/10/commerce-des-livres.html e-books here] - Article about the fact that books are going to be sold in a different way next years: on virtual worlds such as SL could be an idea.<br>
[http://virtuelnews.com/secondlife/2008/10/07/une-television-compatible-youtube-a-1l-made-in-liberta/ Virtuel news.com] - Published an article about the fact that a TV reading Youtube feeds is available for purchase on SL.<br>
[http://ihmmedia.wordpress.com/2008/10/07/berkeley-et-les-mondes-virtuels/ IHM.media] - A comment about Berkeley and his vision of the human being, his life and its way to be seen. Mention of SL as another way to see things and be seen.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br> 
-- Positive coverage.<br>
-- SQUARE ENIX’s Nicotto Town, 2D VW content service, was covered widely including Fuji Sankei Business i.  SQUARE ENIX is one of the biggest game developers for game consoles in Japan, so the industry and also game fans are paying close attention to their new service.<br>
-- Kabushiki Shimbun wrote about 3Di’s OpenSIM product and said that it might be a favorable factor for the Japanese stock market and raise the stock price of ngi group, parent company of 3Di.  This article proves that VWs, including SL, are still anticipated to be the driving force activating the IT industry.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
Fuji Sankei Business i, ADVER TIMES (newspaper, 9/30, 10/1) – SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD has announced they have officially started an online metaverse service “Nicotto Town” on the 29th. They expect to gather 100,000 to 150,000 users within this year. “Nicotto Town” is designed in 2D in order for simple user-accessibility and user-friendliness.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
Kabushiki Shimbun (10/1) – ngi group will introduce a commercial product in the field of 3D metaverses on 10/1. ngi is planning to build a business model whereby they will provide application development tools for profit to companies trying to enter the OpenSIM.<br>
Nikkei Marketing Journal (10/3) - Metabirds started a business matching virtual-clothing designers on Second Life with real-life companies. Fashion and furniture and household goods from virtual worlds will soon be available in real life.<br>
Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun Kanazawa (9/24) – Ableseed co., ltd. is recreating on SL the Miyoshian tea house – a tea house in Kanazawa city with a history of over 130 years but demolished this July due to its poor condition.<br>
[http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2008/10/02/21045.html Internet Watch] - SUN Co., Ltd. created a system enabling you to access and use Second Life through your television.<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/event/20081001_linden.html The Second Times] – Starting from 21:00 on 10/3, Chiyo Linden representative of the Japanese support system for Second Life will give a presentation on system support and “the top 20 FAQs” at the Linden village.<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/news/world/20080930_tomhale.html The Second Times] – Linden Lab’s CEO Mark Kingdon wrote up the main objectives for the near future of Linden Lab. The four main points were: First-hour experience, mainland improvement, experience localization and product focus.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/news/japan/20080930_kira.html The Second Times] – Piet Hut, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton University, gave a speech at Shibuya’s BarTube on 10/2. The theme was on “Kira Laboratory, a virtual campus on Second Life for the study of science within context.”<br>
MonthlyBusiness ASCII (Nov. 2008 issue) – A dialogue between Tsuguhiko Kadokawa, CEO of Kadokawa Group Holdings, and Lawrence Lessig, professor of Stanford Law School, on the issues of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Within Second Life, if an individual creates something new, that individual is given the intellectual property right to that creation, and has the right to sell that creation for profit. That is ultimately what separates Second Life from “World of Warcraft,” and in the long run, that will be the separation point between games that will disappear and those that will stay.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
25ans (Nov. 2008 issue) – A feature segment on the 25ans 2nd annual social party held on September 2. The party had several events such as bingo games, cocktail time, photo shoot and many other programs.<br>
Dengeki PlayStation (10/10) – A magazine column on PlayStation3’s new metaverse service “Home”. The closed beta test started on August 8. Second Life was introduced in the article as the predecessor of virtual worlds. Currently there are over 10 million users around the world, but only 0.7% of Internet users in Japan use Second Life.<br>
WWD For Japan Magazine (Aug. 2008 issue) – A magazine page listing out some of the words and terms of the Internet in order to keep up with Web2.0. Second Life was mentioned under the description of the word “Avatar.”<br>
Keizaikai (10/14) – A magazine article covering CGM, or in other words Web2.0. The article covers aspects of SNS and blogs, Wikipedia, YouTube, and Second Life. The reason why SL has lost its momentum is because of the imbalance of gain and loss. For example, SNSs are simple to use, and most likely you will get a large amount of feedback from friends and random readers as well, gaining a lot of reaction from simple actions. Compared to that, there are many technical obstacles a user must overcome before being able to fully use Second Life, and for all that there is not much feedback or encounters with other people.<br>
Mac Fan (Nov. 2008 issue) – “Second Life” won 8th in the unofficial 2008 buzzword contest held by Mac Fan.<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/episode/20081001_akaihane.html The Second Times] – The “Akai hane fund-raiser” (a very well known fund-raiser in Japan, held annually all over the country) will be held on Second Life as well at the Hachikokuyama Island SIM.<br><br>
==Week Ending October 3, 2008==
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Positive coverage especially in education and consumer sections.<br>
-- More coverage by blogs than traditional media.<br>
-- Continued interest in recruiting in Second Life.<br>
-- Building excitement over Second Life user experience enhancements.<br>  -- More schools are expanding their presence in Second Life and coverage of libraries with successful presences in Second Life.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/stories/2008/09/29/daily10.html San Francisco Business Journal] – Linden Lab hired Tom Hale as its first chief product officer.<br>
[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/01/AR2008100103405.html PaidContent.org (via Washington Post)] – On Tom Hale’s hire.<br>
[http://dusanwriter.com/?p=953 Dusan Writer] – Tom Hale’s hire covered.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2008/09/linden-lab-name.html Virtual Worlds News]<br>
Re-post: http://www.crispygamer.com/news/index.php/2008-09-29/2082/ Crispy Gamer]<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://blog.enterpriseitplanet.com/green/blog/2008/09/ibms-second-life-green-data-center-tour.html Enterprise IT Planet] - IBM’s Second Life Green Data Center represents the best that Second Life and other virtual worlds have to offer, and it has the potential to attract more Second Life users.<br>
[http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/emarketing/64596.html E-Commerce Times] - Virtual worlds like Second Life are becoming a popular recruitment tool for businesses.<br>
[http://www.geo2web.com/2008/10/02/connecting-the-real-to-the-virtual-phone-calls-from-second-life/ Geo2Web.com] – Blog post on BT’s coming release of a program allowing users to make phone calls from Second Life.<br>
[http://industry.bnet.com/advertising/1000233/forrester-virtual-worlds-due-for-comeback-marketers-should-take-note/ BNET] - Commentary on the upcoming Forrester report citing how virtual worlds are continuing to be used by marketers.<br> 
EDUCATION Coverage:<br> [http://www.morrissuntribune.com/articles/index.cfm?id=14976&section=Regional%20News Morris Sun Tribune] - Ridgewater has received a grant from the Minnesota State College to invest more in education in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080929104603.htm Science Daily] - Penn State researchers are investigating how virtual teams can better solve real world problems by collaborating in Second Life.<br>
Repost: http://www.brandon-hall.com/workplacelearningtoday/?p=410 Brandon Hall Research]<br>
[http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketcopy/2008/09/banned-books-fr.html LA Times Blog] - For the second year in a row, the American Library Association is celebrating Banned Books Week in Second Life.<br>
[http://techtotty.wordpress.com/2008/10/01/anthropologists-get-creative-in-second-life/ Techtotty] - Anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists across Second Life are discussing ways to display personal projects in an engaging, interactive manner.<br>
[http://www.rikomatic.com/blog/2008/10/new-york-teens.html The Click Heard Round the World] - Global Kids is starting its youth machinima initiative called the Virtual Video Project where students get training in how to use Second Life as a filmmaking platform.<br>
[http://www.alliancelibrarysystem.com/article.cfm?id=383 Alliance Library System] - The National Library of Medicine has awarded ALS a $60,000 grant for a project entitled “AIDS Information and Outreach in the Virtual World of Second Life.”<br>
[http://www.genome-technology.com/issues/2_18/other/149666-1.html?CMP=OTC-RSS Genome Technology] - Holding meetings in Second Life gives researchers a chance to visit with colleagues and attend conferences without having to leave their labs.<br><br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://www.marketingvox.com/industry-buzz-snippets-93008-041238/ Marketing Vox] - Linden Lab is using third party developers to help make Second Life more amenable to first-time users.<br>
[http://www.massively.com/2008/10/01/kingdons-second-life-updates-whats-missing/ Massively] – Blog post on Linden Lab’s positive steps to attract new users by improving the user’s in world experience and simplifying registration.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2008/09/linden-lab-taps.html Virtual Worlds News] – Discussion of Linden Lab’s improvements to the viewer for new users.<br>
[http://dusanwriter.com/?p=963 Dusan Writer’s] – A post that the user interface for Second Life is being redesigned, making it “more user friendly.”<br>
[http://www.designingdigitally.com/blog/2008/10/our-finished-projects/second-life-golf-game-progress/ Designing Digitally] - Second Life golf island is almost complete.<br>
[http://ballotvox.prx.org/archives/658/debate-parties-in-second-life Ballot Vox] - The Democratic and Republican party will be holding presidential debate watching parties in Second Life.<br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Coverage has been positive, with the articles in The Independent, Guardian and Computer World UK.<br>
-- Enterprise and education/non-profit have received great focus this week.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.independent.co.uk/student/into-university/applying/uni-campus-see-the-sites-945833.html The Independent] - Discusses UK universities in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.computerworlduk.com/community/blogs/index.cfm?entryid=1344&blogid=14 Computer World UK] – Praise for Philip and discussion of his new role as Chairman. The article also details the evolution of Second Life.<br>
[http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/oct/02/virtual.worlds The Guardian] – Covers the increasing popularity of virtual worlds. The article includes comment from Philip revealing his aspirations for virtual worlds.<br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/oct/02/virtual.worlds The Guardian] – Discussion of increasing popularity of virtual worlds. The article includes comment from Philip revealing his aspirations for virtual worlds.<br>
[http://www.silicon.com/retailandleisure/0,3800011842,39295168,00.htm Silicon.com] – Notes the success of Unilever’s initiative to create their private complex within Second Life.<br>
[http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39496260,00.htm ZDNet.co.uk] – A mention of Linden Dollars as a usable currency when talking about the accessibility of buying the new Intuit QuickBooks 2009.<br>
[http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/stuart_king/2008/09/chips-and-custard.html Computer Weekly] - Includes Stuart King’s blog mentioning the success of Unilever’s presence on Second Life as a means of increasing awareness within their organisation.<br>
[http://www.nebusiness.co.uk/business-news/technology-news/2008/09/25/new-wave-of-billionaires-in-waiting-51140-21895826/ nebusiness.co.uk] – Covers research into the potential money to be made from virtual worlds.<br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.independent.co.uk/student/into-university/applying/uni-campus-see-the-sites-945833.html The Independent] – Discusses UK universities in Second Life.<br>
[http://www.techradar.com/news/internet/second-life-beats-real-life-for-collaboration-471985 Tech Radar.com] - Explores the imaginative side of Second Life and how people can interact better during group work as avatars rather than face-to-face in the real world.<br>
[http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/123564.php Medical News Today] - Covers the same case study as the article in Tech Radar and is complimentary of the uses of Second Life as a forum for group work.<br>
[http://www.mconsulting.co.uk/news-desk/industry-news/ciot-shows-the-way-for-financial-services-marketing-18801823.aspx M Consulting] - Discusses the Chartered Institute of Taxation’s (CIOT) return to Second Life.<br>
[http://www.24dash.com/news/Communities/2008-09-25-Virtual-festival-launches-with-online-party 24dash.com] - An in depth article about the launch of the virtual arts festival, NOISE festival, and the positive influences of creating such an event on Second Life.<br>
[http://www.tsnn.co.uk/news/news.asp?article=567 TSNN.co.uk] – A look at the novel idea of Labour hosting a virtual meeting with online supporters during the Labour Party Conference.<br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- The coverage this week was more neutral, nevertheless there were some nice pieces, especially in the adult consumer section.<br>
-- Compared to the last weeks, coverage in the adult consumer section is increasing.<br>
-- New companies entering Second Life and the appointment of Clare.<br>
-- Last week’s very positive article published by German press agency dpa was picked up again.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
[http://www.monstersandcritics.de/artikel/200840/article_104539.php/Internet-Second-Life-hilft-bei-der-Gruppenarbeit Monstersandcritics.de]<br>
[http://de.news.yahoo.com/gp/20080930/ttc-internet-second-life-hilft-bei-der-g-a8a9a5f.html Yahoo.com] - These two sources published a positive piece on collaboration in Second Life.<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.new-business.de/koepfe/detail.php?nr=579375&rubric=K%D6PFE& new-business.de] - Covers the release about Clare Rees’ appointment as European Marketing Director.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://www.abendblatt.de/daten/2008/09/29/944535.html Hamburger Abendblatt] - Describes a very interesting project by students of the University of Hamburg. They built a whole factory to fill bottles in Second Life plus a container terminal.<br><br>
ADULT CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1220459223444 Der Standard.at] - An article about an art project in which Second Life is involved (see video link for more information).<br>
[http://www.focus.de/digital/games/retro-games/simcity-virtuelle-welten_aid_326757.html Focus Online] - An interview with “Simcity”-developer Will Wright and says that his ideas are the basis for Second Life and other virtual worlds.<br>
[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/computer/971/302967/bilder/ Süddeutsche.de] - Talks about originals and copies. German virtual world Secret City is pictured as a copy of Second Life.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- This week there have been articles about 3D tools’ use, SL competitors, and social networks’ influence and importance.<br>
-- Many blog articles about Stonfield in-world solution provider.<br>
-- This week, the focus was on new company and older companies activity on SL.<br><br>
Key Coverage:<br> [http://lechoblogs.typepad.com/tzine/2008/10/interviewphilip.html T’zine]  - An article about the interview of Philip Rosedale during Picnic 08. Loic Le Meur, an influential blogger in France, interviewed Philip about the future of technologies and companies in SL.<br>
[http://blackrabbit.fr/2008/09/25/exitreality-transformer-le-web-en-3d/ Blackrabbit] - A note about Exit reality, a tool allowing any website to become 3D website such as SL.<br>
[http://visionary.wordpress.com/2008/09/25/ereputation/ Marketing and Innovation] – Covers six tips to check and supervise your e-reputation.<br>
[http://correspondant-de-presse-64.over-blog.com/article-23189492.html Stonefield Inworld] – An employee posted a video about his boss’s vision of SL.<br>
[http://odettepopulaire.blogspot.com/2008/09/la-vie-virtuel-vs-la-vie-ral.html La culture populaire et moi] – A note about Facebook, Myspace and SL comparing each of them.<br>
[http://www.greenit.fr/article/acteurs/editeur/avec-second-life-jai-divise-par-3-mes-voyages-en-avion Green it ] - Interviewed solution provider Pierre Olivier Carles from Stonfield Inworld. He explains that thanks to SL he has cut costs by three times for his company’s travels.<br>
[http://mondes-virtuels.stonfield-inworld.com/po-carles-en-direct-de-greenit/ Stonfield inworld] - Green IT interviewed solution provider Pierre Olivier Carles from Stonfield Inworld. He explains Second Life’s travel cost-cutting capabilities.<br>
[http://merionread.blogspot.com/2008/09/le-cyberculture-une-bndiction-ou-une.html Merionread] - A note about cyber-culture.<br>
[http://www.virtualworldsnews.fr/2008/09/29/entropia-universe-et-prizee-au-salon-du-jeu-video/ Virtualworldnews]  posted a note about the VideoGame festival this week in Paris and particularly about Entropia Universe ( which wants to be more than SL, and sell universes).
[http://jeanrem.info/?p=805 Jeanrem ]  - A post about 3DI OpenViewer a tool like ExitReality, letting SL and OpenSim run in a browser.<br>
[http://comitesweb.blogspot.com/2008/09/jean-philippe-accart-home.html Technoweb]  - Covers avatars and the fact that 80% of web users will have an avatar in 2011.<br>
[http://www.betasjournal.com/news/google-lively-google-futur-acteur-du-jeu-vido/ BetaJournal.com] - An article about Google Lively.<br>
[http://126566.blog.tdg.ch/archive/2008/09/30/comment-faire-pour-aller-sur-secondlife-2.html La tribune de Geneve ] - A note on how to go on SL (second part).<br>
[http://virtuelnews.com/secondlife/?p=677 Virutalnews] – A post about on SL Exchange becoming XStreet SL (Virtualtrade).<br><br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://angezanetti.blogspot.com/2008/09/boulanger-se-lance-dans-le-v-commerce.html Ange zenatti] – Covers the Boulanger French company entering SL.<br>
[http://mondes-virtuels.stonfield-inworld.com/un-bosquet-dans-second-life/ Stonefield Inworld]  - A comment on their activity with Saint Gobain on SL. (tree planting in Liban in 2009)<br>
[http://www.chine-informations.com/actualite/chine-china-telecom-va-lancer-son-monde-virtuel-chinaq_11142.html Chine Information]  - A note saying that China Telecom wants to create its own virtual world like SL.<br><br>
EDUCATION Coverage:<br>
[http://lettresticebourgogne.hautetfort.com/archive/2008/09/25/des-outils-numeriques-pour-le-francais-et-les-langues-ancien.html Lettre TICE Bourgogne] – An article about numeric tools to learn French and old languages and a conference and how a teacher gave lessons on SL.<br><br>
CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
[http://maggieparsons.blogspot.com/2008/09/la-cyberculture.html Maggie Parsons] – A post about cyberculture and what SL offers (compared to Myspace, Facebook).<br>
[http://internetactulive.blogspot.com/2008/09/linternet-des-objets-des-outils-pour.html Internetactualive] - Posted an article about objects on the Internet.<br>
[http://nawellaville.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!528F46718D57FC7B!1014.entry  nawell Laville]  - Covers the Atlantika exposition on SL ( in Sardaigna Island).<br>
[http://www.territoire-digital.com/2008/09/frao-ra-l%E2%80%99archeologue-onirique-vagabond/ Territoire Digital.com] – An article about Frao, a well known sculptor in SL.<br>
[http://www.eke.org/biltegia/la-culture-basque-sur-second-life Eke.org] - Posted on note on the “Pays Basque” Culture on SL.<br>
[http://npip.ifaway.net/2008/10/01/le-film-dans-sa-mobilite/ Npip] - A note about La Domestique project: screen space is superposed to real filing space. The artist explains he first uses SL to prepare his film work.<br>
[http://nessy.canalblog.com/archives/2008/10/01/10788946.html Du fond du lac] - A note about the event “Burning life”.<br><br>
Trends we’ve noticed:<br>
-- Almost all articles and quotes are positive.<br>
-- Medical care is one of the anticipated future applications of SL and JIMA is the first one who has entered SL as a medical organization in Japan.<br>
Key Coverage:<br>
Monthly Card Wave (magazine, October) – JIMA (Japan Internet Medical Association) opened a virtual clinic on metaverse Second Life and demonstrated face-to-face sessions between doctors and patients. The aim is to prove the reliability and authenticity of this service through demos of issuing prescriptions and referrals, consultation, and diagnosis.  In a survey conducted of Second Life users who participated in the demos of the virtual clinic, 80% showed inclinations toward using the online clinical service if it were official, but at the same time over 40% of these people chose the reasonable charge for these services such as “consultation” and “mental counseling” of L$200 (equivalent to approx. 100 JPY).<br><Br>
ENTERPRISE Coverage:<br>
[http://www.secondtimes.net/news/japan/20080926_eximage.html The Second Times] – Metabirds Co. started a business to support designers and creators who are successful on Second Life to become successful in real life.<br>
Weekly Toyo Keizai (magazine, 9/27) – A chart showing the Internet hegemony with Google services at the center. It shows Google’s metaverse “Lively” and Linden Lab’s “Second Life” in a rivalry.<br>

Nihon Joho Sangyo Shimbun (newspaper, 9/22) – A summary of an interview with Kotaro Okui, president of SUN Co., Ltd. “By operating three businesses at the same time, we aim for a global business evolution.” Out of the three businesses, the most outstanding is the 3D metaverse business with Linden Lab.<br>
==== Germany ====
* [http://www.prcenter.de/Wikipedia-Suchbegriffe-Blog-schlaegt-Kanzlerin-die-Top-10-fuer-Web-2-0-Co-.38377.html PRCenter.de] - Published a story about the most searched words in Wikipedia from an IT environment. “Second Life “ is ranked as fifth.
* [http://www.sltalk.de/index.php/2009/01/12/umfragedissertation-zum-thema-virtuelle-identitat/ SLtalk.de] - Posted a link to a questionnaire. It is for a thesis that deals with virtual identities.
* [http://www.hr-online.de/website/rubriken/kultur/index.jsp?rubrik=5986&key=standard_document_36154840 HR-online.de] - An article about an event at the Hochschule of Darmstadt, where students introduce glasses that allow you to take a walk in Second Life.

The Japan Times (newspaper, 9/24) – An Australian company has launched a free tool that it touts as a world-first opportunity for Web users to view the Internet in more than two dimensions. Melbourne-based ExitReality said its application allows users to turn any regular website into a 3D virtual environment, where an avatar representing them can walk around and “meet” other users who are browsing the same website.<br>
==== France ====
* [http://www.01net.com/editorial/399849/nominations-de-la-semaine/?rss 01 net] - A note about Howard Look’s appointment.
* [http://www.slifecosmos.com/repQuan/Autrans-on-air-dans-Second-Life-La-rencontre-des-acteurs-de-l-internet_a10.html SL Cosmos] - An article about the event Autrans 2009 retransmitted in Second Life.
* [http://redact.hautetfort.com/archive/2009/01/09/rome-des-musees-2-0-sur-second-life.html Redact] – Covers the reproduction of Rome in Second Life and the possibility to visit museums and historical sites.
* [http://www.pocarles.com/2009/01/barcamp-second-life/ Pierre Olivier Carles] - A post about the BarCamp event. It will take place in Second Life on Paris Ilde de France Island.
* [http://www.emilieogez.com/2009/01/14/retour-de-brest-140109/ Emilie Ogez] - Posted an article about the breakfast conference organized by AFEIT (Association of Electonic, Informatic and Telecoms brands) in Brest on January 13th about Web 2.0. She writes about the agenda of the event, her intervention, and explains it has been also live in Second Life.
* [http://tioufout.over-blog.com/article-26749515.html Tioufout] - Discusses the book of Alain Monnier, about the evolutions of the life of some avatars in a virtual world (Second Life). He describes the book as funny and smart.

[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/event/20080929_posical.html The Second Times] – Posical Corporations held an event on Second Life encouraging the young generation in their job-hunting process. The event is titled “Why we work.”<br>
=== Week Ending January 10, 2009 ===
==== US ====
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/03/AR2009010301750.html The Washington Post] - Writes about the Arlington County government establishing a presence in Second Life, including a video tour of their facilities.
* [http://dcist.com/2009/01/visit_the_seat_of_arlington_county.php DCist] - Posts about the launch of the Arlington County Government.
* [http://www.thejournal.com/articles/23777 THE Journal] - Features Second Life in an extensive article about K-12 education.
* [http://www.thejournal.com/articles/23777 THE Journal] - Features Second Life in an extensive article about K-12 education.
* [http://www.examiner.com/x-1069-Baltimore-Education-Examiner~y2009m1d8-Using-technology-to-make-schools-more-efficient--An-interview-with-Tim-Gilbert-of-Campus-Management The Baltimore Education Examiner] - Features an interview with the VP of Campus Management, who uses Second Life to make education more interactive for students.
* [http://www.ajc.com/services/content/printedition/2009/01/06/elfisland.html The Atlanta Constitution Journal] – Reports on children investing their time in philanthropic causes through virtual worlds, including Second Life.
* [http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticleHomePage&art_aid=97746 Media Post] – Covers the growth of virtual worlds, citing the increasing how the introduction of more virtual worlds like Second Life will have an impact on marketing campaigns.
* [http://www.govtech.com/gt/579300?topic=117688 Government Technology] - Government agencies are using Second Life to recruit new employees.
* [http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3172106 1UP] - Posts about the UK report about holding business meetings in virtual worlds, citing Home and Second Life.
* [http://www.mddailyrecord.com/article.cfm?id=151263&type=Daily The Daily Record] - People are turning to Second Life to escape the real world and how they can benefit.
* [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20090102.widea03/BNStory/Science/home The Globe and Mail] - References the Second Life divorce story in its predictions for 2009’s big trend of taking on avatar personas.
* [http://www.mormontimes.com/mormon_voices/reader_voices/?id=5664 The Mormon Times] - Evaluates the Mormon Church becoming involved in Second Life.
* [http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/school-strike-kills-dozens/2009/01/07/1231004052531.html The Sydney Morning Herald] - Posts an article and an AP video about the protests in Second Life.
* [http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/01/05/1730900.aspx MSNBC’s Cosmic Log] - Covers the American Astronomical Society ribbon cutting in Second Life.
* [http://www.scpr.org/news/stories/2009/01/07/19_astral_aspirations_0.html KPCC Radio] - Mentions that the American Astronomical Society hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony in Second Life along with its opening in Long Beach.

[http://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000037.000000408.html The PR Times] – Global Service Corporations, a company that handles Askul office supplies, opened a branch store on Second Life.<br>
==== UK ====
* [http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_and_jobs/article5429333.ece The Times] - Gives advice on how to give a good presentation. Second Life is referred to as providing online webinars as useful and memorable substitutes for real life presentations.
* [http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/analysis/2233203/stories-failed-materialise-2008 VNunet.com] - Covers the stories that failed to materialize in 2008. It mentions Google’s virtual world offering and how it was once vaunted as a competitor to Second Life but never quite made it.
* [http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_and_jobs/article5429333.ece The Times] - Gives advice on how to give a good presentation. Second Life is referred to as providing online webinars as useful and memorable substitutes for real life presentations.
* [http://www.britainnews.net/story/448753 BritainNews] - Discusses how Internet based games can be a positive influence on children’s education. Second Life is used as a good example of an online resource for education.
* [http://www.itpro.co.uk/609418/housewives-out-in-front-in-uk-web-use ITPRO] - Writes that UK housewives spend more time on the Internet than anyone else. Second Life is listed as a social networking tool used by consumers in their daily digital lives.

[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/event/20080924_steampunk.html The Second Times]<br> [http://www.secondtimes.net/news/japan/20080923_oita.html The Second Times] - Resonant Solutions Co. is providing free IT support (such as free community space on Second Life) to organizations and associations that support local communities. <br><br>
==== Germany ====
* [http://www.areagames.de/artikel/detail/Kurios-Verbinski-will-Second-Life-Scheidung-verfilmen/97910 Areagames.de] - Published an article about Gore Verbinski planning to do a movie about the divorce story.
* [http://nickpol.twoday.net/stories/5373788/comment Nickpol.Twoday.net] - Published a link with a video that shows Philip giving a talk in Second Life.
* [http://fudder.de/artikel/2009/01/07/fudder-helden-2008/ Fudder] - Nergiz Kern is named one of the Heroes 2008. She is an English teacher in Second Life and thus promoting the future.
* [http://www.ln-online.de/regional/2518601 Lübecker Nachrichten.de] - A personal portrait of a young Second Life user. The editor takes it as an opportunity to let Ingo explain what Second Life is about and what its possibilities are.
* [http://www.20min.ch/digital/webpage/story/Fremdgehen-im-Web-31266246 20minutes.ch] - Announced a documentary on TV. It is about a couple that got to know each other in Second Life.
* [http://slinside.com/index.php/SL-Videos-Musik-Events/Virtuelles-Led-Zeppelin-Konzert.html SLinside.com] - Published a link to a Led Zeppelin concert inworld.

CONSUMER Coverage:<br>
==== France ====
[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/event/20080929_designpower2008.html The Second Times] – The Design Association of Oita is holding an event on Second Life titled “DESIGN POWER 2008”. The event is held simultaneously in real life.<br>
* [http://www.pocarles.com/2009/01/les-amis-de-stonfield/ Pocarles] - From Stonefield Inworld posted an article about their achievements in 2008 in Second Life.
* [http://angezanetti.blogspot.com/2009/01/vido-des-mes-volantes.html Angezanetti] - Posted a video of the event in Paris in the Grand Palais “Flying souls”; The souls are Second Life avatars. The Solution Provider Extralab took part in its organization.
* [http://www.territoire-digital.com/2009/01/yannminh-mcdowwll-le-prince-de-la-cyberculture-in-sl/ Territoire Digital] - Posted an article about Yann Minh a polyvalent cyberpunk artist. He has an island on SL Noopark, which is a museum dedicated to cyberculture, science fiction, eroticism and fantastic.
* [http://metalab3d.blogspot.com/2009/01/autrans-2009-le-metawall-comme.html Metalab3d] - Posted an article about the event Autrans 2009, the annual meeting of Internet actors. There will be discussions around the Metawall,Twitter and SL.

[http://www.secondtimes.net/news/world/20080927_forrester.html The Second Times] – According to the survey titled “The Revival of Consumer Virtual Worlds” conducted by Forrester, there recently seems to be a revival in the market of consumer virtual worlds.<br>
== Linden Lab News Archives ==

[http://www.secondtimes.net/news/japan/20080929_tomowhitfield.html The Second Times] – For the first time in Japan, and avatar from Second Life gave a lecture to a real life audience at the Metaverse Forum.<br>
Here are links to the various Linden Lab websites where we catalog the press we receive.

[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/episode/20080926_hachikokuyama.html The Second Times] – The “Hachikoku Yama” SIM underwent an all-out renewal and has re-opened.<br>
* [http://lindenlab.com/pressroom/news English]
* [http://de.secondlife.com/whatis/press-releases German]
* [http://jp.secondlife.com/PR  Japanese]
* [http://kr.secondlife.com/whatis/news Korean]

[http://www.secondtimes.net/book/app/20080925_themakingofsecondlife.html The Second Times] – An introduction of the book by James W. Au titled “Second Life: How a virtual community will change business”.<br>
<span id="Links To Previous Reports"></span><span style="display:none;"><h1>Links To Previous Reports</h1></span>

[http://www.secondtimes.net/metaverse/event/20080924_steampunk.html The Second Times] – American metaverse SNS “koinup” is holding a Steampunk themed snapshot contest taken on Second Life.<br><br>

Latest revision as of 11:23, 6 May 2019


This article is obsolete, but kept as a historical record. Do not rely on this information in any way. However, it may be used in the future, so please do not delete or modify.

If you are looking for current articles in our major markets, please visit the News Archives

Week Ending January 16, 2009


  • Fox News - Reports on the Gaza protests taking place in social media including Second Life.
  • MTV Multiplayer Blog - Reports on the Gaza protests in Second Life and highlights the thoughtful discussion afterwards.
  • BusinessWeek –An article about Nortel’s failed attempt at creating its own virtual world, mentioning Second Life.
  • Virtual Worlds News - Reports Rivers Run Red’s announcement of its Immersive Planograms tool for its Immersive Workspaces in Second Life aimed at Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies.
  • Fox News – Covers the Gaza protests taking place in social media, including Second Life.
  • MTV Multiplayer Blog - Gaza protests in Second Life are discussed.


Weekly Reports-January 1-January 16, 2009

In this section, you will find the media trends and press stories we are tracking in some of our key markets.

Week Ending January 16, 2009


  • Fox News - Reports on the Gaza protests taking place in social media including Second Life.
  • MTV Multiplayer Blog - Reports on the Gaza protests in Second Life and highlights the thoughtful discussion afterwards.
  • BusinessWeek –An article about Nortel’s failed attempt at creating its own virtual world, mentioning Second Life.
  • Virtual Worlds News - Reports Rivers Run Red’s announcement of its Immersive Planograms tool for its Immersive Workspaces in Second Life aimed at Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies.
  • Fox News – Covers the Gaza protests taking place in social media, including Second Life.
  • MTV Multiplayer Blog - Gaza protests in Second Life are discussed.


  • The Guardian - Second Life is at the forefront of a project to recreate London as a 3D world online.
  • BBC news - A video report describes Middlesbrough City Learning Centre’s use of Second Life.
  • The Guardian - Reports Peter Mandelson, who is Secretary of State for Business, and one of the UK’s highest profile politicians has created an avatar within Second Life.
  • Medical News Today - Reports Dr. Kourosh Dini, author of ‘Video Game Play and Addiction: A Guide for Parents’, is a fan of Second Life and recommends it as a tool for developing empathy in children.
  • gamepoliticals.com - Produces a blog post with high authority that demonstrates the educational value of meeting in Second Life. Journalism students in Cairo are due to meet with head of the US state department’s public affairs in Second Life.
  • Gazettelive - Reports about Acklam Grange creating a school in Second Life.
  • Personnel Today – Discusses the upcoming Learning Technologies show and conference 2009 in which the benefits of virtual worlds will be discussed.


  • PRCenter.de - Published a story about the most searched words in Wikipedia from an IT environment. “Second Life “ is ranked as fifth.
  • SLtalk.de - Posted a link to a questionnaire. It is for a thesis that deals with virtual identities.
  • HR-online.de - An article about an event at the Hochschule of Darmstadt, where students introduce glasses that allow you to take a walk in Second Life.


  • 01 net - A note about Howard Look’s appointment.
  • SL Cosmos - An article about the event Autrans 2009 retransmitted in Second Life.
  • Redact – Covers the reproduction of Rome in Second Life and the possibility to visit museums and historical sites.
  • Pierre Olivier Carles - A post about the BarCamp event. It will take place in Second Life on Paris Ilde de France Island.
  • Emilie Ogez - Posted an article about the breakfast conference organized by AFEIT (Association of Electonic, Informatic and Telecoms brands) in Brest on January 13th about Web 2.0. She writes about the agenda of the event, her intervention, and explains it has been also live in Second Life.
  • Tioufout - Discusses the book of Alain Monnier, about the evolutions of the life of some avatars in a virtual world (Second Life). He describes the book as funny and smart.

Week Ending January 10, 2009


  • The Washington Post - Writes about the Arlington County government establishing a presence in Second Life, including a video tour of their facilities.
  • DCist - Posts about the launch of the Arlington County Government.
  • THE Journal - Features Second Life in an extensive article about K-12 education.
  • THE Journal - Features Second Life in an extensive article about K-12 education.
  • The Baltimore Education Examiner - Features an interview with the VP of Campus Management, who uses Second Life to make education more interactive for students.
  • The Atlanta Constitution Journal – Reports on children investing their time in philanthropic causes through virtual worlds, including Second Life.
  • Media Post – Covers the growth of virtual worlds, citing the increasing how the introduction of more virtual worlds like Second Life will have an impact on marketing campaigns.
  • Government Technology - Government agencies are using Second Life to recruit new employees.
  • 1UP - Posts about the UK report about holding business meetings in virtual worlds, citing Home and Second Life.
  • The Daily Record - People are turning to Second Life to escape the real world and how they can benefit.
  • The Globe and Mail - References the Second Life divorce story in its predictions for 2009’s big trend of taking on avatar personas.
  • The Mormon Times - Evaluates the Mormon Church becoming involved in Second Life.
  • The Sydney Morning Herald - Posts an article and an AP video about the protests in Second Life.
  • MSNBC’s Cosmic Log - Covers the American Astronomical Society ribbon cutting in Second Life.
  • KPCC Radio - Mentions that the American Astronomical Society hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony in Second Life along with its opening in Long Beach.


  • The Times - Gives advice on how to give a good presentation. Second Life is referred to as providing online webinars as useful and memorable substitutes for real life presentations.
  • VNunet.com - Covers the stories that failed to materialize in 2008. It mentions Google’s virtual world offering and how it was once vaunted as a competitor to Second Life but never quite made it.
  • The Times - Gives advice on how to give a good presentation. Second Life is referred to as providing online webinars as useful and memorable substitutes for real life presentations.
  • BritainNews - Discusses how Internet based games can be a positive influence on children’s education. Second Life is used as a good example of an online resource for education.
  • ITPRO - Writes that UK housewives spend more time on the Internet than anyone else. Second Life is listed as a social networking tool used by consumers in their daily digital lives.


  • Areagames.de - Published an article about Gore Verbinski planning to do a movie about the divorce story.
  • Nickpol.Twoday.net - Published a link with a video that shows Philip giving a talk in Second Life.
  • Fudder - Nergiz Kern is named one of the Heroes 2008. She is an English teacher in Second Life and thus promoting the future.
  • Lübecker Nachrichten.de - A personal portrait of a young Second Life user. The editor takes it as an opportunity to let Ingo explain what Second Life is about and what its possibilities are.
  • 20minutes.ch - Announced a documentary on TV. It is about a couple that got to know each other in Second Life.
  • SLinside.com - Published a link to a Led Zeppelin concert inworld.


  • Pocarles - From Stonefield Inworld posted an article about their achievements in 2008 in Second Life.
  • Angezanetti - Posted a video of the event in Paris in the Grand Palais “Flying souls”; The souls are Second Life avatars. The Solution Provider Extralab took part in its organization.
  • Territoire Digital - Posted an article about Yann Minh a polyvalent cyberpunk artist. He has an island on SL Noopark, which is a museum dedicated to cyberculture, science fiction, eroticism and fantastic.
  • Metalab3d - Posted an article about the event Autrans 2009, the annual meeting of Internet actors. There will be discussions around the Metawall,Twitter and SL.

Linden Lab News Archives

Here are links to the various Linden Lab websites where we catalog the press we receive.

Links To Previous Reports