Linden Lab PR Update/2008 July
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Week Ending July 26, 2008
Key Coverage by Market:
Trends we've noticed:
--Overall positive coverage
--More traditional coverage, less blog coverage
--Covered new educational uses and enterprise applications of the Grid; new companies using the platform
--Second Life taking place of traditional jobs fairs; business activities
--Relay for Life event coverage
Key coverage:
GigaOm – Second Life’s outlook with new CEO and facing Google Lively
Fortune – quotes Philip in a post on women in technology, citing Second Life as a place where women are in power.
PC Magazine – examines Lively’s potential impact in the virtual world landscape currently dominated by Second Life.
Web CPA – CPA firms are attempting to establish their presence in Second Life by opening their own island, etc.
Bits of News – reports that Netroots Nation, a cluster of virtual politically progressive organizations in Second Life, will hold portion of its conferences in Second Life.
Government – reports job fairs held in Second Life provide disabled job seekers a ‘prejudice free zone’ and a level playing field.
World Changing – new technological advances like Craigslist and Second Life are forcing traditional firms to adapt to the changing environment.
Web Work Daily – companies should look into Second Life as an alternative communication tool because it offers a personal and interactive environment.
The Young Turks – analyzes how U.S. Congress’ presence in Second Life gives residents an opportunity to interact with politicians in an open forum.
GlobeSt –reports that in the future, business travel may not be necessary due to capabilities of Second Life.
Gamasutra – examines the good and bad of working remotely, citing Linden Lab as having several remote employees.
Palo Alto Online – numerous businesses and colleges are opening their own island in Second Life to reach a larger audience.
Times Herald – a law office in California held a Second Life seminar where attorneys and artists were able to discuss intellectual property laws online
Popular Science – virtual worlds like Second Life help develop interpersonal skills.
CBS News 12 Chattanooga – Chattanooga State will offer online courses in Second Life.
Science Daily – students at Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine are performing virtual surgeries in Second Life.
The Street – Second Life provides teens and young adults with an opportunity to test out business strategies due to its realism.
Earth2Tech GigaOm – programmers at Linden Lab have created carbon goggles in Second Life, which allows users to see the carbon emissions from virtual cars.
Read Write Web – Relay For Life has raised over $180,000. Use of Second Life has led to a surge in online donations.
ComicBookBin – Comic-Con Conference on web comics will be held in Second Life. It will be an opportunity for artists to show off their creativity, via avatar.
Trends we’ve noticed:
--Overall positive press
--more traditional press than blog coverage
--Computing features a company that has opened a virtual store and posted strong financial results
--Feature article on the creativity Second Life provides
--Business use of Second Life
--Further music opportunities within Second Life are realized
Key Coverage:
Computing - Domino’s Pizza has posted impressive half-year financial results. Last year they invested heavily in digital-media platforms including opening a virtual store in Second Life.
Asian Image - Lancashire Telegraph IT and Technology Awards were held in-world.
Euro Investor - results from a survey carried out by 3DConnexion regarding their Second Life-compatible 3D Mouse.
Develop - panel discussion on why developers are flocking to Brighton. Second Life is mentioned as a company who has offices in Brighton.
BritainNewsNet - describes the construction of a virtual Gandhi within Second Life.
Tech Digest - Gibson is the world’s first music company to launch an island in Second Life.
Musical Instrument Professional Digest - Gibson is the world’s first music company to launch an island in Second Life.
Trends we’ve noticed:
--There have been several features, some mentions around E3 trade show
--Last week has seen less coverage than the week before, due to the Lively announcement two weeks ago
--Continued coverage of Second Life opportunities in education
Key Coverage:
ZDF online - picked up the latest IBM release.
Stern - reports from the trade show E3, saying that the influence of Second Life on Sony and Microsoft can be seen at the show.
Die Presse - also reports from E3, mentioning Second Life as the pioneer of virtual worlds, especially compared to Sony’s Home.
Computerwoche - had a look at Lively from Google and stated that the search engine provider is having problems keeping sex out of Lively.
Contator - reports on Sony’s Home.
E-Punkt - virtual recruiting fair on island “Postdam will take place soon.
Business Traveller - reports on new e-learning opportunities at University of Duisburg-Essen.
Freie Presse - breaks the news that world famous Goethe Institut has joined Second Life to promote the German language internationally and to offer language classes.
The Junction – presents latest work of a German artist who is creating paintings both inworld and in the real world.
Mittelbayerische Zeitung - portraits a regional architect who builds houses both inworld and in real life.
Trends we’ve noticed:
--very little press due to quiet period in France (majority of publications are closed until mid August)
-- Crédit Agricole created its first Management Committee in Second Life
Key Coverage:
AgoraxVox - story of Virtual Worlds from 50’s to real 3D tools
Claude Amenc’s blog - post from a very positive and enthusiastic fan
Pyrénées Gascogne - presented Second Life and the Credit Agricole project.
Cybermarketing - summarized Second Life.
Cybermarketing - summarized the project.
PaperBlog - announced the IBM event. - presented the first agency that opens the first space in Lively.
Ecrans - presented a detailed articles on new E3 edition and announcements that will be make.
Trends we’ve noticed:
--Positive not only for Second Life but also for virtual worlds
--Second Life always mentioned in articles about virtual worlds
-- Japanese industry and media have expectations that virtual worlds will stimulate Japanese IT industry
-- Educational trend is evident only in SL and in no other VWs
-- Consumer coverage quoted SL and Philip’s speech in their stories.
-- Sony announced its mid-range business plan in June and E3 was held in LA in mid-July. Therefore there are articles mentioning Sony’s Home compare it to Second Life.
Key Coverage:
IT&KADEN BUSINESS (magazine, August issue) & Economist (magazine, 7/22) mentioned Second Life in an explanation of Sony’s new virtual community service, “PlayStation Home.”
NHK (Encore Hour, 10:05 – 11:00 am) SL mentioned in program on teaching about the Internet to middles-aged and senior citizens.
Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun - The University of Digital Content and several Japanese Net companies formed the “Metaverse Association” to improve technology and promote recognition of Second Life and metaverse industry.
Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun – Feature on E3, mentions Second Life when describing Play Station 3’s new online Second Life-like metaverse service.
iNSIDE – The tension between Japan and Korea on the Takeshima island heats up on Second Life.
Second Times – Electric Sheep Company started “WebFlock”, a metaverse service that operates on Flash on a normal web browser.
Second Times – Linden Lab held an orientation session on for the Japanese support service to the Japanese users on Second Life.
Yomiuri Online – A 3D metaverse service was added to SNS facebook. The service is like a simplistic Second Life.
Second Times – World famous guitar maker Gibson opened their “Gibson Island” SIM on Second Life.
Second Times – BarTube, a bar which holds the event “Second Night”, a night when Second Life users gather in real life, will hold its renewal open on 7/18. – A blog article about the rising tensions between Japan and Korea’s fight over Dokuto island (Japanese Takeshima island) on the Internet. There are activities on Second Life as well.
Week Ending July 18, 2008
Key Coverage by Market:
Trends we've noticed:
--Positive coverage in the San Francisco Chronicle on the uses of the platform for support groups, in line with the recent coverage we’ve seen on healthcare uses of the platform.
--Continued coverage of teen jobs in Second Life, following the Wall Street Journal article back in May.
Key coverage:
SF Gate - use of Second Life for support groups
Technology Review - Web Media initiative, using both 2D and 3D web
Star-Telegram - series of articles about Second Life as a powerful tool for educators
Modern Guitars Magazine - Gibson is the world’s first music company to launch an island in Second Life
Tennessean - The Tennessean reports on Gibson’s launch of its official island in Second Life - new achievement by IBM and Linden Lab will enhance virtual world interconnectivity
The Olympian - Colleges are using virtual worlds like Second Life to perform experiments that are otherwise too difficult or too costly to perform in real life
TechNewsWorld - Second Life as a medium for filmmakers to practice their craft in a new setting
MSNBC - Virtual worlds like Second Life provide teens with real world job training
WKBW.COM - reports that Second Life is providing new entrepreneurial opportunities for teens
Walletpop - real estate agents are using virtual worlds, such as Second Life, to provide potential homebuyers with more information in order to generate business
Kansas City Star - professors at Kentucky University are using Second Life as a training tool for their medical program
The School Library Journal - teens will be able to talk to their favorite authors via Second Life - announces a 44 percent growth in Second Life due to cheaper subscription fees and the development of OpenSim
Ecofabulous - Second Life hailed for green initiatives
Trends we've noticed:
--Further positive coverage of the Linden Lab/IBM collaboration – where will it take virtual worlds?
--Negative ‘Lively’ coverage, with Ovum dismissing the usefulness of Google’s virtual world
Linden Lab/IBM Interoperability:
British Computer Society - Linden Lab and IBM have successfully achieved moving an avatar from one virtual world to another
New Statesman - describes the partnership as being philosophically beneficial
IT PRO - describes the collaboration as ‘monumental in the evolution of virtual worlds'
Lively coverage:
VNUNet - uses Ovum’s report to dismiss the claims of ‘Lively’ in competing against Second Life. Eden Zoller, a principal analyst at Ovum, said comparison is "premature and a simplification"
IT Week Labs - describes the key features of ‘Lively’, but says Lively is not a 'virtual world'
Other Coverage:
Lancashire Evening Post - An island has been created by Preston College, allowing visual and performing arts students to display their work globally - reports communities of people such as those in Second Life, hold growing influence over purchasing patterns and provide invaluable opportunities for businesses to meet customers
TechRadar - Virtual nightclub for the disabled, ‘Wheelie’, has been nominated for a UK Catalyst Award
Management Consultancy - US Certified Accountants held the Maryland Business and Accounting Expo in Second Life
Training Zone - discusses the benefits of Second Life to artificial intelligence (AI)
Trends we've noticed:
--Week's main event was Google’s announcement of Lively, but Second Life was mentioned in every article and was called the blueprint of Lively
--The teleport of an avatar from one virtual world to another was still a topic in some publications
--A positive recruitment article appeared in E-Commerce Magazine
Linden Lab/IBM Interoperability:
PC Welt
Computer Woche
Other Coverage:
Haufe - public accountants in the US have discovered Second Life for internal trainings and meetings - online version of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, published an article on new forms of recruitment, including Second Life.
Trends we've noticed:
--This week Google announcement is the target of French journalists, but Second Life is still quoted as Lively's reference. What will be its ‘life rhythm’’? The same as Second Life?
--IBM and Linden Lab press announcement has less visibility than Google, but articles are positive, dealing with the potential future or impact of the interoperability
Linden Lab/IBM Interoperability:
LeMagIT – interoperability, a second breathe for Linden Lab
Metaverse 3D
Gromike Blog
Community Chest
Other Coverage:
Le Post – Make profit with Second Life, Interview of Stéphane Pillet, a French writer of book ‘Be in business in Second Life’
Zigonet - Presentation of an initiative from an English resident who created an island based on a Van Gogh’s painting, ‘Nuit Etoilée’
Cdingue - video of island based on Van Gogh painting
Linden Lab/IBM Interoperability: - Linden Lab: prima volta avatar da Second LifeGrid a mondo virtuale gestito da server OpenSim
Trends and Moods:
Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun (newspaper, 7/8) – Feature article analyzing SL in Japan. According to the “Internet White Paper 2008” by Impress R&D, the rate of recognition of Second Life in Japan is 46.2%.
Nikkei Marketing Journal, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun (newspaper, 7/11) – Metabirds Co. , Ltd. and ableseed Co., Ltd. created a system for promoting sales of pictorial artwork in real life by projecting images of the artwork onto the cloths and accessories that the avatars wear on virtual world SL. There are currently about a thousand artists enrolled on this system and about five thousand registered art pieces.
Weekly Diamond (magazine, 7/12) – A feature article on the economic effects and the mechanism on RMT(real money trade) on online games and MMORPGs. The Linden Dollar system on SL is introduced as one example.
Key Coverage:
J-Cast - Disappointing Google 3D virtual world – Is it a sign of “illness of the big company”?
Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun – Feature article on using Second Life to study human brainwaves.
Second Times - Japanese Sims link in Second Life to create biggest Sim
Week Ending July 11, 2008
Key Coverage by Market:
Trends we’ve noticed:
--The IBM announcement was generally well received by mainstream business press, with great pieces appearing in the Wall Street Journal and the FT
--Google’s launch of Lively boosted our coverage, although some Valley blogs took a cynical perspective on the news this week
--Healthcare and science continue to be dominant themes in the press
IBM--LL Interoperability coverage:
Wall Street Journal – Avatars Teleport Away from Second Life
Financial Times – Second Life’s maiden voyage across the metaverse
TechCrunch - IBM And Second Life Announce Interoperability, But Bridging Virtual Worlds Is the Wrong Answer
(Also on Washington Post)
Technology News Daily - Virtual World Interoperability Milestone
ReadWriteWeb - Linden Labs and IBM Break the Metaverse Barrier, Teleport Across Virtual Worlds
Virtual World News - IBM and Linden Lab Officially Announce OpenSIM Interoperability
Dusan Writers Metaverse - Teleport to opensim from second life: interoperability and the decentralized grid
Crispy Gamer – When Worlds Collide: The Great Avatar Transfer
Bob Sutor’s Open Blog – Hopping from one world to another
Information Week - IBM, Second Life Demo Virtual World Interoperability
The Motley Fool - IBM Moves Into the Virtual World - Right Now On The Net
Digital Trends Beta - IBM, Second Life Move Between Worlds
The New York Times’ Brad Stone posts an article on Lively, featuring the statement the team provided from Mark.
The LA Times’ Alana Semuels also posts on Lively; she had requested our response to Lively prior to its launch, though we were unable to provide her with comment at the time, as we had not yet seen the details of the announcement.
Other Coverage:
CIO examines how businesses have been using Second Life as a publicly accessible space for selling, recruiting and other interactions. The team had connected the journalist with Joe for this opportunity to discuss using virtual worlds as data centers.
Baltimore Business Journal reports that accountants from Maryland are using Second Life more frequently to potentially network with new clients. The team connected the journalist with John Z for comments that are included in this piece. Also picked up on MSNBC.
CNET cites the recent Christian Science Monitor article on virtual study abroad, which resulted from the proactive team’s pitching efforts.
MMORPG Blog reports that the total number of regions owned by Residents increased by 44.2 percent in Second Life.
The Purdue Exponent announces the creation of The Purdue Center for Serious Games and Learning in Virtual Environments as a place for professors to collaborate on their work with virtual environments and video games.
FierceHealthcare reports that Cigna is developing its own Second Life community to encourage drug prevention and awareness. announces that the Exploratorium will stream a total eclipse of the sun from China to Second Life.
TMCnet reports that Washington State Students are now able to take classes online in Second Life.
The Industry Standard reports on Mark’s letter to the Residents.
Red and Black features Allison Weiss, a singer who was recently nominated for the 2008 Flagpole Best Solo Performer, who performed for fans on Second Life.
Press of Atlantic reports that the new virtual offices of the New Jersey Association of Realtors are almost completed.
CBS Keye TV in Texas reports that with teen employment down 60 percent, many of them are using virtual worlds like Second Life to make money by creating and selling digital goods and services.
GigaOm’s Wagner James Au points out the significant differences between Google’s Lively and immersive virtual worlds like Second Life.
Trends we’ve noticed:
--The general tone of the press is very positive, with the Linden Lab/IBM announcement and Google’s release of ‘Lively’ there were many articles discussing the development and evolution of virtual worlds in a positive light.
--Two articles describing the ongoing problem of malware and griefing
Financial Times Philip’s by-lined article ‘Virtual worlds, after the hype]
IBM--LL Interoperability coverage:
BBC describes Second Life as ‘first out of the gate’ in regard to teleporting avatars, though the article sarcastic in regard to the official statement declaring it to be a ‘historic day…’:
Computer Weekly reports on the partnership between Linden Lab and IBM, as well as providing details of the ‘Architecture Working Group's’ (AWG) website.
Products Review provides a comparison of Google’s ‘Lively’ Vs Second Life/IBM.
Lively coverage related to SL:
The Times describes the key features of Lively, and its move into the virtual space is said to validate the usefulness of virtual worlds. Second Life is described as a sprawling online world, with brands such as IBM, Sony, BMW and Coca-Cola having a virtual presence. The article also includes a quote stating Second life to be a ‘indispensable business tool’.
Guardian describes Google’s new venture, as well as including the following paragraph about Second Life.
Second Life has gone ex-growth, judging by the number of avatars online simultaneously (it rarely exceeds 64,000) but it is the place to be for experimentation. Universities and companies are still piling in, especially as SL is adopting open source and allows companies to bolt their own servers on. Nielsen Online figures show that Second Life is the third most popular application in the UK in terms of minutes spent on it (after Facebook and YouTube) with growth of 137% in the past year.
Other coverage:
ZDNet discusses software development, and Second Life is described as running on 2,000 Intel servers with Debian Linux at its heart.
PC Advisor reports on the launch of Sony’s virtual world ‘Home’, which is to be released this fall.
Norwich Evening News reports a Norwich College will be using Second Life for advertising, training and possibly teaching purposes. reveals Second Life is one he fastest growing sites in terms of total UK minutes.
Hospital IT Europe reports CIGNA, a leading health service company, has announced the development of a virtual health care community. The island will host seminars, interactive displays, educational games and virtual health consultations to help foster real and sustainable behaviour change that improves health. reports the first conference dedicated to the public policy implications of virtual worlds in the UK is set to take place in London later this month. Jim Purbick is set to speak at the event.
Trends we have noticed
--Google’s “Lively” release caused a lot of coverage in which it is often compared to Second Life
--IBM press release was picked up in some of the “Lively” articles as well as in dedicated articles
Welt Online published a longer article about Second Life’s cooperation with IBM. The article starts with Google’s Lively but continues to go on about the release about Second Life and IBM.
Spiegel Online publishes a long article about “Lively” and says it can not be compared to Second Life.
Computerwelt Online published a long article about the presence of Austrian Universities in Second life and e-learning.
Neutral articles:
Hamburger Abendblatt Online publishes an interview with Charles Donkor about recruiting in Web 2.0. publishes a long article about the hype’s anniversary.
Infoweek Switzerland writes about making money on the Internet:
Moods and Trends we’ve noticed:
--This week Google announced the launch of its virtual world, Lively. It has a huge echo in press. Articles are quite neutral, explaining the history of the birth of Lively and what is the real stake for Google. Second Life is always quoted as the ‘first born’ and as The reference.
--IBM and Linden Lab press release has been launched this week (on Wednesday). It’s too early to evaluate the real impact of the coverage. Nevertheless, main important IT publications contacted us to have more information. That’s the proof it’s a important announcement on the Virtual World market.
IBM--LL Interoperability coverage:
Journal du Net
Moods or Trends we’ve noticed –
Japanese universities actively carrying out projects in SL
Waseda University opened a virtual campus on its own Waseda University SIM on the 1st of July. The Social System Engineering Laboratory of Waseda University has owned a SIM called 'Waseda' since October 2007 and has been practicing many in-world activities. However, this is for the first time for Waseda University itself to own a SIM and officially carry out activities in SL. The university will utilize the SIM as a research facility in VWs for internal and external researchers and will also carry out a cross-cultural research project using 3D virtual worlds with Princeton University, which already has a virtual campus in SL.
And Tohoku University and Yamagata University jointly conducted a demonstration live-streaming experiment of TV news from the Toyako G-8 Summit in Hokkaido, on Niseko3 SIM with the support of Hokkaido Broadcasting Company, HBC. Additionally, Hosei University, which already owns Hosei University SIM, held a seminar on e-learning and streamed the video to the Hosei University SIM. And finally, as mentioned before in our Weekly Reports, Keio University and Tokyo University are also utilizing SL for research.
We expect to see more in-world activity by Japanese universities in the near future.
Key Coverage
Sankei Shimbun, Fuji Sankei Business i, Adver Times (newspaper, online, 7/2, 7/1) – June 30th, Waseda University announced they will open a new campus online on 3D metaverse Second Life. The campus will be used as a space for interaction between students from other countries. Universities overseas such as Princeton and Harvard have already opened virtual campuses.
Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (newspaper, 7/2) – Waseda University will start a cross-cultural exchange project with Princeton University through Second Life. Waseda opened a campus online as a place where students can interact.
Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun (newspaper, 7/1) – METABIRDS will soon open a website for selling and purchasing items and merchandise used within metaverses such as Second Life.
Yomiuri Shimbun, The Daily Yomiuri (newspaper, online, 6/30, 7/1) – The Cabinet Office is planning to open a virtual museum devoted to disaster management in Second Life, “a globally popular Internet site.”
The Japan Times(newspaper, 7/2) – Waseda University opened a campus Tuesday in Second Life. The private Tokyo university will use the virtual campus to promote joint studies with Princeton University of the U.S., which has already opened a campus in Second Life.
The Second Times (online, 7/8) – According to “Nielsen Online”, metaverses Second Life and Club Penguin both ranked among the Top 10 fastest growing web services in England.
[ The Second Time (online, 7/7) – Tohoku University and Yamagata University started a demonstration live-streaming broadcast of the Hokkaido Toyako Summit.
Japan.Internet.Com (online, 7/6) – An audience participation event was held in SL by U.S. English Robin, whose CEO Mr. Fox said, “Up until now there were not many opportunities for audience participation through TV and radio, and it was hard to grasp the true reactions of the viewing audience. The ability to communicate between the promoter and the audience that the Internet has brought us will lead to more possibilities for future company promotions and the broadcasting field as well.”
All-in-One INTERNET magazine 2.0 (online, 7/6) – Masashi Hagiwara of NetRatings Japan Inc. and Kentaro Emura of Video Research Interactive Inc. talked about the differences between the numbers of website traffic and web audience ratings.
ITmedia (online, 7/6) – Unlike the first generation of virtual worlds where the main focus was on recreating the real world as close as possible like Second Life, the second generation of virtual worlds would be focused more on a widespread variety of unrealistic but eye-catching virtual content.
The Second Times (online, 7/1) – HORIBA, Ltd. opened the “HORIBA MUSEUM of SUPER NATURAL SENSOR”, a museum where you can learn on Second Life about the “sensoring” ability of wild animals.
Week Ending July 4, 2008
Key Coverage by Market
--Vollee announcement
--Medical uses of Second Life
Vollee coverage:
CNET Crave blog
Other coverage:
FOX News reports on Keio University’s medical breakthrough that allows a paralyzed patient to walk in Second Life. The story originated from the AFP.
WIRED discusses the recent breakthrough of Keio University researchers, as a result of a rapid response pitch.
The Globe and Mail presents an interview with interview with Gerri Sinclair, executive director of the Masters of Digital Media Program Centre for Digital Media in Vancouver, who is very bullish on virtual worlds for business, education, healthcare, and more.
The Omaha World Herald reports on the Second Life economy and the people who are making real money with inworld businesses. The team provided background information on Second Life for this story, which is also posted on LinuxInsider. reports on San Jose State University’s new campus in Second Life. Also posted on Yahoo! Tech and DVICE.
The San Jose Mercury News reports on a summit being hosted at the Tech Museum on virtual worlds featuring a presentation by Philip.
ReadWriteWeb posts a story on the growth of Second Life’s popularity in a struggling economy.
Design News reports on a mass transit system that was designed in Second Life.
--Business use of Second Life
Business Weekly discusses the future of business and technology. Second Life is described as a big and growing sector.
VNUNet reports the presence of Domino’s Pizza within Second Life.
Mobile Entertainment reports Second Life is available through Vollee on mobile phones.
BT Today reports BT’s pioneering online service for small businesses, BT Tradespace, is setting up shop for a trial period in Second Life.
Medical Marketing and Media discusses the benefits of Second Life to pharma healthcare.
--Vollee brings Second life onto mobile phones
--Dresdner Bank, one of the biggest German banks, is entering Second Life (on a small basis)
--On a panel discussion about legal regulation of virtual worlds, the participants were against intervening too much in virtual environments
One of the biggest news this week that has been covered by several publications like, and is that Vollee has managed to bring Second Life onto the mobile phones., and have reported that one of Germany’s biggest banks, the Dresdner Bank, has entered Second Life and is cooperating with Apfelland and the Volkshochschule Goslar.
On a conference about new forms of learning there has been a very interesting panel discussion about whether real law can be applied to virtual worlds. The statement of the participants was that virtual environments shouldn’t be over-regulated, because the users are regulating their own worlds, as, Computer Zeitung, and reported.
According to, an education institution from Berlin is including the making of machinimas into their curriculum.
Another positive article about education in Second Life appeared on
The Swedish embassy in Second Life is celebrating their national holiday for three days, as has found out.
--A very interesting and detailed case study on a company that has created an Island in 2007 (Hublot)
--Le Monde presented the results of the KZero research on Virtual Wolrds
--The Virtual recruitment is the point of concern of the Belgium publication l’essentiel
Initiative of the Ile de France region, MetaLab 3D, which is a kind of laboratory, dedicated to creation of new regional territories
Assises du Numériques event
The Belgium publicationL’essentiel published an interesting interview of Gary Cywie, a recruitment specialist at the occasion of the ‘Workings Worlds’, virtual tradeshow dedicated to recruitment. Can you recruit someone if you don’t see him/her in real life?
Very interesting article in that propose a complete report (based on the KZero Research results) on existing virtual worlds, Second Life of course, but also Habbo, WeeWorld, IMVU, Neopets, There, Virtual MTV, HipiHi, Home…
Virtual Worlds’ baby boom
World Tempus: Detailed story on the Hublot adventure in Second Life. Why the company decided to go there, what worked well and not. A very detailed SWOT is also available. How Hublot dreamt of Second Life.
PC inpact presented the amazing story of the Japanese paralyzed guys who walked for the first time in Second Life. Paralyzed in the real life, he walks in Second Life
Jet Set Magazine: Presentation of ‘Second Live’ virtual exposition and of Wafa Bourhis, a 3D and virtual specialist artist. Wafa Bourhis wants to conquer Virtual Worlds
--Excitement among Japanese residents about SL5B.
Japanese communities and organizations such as VWBC, an in-world TV station operated by Prof. Mitsubuchi of Digital Hollywood University, Kansai SL Owners' Association, an organization of SIM owners in Kansai, SUN and many Japanese SL users attended SL5B. It was quite different from last year which indicates how enthusiastic Japanese solution providers and users have become about SL. Particularly the concert in which four Japanese bands played on the Main Stage of SL5B on 27th May generated a lot of excitement among both Japanese and non-Japanese audiences.
Key Coverage
Monthly ASCII (magazine, August issue) – May 8th, NTT announced a capital and business alliance with ngi group to enter the 3D internet and metaverse market.
SUN Co., Ltd. created “Ldex”, a system enabling exchanges between L$ and other currencies. Transactions between L$ and JPY started this April.
Monthly ASCII (magazine, August issue) – An editorial comment on Second Life included the following: The word “Kasou-Sekai” (used for “virtual worlds” but directly translated as “hypothetical worlds”), I believe is not the perfect phrase to describe metaverses. The word “hypothetical” makes it seem all imaginary and not based on reality. I feel doubt about that after seeing, surprisingly, many people distressed over love relationships on SL. Before metaverses become largely popular we better give a second thought to their true nature.
Kokoku Hihyo (magazine, June/July issue) – In a feature article on advertisements in video games, online games and metaverses, there is a brief introduction of the Yamaha motorbike show as well as the Glico Pocky (famous Japanese chocolate snack) festival, both held on Second Life.
Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun (newspaper, 6/24) – This is the story that has descriptions of other Japanese VWs. For full translation, email
Nikkei Marketing Journal (newspaper, 6/30) – METABIRDS will open an online virtual commodities market for trading virtual commodities made on metaverses such as Second Life. The market will open July 10th.
Depart Shimbun (newspaper, 6/25) – Japanese supermarket giant Mitsukoshi is holding the “Austrian Exhibit in Cyberspace” on Second Life in the “Mitsukoshi Second Life branch.”
Yomiuri Online (online, 6/29) – The Japanese Cabinet Office opened the “Museum of Disaster Prevention”, a museum themed on disaster prevention on metaverse Second Life.
The Second Times (online, 6/29) – Resonant Solutions Co. opened a virtual open campus service geared for Japanese college universities and technical schools starting July 1st.
The Second Times (online, 6/26) – “SL5B”, an event celebrating the fifth year of Second Life, hosted by Linden Lab, is being held today starting 14:00. There will be four Japanese artists performing live on stage.
The Second Times (online, 6/26) – Kadokawa X Media sold the second issue of “Virtual Walker” on July 27, a magazine intended for the “virtual” generation. Japanese idol Shoko Nakagawa and comedian Junichi Shigeki were on the cover.