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|p1_type=key|p1_name=id|p1_desc=who couldn't get the money
|p1_type=key|p1_name=id|p1_desc=who couldn't get the money
|p2_type=integer|p2_name=amount|p2_desc=the amount that should have been paid
|p2_type=integer|p2_name=amount|p2_desc=the amount that should have been paid

Revision as of 14:13, 8 August 2007

Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described event does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Event: money_transfer_denied( key id, integer amount ){ ; }

Triggered when a money transfer to the prim/object/avatar/user id in the amount is denied for stale.

• key id who couldn't get the money
• integer amount the amount that should have been paid

Useful, really useful when a vendor, gambler machine, commissioned machine fails to pay a prim/object/avatar/user. This would really help avoiding angry people. An event like this could allow 1) a new payment or 2) logging the malfunction.



See Also


•  llGiveMoney
•  llSetPayPrice

Deep Notes
