Difference between revisions of "Window Focus Functional Spec"

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Latest revision as of 13:32, 8 December 2006

A few Rules:

  • Floaters handle all keystrokes when focused.
  • Ctrl-Tab and Tab will get you (almost) anywhere.
  • Ctrl-Tab cycles through floaters, toolbars, etc. Floaters are cycled in the order they were opened.
  • Ctrl-Enter to chat, enter to trigger current item/activate default button, or if nothing is selected, brings up chat for backwards compatibility.
  • Shift-Enter to shout.
  • Hitting TAB when nothing has focus goes to chat bar, if available.
  • Opening a floater automatically puts focus there.
  • Focused floaters have opaque backgrounds, blue borders, and lightened title bars; unfocused floaters are transparent.
  • Clicking in world (or hitting ESC) will remove focus from the UI, and make all floaters transparent.
  • Alt key access to menus. Hold down Alt and navigate via the underlined letters.
  • Visual integration of context-sensitive controls with the bottom panel.
  • Improved focus behavior of notifications and group notifications, and their appearance.
  • Visual feedback on matching letters when typing in combo boxes.
  • "Cone of context" for color pickers
  • Objects visually lose focus when application loses focus, and regain them when application is refocused
  • Storage of last focused item in floaters, so that focusing a floater puts focus back where it was last time you were using it.
  • Mini-map can't take focus, nor can camera/movement controls
  • Double-click on the mini-map will open the main map.
  • Mousewheel zooms on the mini-map, and the scale limits allow you to zoom in more.
  • Improvements to type-ahead find in combo and list boxes. (checking what this means...)
  • IM tabs opened by you are added to the right of the open tab.
  • Removed tab characters from most text editors. (checking what this means...)