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Line 18: Line 18:
vector RGBtoHSV( vector rgb )
vector RGBtoHSV( vector rgb )
    float R = rgb.x;
    float R = rgb.x;
    float G = rgb.y;
    if (R<0) // catch malformed input
    float B = rgb.z;
    else if (R>1)
    float G = rgb.y;
    if (G<0) // catch malformed input
    else if (G>1)
    float B = rgb.z;
    if (B<0) // catch malformed input
    else if (B>1)
     float H;
     float H;
Line 38: Line 50:
     max = llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MAX, rgbList); //MAX of ( R, G, B );
     max = llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MAX, rgbList); //MAX of ( R, G, B );
     if (R==G && G==B)
     if (R==G && G==B)
achromatic= 1;  // it is a shade of grey, white or black
achromatic = 1;  // it is a shade of grey, white or black
achromatic= 0;
achromatic = 0;

     V = max;                    // V = brightness Value form 0 to 1
     V = max;                    // V = brightness Value form 0 to 1
Line 93: Line 105:
     integer i;
     integer i;
    float H = hsv.x;
    float H = hsv.x;
    float S = hsv.y;
    if (H<0) // catch malformed H input
    float V = hsv.z;
    else if (H>360)
    float S = hsv.y;
    if (S<0) // catch malformed S input
    else if (S>1)
    float V = hsv.z;
    if (V<0) // catch malformed V input
    else if (V>1)

     float R;
     float R;

Revision as of 07:48, 22 August 2007

The following functions convert between LSL color in Red Green Blue (RGB) format and color in Hue Saturation Value (HSV) format. The functions are based on "c" algorithms from c color conversion but required some debugging and extensive re-working to fit them in to LSL. For a discussion of HSV color format please see the wikipedia entry at HSV Color

RGB to HSV follows:

// by Sally LaSalle, code released to the public domain under GNU license.

// takes an RGB color as a vector, with range <float R[0,1], float G[0,1], float B[0,1]>
// returns a vector with HSV ranged from <float H[0,360], float S[0,1],  float V[0,1]>
// H ranges smoothly from Red=0, Yellow=60, Green=120, Cyan=180, Blue=240, Violet=300 and back to Red

vector RGBtoHSV( vector rgb )
     float R = rgb.x;
     if (R<0)		// catch malformed input
     else if (R>1)
     float G = rgb.y;
     if (G<0)		// catch malformed input
     else if (G>1)
     float B = rgb.z;
     if (B<0)		// catch malformed input
     else if (B>1)
    float H;
    float S;
    float V;
    list rgbList = [R, G, B]; // list used to get min and max
    float min;
    float max;
    float achromatic;  // =1 if R=G=B
    float delta;
    vector hsv;  // the return HSV vector

    min = llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MIN, rgbList); //MIN of ( R, G, B );
    max = llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MAX, rgbList); //MAX of ( R, G, B );
    if (R==G && G==B)
		achromatic = 1;  // it is a shade of grey, white or black
		achromatic = 0;

    V = max;                    // V = brightness Value form 0 to 1
    delta = max - min;

    if( max != 0 )
        S = delta / max;        // S = saturation from 0 to 1
    else {
        // R = G = B = 0        // S = 0, V = 0, H = 0
        S = 0;                  
        V = 0;                  
        H = 0;
        hsv.x = H;
        hsv.y = S;
        hsv.z = V;
        return hsv;             //H = S = V = 0

    if (achromatic == 1)
        H = 0;
    else if( R == max )
        H = 0 + ( G - B ) / delta;    // between red & yellow
    else if( G == max )
        H = 2 + ( B - R ) / delta;    // between yellow & cyan
        H = 4 + ( R - G ) / delta;    // between cyan & red

    H *= 60;                	      // H is traditionally a figure between 0 and 360 degrees
    if( H < 0 )
        H += 360;

    hsv.x = H;
    hsv.y = S;
    hsv.z = V;
    return hsv;

HSV to RGB follows:

// takes a vector encoded Hue Saturation Value (HSV) triplet
// HSV should be entered with floats the ranges: <float H(0 to 360), float S(0 to 1),float V(0 to 1)>
// And Returns a vector encode Red Green Blue (RGB) color triplet
// RGB will be returned with floats in ranges <float R(0 to 1),float G(0 to 1),float B(0 to 1)>

vector HSVtoRGB( vector hsv )
    integer i;
     float H = hsv.x;
     if (H<0)		// catch malformed H input
     else if (H>360)
     float S = hsv.y;
     if (S<0)		// catch malformed S input
     else if (S>1)
     float V = hsv.z;
     if (V<0)		// catch malformed V input
     else if (V>1)

    float R;
    float G;
    float B;
    float f; 	    // variables for calculating base color mixing around the "spectrum circle"
    float p;
    float q;
    float t;
    vector rgb;
    if( S == 0 ) {  // achromatic (grey) simply set R,G, & B = Value
        R = V;
        G = V;
        B = V;

        rgb.x = R;
        rgb.y = G;
        rgb.z = B;
        return rgb;

    H /= 60;              // Hue factored into range 0 to 5
    i = llFloor( H );	  // integer floor of Hue
    f = H - i;            // factorial part of H

    p = V * ( 1 - S );
    q = V * ( 1 - S * f );
    t = V * ( 1 - S * ( 1 - f ) );

    if 		(i==0){
	            R = V;
	            G = t;
	            B = p;}
    else if (i==1){
            	R = q;
	            G = V;
	            B = p;}
    else if (i==2){
            	R = p;
	            G = V;
	            B = t;}
    else if (i==3){
            	R = p;
	            G = q;
	            B = V;}
    else if (i==4){
            	R = t;
	            G = p;
	            B = V;}
    else {       
           		R = V;
	            G = p;
	            B = q;
    rgb.x = R;
    rgb.y = G;
    rgb.z = B;
    return rgb;