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(New page: == 6 AM == '''Torley Linden:''' Hello everyone!<br> Lyndsey Forager: Hiya Torley !!!!<br> nightmare Roff: hey<br> '''Torley Linden''' flies in...<br> Psyra Extraordinaire: G'morning. :><br...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 09:23, 31 August 2007

6 AM

Torley Linden: Hello everyone!
Lyndsey Forager: Hiya Torley !!!!
nightmare Roff: hey
Torley Linden flies in...
Psyra Extraordinaire: G'morning. :>
Orzga Aabye: hi torley!
Gemma Cleanslate: Hello Torley!!!
Torley Linden: Nice to see you all here already and seated too!
DJ Jenns: its the torley torl!
Lyndsey Forager: thank you
Torley Linden: G'morn or night or wherever in this grand world you are. =)
Torley Linden: Hahaha...
Torley Linden: My Resident name, it used to be "Torley Torgeson"!
Lyndsey Forager: afternoon :)
Torley Linden: So I was often called TorTor, or T^squared.
Gemma Cleanslate: LOL
DJ Jenns: can i just call you t
DJ Jenns: :D
Lyndsey Forager: lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: T2. T-1000. Etc.
DJ Jenns: this is unusual for me - a linden meeting this week thats orderly hehe
Torley Linden: I like the T2, I am a big fan of Terminator.
Torley Linden: I haven't seen the 3rd one tho.
Torley Linden: My meetings? Orderly? Hahaha.
Torley Linden: Hey lauraa glad you could make it!
lauraa Dench: Heya!
Lyndsey Forager: lol, your meeting are anarchoy -0 and i like it
Torley Linden: Like multicore processors, I love to thread topics.
DJ Jenns: no compared to the Burning Life meeting with Iridium - this is afternoon tea
Gemma Cleanslate: the whole place is anarchy I think!!
Lyndsey Forager: Ohhh, burning life, thats a hot topic
Chase Marellan: Well, it's one of the attractions. :)
DJ Jenns: ...
DJ Jenns: nice pun lyndsey
DJ Jenns: lol
Lyndsey Forager: lol
Chase Marellan: :)
Orzga Aabye: has anyone here gone to bl?
Psyra Extraordinaire: In the past.
Torley Linden: Oh, that reminds me, I haven't even been to BL yet but I have *heard*...
DJ Jenns: yes i had a plot for taking part
Psyra Extraordinaire: People are all up in arms about this year's....
Torley Linden: This week I have been swamped in all sorts of various and sundry work.
DJ Jenns: but i left after that meeting - dont want to be associated with those sort of people
Torley Linden: It is a shame to hear the conflicty-ness this year, because last year was great overall, I do recall.
Lyndsey Forager: im worried burning life might fail this year with all the infighting and childish squabbling about the leadership
Torley Linden: That is disappointing. :\
DJ Jenns: oh it was horrible
DJ Jenns: theres a great deal of us who just kept quiet and wanted to have fun
Lyndsey Forager: resis singled out to take a lot of flack
DJ Jenns: but my god that was just horrific - you couldnt have done better with pitchforks and torches
Orzga Aabye: thre was a lot of arguments for GL?
Chase Marellan: Unfortunately, that's pretty much how most events go unless there's someone really extraordinary that comes in; you have a great event that people do because it's fun, then people who are in it for other reasons arrive.
Orzga Aabye: BL
DJ Jenns: yes there was a whole issue over censorship which wasnt my problem - it was a legitimate concern
Torley Linden: :(
DJ Jenns: but rather than dealing with it properly they just grouped together and launched a barrage of personal attacks on the guy who volunteered to oversee it
Chase Marellan: That's too bad
DJ Jenns: see http://www.burninglife.com for what i mean
Psyra Extraordinaire: The issues seem mostly over 'favoritism' and 'people getting denied due to personal reasons from the organizer'.
Torley Linden: *checks*
DJ Jenns: yeah and again that stuff should be looked into and Vicero should be dealt with - but not like that
Lyndsey Forager: mind you, i think the real burning man must be an amazing event
Torley Linden: Without having really been involved myself more recently I can't say...
Orzga Aabye: /. on the url lol (not enough of us here) :-)
Torley Linden: 'Cept the "real burning man" this year was burned prematurely!
Torley Linden: Did you see that on the news?
DJ Jenns: yes!
Torley Linden: Some call it ARSON!
Gemma Cleanslate: oh no!!
Lyndsey Forager: yeah, total shame
Torley Linden: :O
DJ Jenns: they arrested a man from San Fran for it
DJ Jenns: no biggie
DJ Jenns: they say they will have it repaired in time
Torley Linden: I read some pretty surreal comment threads, because they pointed out the oddity of burning something that was destined to be burnt...
Lyndsey Forager: i dont suppose you can hide in the dessert
Torley Linden: like comedy however, I suppose timing is everything.
Torley Linden: Haha Lyndsey! That reminds me of a movie...
Lyndsey Forager: absolutly
Torley Linden: or makes me think of the Simpsons episode where Homer's in the desert.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Mmmmm, dessert.
lauraa Dench: Haha
Lyndsey Forager: lol
Torley Linden: Did anyone here see the Simpsons Movie?
Psyra Extraordinaire: The laaaand of chocolate!
Orzga Aabye: personally, i'm claim "performance art" and see where that goes.
lauraa Dench: I love the simpsons
DJ Jenns: oooh torley i have some pics of my new office - i think you just might like the colour scheme
Torley Linden: Haha Orzga, goodness gracious.
Lyndsey Forager: oh niceone
Torley Linden: Oh please do show DJ!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Never saw the movie, heard it was... not a very good representation of the Simpsons.
Orzga Aabye: you read the artivle of the artist who made a civil-war submarine and sailed in new your harbor?
DJ Jenns gave you For Torley 1.
Torley Linden: When I see Simpsons and Futurama, my hunger for cel-shaded avs grows.
lauraa Dench: Me neither
Torley Linden: I was actually pretty happy overall with the movie -- it was pretty much what I expected it to be.
Torley Linden: SPIDER PIG ncluded.
Torley Linden: Hahaha DJ! Oh gosh, that's great. :D
Lyndsey Forager: it was a good giggle of a movie
lauraa Dench: I want to see it !
Lyndsey Forager: i ? spider pig
DJ Jenns: hehe :-)
Torley Linden: I like alternating stripes... ;) I gotta see that inworld.
Orzga Aabye: spider pig .. borders bizarre
Torley Linden: Haha spider pig, aka HARRY PLOPPER. What names.
Torley Linden: Yeah, that was kinda random.
lauraa Dench: hehe
DJ Jenns: well the thing is i was told to change the colour scheme
DJ Jenns: lol
DJ Jenns: or be removed from the plot
Torley Linden: No worries DJ, I'll still remember it as it was.
Orzga Aabye: th eplot in burning man?
DJ Jenns: ahh sure
Torley Linden: Did they say the color scheme was too loud?
DJ Jenns: hang on then :-)
Torley Linden: :D
Orzga Aabye: @ DJ ?
DJ Jenns: yes !
Lyndsey Forager: it wasnt to their liking
DJ Jenns: no i have a picture of that too though -
Lyndsey Forager: lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: Wonder if they have something against green and purple? The horror!
DJ Jenns: the plot in question with the colours is land i rented for my office
Orzga Aabye: so burning man has zoining restrictions ... that's interesting ..
DJ Jenns: its a beach sim
lauraa Dench: Watermelons yum, i could just snatch one of the table..:P
Psyra Extraordinaire: I can understand the tiny 53 prim plots, if someone's damn good with sculpties or just wants to make a slide presentation perhaps....
DJ Jenns gave you Snapshot_008.
Torley Linden: Haha yes, watermelons I love.
Torley Linden: *looks at textures being sent my way*
lauraa Dench: :)
DJ Jenns: that was my plot at burning life as well :-)
lauraa Dench: haha
Torley Linden: A BIG TURNTABLE! Wait, two of 'em!
Torley Linden: I really like that.
Lyndsey Forager: you should have seen the headphones, they were wicked
DJ Jenns: it was going to be a tribute to music
DJ Jenns: but alas
DJ Jenns: lol
Torley Linden: I like the arc of records... what's the sign say, "diskokaine..." ?
DJ Jenns: yeah it was just random record sleeves i pinched from google image search
Lyndsey Forager: why no pinch? 0.0
Lyndsey Forager: lol
DJ Jenns: Diskokaine
Torley Linden: Ahhh.
Torley Linden: It's pretty cool (and strange to some) how vinyl records continue to survive and thrive...
Torley Linden: they're doing better than cassette tapes, I think.
DJ Jenns: i think because its such a pretty media form
Orzga Aabye: has a casete ever sounded good?
DJ Jenns: same as cd's
DJ Jenns: just...pretty
Lyndsey Forager: i loved cassettes, especially when the tape got in a knot
Orzga Aabye: they sounded better then those 8 tracks ..
Torley Linden: HAHA that happened to me a lot, Lyndsey, I was like "Oh... noooo!"
Orzga Aabye: the tapes a great wind indicators for sailing ..
Lyndsey Forager: get the pencil out and reel it back in
Torley Linden: Cassette-shaped things make good decorations, like little handbags or... Soundwave from Transformers.
DJ Jenns: lol - i actually loved casettes - if it wasnt for them i wouldnt be a dj now
Torley Linden: That's intriguing, Orzga. I've never done that before.
Orzga Aabye: but nothing compared to cd lampshades
Orzga Aabye: oh yes .. they follow the lightest breeze
Lyndsey Forager: my fist album was a cassette of madonnas like a prayer
Torley Linden: Oooh.
DJ Jenns: i used to steal all my big sisters cassettes
Lyndsey Forager: i still have it somewhere
DJ Jenns: especially the techno/rave ones :D
Torley Linden: I remember first having MP3, and archiving my CD collection to save space.
Torley Linden: Haha, which techno/rave ones were those?
Lyndsey Forager: and i bet none of use used to tape the radio when the charts were on . . . . . .
DJ Jenns: err over here in the uk that would be things like Bass Generator and the likes
DJ Jenns: very early hardcore
march Korda: I record my program to cassette. lol..10 years ago.
Torley Linden: I remember the rise of acid house...
Lyndsey Forager: i had a couple of the "now" compilations on tape as well
Psyra Extraordinaire: oooh, that reminds me, did you check out Press Play On Tape? ;D
Torley Linden: YES! SID music, trackers, etc.
DJ Jenns: :o
DJ Jenns: trackers !
Psyra Extraordinaire: The C64 Revival Band. :D
march Korda: year..me too..
DJ Jenns: OctaMED :D
Torley Linden: I like their rendition of Monkey Island, Psyra.
DJ Jenns: damnnn that takes me back
Torley Linden: OctaMED, Scream Tracker, a lot of names come back to me too!
DJ Jenns: haha LETS GO!
lauraa Dench: Haha lemminggsss
Lyndsey Forager: LEMMINGS RAWCK
Psyra Extraordinaire: I used MED3.11 a lot. Nevr got into OceaMED, crashed too much on me.
Psyra Extraordinaire: *Octa
DJ Jenns: Worms was better
DJ Jenns: Innnnncoming
Torley Linden: Hahahah yes, when I came into Second Life and saw Kex Godel and Francis Chung made scripted lemmings, I was like, WOOT.
Lyndsey Forager: dizzy
lauraa Dench: Worms!
Torley Linden: http://www.javalemmings.com/DMA/Lem_1.htm <— THE TRUE STORY!
Torley Linden: Worms, yeah, Worms Armageddon and all that...
DJ Jenns: Banana Bomb!
Torley Linden: I wish I was better at rappeling with Worms, that was so hard to do.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Exploding Grannies.
lauraa Dench: hey.wait..i may have lemmings remix...
lauraa Dench: :P
Lyndsey Forager: lol
DJ Jenns: nah it was just a knack to it
Lyndsey Forager: I used to play "grannies garden" on a bbc basic in primary school
DJ Jenns: at the time though it was touching on a few grey areas
DJ Jenns: lol Lyndsey - BBC Micro
DJ Jenns: Torley - did you ever get them in the US ?
Lyndsey Forager: quality machine
Lyndsey Forager: or canada
Torley Linden: Hmmm I'm not too familiar with the BBC Micro but there is one game... Stryker's Run on it... that stands out to me... because it had a cover of Yellow Magic Orchestra's "Rydeen" I think.
Torley Linden: That's one of my fave songs.
lauraa Dench: lemmingssss
DJ Jenns: did they ever actually leave the UK lol
Lyndsey Forager: omg
Lyndsey Forager: LEMMINGS
DJ Jenns: you sound like an old school gamers Torley ?
DJ Jenns: game ^
DJ Jenns: arggh
DJ Jenns: i give up
Torley Linden: "BBC Micro game Strykers Run" -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkPeDQKRpEk
Lyndsey Forager: i used to hum along with the disk loading on my amiga
DJ Jenns: ...
Torley Linden: Definitely, I played a lot of classic games. Well, they weren't classic at the time.
DJ Jenns: thats a bit too far hehe
lauraa Dench: Earthworm jim!
Torley Linden: Remember Guru Meditation messages? :O
Torley Linden: I played Earthworm Jim on the SNES, very dynamic characters... that game had a crazy sense of humor.
Chase Marellan: Man, I wasted a LOT of work time on Lemmings. :)
lauraa Dench: =]
Lyndsey Forager: i had "captain planet and the planateers" game on the amiga
Psyra Extraordinaire: Lessee... Great Giana Sisters,aaaand.... Bubble Bobble/Rainbow Parasols
Orzga Aabye: wow .. amiga .. a ledgend....
Torley Linden: Haha, Great Giana Sisters was definitely a shameless rip-off of Mario Bros. :D
Gemma Cleanslate: Hi JayR
Lyndsey Forager: captain plant, he's a hero, gonna take pollution down to zero
Torley Linden: The Bubble Bobble theme is one of my faves.
JayR Cela: hello everyone
lauraa Dench: Zelda, n64 :P
lauraa Dench: Heya
Torley Linden: I used to watch that too, Lyndsey!
march Korda: oh, (not super) mario Bros... cool.
Torley Linden: Dr. Blight and MAL were my fave villains.
Lyndsey Forager: lol
Torley Linden: Gosh I have so many memories coming back to me!
lauraa Dench: Haha me too
JayR Cela: is this video game memories day ??
Lyndsey Forager feels a very old 28 now
Torley Linden: We often talk about video games or past technology at my office hours, it seems.
lauraa Dench: hehe
Torley Linden: I sometimes joke and call it a type of... Cyber-History if you will.
lauraa Dench: haha
Psyra Extraordinaire: 36. I rememeber when Asteroids was a NEW GAME
Torley Linden: Oh, have you guys been to AvNet, the region? There's a computer museum in there, it's pretty neat... lots of textures and details...
Lyndsey Forager: so torly, how is walking and text talking working out for you
JayR Cela: i think I mentioned once // www.zeldaclassic.com
Psyra Extraordinaire: And the first of the Vectrex style games... like Chopper Attack
lauraa Dench: i remember when pong was amazing..
march Korda: i know old 3D-tech. like SPACE-HARRIOR. lol.
DJ Jenns: Torley have you seen the new escapist magazine piece by Yahtzee ?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Where the landscape was painted onto the screen, and the vehicles and such were all rasterized.
Torley Linden: I haven't DJ, where is that?
DJ Jenns: ill get the youtube link
Torley Linden: Hahaha, Space Harrier! On Sega! Oh gosh, someone should recreate that in here... I saw Duck Hunt once.
DJ Jenns: its a rundown of the current consoles
DJ Jenns: tongue in cheek
Tree Kyomoon: hello folks!
DJ Jenns: and hilarious
Orzga Aabye: hello Tree
DJ Jenns: cant find youtube link so here
DJ Jenns: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/1383-Zero-Punctuation-Console-Rundown
JayR Cela: hey there Tree
FRAN'Z magik D00HICK3Y!: 2153 bytes free
<3: Usage: Face your target and Say '/hug [person's name]' or '/1hug [person's name]'
Entering god mode, level 200
DJ Jenns: wb Torley
Torley Linden: OMG what a bad crash!
Torley Linden: Pardon about that...
Gemma Cleanslate: Here is Torley
Torley Linden: My computer suddenly BSODed!
DJ Jenns: you fine advert for secondlife stability you!
march Korda: welcomeback,linde.
Lyndsey Forager: Its Torley "ruth" Linden :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ouch. Followed by a few "The region is logging you out right now"? ;D
Orzga Aabye: you need therapy?
JayR Cela: Ina / i looked at the website / but that was a bout it
Gemma Cleanslate: LOL
Torley Linden: I think it has more to do with me overclocking than SL... ;)
Ina Centaur: hi toruth^.~
Torley Linden: I think I moved my Q6600 up to an unstable place.
DJ Jenns: damn torley
Orzga Aabye: evil overclocking.
Gemma Cleanslate: the Lindens should suffer like we do
DJ Jenns: overclocking ?
Torley Linden: Oh if you have a picture of me Ruthed, feel free to send it or show it off, I really abhor ruthing.
DJ Jenns: lol
Psyra Extraordinaire: GET MOAR FANS. :>
Orzga Aabye: evil
DJ Jenns: with the right YOU have
Ina Centaur: lol
Torley Linden: My Q6600 runs unusually hot, even with cooling...
DJ Jenns: wtf are you trying to build - a flux capacitor ?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Q?
Torley Linden: It's been generally good so far but that was a harsh experience!
Torley Linden: Intel Quad-core processor.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ahhh.
Torley Linden: Haha, "MOAR".
march Korda: not so COOL
Torley Linden: Yes, it's true, I need to run 4 Second Life accounts at the time.
DJ Jenns: Whooooh Doc I made it!
Torley Linden: ;)
Lyndsey Forager: did you fund that really ugly ruth or did someone do that to themselves on purpose
Torley Linden: Which multi-core is great for, BTW... and prices are dropping.
Orzga Aabye: how overclocked do you get? 20%
Psyra Extraordinaire: Ya, Athlon 5600+ 64 quad.
Tree Kyomoon: 4 accounts at a time? how can your brain handle that?
DJ Jenns: yeah Q-core 6600 is £166 over here
Torley Linden: Lyndsey: Well it was meant to be a "placeholder" I think, like the default walk and run animations (don't get me started on that)...
DJ Jenns: Im happy with my little E6300
Torley Linden: Orzga: I was aiming to jump from 2.4 GHz to 3.0 GHz, and it was running just fine for a number of days.
DJ Jenns: hoooo its Ina!
DJ Jenns: :D
Torley Linden: I guess I'll have to run more Orthos.
Ina Centaur: hihi^^
Torley Linden: (Orthos is used to help test stability.)
Torley Linden: Hihi!
Psyra Extraordinaire: I just love being able to play with that experimental Dynamic Reflections on all the time and still get 40+fps with 512 draw distance and full gfx. :D
DJ Jenns: another one who saw the bloodshed this week *hugs Ina*
DJ Jenns: lol
Ina Centaur: bloodshed?
DJ Jenns: the meeting for burning life
Torley Linden: Haha sadly Dynamic Reflections doesn't even work right for me on this system...
DJ Jenns: lol
Torley Linden: but yeah, being able to crank stuff up is great.
Orzga Aabye: wow .. up to 3.0!!
Lyndsey Forager: 3.5 fps
Psyra Extraordinaire: It partially functions, it seems
Orzga Aabye: i didn't know they underspec'ed so far ..
Ina Centaur: bl... oh yes.. crazy nekkid girl^^
Tree Kyomoon: have you been able to run hipihi on your system?
Psyra Extraordinaire: the graphics in the reflection will corrupt after a time.
Torley Linden: Some people have escaped the carnage!
DJ Jenns: 7.0 fps !
Torley Linden: Orzga: A lot of people seem to have got it even higher...
DJ Jenns: get it up ya!
DJ Jenns: lol
Lyndsey Forager: lol
JayR Cela: oh here is the Web Page for project DarkStar from Sun micro http://www.projectdarkstar.com/
Ina Centaur: btw, when's the next windlight viewer?
Psyra Extraordinaire: And it doesn't reflect avatars or objects any more, just the basic sim terraforming.
Ina Centaur: rawr vader from smi?
Orzga Aabye: o _now_ i c, overclocking has a big payout for all the apin.
Torley Linden: Next public WindLight in a few weeks I hope, WindLight Team is busy bug-squishing. I post project updates @ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Torley_Linden regularly.
DJ Jenns: I should get a decent boost when i get a PCI-E card
Psyra Extraordinaire: Still wish we could get SpeedTree.... or at least Frill.
DJ Jenns: I can imagine the amount of times you get asked that Torley
Torley Linden: BTW, I have a quick question to ask you guys -- anyone here, after you log out or crash, it locks you out for 5 minutes with a message that says "Login failed. The system is logging you out..." ?
Tree Kyomoon loves his PCI-E Nvidia 7950
Lauren Weyland: are you here?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Not 5 minutes, no.
Chase Marellan: yes
Lyndsey Forager: i dunno about the insides, but the neon blue light inside my pc case makes it look sooooo cool
Torley Linden: DJ: Haha yes. =)
DJ Jenns: can you imagine when its out - its just going to be one line on Torley's blog in massive writing
Ina Centaur: "Project Darkstar is the video game industry's first enterprise grade, high performance, fault tolerant and highly scalable server technology for online, multiplayer games. Project Darkstar has been designed from the ground up to handle almost any kind of online game imaginable. "
Gemma Cleanslate: yes often
Tree Kyomoon: Yes I get that ALL THE TIME
Psyra Extraordinaire: I get the message the first time, which takes about the first 30 seconds after logging/crashing
Torley Linden: DJ: Hey I should do that.
Ina Centaur: @"first" ... what about multiverse.net ?
Psyra Extraordinaire: then I get the "your acocunt will not be available" messages for the next 30-45 seconds afterwards.
Torley Linden: OK, so you guys affected are *sure* that even if you try to relog persistently BEFORE 5 min. is up, that it keeps showing that message?
JayR Cela: Torley yes I have had that problems every now and then
DJ Jenns: yes
Lyndsey Forager: Torly, do you know much abou tthe ID verification stuff?
Gemma Cleanslate: once in a while I get that too
DJ Jenns: happens all the time
Ina Centaur: @torley -- sometimes the "five minutes" ... can be up to 30>.<
Torley Linden: We currently have a bug where only SOME accounts are locked out for 5. min consistently... including me... we are trying to track it down.
DJ Jenns: actually about windlight - Lindens are going to be really cruel
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Tree Kyomoon: for a hwile but I can usually get in in less than 5 min
DJ Jenns: they will release the updated client
Torley Linden: Sorry Lyndsey, not really. Just what I've heard and read on the blog.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I am sure, I crash roughly once a day, the behavior in getting on again after them.... is very consistant
DJ Jenns: then take the grid down for 6 hours for "maintenance"
Gemma Cleanslate: once in a while I find that going to a different location gets around the five min
DJ Jenns: hehehe ^-^
Chase Marellan: I havent' been crashing much lately, so I can't tell you how long it really is
Torley Linden: Psyra: Thanks!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Oddly every time I crash it's when alt-panning the camera around.
Gemma Cleanslate: I crash when I go inot mouse look
DJ Jenns: well according to a friend the latest preview is quite stable
Tree Kyomoon: /yes, alt panning seems to cause crashes for me too
Lyndsey Forager: yes, sometimes when i pan the camera, my display driver stops working
Torley Linden: I'm interested in cases right now that (1) You get locked out for 5 min. (no less) and (2) There's no way around it. So please say so if that's you, I'll get your name to our developers.
Psyra Extraordinaire: It's like the viewer saw something so shocking it up and had a cardiac arrest.
Gemma Cleanslate: most of the time
JayR Cela: Psyra / I have had the same experience as well
Orzga Aabye: oh osrry, about the message "login at such and such a time ..." what's that aobut?
Gemma Cleanslate: LOL
Tree Kyomoon: lol psyra, Ive had the same thought
Orzga Aabye: usually i attack dial and get in b 4 the time
Torley Linden: Orzga: Long story short, it has to do with presence -- how our servers can tell you are logged in or out. Sometimes it takes awhile to refresh that message. Ideally, you wouldn't see it at all.
Torley Linden: But every single time I've crashed/logged out this week, I have to wait 5 whole minutes to log back in...
Lyndsey Forager: ewwww, nasty
Torley Linden: as a result I began using my alt accounts more (since they aren't affected -- we aren't sure yet why this is).
Torley Linden: The only time I can login quicker is if I have no attachments whatsoever.
Gemma Cleanslate: why is it 9 times out of 10 when I log out it shows up as a crash next time
march Korda: try "LOGIN at HOME SIM".
Tree Kyomoon: which is why Ive been asking them to separte chat and audio stream from the viewer
Torley Linden: Even attaching a plywood cube and logging out will block me out.
Orzga Aabye: so the message really means .. our softwre might take until X time before it is ready for you again?
Ina Centaur: hmm, i get periodic freezes for no apparent reason. i used to think it was related to chat text
nightmare Roff: hey
Gemma Cleanslate: and wants to report it
Torley Linden: And re: crashing when zooming camera, that is a known bug I think.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Usually I only get te 5+ minute thing happening when there's already login issues. And if it's over 2 minutes I swap to my alt and usually go stand beside my "ghosted" original me..... and sometimes the ghost doesn't vanish for 10 minutes. But that's in the past, it never happens any more.
Ina Centaur: i.e., when the log files get big enough
Torley Linden: Orzga: It's supposed to mean that, but we improved the situation for most people in that, even if you see that, you should be able to login sooner.
Torley Linden: Psyra: Ah OK... good to know.
Torley Linden: Ina: Ah yeah, we know about that bug too...
Psyra Extraordinaire: But in general if I crash, I can getback in by about 1-1.5 minutes after. Certainly never have to wait a full 5.
Torley Linden: When chat.txt gets over a certain size (I looked at that on Issue Tracker the other day).
Torley Linden: OK Psyra, thanks for clarifying.
Marianne McCann: whew
Psyra Extraordinaire: Me shutup now. :>
Torley Linden: Heyhey!
Lyndsey Forager: hiya marianne
Gemma Cleanslate: LOL
Torley Linden: No worries we are free to be talkative here.
Ina Centaur: hmm but apparently it's not directly related to chat text :-\ ... i get periodic freezes even with clean wipes on chat text nowadays..
Orzga Aabye: ok, i thought it was a throttle, a deliberate scheduling of account closing/opening, which it is not.
Torley Linden: Hrmmm... periodic freezes, like that happen spontaneously and don't seem to be tied to any behavior?
Psyra Extraordinaire: I only get that if I don't isolate SL to one core. :/
Torley Linden: If so, that's likely a known bug too.
Psyra Extraordinaire: And iffy engine behavior.
Marianne McCann: I haven't faced too many difficulties with this freezing issue, myself
Torley Linden: That "freezes" thing is https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2051
Lyndsey Forager: oh no, marianne is ruthed too
Psyra Extraordinaire: I did get the freezing for the first few days with my new machine, but roughly 1-2 weeks ago.... it just.... stopped happening.
Torley Linden: Eep.
Marianne McCann: Can't have dat!
Lyndsey Forager: thats better
Psyra Extraordinaire: Still get occassional locks when panning.... the same events that would sometimes crash the viewer, just freezes it for a few seconds.
Torley Linden: Well that is interesting, Psyra...
Ina Centaur: yes spontaneously.. and no apparent reason
Marianne McCann giggles
Psyra Extraordinaire: Second Life (Not Responding)
Torley Linden: Soft Linden recently observed: "Moving the camera around a lot aggravates the problem, making it more frequent still, to the point where I can make the desktop spend more time frozen than moving"
Ina Centaur tickles marianne^^
Lyndsey Forager: Thats a pretty dress marianne
Psyra Extraordinaire: Yep, that's an accurate assessment.
Marianne McCann: Hey!  :-)
DJ Jenns: brb making a coffee
Marianne McCann: Thankoo, Lyndsay
Moard Ling: Goggle, eBay and Wikipedia have worn down WWW into a smooth pebble. SL in the new Rock Face.
Tree Kyomoon: hah I saw marianne's name above chase's avatar
march Korda: I often see "Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...","Connected" but no problem.
Marianne McCann gave you Fireworks Poster.
Torley Linden: Thanks for the poster.
Psyra Extraordinaire: So what all happens that's significant when you move your POV around. Well... prims are being drawn and erased through occlusion culling...
Marianne McCann: There's an invite to the big show I'm doin tomorrow, Torley
Marianne McCann: LM giver an all dat
Marianne McCann: Was easier
Marianne McCann grins
Orzga Aabye: Torley, who does the particle systems, idon't grok min scale size
Ina Centaur: ooh what show?
Torley Linden: Orzga: Several devs are really good at that, but that sounds also like a known issue -- that already on the Issue Tracker?
Marianne McCann: I'm doin a biiiig end of season fireworks show in Livingtree tomorrow, Ina
Psyra Extraordinaire: Scale size mostly is the size of the particles themselves.
Tree Kyomoon: /yes what show?
Torley Linden: Can you please explain more too, Orzga?
Psyra Extraordinaire: it's a vector, 3 numbers. <10.0,10.0,0> ... first two numbers are X and Y size. Z is discarded as particles are only two dimensional. :D
march Korda: Orzga, you mean PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPPED_MAX = 0?
Torley Linden: Psyra, I swear, that's one of the first lessons I learned from Jopsy Pendragon.
Torley Linden: I remember when I was a newcomer, one of the first things I asked was "Why are particles always facing me!?!?" haha.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I still use Jopsy as the basis for all my particle scripts. :D
Orzga Aabye: march, no that would be ..
Chase Marellan: Has anybody had a problem with "ghost" prims, which aren't there but actually block movement?
Psyra Extraordinaire: YES
Marianne McCann: Yups
Torley Linden: Chase, that was a known bug but I thought we fixed that. Still seeing it somewhere? Let me know coordinates.
Gemma Cleanslate: yes
Psyra Extraordinaire: It could be the bounding box of a sculpty.
march Korda: hmm..
Torley Linden: Yeah, if you rule out what Psyra said.
Orzga Aabye: the docs say 0.04 is min size(inless a certain other condition holds)
DJ Jenns: i return mwahaha
Marianne McCann: Usually seems to clear up after a sim restart
Lyndsey Forager: hi
Orzga Aabye: I seem to need 0.07, and teh certain other condition is unclear to me.
Torley Linden: We had a specific bug where someone could TAKE an object but its boundaries would impede movement inworld.
Torley Linden: And what Mari said too.
Marianne McCann smiles
Psyra Extraordinaire: Well, take a min-size sphere, max hollow it, max dimple it on one side, and you end up with a VERY tiny almost-a-cube.
Orzga Aabye: less than min acts as 0 and the particle is no visible
Psyra Extraordinaire: Like grain of salt size.
DJ Jenns: btw - is it a general bug that occasionally when you sit your thrust to 0,0,0 of the sim for 20 seconds or so ?
Torley Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-516
Chase Marellan: Torley: Yes, let me pop out and get them, be right back.
Torley Linden: I am seeing a lot of classics here!
Torley Linden: DJ: And that's also a bug, we need a solid repro for that.
Torley Linden: That's the "sit limbo" one on the Issue Tracker.
DJ Jenns: ive had it for ages - just never asked lol
Orzga Aabye: r-e-g-r-e-s-s-i-o-n
Psyra Extraordinaire: I just wish we could make particles larger than 10.0 .... I'd love to make Linden style particle clouds that can behave more reactively to wind. :D
Torley Linden: Haha Psyra, but eventually we're replacing those clouds with real 3D ones I hope!
Ina Centaur: @psy... or fuzzly fog right above the seawater
Torley Linden: Trivia: I believe Doug created the current clouds in 5 minutes.
Tree Kyomoon: volumetric clouds!!
Torley Linden: Sounds almost like a recipe, doesn't it...
Ina Centaur: ooh ! ... 3d sea foam?
Torley Linden: "5 min. particle clouds."
Lyndsey Forager: well, unfortunatly, i must go, nice hatting with you all, but rl work beckons me back
Ina Centaur: or.. waterfall mist!
Psyra Extraordinaire: We'll have to see if Nimbus supports multiple seperated cloud laters.
Psyra Extraordinaire: *layers
Torley Linden: OK Lyndsey good to see ya and thanks for visiting!
Marianne McCann: Now dat would be nice.
DJ Jenns: remember there used to be funny skys - like days when they would replace the moon with a face or do something crazy like that - i havent seen that lately
Lyndsey Forager: Tattie bye byes
Torley Linden: Nimble does have some existing demo videos, to give a better idea of how we might apply it to Second Life.
Orzga Aabye: good seeing you lyndsay
Psyra Extraordinaire: So you can have a 200m cloud bank AND a misty ocean.
Tree Kyomoon: yay nimbus!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Heh, none of them really showed multiple layers. :(
Torley Linden: SMILES IN THE SKY... http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/1277438227/
Marianne McCann: DJ Jenns - last one of those was MLK this year, and 1000000 million in october of last
Marianne McCann: I recently updated slhistory wiki on dat
Psyra Extraordinaire: And using Nimbusplug on Terragen didn't allow me to specify more that two layers, and both layers were hardcoded at the same height.
Torley Linden: *nod* Thanks for checking that out Psyra.
Orzga Aabye: i think the additional condition on scale size is either start or end must be abocve the min,, the other than can be below the min.
Chase Marellan: OK, I've got it. InterSection 89, 194, 23. If you stand right next to the existing glass prim and walk towards the building, you walk up a non-existant ramp.
Orzga Aabye: that's how i read the doc
Torley Linden: Well, sounds like something we'll have to keep open for the future, then.
Torley Linden: Things can keep getting better...
Psyra Extraordinaire: Well, open source plugins aren't terribly reliable for getting an idea of ALL the capabilities. :D
Torley Linden: Chase, thanks, I'll make a note of that for our devs... and see if a restart doesn't fix that too.
Torley Linden: Terragen stuff looks AWESOME.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I still miss VistaPRO
Psyra Extraordinaire: on my Amiga. :D
Lauren Weyland: 8000 photos?....wow...
Chase Marellan: Torley: I can request the restart, but if it'll help if they see it, I'll wait.
Chase Marellan: brb
Psyra Extraordinaire: At least it had some decent primative tree/foliage rendering. :D
Torley Linden: Altho Psyra, I think that Nimbus is different from Nimble?
Marianne McCann: Love the smiley sky, Torley
Tree Kyomoon: anyone here every play with Swell?
Torley Linden: I wasn't aware WindwardMark Interactive (before they were acquired by LL) had already licensed their tech that way.
Torley Linden: Thanks Mari.
Orzga Aabye: hmm ..
Ina Centaur: @psy - can terragen terrains be imported in?
Torley Linden: OK thanks Chase.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Yes.
Marianne McCann: Reminds me of the mac texture bug
Torley Linden: "Photorealistic" is the word on the street, hehe.
Psyra Extraordinaire: They can be exported as TGA, and then mapped in photoshop and applied to custom islands for a small fee I believe.
Orzga Aabye: so any thoughts on who to ask about scale size?
Torley Linden: If you own an estate you should be able to upload RAW files for free.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I don't know any islands that have actually used photosourced and rendered heightmaps though.
Ina Centaur: terragen exports .raw files?
Ina Centaur: ah. mapped in photoshop..
Psyra Extraordinaire: I am not sure now, my new machine does not have Terragen yet, I lost my CD. :P
Torley Linden: Orzga: Hmmm I'd check with some particle experts like Jopsy Pendragon first as I'm not sure of that behavior. Or, you could report it on http://jira.secondlife.com
Marianne McCann: We used a RAW via PS for Livingtree. Only difficulties seems to be elevations
Ina Centaur: hmm curiuos.. does anyone know if there is a way to preview .raw files in 3d, other than directly applying it to a sim?
Orzga Aabye: thanks Torley.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Mmmm.
Ina Centaur: yes, only 256 pixels for 256 meters.. elevation might be discrete..
Marianne McCann: Would be tgreat if a layer of the raw could handle the etexture data - what goes where, so I could get decent beaches
march Korda: microsoft apply plugin,maybe.
Torley Linden: Ina: There is a great Mac app... sadly no PC version... by Zarf Vantongerloo which allows that.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Best way to test them would be to get the freebie 0.8 Terragen. :D
Torley Linden: http://secondlife.com/devdown/detail.php?pid=00000012
Torley Linden: I wish Backhoe existed for Windows!
Torley Linden: It's so elegant.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Then you can test them with variable water levels and such.
Torley Linden: And by the way, in WindLight, we're also adding a Terrain Detail Slider so terrain can look crisper when zoomed far away... right now it gets very blocky when you zoom out.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Hmm.
Ina Centaur: torley, how do you take panoramic photos?
Psyra Extraordinaire: It's always been like that.
Ina Centaur: (in flickr)
Torley Linden: Ina, http://torley.com/tutorial-how-to-make-a-beautiful-second-life-panorama-in-15-minutes/ :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: Turn-a-bit-pic-Turn-a-bit-pic-Turn-a-bit-pic-Turn-a-bit-pic :D
Torley Linden: I'm a strong believer in sharing the processes I used to achieve something so other people can do it themselves too.
Ina Centaur: rawr.^^ty
Torley Linden: NP. :D
Torley Linden: Let me know what ya come up with.
march Korda: great
Torley Linden: Here are my existing panoramas... panoramae... whateva... http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/sets/72157594425797728/
Ina Centaur: (can i also get windlight before it's publically released to take uber skyshots today?^^)
Orzga Aabye: lol
Torley Linden: Sadly not Ina but thanks for asking and for your interest!
Marianne McCann: (Me too? I'll pout oif I dun)
Marianne McCann giggles
Marianne McCann: if*
Torley Linden: Hehehe.
Orzga Aabye: does windlight take greatere cpu power?
Torley Linden: Yeah I'm definitely excited about hoping to share WindLight publicly soon...
Orzga Aabye: or is it just a better way?
Ina Centaur pouts before marianne can ^^
Orzga Aabye: does it do shadows?
Ina Centaur: ):-o
Torley Linden: Orzga: Some of WindLight is actually code cleanup and faster performance (as detailed in my project updates)...
Torley Linden: e.g., shiny looks better and takes less CPU power.
Psyra Extraordinaire: it did do primative landscape shadows at time
Ina Centaur: windlight -- more gpu, i believe..
Torley Linden: BUT right now we do have some performance bugs which are counteracting those, so we need to fix those.
Marianne McCann: The previous version seemed to work pretty smooth on my mac, and I lost the texture bug on top of it
Psyra Extraordinaire: But not object shadows.
Ina Centaur: @@@@@oh object shadows!!!!!!!!
Orzga Aabye: shadows remain hard, is that correct?
Torley Linden: And yes, it does use more GPU power, so having a good graphics card (as you would for modern 3D games) is recommended. Shader Model 2 (DirectX 9 support) or higher required, roughly analogous to what's in our System Recommendations today.
Marianne McCann: Thoguh two of my macs could not do the windlight. Could run fine, but you got no effects'
Torley Linden: We didn't add a new shadow feature but we hope to add that in the future.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I hope someday we get variable control of the fog at altitudes. Avaria's new sim is primarily underground. Wish we could increase the darkness under there without it always being daylight bright and crisp. ;D
Orzga Aabye: would directx 9 be avail to the mac and linux platforms?
Torley Linden: WindLight does have a fallback mode which looks better than the current sky... but doesn't show the clouds and some other effects. Fallback mode will work on computers without a fancy GPU.
Ina Centaur: yes, or variable control of ocean levels
Marianne McCann: Ya, fallback mode
Marianne McCann: A smart move, I tink
Torley Linden: Orzga: Oh, I was just referring to Windows specs but so far it looks like it works on Mac. I don't know about Linux but we are planning to open-source it, so there's some conducivity there.
Orzga Aabye: (fall back to a cellphone? some people are _very_ addicted)
Psyra Extraordinaire: I just hope the two effects can be mixed- Windlight with classic cloud layer.
Torley Linden: Psyra: Yes, they can.
Torley Linden: I can confirm that.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Good, good. :D
Tree Kyomoon: you can control the ocean level, jsut not the turbulence or waves
Marianne McCann: Good, cuz I love flying through the clouds
Psyra Extraordinaire: Flea will be happy. She was all "BUT WE BUILT UP THERE FOR A REASON!" :LD
lauraa Dench accepted your inventory offer.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at blogHUD.com []: see http://bloghud.com/id/12921
Torley Linden: HAHAHA, yes.
Marianne McCann: How about >768m?
Psyra Extraordinaire: ... As a lot of others probably said. :D
Ina Centaur: hmm you have a constant ocean level.. iirc -- can change what level to set it at for sim, but can't vary it for each parcel
Torley Linden: What do you mean Mari?
Torley Linden: In WindLight if you fly way up, the skydome should adjust accordingly and not appear distorted like in early versions (during the first First Look).
Marianne McCann: It is gorgeous up there, Psyra. Inspired me to write a long bebit to Snapz last week
Ina Centaur: so, say, you dig a hole in the sand and want to build a basement, it'd be waterfilled and there's no way to get the waterout without drying out the sim's reservoir ^.~
Tree Kyomoon: if you varied it per parcel, the shoreline would end up looking pretty weird...like in AI at th end
Marianne McCann: Is there a shy above 768m in current Windlight?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Heh, Terragen-like control of the water would be VERY nice. Water color, 'murkiness', wave size and chop, etc.
Psyra Extraordinaire: And WHITECAPS.
Ina Centaur: @psyra++++++++ :-D
Torley Linden: We have added custom water presets like sky presets.
Torley Linden: That's gonna be explained in my next update further.
Torley Linden: :)
Tree Kyomoon: yay
Ina Centaur: wowie!!! :-D WOWIE
Torley Linden: Some of you may've seen...
march Korda: with underground lebel? hehe
Torley Linden: http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/1262814127/
Psyra Extraordinaire: Currently is there a private sim method for changing water colors and such?
Torley Linden: Psyra: No, not really. You can change the GLSL shader but that's only viewer-side and not easy to do.
Marianne McCann: Cool!
Psyra Extraordinaire: Yeah.
Gemma Cleanslate: Have to excse my self
Marianne McCann: Psyra: http://www.sluniverse.com/pics/pic.aspx?id=201427
Torley Linden: Cya Gemma!
Ina Centaur: hmm, but what about water levels -- different levels for different parcels?
Psyra Extraordinaire: I can see people that would love to make BOILING LAVA WATER.
Gemma Cleanslate: bye will come again
Marianne McCann: Have fun, Gemma!
Torley Linden: Ina: We don't have plans to do that (that I know of).
Torley Linden: Psyra: I made raw sewage. Close enough, right? ;)
Torley Linden: Haha.
Marianne McCann: Psyra - I see oceans of blood in the vampire places
Torley Linden: Zen Linden did a "Second Plague" red ocean preset.
Orzga Aabye: re: flickr photo .. mouth open .. no sound comes out.
Psyra Extraordinaire: There's some decent looking sculpty prim water making the rounds through various sources.
Psyra Extraordinaire: We've started making our own and are not unhappy with it at all.
Ina Centaur: straylight sculpted river?
Torley Linden: I like the sculpty prim water I've seen, from Kris Lehmann, and also from Anjin Meiji... cool to hear you're "rolling your own"!
Marianne McCann: Oh yes. Like the stuff in Straylight
Psyra Extraordinaire: Straylight and Avaria. :D
Psyra Extraordinaire: I've seen it in a few other places.
Psyra Extraordinaire: it's catching on.
Marianne McCann: I ain't seen the avaria water yet - I'll add it to my weekend travels
Torley Linden: That's a good thing to catch on. The "old flat style" really lacks depth in comparison.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Slab Water
Torley Linden: It's amazing how much some stuff has improved via sculpties, and to imagine so much more potential to achieve.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I can finally make a proper beak. :D
Marianne McCann: (Already gotta go back and ponder Drakelets again)
Psyra Extraordinaire: (The Duck Enigma is finally solveable.)
Torley Linden: Hahahaha!
Tree Kyomoon: any word on an in world scuptie maker?
Torley Linden: DUCK ENIGMA? You have names for these things? That's brill.
Psyra Extraordinaire: No prim could ever duplicate a duck's bill without 40+ prims.
Torley Linden: Tree: We do want to introduce one in the future in the system; for now, check out Anjin Meiji's SnurbOMatic, it's a brilliant piece of engineering.
Marianne McCann: Duck enigma? A foul WWII encryption devise?
Torley Linden: Does a duck's echo quack? ;)
Torley Linden: Hah Mari.
Psyra Extraordinaire: 'Quack-uack-ack-ck-k'
Marianne McCann: Torley - yes
Torley Linden: Yeah, I was joking... ah urban legends.
Marianne McCann: (I did watch dat episode of mythbusters!)
Torley Linden: :D
Torley Linden: MythBusters rocks.
Marianne McCann: Oh ya
Torley Linden: Those guys actually did the bull in a china shop experiment, bug kudos to 'em.
Ina Centaur: yes.. .and jedi cloaks with sculpties...
Orzga Aabye: lol
Orzga Aabye: did the bull buy anything?
Torley Linden: Er, *big.
Torley Linden: HAAH the bulls were surprisingly graceful like ballerinas.
Psyra Extraordinaire: I dunno, sculpties and fabrics just don't always work together, they can't be flexi. :D
Chase Marellan: Gppd grief, ya leave for a second and it's impossible to catch up. :)
Marianne McCann: My own messing with sculpties have been llimited so far. Dun have Maya
Torley Linden: So much happens here, eh Chase?
Orzga Aabye: they actually had a weddign registry
Chase Marellan: really!
Chase Marellan: :)
Tree Kyomoon: the bulls just browsed, I think they knew it was all junk
Torley Linden: Psyra: Yeah, I would hope those can be combined... wow, nice beak alright.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Jjust follow m'noooose.
Torley Linden: Bull in china shop -- http://youtube.com/watch?v=r6D5fpGhDeI
Torley Linden: If a cow goes "moo", what sound does a bull make?
Marianne McCann: It always knows!
Tree Kyomoon saw a guitar shape that was like 150 prims last night
march Korda: my friend have wedding in SL!
Psyra Extraordinaire: *hands out W00t L00ps*
Torley Linden: w00t l00ps, I actually saw a picture of that once.
Torley Linden: Wow Tree, who made that?
Marianne McCann: March - my folks have one every month
Torley Linden: Oh really march! Congrats!
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at blogHUD.com []: see http://bloghud.com/id/12922
Psyra Extraordinaire: I have a box of that in my inventory... somewhere...
Marianne McCann: Me too, Psyra. Somewhere...
Psyra Extraordinaire: OOoooooover the rainbow...
Tree Kyomoon: I can try to find out, cypress rosewood had it
march Korda: congr! every wedding!
Marianne McCann: (I really really need to sort through there some day)
Ina Centaur: @murkywater -- is that something that can be set on the sim, or clientside?
Torley Linden: Initially, since WindLight is a First Look, that means that sky and water settings are client-side. HOWEVER...
Torley Linden: the next phase means replacing the current day cycles on the server-side with WindLight.
march Korda: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=QF8jbgI1OZE secondlife wedding.
Marianne McCann: Torley - any plans on estate overrides on Windlight? So midnight city remains midnight?
Ina Centaur: :-D
Torley Linden: And yes, that means eventually we want sky, water, etc. to be inventory assets -- share-able and settable server-side so everyone visiting you can see 'em.
Marianne McCann gave you wootloops.
Torley Linden: Mari: Yes definitely, it's intended to replace everything the current atmospheric system can do and more.
Marianne McCann passes wootloops box
Torley Linden: Haha funny picture of w00t l00ps, oh that's great.
Marianne McCann gave you w00tloops-cereal box.
Torley Linden: So 1337 it's 1338.
Orzga Aabye: huh? sky as an invetory asset?
Psyra Extraordinaire: I'm just happy they fixed the ambience vs. prims.... I was horrified when first loading Windlight up in Av. :D
Marianne McCann: Excellent. I'll be able to make sure I have clear skies for fireworks shows
Orzga Aabye: i d&d a sky onto my sim?
Psyra Extraordinaire: "My god, it affects the landscape but none of the rocks!" :D
Marianne McCann: Psyra - my friend Robin was flipping out, because of how it colored her skin vendors
Torley Linden: We've made a lot of changes to how the default WindLight day cycle looks in the interim...
Psyra Extraordinaire: So we had sunsets with beautiful orange skies and sand... but the rocks were still blue-hued like the original day colors.
Torley Linden: color balance etc.
Marianne McCann: cool
Torley Linden: The intent is it will color things more realistically so there will be differences, but overall it should be a (subjective) improvement, and further on people will have more control over what they want to see (post-process effects etc.).
Rock Pond Pose ball: llStopAnimation: Script trying to stop animations but agent not found
Torley Linden: Currently tho, going to fallback mode colors stuff less, and looks closer to the "current" way.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Anisotropic filtering will mean something.
Torley Linden: It's a checkbox in Preferences.
Psyra Extraordinaire: And bloom...
Marianne McCann: cool
Torley Linden: Yes, bloom -- glow -- is being added as a standard build parameter.
Ina Centaur: ^^
Torley Linden: I think you'll be very happy to hear that... :)
Torley Linden: Great for lightsabers, plasma weapons, glowing hair, neon signs, etc.
Orzga Aabye: how about constructive solid geo for prims?
Psyra Extraordinaire: Just so long as they don't add Lightwave 3d era lens flares to light sources I'm down with it.
Orzga Aabye: although sculpties might obso that
Marianne McCann: I'm a little nervous about it, as the old renderglow gave me nuttin but hard crashes on my primary
Torley Linden: Orzga: I know that's been brought up before -- it'd be a larger project likely if we did decide to do it, one we may not take on for awhile. But it's useful.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Make SL look like a bad ripoff of Babylon 5. :D
Torley Linden: Mari: Yeah, a lot of those have been fixed (crashes, that is). To emphasize, there've been a lot of changes in the interim.
march Korda: I wonder my Graphic chip can use Windlight. or should buy more expensive card...nervous
Orzga Aabye: 'k
Psyra Extraordinaire: Windlight isn't terribly processor intensive.
Torley Linden: By the way, stuff in Client menu isn't meant to be supported.
Marianne McCann: Ya, I would figgure
Torley Linden: It's only until we pull it out into the standard interface that we can commit to making it stable.
Marianne McCann: (No card upgrades for my lappy. All soldiered)
Torley Linden: So RenderGlow is one of those things that grew past...
Torley Linden: :)
Psyra Extraordinaire: I tried Windlight viewer on a way underpowered machine (1.1 gig, 768 megs ram, GF6200 card) and the hit was not even negligible.
Torley Linden: Good to know.
Psyra Extraordinaire: from average 6.7fps to about 6.3fps.
march Korda: not so bad.
Torley Linden: And that was an early version and a lot has changed since then so I hope it's better now.
Torley Linden: As mentioned earlier I'll be doing regular WindLight project updates @ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Torley_Linden if you wanna check... I'd like to thank each and all of you for coming and visiting me! I'm going to go for the moment, but my next office hour is at 2 PM PDT today if you'd like to join me again.
Psyra Extraordinaire: (Though that's with min draw distance and all specs turned down except for Shiny, and max Ava/Object/Flex detail)
JayR Cela: Bye~Byee Torley
Torley Linden: Bye for now, take care each and all of you!
Orzga Aabye: that's ok, i take off my glass in RL and the draw distance is 2 m ...
march Korda: bye
Lauren Weyland: well, IMAC's with nvidia7600 cards and the slightly lesser card are having problems (IMAC 24) with Textures flashing over a set of prims. such as all the trees...begin to change textures that are in inventory.
Orzga Aabye: bye Torley
Torley Linden: Haha Orzga.
Psyra Extraordinaire: Catch you later. I got stuff to get done, aaaaargh. :FD
Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
Chase Marellan: Bye!
Torley Linden: *waves and smiles*

2 PM