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All scripts are included.<br>
All scripts are included.<br>
==XyyyyzText Setup==
==Group Information v1.0==
The prim size script.<br>
Put this script into one prim, to let it automatically modify itself for use as a text-prim.<br>
//                                                                      //
//  Group Information script v1.0                                        //
//  Without dialog menu                                                  //
//  Created by: Tyrennic Rivera                                          //
//  Finished on: June 10 2009                                            //
//  All Rights Reserved                                                  //
//                                                                      //
//  This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  //
//  it under the terms that you share this script with other people.    //
//  - You are allowed to use this script in your products however the    //
//    script may not be sold stand alone under any circumstance.         //
//  - If you give this script to other people please give the original  //
//    script with this license.                                          //
//                                                                      //
//  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/                      //
//                                                                      //
key GroupKey;          // Key of the group.
string GroupName;      // The name of the group.
string GroupEnroll;    // The group enrollment (open or closed).
string GroupContent;    // Group contents (PG, Mature or Adult).
integer GroupFee;      // Group fee, How much to pay to join the group.
integer GroupCount;    // The number of members in the group (Includes owners).
        llSetObjectName("Group Information");
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        // Save the group key for later use.
        GroupKey = llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_GROUP]), 0);
        // If a group has been set on the object request group information.
        if(GroupKey != NULL_KEY)
            llHTTPRequest("http://world.secondlife.com/group/" + (string)GroupKey, [], "");
        // If no group has been set give a error message.
            llSay(0, "No group has been set. You can set this in build mode under the \"general\" tab.");
    http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
        // This means the page has succesfully loaded.
        if(status == 200)
            // Dont edit this unless you know what you are doing!!
            integer s1 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<title>");
            integer s2 = llSubStringIndex(body, "</title>");
            integer s3 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"member_count\" content=\"");
            integer s4 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"open_enrollment\" content=\"");
            integer s5 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"membership_fee\" content=\"");
            integer s6 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"mat\" content=\"");
            // All the group information is saved in these variables.
            GroupName = llGetSubString(body, s1+7, s2-1);
            GroupEnroll = llGetSubString(body, s4+38, s4+38);
            GroupCount = (integer)llGetSubString(body, s3+35, s4-14);
            GroupFee = (integer)llGetSubString(body, s5+37, s6-8);
            GroupContent = llGetSubString(body, s6+26, s1-14);
            // When a group contains non-mature content.
            if(GroupContent == "PG_NOT")
                GroupContent = "PG";
            // When a group contains mature content.
            else if(GroupContent == "M_NOT")
                GroupContent = "Mature";
            // When a group contains adult content.
            else if(GroupContent == "M_AO")
                GroupContent = "Adult";
            // If the group enrollment is open.
            if(GroupEnroll == "Y")
                GroupEnroll = "Open";
            // Else if the group enrollment is closed.
            else if(GroupEnroll == "N")
                GroupEnroll = "Closed";
            // Make a temporary list with the group variables.
            list info = [GroupName, "Content: " + GroupContent, "Enrollment: " + GroupEnroll, "Join fee: L$" + (string)GroupFee, "Members: " + (string)GroupCount];
            // Say the group information plus the link to the group.
            llSay(0, llDumpList2String(info, " || ") + "\nsecondlife:///app/group/" + (string)GroupKey + "/about");
        // Triggered when show in search is disabled.
        else if(status == 404)
            llSay(0, "This group has \"Show in search\" disabled, Information cannot be retrieved.");
        // If the request has timed out (60 Seconds).
        else if(status == 499)
            llSay(0, "Group information request has timed out.");

Revision as of 01:28, 21 June 2009

This script will give you the following information about a group.

  • The name of the group
  • What the content of the group is. (PG, Mature or Adult)
  • What the group enrollment is. (open or closed)
  • How much an avatar needs to pay to get into the group. (Group fee)
  • How many members there are in the group.

Dont Delete im still editing this!

Tyrennic Rivera...

XyyyyzText is a variation of XyText allowing up to 10 characters on a prim.
It supports different text in each line, instead of one single text which will be broken into the next lines.
Here's a picture on how it looks like: http://screencast.com/t/1wMLujLcEO
It shows the text in reversed order as the prims were linked together.

All scripts are included.

Group Information v1.0

<lsl> //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=// // // // Group Information script v1.0 // // Without dialog menu // // Created by: Tyrennic Rivera // // Finished on: June 10 2009 // // All Rights Reserved // // // // This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms that you share this script with other people. // // - You are allowed to use this script in your products however the // // script may not be sold stand alone under any circumstance. // // - If you give this script to other people please give the original // // script with this license. // // // // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ // // // //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=//

key GroupKey; // Key of the group. string GroupName; // The name of the group. string GroupEnroll; // The group enrollment (open or closed). string GroupContent; // Group contents (PG, Mature or Adult). integer GroupFee; // Group fee, How much to pay to join the group. integer GroupCount; // The number of members in the group (Includes owners).

default {

       llSetObjectName("Group Information");
   touch_start(integer total_number)
       // Save the group key for later use.
       GroupKey = llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_GROUP]), 0);
       // If a group has been set on the object request group information.
       if(GroupKey != NULL_KEY)
           llHTTPRequest("http://world.secondlife.com/group/" + (string)GroupKey, [], "");
       // If no group has been set give a error message.
           llSay(0, "No group has been set. You can set this in build mode under the \"general\" tab.");
   http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
       // This means the page has succesfully loaded.
       if(status == 200)
           // Dont edit this unless you know what you are doing!!
           integer s1 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<title>");
           integer s2 = llSubStringIndex(body, "</title>");
           integer s3 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"member_count\" content=\"");
           integer s4 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"open_enrollment\" content=\"");
           integer s5 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"membership_fee\" content=\"");
           integer s6 = llSubStringIndex(body, "<meta name=\"mat\" content=\"");
           // All the group information is saved in these variables.
           GroupName = llGetSubString(body, s1+7, s2-1);
           GroupEnroll = llGetSubString(body, s4+38, s4+38);
           GroupCount = (integer)llGetSubString(body, s3+35, s4-14);
           GroupFee = (integer)llGetSubString(body, s5+37, s6-8);
           GroupContent = llGetSubString(body, s6+26, s1-14);
           // When a group contains non-mature content.
           if(GroupContent == "PG_NOT")
               GroupContent = "PG";
           // When a group contains mature content.
           else if(GroupContent == "M_NOT")
               GroupContent = "Mature";
           // When a group contains adult content.
           else if(GroupContent == "M_AO")
               GroupContent = "Adult";
           // If the group enrollment is open.
           if(GroupEnroll == "Y")
               GroupEnroll = "Open";
           // Else if the group enrollment is closed.
           else if(GroupEnroll == "N")
               GroupEnroll = "Closed";
           // Make a temporary list with the group variables.
           list info = [GroupName, "Content: " + GroupContent, "Enrollment: " + GroupEnroll, "Join fee: L$" + (string)GroupFee, "Members: " + (string)GroupCount];
           // Say the group information plus the link to the group.
           llSay(0, llDumpList2String(info, " || ") + "\nsecondlife:///app/group/" + (string)GroupKey + "/about");
       // Triggered when show in search is disabled.
       else if(status == 404)
           llSay(0, "This group has \"Show in search\" disabled, Information cannot be retrieved.");
       // If the request has timed out (60 Seconds).
       else if(status == 499)
           llSay(0, "Group information request has timed out.");

} </lsl>