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{{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetSunDirection]]|Setting the Direction, then waiting the Delay period, and calling llGetSunDirection should return the vector specified in the original llSetSunPosition.}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetSunDirection]]|Setting the Direction, then waiting the Delay period, and calling llGetSunDirection should return the vector specified in the original llSetSunPosition.}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llForceMouselook]]|Suggests that this type of request is reasonable to send to a User Agent/Viewer.}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llForceMouselook]]|Suggests that this type of request is reasonable to send to a User Agent/Viewer.}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llAvatarOnSitTarget]]|Call this to determine what avatar's agent would be affected by this call.}}


Revision as of 15:45, 27 December 2007

Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: llSetSunDirection( vector position, float Delay );

Requests the UserAgent's Viewer to change the phase of day/night to a specific Direction while sitting on the object containing the script. The transition should take the number of seconds specified by the Delay parameter. llSetSunDirection recognizes 5 preset vectors that function similar to the Menu choice World->Force Sun

• vector position A vector that is the direction of the sun in the region
• float Delay Seconds to allow for the change

Constants Action
SUNRISE <?,?,?> Sets the Direction to the East.
NOON <?,?,?> Sets the Direction to up.
SUNSET <?,?,?> Sets the Direction to the West.
MIDNIGHT <?,?,?> Sets the Direction to down.
REGION_DEFAULT <?,?,?> Sets the Direction to the region's current Direction.



Useful for nightclubs and space oriented sims, which will prefer night environments. Also for items such as sailboats that tend to prefer day. This function applies to an avatar who is currently seated on a prim with a script that makes this call, much as llForceMouselook is able to implicitly get permission to change the viewer state.

See Also


•  llGetSunDirection Setting the Direction, then waiting the Delay period, and calling llGetSunDirection should return the vector specified in the original llSetSunPosition.
•  llForceMouselook Suggests that this type of request is reasonable to send to a User Agent/Viewer.
•  llAvatarOnSitTarget Call this to determine what avatar's agent would be affected by this call.

Deep Notes


//function void llSetSunDirection( vector position, float Delay );