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(New page: <lsl>#SciTEGlobal.properties # Global initialisation file for SciTE #Custom settings for Jesse Barnett # For Linux, place in $prefix/share/scite # For Windows, place in same directory as S...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 10:50, 29 January 2008


  1. Global initialisation file for SciTE
  2. Custom settings for Jesse Barnett
  3. For Linux, place in $prefix/share/scite
  4. For Windows, place in same directory as SciTE.EXE (or Sc1.EXE)
  5. Documentation at http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDoc.html
  1. Globals
  1. Window sizes and visibility

if PLAT_WIN position.left=0 position.top=0

  1. command.help.$(file.patterns.lsl)="http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=$(CurrentWord)"
  1. ~ command.name.20.*=Reformat
  2. ~ command.20.*=perl $(SciteDefaultHome)\tools\formatall.pl $(SciteDefaultHome)\tools $(FilePath)
  3. ~ command.quiet.20.*=1
  4. ~ command.is.filter.20.*=1
  5. ~ command.save.before.20.*=1
  6. ~ command.shortcut.20.*=Ctrl+Alt+L
  1. ~ command.name.7.*=Convert Tabs to Spaces
  2. ~ command.7.*=perl $(SciteDefaultHome)\tools\tabs2spaces.pl -f $(FilePath)
  3. ~ command.quiet.7.*=1
  4. ~ command.is.filter.7.*=1
  5. ~ command.save.before.7.*=1
  1. ~ command.name.9.*=Strip trailing spaces
  2. ~ command.9.*=perl $(SciteDefaultHome)\tools\stripspace.pl $(FilePath)
  3. ~ command.quiet.9.*=1
  4. ~ command.is.filter.9.*=1
  5. ~ command.save.before.9.*=1
  1. ~ command.name.8.*=Strip last empty lines
  2. ~ command.8.*=perl $(SciteDefaultHome)\tools\striplines.pl $(FilePath)
  3. ~ command.quiet.8.*=1
  4. ~ command.is.filter.8.*=1
  5. ~ command.save.before.8.*=1

if PLAT_GTK position.left=5 position.top=22 position.width=-1 position.height=-1

  1. position.tile=1
  2. full.screen.hides.menu=1

minimize.to.tray=1 split.vertical=0

  1. output.horizontal.size=200

output.vertical.size=120 output.initial.hide=1

  1. horizontal.scrollbar=0
  2. horizontal.scroll.width=10000
  3. output.horizontal.scrollbar=0
  4. output.horizontal.scroll.width=10000
  5. output.scroll=0
  6. error.select.line=1
  7. end.at.last.line=0


  1. tabbar.hide.one=1
  2. tabbar.multiline=1


  1. toolbar.detachable=1
  2. toolbar.usestockicons=1
  3. menubar.detachable=1
  4. undo.redo.lazy=1
  5. statusbar.visible=1
  6. fileselector.width=800
  7. fileselector.height=600
  8. magnification=-1
  9. output.magnification=-1
  1. Sizes and visibility in edit pane

line.margin.visible=1 line.margin.width=4 margin.width=16

  1. fold.margin.width=16
  2. fold.margin.colour=#FF0000
  3. fold.margin.highlight.colour=#0000FF
  4. blank.margin.left=4
  5. blank.margin.right=4


  1. two.phase.draw=0


  1. Element styles
  2. view.eol=1
  3. control.char.symbol=.

caret.period=500 view.whitespace=0 view.indentation.whitespace=1 view.indentation.guides=1 highlight.indentation.guides=1

  1. caret.fore=#FF0000
  2. caret.width=2
  3. caret.line.back=#FFFED8
  4. caret.line.back.alpha=63

edge.column=200 edge.mode=0 edge.colour=#C0DCC0 braces.check=1 braces.sloppy=1

  1. selection.fore=#006000
  2. DADADA used as background because it yields standard silver C0C0C0
  3. on low colour displays and a reasonable light grey on higher bit depths

selection.alpha=70 selection.back=#000000

  1. whitespace.fore=#FF0000
  2. whitespace.back=#FFF0F0
  3. error.marker.fore=#0000A0
  4. error.marker.back=#DADAFF
  5. bookmark.fore=#808000
  6. bookmark.back=#FFFFA0
  7. bookmark.alpha=
  8. find.mark=#0000FF
  1. Checking


  1. are.you.sure.for.build=1
  2. save.all.for.build=1
  3. quit.on.close.last=1


  1. save.on.deactivate=1
  2. are.you.sure.on.reload=1

reload.preserves.undo=1 check.if.already.open=1 default.file.ext=.esl

  1. source.default.extensions=.h|.cxx|.bat
  2. title.full.path=1
  3. title.show.buffers=1

save.recent=1 save.session=1 session.bookmarks=1

  1. session.folds=1

open.dialog.in.file.directory=1 strip.trailing.spaces=1

  1. ensure.final.line.end=1
  2. ensure.consistent.line.ends=1
  3. save.deletes.first=1


  1. buffers.zorder.switching=1

api.*.cpp=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\cpp.api api.*.cxx=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\cpp.api api.*.esl=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\lsl.api api.*.lsl=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\lsl.api api.*.php=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\php.api api.*.phtml=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\php.api api.*.php3=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\php.api api.*.pl=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\perl.api api.*.cgi=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\perl.api api.*.java=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\java.api

  1. win95.death.delay=1000
  2. translation.missing=***
  3. read.only=1
  4. max.file.size=1
  1. Indentation

tabsize=8 indent.size=8 use.tabs=1 indent.auto=1 indent.automatic=1 indent.opening=0 indent.closing=0

  1. tab.indents=0
  2. backspace.unindents=0
  1. Wrapping of long lines


  1. wrap.style=2
  2. cache.layout=3


  1. output.cache.layout=3
  2. wrap.visual.flags=3
  3. wrap.visual.flags.location=3
  4. wrap.visual.startindent=4
  1. Folding
  2. enable folding, and show lines below when collapsed.

fold=1 fold.compact=1 fold.flags=16 fold.symbols=1

  1. fold.on.open=1

fold.comment=1 fold.preprocessor=1 fold.html=0 fold.comment.python=1 fold.quotes.python=1 comment.block.hypertext=#

  1. Find and Replace
  2. Internal search always available with recursive capability so use in preference to external tool


  1. findstr is available on recent versions of Windows including 2000
  2. if PLAT_WIN
  3. find.command=findstr /n /s $(find.what) $(find.files)
  4. find.input=$(find.what)
  5. if PLAT_GTK
  6. find.command=grep --line-number "$(find.what)" $(find.files)

find.files=*.c *.cxx *.h *.lsl *.esl

  1. find.in.files.close.on.find=0
  2. find.in.dot=1
  3. find.in.binary=1
  4. find.replace.matchcase=1
  5. find.replace.escapes=1
  6. find.replace.regexp=1
  7. find.replace.regexp.posix=1
  8. find.replace.wrap=0
  9. find.replacewith.focus=0
  10. find.replace.advanced=1
  1. Behaviour
  2. eol.mode=LF

eol.auto=1 clear.before.execute=1

  1. vc.home.key=1
  2. wrap.aware.home.end.keys=1
  3. autocompleteword.automatic=1
  4. autocomplete.choose.single=1

caret.policy.xslop=1 caret.policy.width=20 caret.policy.xstrict=0 caret.policy.xeven=0 caret.policy.xjumps=0 caret.policy.yslop=1 caret.policy.lines=1 caret.policy.ystrict=1 caret.policy.yeven=1 caret.policy.yjumps=0

  1. visible.policy.strict=1
  2. visible.policy.slop=1
  3. visible.policy.lines=4


  1. caret.sticky=1
  2. properties.directory.enable=1
  1. Status Bar

statusbar.number=4 statusbar.text.1=\ li=$(LineNumber) co=$(ColumnNumber) $(OverType) ($(EOLMode)) $(FileAttr) statusbar.text.2=\ $(BufferLength) chars in $(NbOfLines) lines. Sel: $(SelLength) chars. statusbar.text.3=\ Now is: Date=$(CurrentDate) Time=$(CurrentTime) statusbar.text.4=\ $(FileNameExt) : $(FileDate) - $(FileTime) | $(FileAttr)

if PLAT_WIN command.scite.help="file://$(SciteDefaultHome)\doc\SciTEDoc.html" command.scite.help.subsystem=2

if PLAT_GTK command.print.*=a2ps "$(FileNameExt)" command.scite.help=netscape "file://$(SciteDefaultHome)/SciTEDoc.html"

  1. Internationalisation
  2. Japanese input code page 932 and ShiftJIS character set 128
  3. code.page=932
  4. character.set=128
  5. Unicode
  6. code.page=65001


  1. character.set=204
  2. Required for Unicode to work on GTK+:
  3. LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
  4. output.code.page=65001
  1. Export
  2. export.keep.ext=1


  1. export.html.tabs=1
  2. export.html.folding=1


  1. export.html.title.fullpath=1
  2. export.rtf.tabs=1
  3. export.rtf.font.face=Arial
  4. export.rtf.font.size=9
  5. export.rtf.tabsize=8
  6. Magnification (added to default screen font size)


  1. Font: Courier, Helvetica or Times (Courier line-wraps)


  1. Page size (in points): width, height
  2. E.g. Letter 612,792; A4 595,842; maximum 14400,14400


  1. Margins (in points): left, right, top, bottom

export.pdf.margins=72,72,72,72 export.xml.collapse.spaces=1 export.xml.collapse.lines=1

  1. Define values for use in the imported properties files

chars.alpha=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ chars.numeric=0123456789 chars.accented=ŠšŒœŸÿÀàÁáÂâÃãÄäÅåÆæÇçÈèÉéÊêËëÌìÍíÎîÏïÐðÑñÒòÓóÔôÕõÖØøÙùÚúÛûÜüÝýÞþßö

  1. This is a better set for Russian:
  2. chars.accented=ÀàÁáÂâÃãÄäÅ娸ÆæÇçÈèÉéÊêËëÌìÍíÎîÏïÐðÑñÒòÓóÔôÕõÖö×÷ØøÙùÚúÛûÜüÝýÞþßÿ
  1. The open.filter setting is only used on Windows where the file selector has a menu of filters to apply
  2. to the types of files seen when opening.
  3. There is a limit (possibly 256 characters) to the length of a filter,
  4. so not all source extensions can be in this setting.


  • .idl;*.odl;*.rc;*.rc2;*.dlg;*.def;\
  • .vb;*.vbs;*.bas;*.frm;*.cls;*.ctl;\
  • .java;*.js;*.py;*.pl;*.rb;*.cgi;*.lua;*.conf;\


  • .properties;*.html;*.xml;*.iface;*.bat;*.e;*.lsl;*.esl


if PLAT_WIN all.files=All Files (*.*)|*.*| if PLAT_GTK all.files=All Files (*)|*|Hidden Files (.*)|.*| open.filter=\ LSL/ESL|$(my.files)|\ All Source|$(source.files)|\ $(all.files)\ $(filter.ada)\ $(filter.conf)\ $(filter.asm)\ $(filter.asn1)\ $(filter.ave)\ $(filter.baan)\ $(filter.bash)\ $(filter.caml)\ $(filter.cmake)\ $(filter.cpp)\

  1. $(filter.ch)\

$(filter.css)\ $(filter.d)\ $(filter.eiffel)\ $(filter.erlang)\ $(filter.fortran)\ $(filter.gap)\ $(filter.idl)\ $(filter.inno)\ $(filter.java)\ $(filter.js)\ $(filter.kix)\ $(filter.lout)\ $(filter.lsl)\ $(filter.lua)\ $(filter.matlab)\ $(filter.metapost)\ $(filter.mmixal)\ $(filter.nncrontab)\ $(filter.nsis)\ $(filter.opal)\ $(filter.pascal)\ $(filter.perl)\ $(filter.php)\ $(filter.pov)\ $(filter.prg)\ $(filter.properties)\ $(filter.ps)\ $(filter.python)\ $(filter.ruby)\ $(filter.sql)\ $(filter.specman)\ $(filter.tcl)\ $(filter.tex)\ $(filter.text)\ $(filter.vb)\ $(filter.web)\ $(filter.yaml)\ $(filter.verilog)\ $(filter.vhdl)

  1. Give symbolic names to the set of fonts used in the standard styles.

if PLAT_WIN font.base=font:Verdana,size:10 font.small=font:Verdana,size:8 font.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:9 font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment) font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment) font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment) font.code.comment.nested=$(font.comment) font.text=font:Times New Roman,size:11 font.text.comment=font:Verdana,size:9 font.embedded.base=font:Verdana,size:9 font.embedded.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:8 font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:10 font.vbs=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:10 if PLAT_GTK font.base=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans,size:9 font.small=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans,size:8 font.comment=font:!Bitstream Vera Serif,size:9 font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment) font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment) font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment) font.code.comment.nested=$(font.comment) font.text=font:!Bitstream Charter,size:10 font.text.comment=font:!Serif,size:9 font.embedded.base=font:!Serif,size:9 font.embedded.comment=font:!Serif,size:9 font.monospace=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:9 font.vbs=font:!Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,size:9 font.js=$(font.comment)

  1. Old GTK+ font settings are faster but not antialiased

#~ font.base=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12 #~ font.small=font:lucidatypewriter,size:10 #~ font.comment=font:new century schoolbook,size:12 #~ font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment) #~ font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment) #~ font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment) #~ font.text=font:times,size:14 #~ font.text.comment=font:lucidatypewriter,size:10 #~ font.embedded.base=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12 #~ font.embedded.comment=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12 #~ font.monospace=font:courier,size:12 #~ font.vbs=font:new century schoolbook,size:12

  1. Give symbolic names to the set of colours used in the standard styles.

colour.code.comment.box=fore:#007F00 colour.code.comment.line=fore:#007F00 colour.code.comment.doc=fore:#3F703F colour.code.comment.nested=fore:#A0C0A0 colour.text.comment=fore:#0000FF,back:#D0F0D0 colour.other.comment=fore:#007F00 colour.embedded.comment=back:#E0EEFF colour.embedded.js=back:#F0F0FF colour.notused=back:#FF0000

colour.number=fore:#007F7F colour.keyword=fore:#00007F colour.string=fore:#7F007F colour.char=fore:#7F007F colour.operator=fore:#000000 colour.preproc=fore:#7F7F00 colour.error=fore:#FFFF00,back:#FF0000

  1. Global default styles for all languages
  2. Default


  1. Line number


  1. Brace highlight


  1. Brace incomplete highlight


  1. Control characters


  1. Indentation guides


  1. Printing - only works on Windows

if PLAT_WIN #print.colour.mode=1 print.magnification=-1 # Setup: left, right, top, bottom margins, in local units: # hundredths of millimeters or thousandths of inches print.margins=1500,1000,1000,1500 # Header/footer: # && = &; &p = current page # &f = file name; &F = full path # &d = file date; &D = current date # &t = file time; &T = full time print.header.format=$(FileNameExt) — Printed on $(CurrentDate), $(CurrentTime) — Page $(CurrentPage) print.footer.format=$(FilePath) — File date: $(FileDate) — File time: $(FileTime) # Header/footer style print.header.style=font:Arial,size:12,bold print.footer.style=font:Arial Narrow,size:10,italics

  1. Warnings - only works on Windows and needs to be pointed at files on machine
  2. if PLAT_WIN
  3. warning.findwrapped=100,E:\Windows\Media\SFX\Boing.wav
  4. warning.notfound=0,Effect.wav
  5. warning.wrongfile=0,Glass.wav
  6. warning.executeok=0,Fanfare.wav
  7. warning.executeko=100,GlassBreak.wav
  8. warning.nootherbookmark=100,Boing2.wav
  1. Define the Lexer menu,
  2. Each item contains three parts: menu string | file extension | key
  3. The only keys allowed currently are based on F-keys and alphabetic keys and look like
  4. [Ctrl+][Shift+][Fn|a] such as F12 or Ctrl+Shift+D.
  5. A '&' may be placed before a letter to be used as an accelerator. This does not work on GTK+.


  1. FreeBasic|bas||\

Text|txt|Shift+F11|\ Ada|ads||\ Apache Confi&g|conf||\ Assembler|asm||\

  1. ASN.1|asn1||\
  2. Avenue|ave||\
  3. Baan|bc||\


  1. Bullant|ant||\

&C / C++|c||\

  1. CMake|cmake||\


  1. Csound|orc||\

CSS|css||\ D|d||\ &Difference|diff||\

  1. &Eiffel|e||\
  2. Erlang|erl||\


  1. FlagShip|prg||\


  1. Gap|g||\


  1. &InnoSetup|iss||\

&Java|java||\ Java&Script|js||\

  1. &Kix|kix||\

TeX|tex||\ Lisp|lisp||\

  1. Lot|lot||\
  2. Lout|lt||\

LSL / ESL|lsl|Ctrl+F12|\ Lu&a|lua||\ Matlab|m.matlab||\ &Makefile|mak|Ctrl+Shift+F11|\

  1. MetaPost|mp||\
  2. MMIXAL|mms||\
  3. &nnCron crontab|tab||\
  4. NSIS|nsis||\
  5. Objective Caml|ml||\
  6. Octave|m.octave||\
  7. Opal|impl||\

Pascal|pas||\ Pe&rl|pl||\ P&HP|php||\

  1. P&LSQL|spec||\


  1. P&ostScript|ps||\
  2. P&OV-Ray SDL|pov||\


  1. Reso&urce|rc||\

Ruby|rb||\ Shell|sh||\ S&QL|sql||\

  1. Specman|e||\

&TCL|tcl||\ &VB|vb||\ VBScr&ipt|vbs||\

  1. Verilog|v||\
  2. VHDL|vhd||\

&XML|xml|Shift+F12|\ YAML|yaml||

  1. User defined key commands

user.shortcuts=\ Ctrl+Shift+V|IDM_PASTEANDDOWN|\ Ctrl+PageUp|IDM_PREVFILE|\ Ctrl+PageDown|IDM_NEXTFILE|

  1. KeypadPlus|IDM_EXPAND|\
  2. KeypadMinus|IDM_BLOCK_COMMENT|
  1. user.context.menu=\
  2. ||\
  3. Next File|IDM_NEXTFILE|\
  4. Prev File|IDM_PREVFILE|
  1. Import all the language specific properties files

import ada import asm

  1. import asn1
  2. import au3

import ave import baan

  1. import freebasic
  2. import blitzbasic
  3. import bullant

import caml import conf import cpp

  1. import cmake

import d

  1. import csound

import css import eiffel import erlang import escript

  1. import flagship
  2. import forth

import fortran

  1. import gap

import html

  1. import inno
  2. import kix

import lisp import lot

  1. import lout

import lsl import lua import matlab import metapost import mmixal

  1. import nncrontab
  2. import nsis
  3. import opal

import others import pascal import perl import pov import ps

  1. import purebasic

import python

  1. import rebol

import ruby

  1. import scriptol
  2. import smalltalk
  3. import spice

import sql

  1. import specman

import tcl import tex import vb import yaml

  1. import verilog
  2. import vhdl</lsl>