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The next step will be to try to divide the script in 2, or 3 if is possible, so we can spread the memory usage. Also I would like to test a trick i use often for to translate languages that i dont understand, what I do first is to translate that language into English, and then from English to Spanish, it seems a nonsense and unnecesary waste, but if i do it is becouse so i usually understand the translations better.
The next step will be to try to divide the script in 2, or 3 if is possible, so we can spread the memory usage. Also I would like to test a trick i use often for to translate languages that i dont understand, what I do first is to translate that language into English, and then from English to Spanish, it seems a nonsense and unnecesary waste, but if i do it is becouse so i usually understand the translations better.
I want by one part the translators communications and evaluation system, and by other the translation system between avatars, is it very difficult? I don´t know , we will see...
I want by one part the translators communications and evaluation system, and by other the translation system between avatars, is it very difficult? I don´t know , we will see...
Es dificil... me está costando pero ya veremos...
Its difficult... i am struggling but we will see...
chu chu chu

Revision as of 14:30, 16 December 2009


Hola, soy Perry Mizin y este será mi humilde intento de contribucion al proyecto "Traductor Universal de Google" creado por Hank Ramos.

El siguiente codigo fué originalmente creado por Hank Ramos, empezaré modificando algunas funciones a mi manera... No os riais


Hello, I am Perry Mizin and this will be my humble try to contribute with the project "Universal Google Translator" created by Hank Ramos.

The next code was originally created by Hank Ramos, I will start modifiying some functions on my way... Don´t laugh


Bueno, despues de respiñar todo lo que he podido, creo que el uso de memoria y la velocidad estan practicamente igual que en la version original pero bueno... en la variedad está el gusto no? Ya he probado un poco el codigo, y parece que funciona aunque estoy teniendo algunos problemas... Por ejemplo creo que el sistema de traduccion no funciona correctamente, y no me refiero al sistema de traduccion de Google (en mi opinion, si no es el mejor, es uno de los mejores del mundo), sino a que aun queda mucho trabajo por hacer en el script...

El siguiente paso sera intentar dividir el script en dos, o si es posible en tres para repartir el uso de memoria. Tambien me gustaria probar un truco que uso a menudo para traducir paginas en un idioma que no entiendo, lo que hago es que en vez de traducir directamente al español, primero lo traduzco a inglés, y luego desde inglés al español, parece una tonteria y un gasto innecesario, pero si lo hago es porque así suelo entender mejor las traducciones. Quiero por un lado el sistema de comunicacion y evaluacion entre traductores, y por otro el sistema de traduccion entre avatares, ¿es muy dificil? no se ya lo veremos...

Well, after saving as much as I could, I think the memory usage and the speed are technically the same as in the original script, but well, in the variety is the taste, isnt it?. I have tested a bit the code above already, and it seems to work altought i´m having some problems... For instance i think the translation system is not working properly, and i dont mean the Google´s translation system (in my opinion, if is not the best, one of the bests), but that there is still much work to do in the script...

The next step will be to try to divide the script in 2, or 3 if is possible, so we can spread the memory usage. Also I would like to test a trick i use often for to translate languages that i dont understand, what I do first is to translate that language into English, and then from English to Spanish, it seems a nonsense and unnecesary waste, but if i do it is becouse so i usually understand the translations better. I want by one part the translators communications and evaluation system, and by other the translation system between avatars, is it very difficult? I don´t know , we will see...

Es dificil... me está costando pero ya veremos... Its difficult... i am struggling but we will see...

chu chu chu