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(New page: [15:03] Benjamin Linden: oh jeeze it's huge [15:03] Jacek Antonelli: Hey Stephany :) [15:03] Kippie Friedkin: Yeah...sorry :\ [15:03] haon Arado: lol [15:03] haon Arado: hey steph and...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 16:51, 29 May 2008

[15:03] Benjamin Linden: oh jeeze it's huge [15:03] Jacek Antonelli: Hey Stephany :) [15:03] Kippie Friedkin: Yeah...sorry :\ [15:03] haon Arado: lol [15:03] haon Arado: hey steph and tnk [15:04] haon Arado: tink* [15:04] Jacek Antonelli: We can put it on the roof, lol [15:04] Tinker Toll: Hey all! [15:04] You: / hi everyone [15:04] Jacek Antonelli: Hi Tinker! [15:04] haon Arado: hey benjamin; u came when i was getting a drink :) [15:04] Phlojo Gears: hello [15:04] Kippie Friedkin: Hi Stephany [15:05] Roof Doors: Phlojo Gears is at the door. [15:05] Benjamin Linden: Hi Haon [15:05] Jacek Antonelli: Wow, cool gear, Tinker! <3 utility belts [15:05] Tinker Toll: :-) Thanks!! [15:05] Monroe Linden is Offline [15:05] Tinker Toll: me too! [15:06] Q Linden is Offline [15:06] Kippie Friedkin: Cool...It looks like I can control that screen from my HUD too [15:06] Benjamin Linden: oh good [15:06] Phlojo Gears: right on [15:06] Kippie Friedkin: hehe..thought that might help :) [15:07] Benjamin Linden: is this an ok position for everyone? [15:07] Phlojo Gears: looks good to me [15:07] Malbers Linden: cool [15:07] Benjamin Linden: has anyone seen squirrel lately? [15:07] Jacek Antonelli: Hmm, no :( [15:07] Benjamin Linden: hmm [15:08] Benjamin Linden: ok well let's get started! [15:08] Benjamin Linden: Kippie did you want to walk through these for the residents? [15:08] Kippie Friedkin: I'd be happy to! [15:08] Benjamin Linden: Mudflap, there's room on the couch next to me [15:08] Kippie Friedkin: Thanks for coming everyone. As you may have heard, we're going to review the progress on the Landmarks & Navigation project today. [15:09] Mudflap Mighty: Thanks Ben [15:09] Jacek Antonelli: Yay :) [15:09] Kippie Friedkin: The team has been working on wireframes and designs for the proposed enhancements. [15:09] Cyan Linden is Offline [15:10] Kippie Friedkin: We've been receiving some very helpful feedback from members of sl-dev....and we wanted to show some updated revisions today and get some feedback as well. [15:10] Kippie Friedkin: With that, I'll turn this over to Phlojo. [15:10] Vektor Linden is Offline [15:10] Jacek Antonelli: cool [15:10] Kippie Friedkin: He's the design lead on our project and will walk us through the wireframes and designs [15:10] Kippie Friedkin: Take it away, Phlo! :) [15:11] Phlojo Gears: Hello everyone, i'm not the fastest typist in the world and not the best speller either [15:11] Phlojo Gears: with that being said... here I go [15:11] Malbers Linden: so, you are like the rest of us -- perfect [15:11] James Linden is Online [15:11] Benjamin Linden: heh [15:11] Phlojo Gears: first we are going to take a look at the wireframe docs for the landmark management [15:12] Phlojo Gears: there are two solutions that we put together [15:12] Phlojo Gears: Solution 1 is for a Unified Floaters scenario [15:12] Phlojo Gears: and Solution 2 - for a Seprated floaters [15:12] Phlojo Gears: so let's go through solution 1 [15:12] Phlojo Gears: if we can go to the next page [15:12] Phlojo Gears: here we go [15:13] Phlojo Gears: so here we are calling out the Landmarks main menu [15:13] Phlojo Gears: which will be located in the main menu area [15:13] Phlojo Gears: clicking on a landmark listed there will immediatedly atempt a telport [15:14] Phlojo Gears: as far as creating a landmark, the Create Landmark menu item would be selected [15:14] Phlojo Gears: labeled 2 in thsi pdf page [15:14] Phlojo Gears: that wil bring up the Create Landmark floater [15:14] Jacek Antonelli nods [15:14] Steve Linden is Offline [15:15] Steve Linden is Online [15:15] Sue Linden is Offline [15:15] Phlojo Gears: this floater not only shows up when Create Landmark is selected from the main nav [15:15] Phlojo Gears: but also anytime a Landmark is recieved, from another resident let's say [15:15] Jacek Antonelli: neat :) [15:15] Brad Linden is Offline [15:16] Phlojo Gears: that way this floater beccomes the 'gateway' in the create landmark user flow [15:16] Phlojo Gears: as u can see on this massive projector screen... [15:16] Phlojo Gears: there are a number of editable fields [15:16] Phlojo Gears: such as: Name of the landmark [15:16] Phlojo Gears: and the Notes [15:17] Phlojo Gears: we are also including a Description area [15:17] Ellla McMahon: I apologize ... sorry for bring in front of your screen :( [15:17] Kippie Friedkin: No worries, Ella :) [15:17] Phlojo Gears: which is not editable and it is set by the land owner [15:17] haon Arado: no worries :) u weren't blocking it [15:17] Ellla McMahon: :) [15:18] Kippie Friedkin: This is big enough it can probably seen a few regions over ;) [15:18] haon Arado: haha [15:18] Ellla McMahon: LOL [15:18] Phlojo Gears: this flaoter will give the user the ability to create this landmark at the root level of the landmarks folder structure [15:18] Benjamin Linden: lol Kippie [15:18] Phlojo Gears: or select a specific folder [15:18] Phlojo Gears: vai the "create in" pull down [15:19] Phlojo Gears: additionaly, the user will have the ability to create a new folder [15:19] Phlojo Gears: and that is represented by the schematic/flow which are highlited by the fancy red arrows [15:19] Benjamin Linden: Phlojo, remind me to ask a question about the receive landmarks work flow [15:19] Phlojo Gears: will [15:20] Phlojo Gears: wil do [15:20] Phlojo Gears: i am not sure if u guys have seen an earlier itteration of this floater [15:20] Jacek Antonelli: nope [15:20] Phlojo Gears: but we did our best to clean it up and organize it better [15:21] Sidewinder Linden is Offline [15:21] Jacek Antonelli: Good stuff there :) [15:21] Phlojo Gears: further more, we are going to explor the posibility of combining the description and notes into a tabbed solution [15:21] Phlojo Gears: to save even more realestate [15:21] Phlojo Gears: any questions on this page? [15:21] Jacek Antonelli shakes her head, no. [15:22] Phlojo Gears: awsome, everyone is happy :) [15:22] Sally Linden is Offline [15:22] Benjamin Linden: lol sweet [15:22] Benjamin Linden: ship it! [15:22] Phlojo Gears: on to the next page then [15:22] Jacek Antonelli: hahaha [15:22] Kippie Friedkin: yay! [15:22] Kippie Friedkin: lol [15:22] Benjamin Linden: actually before we move on [15:22] Benjamin Linden: should we talk about the receive landmarks sequence? [15:22] Phlojo Gears: this page accounts for how the Manage landmarks floater is being acessed [15:22] Kippie Friedkin: Yes, good idea [15:22] James Linden is Offline [15:22] Phlojo Gears: ok, yeah, let's do that [15:23] Benjamin Linden: can you describe how you imagined that working? [15:23] Phlojo Gears: yes [15:24] Phlojo Gears: in a nuttshel after a resident accepts a landmark, this flaoter will pop up [15:24] Phlojo Gears: if they do nothing other then click save, the recieved landmark will be by default placed n a Received Landmarks folder [15:24] Phlojo Gears: but they do have the opportuniyt of placing it elsewhere via the Create in pull down [15:25] Phlojo Gears: and the New folder workflow [15:25] Benjamin Linden: what if they hit cancel? [15:25] Benjamin Linden: is it already in their inventory at that point? [15:25] haon Arado: is it possible to have a drag and drop option from the landmark pulldown [15:26] Jacek Antonelli: I'd expect it to go to trash, I think? If I recall correctly, that's what happens when you decline inventory offers now [15:26] Phlojo Gears: if they accepted the landmark, and they hit cancel... it should probably go to trash [15:26] Kippie Friedkin: Hi Adam [15:26] Benjamin Linden: well what Phlojo is describing is you would have already hit Accept [15:26] Benjamin Linden: then this window appears [15:26] Jacek Antonelli: Oh. Hm. [15:26] Kippie Friedkin: Right..that's the only way this floater would appear. [15:26] Benjamin Linden: so then the question is, what does OK and Cancel do [15:26] Phlojo Gears: and then if u hit cancel, it could still be moved to trash [15:27] Enus Linden is Offline [15:27] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah. Sort of a "Hmm, I guess I don't really want this after all" sort of deal? [15:27] Phlojo Gears: right [15:27] Kippie Friedkin: Hmmm [15:27] Benjamin Linden: right, which we sort of do with Notecards [15:27] Benjamin Linden: there are a couple of settings in Preferences you guys should explore [15:27] Benjamin Linden: under Popups [15:27] Benjamin Linden: that determine if the accepted content displays immediately or not [15:28] Benjamin Linden: or auto-accepts [15:28] Phlojo Gears: ok [15:28] Jacek Antonelli: One thing, while I'm thinking of it -- the floater is pretty big right now, and I probably wouldn't need to edit every single landmark I get... [15:28] Jacek Antonelli: so what if there's a smaller version, where you can just change the name and the folder it goes in, but then you can click a "More >>" button to expand it and enter more [15:29] Phlojo Gears: that is an interesting idea [15:29] Benjamin Linden: one thing I'd thought about is if there would be a way to select the folder in the blue pop-up notice [15:29] Benjamin Linden: so as part of saying "accept" you also set the folder [15:29] Kippie Friedkin: Would that bypass the Create Landmark floater? [15:29] Kippie Friedkin: and just go straight to the folder you select in the notify window? [15:29] Benjamin Linden: then if you wanted to turn off the "auto view" option you wouldn't need to see the create landmark folder [15:30] Kippie Friedkin: Got it. [15:30] Sidewinder Linden is Online [15:30] Benjamin Linden: I'm not sure how feasible/desirable that is [15:30] Phlojo Gears: for consistency purposes, i wold incline towards guiding the users towards this floater [15:30] Morpheus Linden is Offline [15:30] Phlojo Gears: any time a new landmark is to be added to their landmarks/inventory [15:31] Jacek Antonelli: I'm hesitant. The blue notify window is.. well, it's not for doing that, hehe. That would seem a bit out of place [15:31] haon Arado: the create landmark floater would work fine for excepting a new landmark it is being creating into your inventory or menu and it gives you customization no need to make it more complicated [15:31] You: / good point haon [15:31] Runitai Linden is Online [15:31] Jeska Linden is Online [15:31] Benjamin Linden: ok sounds good [15:31] Benjamin Linden: I'm convinced! [15:32] Jacek Antonelli: hehe [15:32] Phlojo Gears: :) [15:32] Benjamin Linden: the only thing that's a little strange... [15:32] Benjamin Linden: is that someone "gives" you a landmark [15:32] Benjamin Linden: but then you get a "create landmark" window [15:32] Phlojo Gears: we bounced arond the idea of naming this window Add landmark [15:32] Jacek Antonelli: Ah, yeah [15:32] Phlojo Gears: so maybe that is a better name [15:33] Phlojo Gears: that answer both situations [15:33] Benjamin Linden: ok [15:33] haon Arado: its been given to u but since its copied it is still going to be created into your folder [15:33] Jacek Antonelli: Good solution [15:33] haon Arado: i also like the add landmark more [15:33] Phlojo Gears: is Ben convinced ? :) on "add landmark" [15:34] Jacek Antonelli: Or even "Edit Landmark". Hrmm... does this floater come up when you edit the landmark later? [15:34] Phlojo Gears: a similar one does [15:34] Benjamin Linden: yes Add Landmark is fine [15:34] Jacek Antonelli: ok [15:34] Phlojo Gears: a few pages down [15:34] Jacek Antonelli: Got it :) [15:34] Benjamin Linden: ok thanks for walking us through that [15:34] Phlojo Gears: np [15:34] Runitai Linden is Offline [15:35] Phlojo Gears: shall i continue? [15:35] Runitai Linden is Online [15:35] Jacek Antonelli: yes, please :) [15:35] Phlojo Gears: right under the Create Landmark (now Add Landmark) menu item [15:35] Phlojo Gears: the user will be very pleased to see a menu entry for Manage Landmarks [15:36] Jacek Antonelli: hehe [15:36] Phlojo Gears: or so we hope :) [15:36] Phlojo Gears: which takes us to the next page of the pdf [15:36] Jacek Antonelli: Manage landmarks sounds good to me... goodness knows my landmarks could use some management! [15:36] Phlojo Gears: alright [15:37] Phlojo Gears: as u can probably notice, the area to the right [15:37] Liana Linden is Offline [15:37] Phlojo Gears: is very similar to the Add Landmakr floater [15:37] Jacek Antonelli: Aha [15:37] Phlojo Gears: the only exception being the Crate in pull down [15:37] Phlojo Gears: to the left [15:37] Phlojo Gears: the folder list [15:37] Phlojo Gears: with landamarks is also visible [15:38] Phlojo Gears: so by double clicking on a landmark, a telport happens [15:38] Storrs Linden is Offline [15:38] Phlojo Gears: single clicking would load the details of that landmakr into the grayed out area [15:38] Jeremy Linden is Online [15:38] Liana Linden is Online [15:38] Phlojo Gears: now here is something that I would love some feedback on... [15:39] Phlojo Gears: internally, we are a little thorn between: [15:39] Phlojo Gears: 1. showing the right area as a grayed out area, before a landmark is selected - this would happen when the floater is first opened up [15:39] Phlojo Gears: and [15:39] Phlojo Gears: 2. potentially showing the first landmark in the list as preloaded [15:39] Qarl Linden is Offline [15:39] Qarl Linden is Online [15:39] Phlojo Gears: or the last landmark visited [15:40] haon Arado: it would make the teleport to last location button less used [15:41] Jacek Antonelli: I think I'd expect it to be grayed out / nothing selected the first time I open it each SL session, but have it remember the last landmark I had selected, when opening it later that session [15:41] Benjamin Linden: which button, Haon? [15:41] Brent Linden is Online [15:41] Benjamin Linden: I agree Jacek [15:41] Phlojo Gears: Jacek, i like that idea [15:41] haon Arado: acquired last teleport [15:41] Benjamin Linden: where is that button Haon? [15:41] Phlojo Gears: that way only once, ever, is this form ever grayed [15:42] haon Arado: bottom left [15:42] Benjamin Linden: well probably only once per session [15:42] Phlojo Gears: yeah, that is probably more accurate [15:42] Kippie Friedkin: I like that a lot [15:42] haon Arado: if the landmark editor opened your last location that button would not have a use [15:42] Phlojo Gears: how about displaying the last landmark recieved as preselected? [15:42] Jon Linden is Offline [15:43] haon Arado: make it an opition? [15:43] Phlojo Gears: yeah [15:43] Phlojo Gears: could work [15:43] haon Arado: i like that idea [15:44] Phlojo Gears: lets move on to the next pdf page [15:44] Benjamin Linden: mmm [15:44] Jacek Antonelli: Hrmm. Selecting it would be handy if I'm going to be editing it right away. But if I've just edited / filed it, does it need to be selected? *thinks* [15:44] Phlojo Gears: shows the same floater [15:44] Phlojo Gears: not grayed out [15:44] Cold Spitteler is Offline [15:44] Benjamin Linden: I'm not a big fan of the auto select idea [15:44] haon Arado: landmark editor leave blank or acquire previous landmark on initalzation [15:45] Kippie Friedkin: It seems like it will never be what anyway [15:45] Cold Spitteler is Online [15:45] Kippie Friedkin: what you want, rather [15:45] Benjamin Linden: right [15:45] Phlojo Gears: Ben, I am not a huge fan either, but i keep being overuled... everyone else does [15:45] Phlojo Gears: i dont typcally like it when a computer is trying to be smarter then me, and "anticipate" my next move [15:45] Benjamin Linden: right [15:45] Jacek Antonelli: Inventory selects the last item you received... but inventory is kinda different, because when you receive an item / clothes, often you want to rez it or try it on right away, and you can only do that by finding it in inventory (which can be tedious) [15:46] Benjamin Linden: let's get to the second option [15:46] Benjamin Linden: the split windows [15:46] Phlojo Gears: ok [15:46] Benjamin Linden: so we can get some feedback on that [15:46] Phlojo Gears: second pdf doc Kippie [15:46] Phlojo Gears: page 5 [15:46] Phlojo Gears: the first pages are identical to the other pdf [15:47] Kippie Friedkin: on my way there [15:47] Phlojo Gears: but this is where the solution differs [15:47] Phlojo Gears: so in this instance [15:47] Phlojo Gears: the folder floater [15:47] Runitai Linden is Offline [15:47] Phlojo Gears: is separated from the edit landmark area [15:47] Phlojo Gears: and in this scenario [15:47] Jacek Antonelli: aha [15:48] Phlojo Gears: multiple landmarks can be opened at the same time [15:48] haon Arado: that seems to make more sense [15:48] Jacek Antonelli: yes, this way seems better [15:48] Alexa Linden is Online [15:48] Phlojo Gears: mutiple edit landmark floaters tat is [15:48] Phlojo Gears: one thing to keep in mind tho [15:48] Phlojo Gears: is that a single click [15:48] Phlojo Gears: to load the landmark details [15:48] Phlojo Gears: will not work anymore [15:49] Phlojo Gears: as that would result in many, many edit landmark windows being opened by mistake [15:49] Phlojo Gears: so we included a little edit icon next to each landmark [15:49] Phlojo Gears: and we are also exploring the idea of having and edit button [15:49] Jacek Antonelli: Hmm. I was thinking that double clicking would edit the landmark, not teleport [15:49] haon Arado: double click is already used to teleport [15:49] Phlojo Gears: in between new folder and delete [15:50] haon Arado: or u could have right click [15:50] Phlojo Gears: as opposed to an edit icon next to each landmark [15:50] haon Arado: lil drop down menu [15:50] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah, I guess Right Click > Edit would be good [15:50] Phlojo Gears: right click will exist [15:50] Cold Spitteler is Offline [15:50] Jacek Antonelli: and consistent with the inventory [15:50] Jacek Antonelli: I'm not a fan of the edit button :\ [15:50] Phlojo Gears: but it needs to be a little more discoverable, so we're looking for a more obvious way [15:50] Phlojo Gears: for the novice users etc [15:50] Jacek Antonelli: hrmm [15:51] Phlojo Gears: do u favor a little edit icon next to each landmark vs an edit button at the bottom? [15:51] haon Arado: no [15:51] Jacek Antonelli: I was just going to say, an edit button down next to the Delete one, hehe [15:51] haon Arado: to easy to click by mistake [15:52] haon Arado: both of them [15:52] Jacek Antonelli: Having a button next to every landmark would be quite busy o_O [15:52] Phlojo Gears: yes [15:52] Phlojo Gears: that is true [15:52] Malbers Linden: one button on the bottom is very standard rich UI design whereas an icon next to each entry is very Web-ish [15:52] Phlojo Gears: but it wold allow one click access to the landmark details [15:52] Phlojo Gears: one shared edit button at the bottom [15:52] Phlojo Gears: rsults in a cleaner ui [15:53] Phlojo Gears: but requires 2 clicks for each landmark to be opened [15:53] Phlojo Gears: so there are pros and cons [15:53] Jacek Antonelli: I don't think 2 clicks is a problem [15:53] Phlojo Gears: for both [15:53] Sidewinder Linden is Offline [15:53] Runitai Linden is Online [15:53] Malbers Linden: as always [15:53] Malbers Linden: tradeoffs [15:53] Phlojo Gears: :) fair enough [15:54] Jacek Antonelli: I mean... I have trouble imagining a situation where I would need really fast access to tons of landmark details [15:54] Kippie Friedkin: Good point. [15:54] Benjamin Linden: that's good feedback Jacek [15:54] Phlojo Gears: yeah [15:54] Malbers Linden: yeah -- the more common use case is to TP not to edit details [15:54] Benjamin Linden: is there some high-level detail that would give you more context? [15:54] Benjamin Linden: like the region/parcel name? [15:54] Phlojo Gears: so, with that being said - edit button probably is it [15:55] Phlojo Gears: Show on Map icon does that [15:55] haon Arado: having it as a right click i think is very novice friendly and it would eliminate either edit buttons [15:55] Benjamin Linden: right-click menus are hard for some users, Haon [15:55] Phlojo Gears: i think... re Show on Map [15:55] Jacek Antonelli: I think the edit button is good to have... if only to appease the Mac users ;) *grin* [15:56] Benjamin Linden: less discoverable [15:56] Benjamin Linden: right and bad for mac users [15:56] Kippie Friedkin: lol...hey now [15:56] Tinker Toll: guys, this page has not yet rezzed for me, can erybody else see it ok? [15:56] Jacek Antonelli: hehehe [15:56] Coco Linden is Offline [15:56] haon Arado: :D good point jacek [15:56] Benjamin Linden: yes, I can see it Tinker [15:56] Phlojo Gears: same here [15:56] Runitai Linden is Offline [15:56] Adam Marker feels .... slightly appeased [15:56] Benjamin Linden: maybe try zooming in on it? [15:56] Phlojo Gears: maybe u need a mac :P [15:57] Jacek Antonelli: An "Edit" button isn't that expensive, anyway. In terms of real estate [15:57] Phlojo Gears: that is true [15:57] Jacek Antonelli: Okay, shall we move along? Almost out of time :O [15:57] Phlojo Gears: yes [15:57] haon Arado: yup [15:57] Phlojo Gears: next pdf page please [15:57] Phlojo Gears: just for one sec [15:58] Phlojo Gears: u will see, on the next page, the right click menu [15:58] Phlojo Gears: and also, the above mentioned "Show on Map" and "Copy SLURL" icons [15:59] haon Arado: i like the idea of having the edit but plus the right click [15:59] haon Arado: button* [15:59] Jacek Antonelli: (A small comment... the one-letter buttons, like E, m, s... I was confused what they meant, so I'm hoping they're just stand-ins for the full text description) [15:59] Phlojo Gears: yeah, they are [15:59] Kippie Friedkin: Yes, they will most likely be icons. [15:59] Benjamin Linden: they will be icons [15:59] Jacek Antonelli: cool [15:59] Jacek Antonelli: sounds good [16:00] Phlojo Gears: and they will be repositioned to fit next to the area info [16:00] Phlojo Gears: and traffic [16:00] Phlojo Gears: not next to the editable name text field [16:00] Jacek Antonelli: great [16:00] Jacek Antonelli: The right-click menu looks good, as well [16:01] Jacek Antonelli: Copy SLURL +1 :D [16:01] Kippie Friedkin: ;-) [16:01] Phlojo Gears: shall we stop here, continue the wireframe discussions, or move on to the nav bar designs? [16:01] Phlojo Gears: i am fine either way [16:01] Pier Jaecies is Offline [16:01] haon Arado: me too [16:01] Benjamin Linden: I actually need to run but please continue. If someone would send me the transcript I'd appreciate it. [16:01] Kippie Friedkin: Sure thing. [16:01] Benjamin Linden: thanks Kippie! [16:01] Kippie Friedkin: I'm fine to continue as well. [16:02] Kippie Friedkin: a pleasure, Ben :) [16:02] Jacek Antonelli: yes, let's continue :D [16:02] Phlojo Gears: ok [16:02] Phlojo Gears: before we do so [16:02] Steve Linden is Offline [16:02] Malbers Linden: i gotta run too. talk next week. [16:02] James Linden is Online [16:02] Phlojo Gears: can I get a vote from everyone as to which solution is preffered? [16:02] Kippie Friedkin: Cya Malbers! [16:02] Jacek Antonelli: Take care, Ben and Malbers! [16:02] Phlojo Gears: Unified, or Separated ? [16:02] haon Arado: seperated floaters [16:02] Jacek Antonelli: I like the separated floaters [16:02] Ryan Linden is Online [16:02] Tinker Toll: separated [16:02] Phlojo Gears: take care Ben [16:03] Phlojo Gears: and Malbers [16:03] Jacek Antonelli: Uses less space in the common case [16:03] Milo Linden is Online [16:03] Jacek Antonelli: and allows multiple editing, as well :D [16:03] Jeremy Linden is Offline [16:03] Phlojo Gears: anyone for unfied? [16:03] haon Arado: way more practical [16:03] Malbers Linden is Offline [16:03] Phlojo Gears: not trying to push unified, just curious [16:03] haon Arado: doesn't look like it :) [16:03] Steve Linden is Online [16:04] Phlojo Gears: :) that is true [16:04] Phlojo Gears: let's have a look at the nav bar designs [16:04] Kippie Friedkin: cool [16:04] Phlojo Gears: can we load those Kippie? [16:04] Kippie Friedkin: You got it, Phlo [16:04] Steve Linden is Offline [16:04] James Linden is Offline [16:04] Phlojo Gears: danke [16:04] haon Arado: ooo kool [16:05] Phlojo Gears: we have two general directions [16:05] Phlojo Gears: and a few variations for each [16:05] Phlojo Gears: one is centered nav [16:05] Phlojo Gears: the other accounts for a left justified nav [16:05] Phlojo Gears: by default, in both situations the nav bar is colapsable [16:05] haon Arado: can we see the one that would be on the left [16:05] Milo Linden is Offline [16:05] Phlojo Gears: so on the screen u see the centered colapsed [16:06] Phlojo Gears: next slide please [16:06] Phlojo Gears: haon, we'll get there in 2 slides or so [16:06] haon Arado: kool :) [16:06] Milo Linden is Online [16:06] Phlojo Gears: so now here is the centered in a boxier treatment [16:06] Phlojo Gears: and next page please [16:06] Phlojo Gears: the same desgn style with rounded corners [16:06] Colossus Linden is Online [16:07] Phlojo Gears: we already know that we are going to simplify the history pulldown [16:07] Phlojo Gears: so that it isn't so visually heavy [16:07] Phlojo Gears: and more along the lines of a standard pull down [16:07] Phlojo Gears: ex: Gesture pull-up menu [16:07] Jacek Antonelli: cool [16:07] Phlojo Gears: next slide [16:08] Kippie Friedkin: yes, sir! [16:08] Phlojo Gears: :) [16:08] Phlojo Gears: here we have the left justified [16:08] Phlojo Gears: in the inactive mode [16:08] Phlojo Gears: the active/visible mode [16:08] Phlojo Gears: and (next slide) [16:08] Enus Linden is Online [16:09] Phlojo Gears: as u noticed, the functionality on these is similar [16:09] Phlojo Gears: and we have a back button [16:09] Phlojo Gears: forward button [16:09] Aric Linden is Online [16:09] Phlojo Gears: a unified history pulldown [16:09] Phlojo Gears: which shows the current location as highlited [16:09] Phlojo Gears: and the back and/or forward locations above and bellow [16:09] haon Arado: awsome [16:10] haon Arado: i like the centred idea just for the sake of symetry [16:10] Runitai Linden is Online [16:10] Phlojo Gears: this simplifies the ui, so that we dont need to have 1 pull down for each button [16:10] Phlojo Gears: next [16:10] Phlojo Gears: we have a few design variations [16:10] Phlojo Gears: on the left and centered [16:11] Phlojo Gears: these next designs, are even closer to the Dazzle look and feel [16:11] Malbers Linden is Online [16:11] Phlojo Gears: next slide [16:11] Phlojo Gears: (this is the left with rounded corners) [16:11] Phlojo Gears: next slide please [16:12] Kippie Friedkin: apologies...a little laggy over here at the moment [16:12] Phlojo Gears: np :) [16:12] Joe Linden is Online [16:12] Phlojo Gears: same functionality, different design treatment [16:12] Phlojo Gears: and 2 slides dow, we have this same design in a left justified format [16:12] Phlojo Gears: down* [16:13] Joshua Linden is Online [16:13] Phlojo Gears: so, first i am curious as to which is prefered, centered or left ? [16:13] Kippie Friedkin: one sec, sorry...something's acting a little funky [16:13] Liana Linden is Offline [16:14] Phlojo Gears: left vs center? [16:14] Phlojo Gears: anyone? [16:14] haon Arado: center [16:14] Runitai Linden is Offline [16:14] Tinker Toll: center [16:14] haon Arado: again for symetry [16:14] Brent Linden is Offline [16:14] Jacek Antonelli: Centered is good -- it creates a spatial relationship with the location on the top menu bar [16:14] Phlojo Gears: ok [16:14] Jacek Antonelli: I really like that theme, too. :D [16:15] Phlojo Gears: which one? [16:15] Jacek Antonelli: The darker blue with silver buttons [16:15] Phlojo Gears: the first progressive one [16:15] Phlojo Gears: or the Dazzeled one? [16:15] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah. It doesn't fit with Dazzle at all, but... well, I'd rather Dazzle change to fit this one, lol [16:15] Phlojo Gears: as in, round buttons or little square-ish buttons? [16:15] Jacek Antonelli: Rounded ones [16:15] Phlojo Gears: ok [16:15] Phlojo Gears: it draws insiparation from Dazzle [16:15] Phlojo Gears: somewhat [16:16] Phlojo Gears: as far as clor palete [16:16] Jacek Antonelli: And the bigger buttons are nice, too [16:16] Alexa Linden is Offline [16:16] Phlojo Gears: and we are going to do another variation on it, to make the buttons be a little more Dazzle like [16:16] Qarl Linden is Offline [16:16] Phlojo Gears: replicate the same gloss/reflection treatment [16:16] Jacek Antonelli: Alright, if you must... ^_^; *not such a fan of the Dazzle treatment* [16:17] Phlojo Gears: not that I want to speak for Ben, but he also liked the round buttons treatment [16:17] Phlojo Gears: but in a left justified position [16:17] Jacek Antonelli: The left-justified one is acceptable, but I'd prefer the centered one, slightly [16:18] Phlojo Gears: alright... any other comments, ideas... [16:18] haon Arado: me too with rounded buttons [16:18] Phlojo Gears: words of wisdom :) insirational quotes ? :) [16:18] Jacek Antonelli: hehe [16:18] Jacek Antonelli: Keep your ears dry and your nose clean? [16:18] Phlojo Gears: :) [16:19] Mudflap Mighty is Offline [16:19] Phlojo Gears: looks like this is it for today [16:19] Kippie Friedkin: Cool. [16:19] Phlojo Gears: please feel free to share any other ideas or opinions u have via sl-dev [16:19] Kippie Friedkin: Thank you everyone for your feedback and thoughts! [16:19] Jacek Antonelli: Great stuff :D [16:19] haon Arado: i have one [16:19] Phlojo Gears: we're all on that list (so far just reading) [16:19] Kippie Friedkin: As always, feel free to drop me an IM if you have questions or ideas. [16:20] Kippie Friedkin: We'll be posting these designs to the JIRA project and again on sl-dev. [16:20] You: NAV-28 [16:20] Jacek Antonelli: Great, Kippie [16:20] haon Arado: i would like to see the height editors spectrum inceased [16:21] Phlojo Gears: is this in regards to the nav? [16:21] Phlojo Gears: i gues i'm not following [16:21] haon Arado: no srry [16:21] Phlojo Gears: or mabe we are done with the nav and landmarks [16:21] Phlojo Gears: alright... gotcha [16:21] Phlojo Gears: well' i got to jet too, but we'llm be in touch [16:21] Phlojo Gears: via sl-dev, jira and all the other means [16:21] Jacek Antonelli: It's looking good, and it's great to see the progress and revisions :D [16:21] Phlojo Gears: have a nice day guys and gals [16:21] Kippie Friedkin: Thanks for a great run-through Phlo! [16:21] Kippie Friedkin: Talk to ya tomorrow! [16:22] Phlojo Gears: peace out! [16:22] Jacek Antonelli: Thanks, Phlo, Kippie, and all! [16:22] Phlojo Gears is Offline [16:22] haon Arado: is there a group i can join which has linden meeting notifications and what they are about [16:22] Kippie Friedkin: I don't know of a group..but there is a google public calendar which is pretty useful [16:23] haon Arado: i will check that out ty [16:23] Jacek Antonelli: /noanim crossleg [16:23] Kippie Friedkin: lemme see if I can get you a link [16:23] haon Arado: that would be a great help [16:24] Tinker Toll: Tillie Ariantho has made a calendar on Google [16:24] Tinker Toll: http://www.google.com/calendar/render?gsessionid=dteu4d5DSxIRuVr-rAc_6w