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(Wow, so many interesting characters out there in UTF. Painstakingly cherry picked those that have potential.)
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This is a script to create very useful and realistic looking progress or health bars. They are suitable for creating quick, direct and visual feedback to a user without resorting to exotic dedicated prim displays.
This is a script to create very useful and realistic looking progress or health bars. They are suitable for creating quick, direct and visual feedback to a user without resorting to exotic dedicated prim displays.

== License ==
== Non-License ==
//                  Progress Bar v1                  //
//                  Progress Bar v1                  //
//      "September 24 2009", "04:24:00 GMT-0"      //
//      "September 24 2009", "04:24:00 GMT-0"      //
//     Copyright (C) 2009, Nexii Malthus (cc-by)    //
//                 By Nexii Malthus                 //
//   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/    //
//                   Public Domain                  //

Revision as of 07:21, 10 January 2010

This is a script to create very useful and realistic looking progress or health bars. They are suitable for creating quick, direct and visual feedback to a user without resorting to exotic dedicated prim displays.


<lsl> //===================================================// // Progress Bar v1 // // "September 24 2009", "04:24:00 GMT-0" // // By Nexii Malthus // // Public Domain // //===================================================// </lsl>


Progress Bars Function <lsl> string Bars( float Cur, integer Bars, list Charset ){

   // Input    = 0.0 to 1.0
   // Bars     = char length of progress bar
   // Charset  = [Blank,<Shades>,Solid];
   integer Shades = llGetListLength(Charset)-1;
           Cur *= Bars;
   integer Solids  = llFloor( Cur );
   integer Shade   = llRound( (Cur-Solids)*Shades );
   integer Blanks  = Bars - Solids - 1;
   string str;
   while( Solids-- >0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, -1 );
   if( Blanks >= 0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, Shade );
   while( Blanks-- >0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, 0 );
   return str; }


Character Sets

These are various characters in Unicode/UTF that may be of use with the progress bar function or for other creative visual indication purposes in hovertext or chat. <lsl> // Bars list Charset_Shade = [" ","░","▒","▓","█"];// Too rough list Charset_LeftRight = [" ","▏","▎","▍","▌","▋","▊","▉","█"];// Works Best list Charset_UpDown = [" ","▁","▂","▃","▄","▅","▆","▇","█"];// Good as single-bar progress bar list Charset_Central = [" ","❘","❙","❚","█"];// Too steppy list Charset_Braille = ["⠀","⠁","⠃","⠇","⠏","⠟","⠿"];

// Random Single-char list Charset_Box = ["□","▧","▨","▩","■"]; list Charset_Circle = ["○","◔","◑","◕","●"]; list Charset_Boxes = [" ","▝","▐","▟","█"]; list Charset_Dice = ["⚀","⚁","⚂","⚃","⚄","⚅"];// Hard to perceive detail list Charset_Tone = ["˩","˨","˧","˦","˥"]; list Charset_Num1 = ["⒈","⒉","⒊","⒋","⒌","⒍","⒎","⒏","⒐","⒑",


list Charset_Num2 = ["⑴","⑵","⑶","⑷","⑸","⑹","⑺","⑻","⑼","⑽",


list Charset_Num3 = ["①","②","③","④","⑤","⑥","⑦","⑧","⑨","⑩"]; list Charset_Num4 = ["❶","❷","❸","❹","❺","❻","❼","❽","❾","❿"]; list Charset_Num5 = ["➊","➋","➌","➍","➎","➏","➐","➑","➒","➓"]; list Chars_Fill = ["䷁","䷖","䷇","䷏","䷎","䷆","䷗","䷚","䷂","䷲","䷣","䷒","䷨","䷻","䷵","䷊","䷙","䷄","䷡","䷍","䷪","䷀"]; list Chars_Elevator = ["䷗","䷆","䷎","䷏","䷇","䷖"];

// Directional list Charset_Arrow1 = ["↑","↗","→","↘","↓","↙","←","↖"]; list Charset_Arrow2 = ["⇑","⇗","⇒","⇘","⇓","⇙","⇐","⇖"]; list Charset_Arrow3 = ["⬆","⬈","➨","⬊","⬇","⬋","⬅","⬉"];

// Other character sets I find possibly useful for some application out there list Charset_Layers = ["⿰","⿱","⿲","⿲","⿳","⿴","⿵","⿶","⿷","⿸","⿹","⿺","⿻"]; </lsl>

Simple Test

<lsl> list Charset_LeftRight = [" ","▏","▎","▍","▌","▋","▊","▉","█"];

string Bars( float Cur, integer Bars, list Charset ){

   // Input    = 0.0 to 1.0
   // Bars     = char length of progress bar
   // Charset  = [Blank,<Shades>,Solid];
   integer Shades = llGetListLength(Charset)-1;
           Cur *= Bars;
   integer Solids  = llFloor( Cur );
   integer Shade   = llRound( (Cur-Solids)*Shades );
   integer Blanks  = Bars - Solids - 1;
   string str;
   while( Solids-- >0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, -1 );
   if( Blanks >= 0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, Shade );
   while( Blanks-- >0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, 0 );
   return str; }

default {

   touch_start( integer d ){
       float Input;
       integer Length = 10;
       for( Input = 0.0; Input < 1.0; Input += 0.02 ){
           string Text = "▕"+Bars( Input, Length, Charset_LeftRight )+"▏";
           llSetText( Text, <0,0,0>, 1.0 );
           llSleep( 0.1 );

} </lsl>

Full Test Script

<lsl> string cleanF( float F ){// Clean a float for debug output

   string S = (string)F;
   while( llGetSubString( S, -1, -1 ) == "0" )// Clear zeroes
      S = llGetSubString( S, 0, -2 );
   if( llGetSubString( S, -1, -1 ) == "." )// Cut dot if lone
       S = llGetSubString( S, 0, -2 ); 
   return S; }

float fCub_I( float t, float b, float c, float d ){

   return c * llPow( t/d, 3 ) + b;}

float fCirc_I( float t, float b, float c, float d ){

   return c * ( 1 - llSqrt( 1 - ( t /= d ) * t ) ) + b;}

float fExpo_IO( float t, float b, float c, float d ){

   if( ( t /= d / 2 ) < 1 )
       return c / 2 * llPow( 2, 10 * ( t - 1 ) ) + b;
   return c / 2 * ( -llPow( 2 , -10 * --t ) + 2 ) + b;}

list Charset_Shade = [" ","░","▒","▓","█"]; list Charset_LeftRight = [" ","▏","▎","▍","▌","▋","▊","▉","█"]; list Charset_UpDown = [" ","▁","▂","▃","▄","▅","▆","▇","█"]; list Charset_Central = [" ","❘","❙","❚","█"]; list Charset_Box = ["□","▧","▨","▩","■"]; list Charset_Circle = ["○","◔","◑","◕","●"]; list Charset_Boxes = [" ","▝","▐","▟","█"]; list Charset_Dice = ["⚀","⚁","⚂","⚃","⚄","⚅"]; list Charset_Braille = ["⠀","⠁","⠃","⠇","⠏","⠟","⠿"];

string Bars( float Cur, integer Bars, list Charset ){

   // Input    = 0.0 to 1.0
   // Bars     = char length of progress bar
   // Charset  = [Blank,<Shades>,Solid];
   integer Shades = llGetListLength(Charset)-1;
           Cur *= Bars;
   integer Solids  = llFloor( Cur );
   integer Shade   = llRound( (Cur-Solids)*Shades );
   integer Blanks  = Bars - Solids - 1;
   string str;
   while( Solids-- >0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, -1 );
   if( Blanks >= 0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, Shade );
   while( Blanks-- >0 ) str += llList2String( Charset, 0 );
   return str; }

float Energy = 40.0; float EnergyCap = 100.0;

float Dir = 1;

default {

       llSetText("", <.0,.5,1.>, 1 );
       llSetTimerEvent( 0.1 );
       Energy += 2 * Dir;
       if( Energy > EnergyCap ){
           Energy = EnergyCap; Dir = -Dir;
       } else if( Energy < 0 ){
           Energy = 0; Dir = -Dir;
       float t = Energy / EnergyCap;
       float Bar1  = t;
       float Bar2  = fCirc_I(t,0,1,1);
       float Bar3  = fExpo_IO(1-t,0,1,1);
       float Bar4  = t;
       string Text;
       if( Dir == TRUE ) Text += "⟾ ";
                    else Text += "⟸ ";
       Text += Bars( Bar1, 10, Charset_LeftRight )+"\n";
       Text += Bars( Bar2, 8, Charset_UpDown )+"\n";
       Text += Bars( Bar2, 8, Charset_Braille )+"\n";
       Text += Bars( Bar3, 8, Charset_Shade )+"\n⟦ ";
       if( Dir == TRUE ) Text += "► ";
                    else Text += "◄ ";
       Text += Bars( Bar4, 1, Charset_LeftRight )+" | ";
       if( Dir == TRUE ) Text += "▲ ";
                    else Text += "▼ ";
       Text += Bars( Bar4, 1, Charset_UpDown )+" | ";
       Text += Bars( Bar4, 1, Charset_Central )+" ⟧\n⟦ ";
       Text += Bars( Bar4, 1, Charset_Box )+" | ";
       if( Dir == TRUE ) Text += "⟳ ";
                    else Text += "⟲ ";
       Text += Bars( Bar4, 1, Charset_Circle )+" ";
       Text += Bars( Bar4, 1, Charset_Boxes )+" ⟧\n";
       Text += "\n"+cleanF(Energy)+" / "+cleanF(EnergyCap);
       vector Color = llVecNorm(<1-t,t,0>);

} </lsl>