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{{LSL Header|ml=*}}
//:TOX: DropBox
//:TOX: DropBox

Revision as of 11:43, 28 January 2010

<lsl> //:TOX: DropBox //Script Name: :TOX: Dropbox.lsl //By: Dimentox Travanti // // This is a Drop box which allows people to drop in items it can have a required prefix on the items // And has the abilility to hand out a template / instructions // Also you can set the color and if it notifies you. //

//CONFIG // string templatename=""; // give a template? leave blank for no

integer allowed = INVENTORY_NOTECARD; /// the type of item allowed

string rname = "dcs"; //name to be allowed it will check for the item must be named this to start

string inst ="INSTRUCTIONS HERE"; // instructions that are given. blank for no instructions

integer showhover = 1; //Show hover text

string title = ""; //leave blank to display the objects name;

vector color = <1,1,1>; //hover color

float alpha = 1.0; // the brightness of the hover 1.0 is full 0.0 is not visable

integer showtotal = 0; //1 for yes 0 for no

integer protect = 1; //Protect against other scripts runing when droped in?

integer notify = 0; // Notify of new additions.


//Needed vars// list items; integer ctotal=0; list ids; list types = [INVENTORY_TEXTURE, INVENTORY_SOUND, INVENTORY_LANDMARK,


//functions set() {

   if (showhover == 1)
   string temp = title + "\n";
   if (templatename != "")
          temp  += "Touch for Template\n";
   if (inst != "")
       temp += "Touch for Instructions\n"; 
   if (showtotal == 1)
       temp +="Total: "+(string)ctotal;
llSetText(temp, color, alpha); 

} string genslurl() {

       string sim = llEscapeURL(llGetRegionName());
       vector pos = llGetPos();
       integer x = (integer)pos.x;
       integer y = (integer)pos.y;
       integer z = (integer)pos.z;

       return "http:///slurl.com/secondlife/"+sim+"/"+(string)x+"/"+(string)y+"/"+(string)z+"/";

} sprotect() {

   integer num = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SCRIPT);
   integer x;
   for (x = 0; x< num; x++)
       string name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SCRIPT, x);
       if (name != llGetScriptName())
           llSetScriptState(name, FALSE);

} integer remove() {

   integer removed = 0;
   integer tcount = llGetListLength(types);
   integer x = 0;
   while (x < tcount)
       integer type = llList2Integer(types, x);
      // llOwnerSay((string)type);
       if (type != allowed) // make sure its not an allowed thing.
           integer num =  llGetInventoryNumber(type);
           integer z = 0;
           while (z < num)
               string name = llGetInventoryName(type, z);
             //  llOwnerSay(name);
               if (name == llGetScriptName() || name == templatename)
                   //do nothing
               } else {
                       llSay(0, "I am sorry this type of item is not allowed to be given in this box. \n"+inst);
                   llRemoveInventory(llGetInventoryName(type, z));
                   removed = 1;
   return removed;

} default {

       llSay(0, genslurl());
       if (title == "")
        title = llGetObjectName();   
       integer tot = llGetInventoryNumber(allowed);
       ctotal = llGetInventoryNumber(allowed);
       integer i = 0;
       for(i;i < tot;++i)
           string name = llGetInventoryName(allowed,i);
           key id = llGetInventoryKey(name);
           integer index = llListFindList((list)name,items);
           if(index = -1 )
               items += name;
               ids += id;
               llOwnerSay("Added named: " + name);
    touch_start(integer total_number)
       if (templatename != "")
       llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), templatename);
       if (inst != "")
       llSay(0, inst);
   changed(integer change)
       if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
           llSay(0, "Please Wait Proccessing your submission");
           if (llGetInventoryNumber(allowed) != ctotal)
               integer tot = llGetInventoryNumber(allowed);
               integer i = 0;
               for(i;i < tot;++i)
                   string name = llGetInventoryName(allowed,i);
                   key id = llGetInventoryKey(name);
                   integer index = llListFindList(items,(list)name);
                   if(index == -1)
                       if (name != templatename || name != llGetScriptName())
                       integer rlen = llStringLength(rname) - 1;
                       if (llToLower(llGetSubString(name, 0, rlen)) != llToLower(rname))
                           llSay(0, "This item is not named properly and will be removed\n" + inst);
                       } else {
                               items += name;
                           ids += id;
                           llSay(0, "Thanks for the submission of " + name);
                           if (notify == 1)
                               string msg = "You have a new item named " + name + " waiting for you!\nLocation: "+ genslurl();
   llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), msg);   
           }else {

} </lsl>