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Revision as of 15:56, 6 May 2010

List of Attendees

  • Argus Collingwood
  • Bitsy Giano
  • BizTutor Magic
  • Brodesky Linden
  • Cara Ametza
  • CarpeDiem Turbo
  • Castor Jarman
  • Cherry Blossom
  • Colossus Linden
  • Daima Viper
  • Escape Shopping
  • Eslam Aljon
  • Ghosty Kips
  • Kerhop Seattle
  • MenuBar Memorial
  • Otome Exonar
  • Pink Linden
  • Rachel Darling
  • Rifkin Habsburg
  • Rya Nitely
  • Sp3nc3r Cypress
  • Talina Juliesse
  • Too many
  • TriloByte Zanzibar
  • Troy McLuhan
  • Vextra Messing
  • Washu Zebrastripe
  • windyy Lane
  • You decline


[20:00] windyy Lane: hi Pink
[20:00] Pink Linden: Greetings everyone!
[20:00] Argus Collingwood: Hallooooo :)
[20:00] Castor Jarman: Hiya Pink
[20:00] Rachel Darling: omg.....Pink...isn't a bunny? Did I just notice that for the first time?
[20:00] Argus Collingwood: lol
[20:00] TriloByte Zanzibar: hi pink, goodseeing you
[20:00] Rya Nitely: just grey right now
[20:00] Cara Ametza: Evening Pink
[20:01] Troy McLuhan: Oh nice, this chair comes with a seat-warmer
[20:01] Pink Linden: my chat seems laggy....
[20:01] Talina Juliesse hears a pink but doesn't see a pink. >.>
[20:01] Kerhop Seattle: /lag off
[20:01] Pink Linden: reducing settlings to see it faster
[20:01] Pink Linden: ah better
[20:01] CarpeDiem Turbo: Hiya Pink
[20:01] Pink Linden: can I ask for a volunteer moderator tonight?
[20:01] CarpeDiem Turbo: sure
[20:01] Talina Juliesse: Ahh there she is, evening Pink.
[20:01] Pink Linden: I'm thinking someone to take questions and then hand off to me and organize
[20:02] Pink Linden: was a bit frantic organizing and talking all at once
[20:02] CarpeDiem Turbo: cara and I can do it
[20:02] Cara Ametza: I'll be happy to help since I"ve been to the other 2 today lol
[20:02] Pink Linden: Thanks CarpeDiem and Cara
[20:02] Cherry Blossom Tree: Falling Blossoms ON
[20:02] Pink Linden: so folks, we'll get started.
[20:02] CarpeDiem Turbo: Welcome
[20:02] Pink Linden: thanks for coming out to Commerce Office hours. Our topic today will be yesterday's marketplace blog post
[20:03] Pink Linden: the agenda will be open Q&A, so if folks could send their questions in IM to CarpeDiem or Cara that'd help make chat easier for everyone to follow
[20:03] Pink Linden: any concerns with that?
[20:03] Ghosty Kips: nah
[20:03] Bitsy Giano: nope
[20:03] Pink Linden: sweet. fire away at them. hehe.
[20:03] Argus Collingwood: it's all good
[20:03] Cara Ametza: lol
[20:03] Pink Linden takes drink of water.
[20:04] Cara Ametza: I'm usually fired at nothing new lol
[20:04] Otome Exonar: didnt think weapons were allowed here
[20:04] TriloByte Zanzibar: lol
[20:04] Argus Collingwood: (pregnant pause)
[20:05] Bitsy Giano: ooo
[20:05] Washu Zebrastripe: Sorry nothing is rezzing. Who do I IM? Would you be able to type so I can pull up profile?
[20:05] Ghosty Kips: whos pregnant O.O
[20:05] Cara Ametza: me! o/
[20:05] CarpeDiem Turbo: myself or Cara
[20:05] Ghosty Kips: lol
[20:05] Washu Zebrastripe: Ok, ty!
[20:05] Castor Jarman: Lovely timing that there
[20:05] Castor Jarman snickers
[20:05] Ghosty Kips: excelent
[20:05] Pink Linden: [20:04] windyy Lane: question: are animated gif images allowed on the new site?
[20:05] Argus Collingwood nods
[20:05] Cara Ametza: Troy asks: My question: Are there plans to for the SL Marketplace to have an affiliate program similar to the Amazon affiliate program? (Affiliate links)
[20:05] Pink Linden: no animated gifs are allowed BUT
[20:05] Pink Linden: thee will be a link to yotube
[20:06] Argus Collingwood: cool
[20:06] Pink Linden: [20:04] Ghosty Kips: What exactly was meant by 'bringing xstreet in line with secondlife.com'?
[20:06] Cara Ametza: Otome asks: how do we know the design of the new site wont be like 2.0 and drive new members away ?
[20:06] Pink Linden: Ghosty, can you provide more info?
[20:06] TriloByte Zanzibar: yeah, looking forward to the youtube thing, hopefully there'll be some kind of marketplace gallery functionality as well... sort of the SL shopping channel
[20:06] Ghosty Kips: uh, thats a quote. one sec ill give you more
[20:07] Pink Linden: thanks in the meantime I'll nswer troy's qustion
[20:07] Ghosty Kips: dont wait on my, my com is a little slow :)
[20:07] Rifkin Habsburg: Will the ANS system still be supported?
[20:07] Pink Linden: tell me more what you're thinking troy?
[20:07] Cara Ametza: [20:07] Talina Juliesse: Okay.. a couple of questions: *will just put them all in one post* 1) With the removal of BB code, will there be a clear location in our postings for SLurls and company logo? 2) will logins be kept across sessions as well as preferences such as allow adult? If not, is there a plan to implement that? 3) Finally will listing and editing items be easier, like bulk editing? Also as it currently works, if I'm working on one item on say page 7, after I save it and go back to editing I end up at page 1.. will this be fixed?
[20:07] Pink Linden: any merchant can join
[20:07] CarpeDiem Turbo: [20:07] Rifkin Habsburg: Will the ANS system still be supported?
[20:08] CarpeDiem Turbo: [20:08] Kerhop Seattle: Will merchants get a chance to see what their migrated content looks like before it is publically available? Perhaps with a public/hidden toggle?
[20:08] Pink Linden: carpediem /cara let's hold questions til answered
[20:08] Pink Linden: one at a time
[20:08] CarpeDiem Turbo: kk
[20:08] Pink Linden: feed to meplease
[20:08] CarpeDiem Turbo: holding
[20:08] TriloByte Zanzibar: bulk editing would be nice
[20:08] Pink Linden: troy?
[20:08] Troy McLuhan: If someone becomes an Amazon Affiliate, they can link to items on Amazon.com and get paid if someone follows the link from their blog/newspaper/magazine to buy the item on Amazon.com. Everyone wins
[20:09] Pink Linden nods got it troy
[20:09] Troy McLuhan: The cut for the affiliate is typically around 2-4%
[20:09] Pink Linden: I'll ask our marketing team. it's a good question.
[20:09] Pink Linden: next question
[20:09] TriloByte Zanzibar: who do you foresee paying that affiliate commission, troy?
[20:09] Cara Ametza: [20:07] Talina Juliesse: Okay.. a couple of questions: *will just put them all in one post* 1) With the removal of BB code, will there be a clear location in our postings for SLurls and company logo? 2) will logins be kept across sessions as well as preferences such as allow adult? If not, is there a plan to implement that? 3) Finally will listing and editing items be easier, like bulk editing? Also as it currently works, if I'm working on one item on say page 7, after I save it and go back to editing I end up at page 1.. will this be fixed?
[20:10] TriloByte Zanzibar would rather not see the fee structure increase to accommodate
[20:10] Pink Linden: yes, there will be a clear location for slurls. at beta there will not be a logo but there will be the picture of the merchant. logins can be kept across sessions. adults preferfence is not in beta but we'll get there.
[20:11] Pink Linden: bulk editing may not be in beta, we are trying hard for it but it may slip to just past that.
[20:11] Escape Shopping Center S2: Escape Shopping Center S2 @ Heavenly Escape 181, 135, 35 - McChris Flanagan has decided they will not renew their rental.
[20:11] Talina Juliesse: Okay thanks, hopefully those last items will be implemented with the final SL Marketplace.
[20:12] Castor Jarman: Slip to just past that? You mean be implemented once iut's out of beta?
[20:12] Pink Linden: yes I believe listings can be saved inside but I'll need to double check. for all items I can'st answer I will post in the wiki later this week in the Q&A
[20:12] Pink Linden: right Castore
[20:12] Pink Linden: thanks Talina
[20:12] Pink Linden: next question please
[20:12] CarpeDiem Turbo: back to ghostly's question.. Ghosty Kips: T Linden's Blog post says : "Second Life Marketplace Beta (Xstreet Redesign)

This summer will see the beta launch of a redesigned XstreetSL marketplace on a new technical platform. To be known as the SL Marketplace, the beta will feature a new look and feel, more in line with http://www.secondlife.com . More importantly, the SL Marketplace will have many new features for merchants and shoppers alike. The Commerce team is very excited to bring these new capabilities to Residents. For more information, read today's blog post announcing the new marketplace." What is meant by 'more in line with http://www.secondlife.com ?' are they talking technical, or just the look of the existing site

[20:12] Cherry Blossom Tree : Falling Blossoms OFF
[20:13] Pink Linden: thanks Ghostly. as you can see in the new designs we did a much better job of integrating the marketplace with secondlife life. Those who were around last summer saw our, er, um, less than successful attempts to integrate xstreet into that environment.
[20:13] Cara Ametza: lol
[20:13] Cara Ametza: can we quote that?
[20:13] Cara Ametza hides
[20:13] Ghosty Kips: i was around, I recall that :)
[20:13] CarpeDiem Turbo: lol
[20:13] Pink Linden: it's in the transcript. :D
[20:13] Cara Ametza: [20:06] Otome Exonar: how do we know the design of the new site wont be like 2.0 and drive new members away ?
[20:13] CarpeDiem Turbo takes screenshot
[20:14] TriloByte Zanzibar: the sample images in the flickr stream should give you an idea of the new site's design, looks pretty clean to me
[20:14] Pink Linden: Otome it's normal to have concerns. here's how we're going to mitigate the risks:
[20:15] TriloByte Zanzibar: (btw, thanks for those pink)
[20:15] Pink Linden: 1. we've done an entirely new way of testing and architecture that ensures a more stable first release (we believe)
[20:15] Washu Zebrastripe: I think any change will alienate some users... I hope the changes to Xstreet will have a positive effect. The look over the past few years was just so messy :(
[20:15] Pink Linden: 2. we are rolling very slowly into production. we will start with a small group and go slow
[20:16] Pink Linden: 3. we will measure as we go
[20:16] CarpeDiem Turbo: [20:07] Rifkin Habsburg: Will the ANS system still be supported?
[20:16] Otome Exonar: ((last major overhaul of SLM/xstreet cost me half my business, and ive witnessed one disaster after another so forgive me if i am a hard sell
[20:16] Washu Zebrastripe nods. I just had to take my stuff down.
[20:16] Pink Linden: for what it's worth the teams working on this have extensive ecommerce experience and have rolled out other site changes and upgrades at major ecomm companies
[20:17] Pink Linden: on a fairly large scale
[20:17] Pink Linden: so we have that going for us, as bill murray said so eloquently in caddyshack.
[20:17] TriloByte Zanzibar: lol
[20:17] Daima Viper: folks I know like the SL feel/ambience ... they get "web" all the time :)
[20:18] Pink Linden: no worries oteme, nothing wrong with being a hard sell, that's just what I know now.
[20:18] Pink Linden: ok, next question
[20:18] CarpeDiem Turbo: [20:07] Rifkin Habsburg: Will the ANS system still be supported?
[20:18] Pink Linden: ANS? I don't know that TLA
[20:18] Pink Linden: ;)
[20:18] Cara Ametza: o.o
[20:18] Cara Ametza: Automated Notification System
[20:18] Rifkin Habsburg: THe XStreet Automated Notification System, https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=adminnotifications
[20:18] Ghosty Kips: hm
[20:19] Pink Linden: ah I know it as something else internally
[20:19] Otome Exonar facepalms
[20:19] Pink Linden: thanks
[20:19] Cara Ametza: had to look it up a sec went blank on what it stool for exactly lol
[20:19] CarpeDiem Turbo: same here
[20:19] Cara Ametza: stood*
[20:20] Pink Linden: ANS is not undergoing an upgrade at beta
[20:21] Pink Linden: we holding magic boxes stable so we don't overcomplicate first release
[20:21] Pink Linden: changing too many variables at once adds risk.
[20:21] Rifkin Habsburg: ANS isn't part of the magic box, it's part of the website
[20:21] Pink Linden: it's related to it
[20:21] Pink Linden: and triggered with it
[20:22] Pink Linden: so we'll bring it with us and work on it down the road.
[20:23] Pink Linden: next question? unless there's a follow up
[20:23] Cara Ametza: [20:07] Rya Nitely: I'd like to suggest Store fronts that let you sell under a brand/company names and not only individual names so that partners who create together can sell under one name.
[20:23] Rya Nitely: Jarnz and I sell very similar items and if they search using my name they won't see his items, which might have what they want, like a rezzer for a boat I sell
[20:24] Washu Zebrastripe: I hope you got my Q, it's past my bedtime ;)
[20:24] Pink Linden: yes Rya, noted. we totally agree and we do have something in our roadmap for this.
[20:24] TriloByte Zanzibar: yes, I'd like to see more info about storefronts when it's available
[20:24] Pink Linden: down the road a bit on this one.
[20:24] Rya Nitely: Maybe this can be looked into with the new Store Fronts
[20:24] Pink Linden: it starts with the merchant page and then we can build on that.
[20:25] Washu Zebrastripe: Rya's question was similar to mine. I would really love a storefront to put all the Hair Fair items at.
[20:25] Washu Zebrastripe: 1 place for events or groups
[20:25] Ghosty Kips: are there any plans, prob far down the pipe, of integrating UA with XStreet for a more branded presentation for creators? ability to use whatever social networking UA will be used for to promote business on XStreet?
[20:26] Pink Linden: you mean AU?
[20:26] Ghosty Kips: AU, my bad
[20:26] Pink Linden: no worries. short answer yes. I've been talking to that team as we speak
[20:26] Pink Linden: one hint, imagine all snapshots in world available automatically drag and drop in marketplace.
[20:27] Ghosty Kips: snapshots in marketplace? not sure i follow that one
[20:27] Pink Linden: instead of having to save a picture to your hard drive then upload
[20:27] Pink Linden: imagine being able to open a link in line to all your snapshots and just pick the ones you want to use in a listing
[20:27] Sp3nc3r Cypress: hey sexy ppl
[20:27] Daima Viper: nice
[20:28] Pink Linden: ok me stops dreaming now
[20:28] Argus Collingwood: like FB uploading photos lol
[20:28] Pink Linden: back to questions at hand
[20:28] CarpeDiem Turbo: [20:08] Kerhop Seattle: Will merchants get a chance to see what their migrated content looks like before it is publically available? Perhaps with a public/hidden toggle?
[20:28] TriloByte Zanzibar: except that the marketplace uses an archaic aspect ratio (please consider changing from 5:4 to 4:3)
[20:28] Pink Linden: next question at hand
[20:28] Daima Viper: okay Ms. John Lennon :D
[20:28] Ghosty Kips: I suppose ... though most serious merchants bring their images into editors to add pricing, text, embelishment etc first, but it could have a place.
[20:29] Sp3nc3r Cypress: anybody feelin freaky???
[20:29] Sp3nc3r Cypress: ;)
[20:29] Kerhop Seattle: or even a merchant-only viewing period
[20:29] Sp3nc3r Cypress: /smoke
[20:30] Pink Linden: Kerhap, that one I don't know yet. I'll post an answer to wiki when i get it. you win "stump the linden" tonight
[20:30] CarpeDiem Turbo: not the time for that spencer
[20:30] Cara Ametza: lol
[20:30] Kerhop Seattle: do I get a Linden bear? :)
[20:30] CarpeDiem Turbo: lol pink
[20:30] Pink Linden: I'm feeling freaky but I bet it's not in the way he means
[20:30] Pink Linden: sure Kerhop!
[20:30] Sp3nc3r Cypress: lol...im still used to this.. im new as u can tell lol .... anyone care to tutorial me to this
[20:30] Pink Linden: can you send me a notecard?
[20:31] Kerhop Seattle: ok
[20:31] Cara Ametza: [20:08] Washu Zebrastripe: (I only read the blog like 2 seconds ago, so I'm sorry if I'm repeating something) I think the storefront idea for merchants is great. Will there be an opportunity to have a group of people on one merchant page? iE: I'd like to create a "Hair Fair" merchant page for the event this summer. Does that Q make any sense? Lol
[20:31] Pink Linden: hey sp3ncr, can you hang out for a bit while we talk? then I'm sure someone wouldbe happy to talk to you.
[20:31] MenuBar Memorial: Sorry I'm late - has the image aspect ratio been covered?
[20:31] Washu Zebrastripe: I feel like an airhead lol
[20:31] Pink Linden: Washu, that question was covered earlier tonight, short answer is not at beta but it's on our roadmap
[20:31] Cara Ametza: Do we still need to hit that question, otherwise we have others lol
[20:31] Pink Linden: next qustion?
[20:32] Cara Ametza: [20:21] Talina Juliesse: Given that Xstreet and Inworld are merged financially, will the maximum transaction records be removed? As it stands now, it's a complete mess with having the MKT sale in the transactions without knowing what was sold, giving extra work on trying to keep track.
[20:32] Pink Linden: Talina, yes, because we are moving to a brand new transaction system
[20:32] Washu Zebrastripe: YepI got it
[20:32] Pink Linden: and over time we will merge with in world, if I have to lie down in front of a train for it. :)
[20:32] Sp3nc3r Cypress: lol im bac.... idk where i went but im back
[20:33] Cara Ametza: ack! ok it's not THAT critical, but really would be nice to have
[20:33] TriloByte Zanzibar: a noble cause if ever there was one :)
[20:33] Ghosty Kips: ya that would be really great
[20:33] Pink Linden: I love databut gosh how hard we make it to use right now.
[20:33] Otome Exonar: I shoulda brought my neko. she has a train in her inventory
[20:33] Pink Linden: ok next?
[20:33] CarpeDiem Turbo: [20:12] Rachel Darling: is there foreign language support in the new XStreet? If so, will it be in beta or later?
[20:33] Cara Ametza: yes it is, very hard
[20:33] Pink Linden: yes we will have localization for beta
[20:34] BizTutor Magic: Talina: The two systems are partially merged, still. I sent Pink my rationale for merging the rest.
[20:34] Pink Linden: having that feature is a key reason we are pushing off other features.
[20:34] BizTutor Magic: Or for making them portable between sites, that is.
[20:34] Pink Linden: localization is mucho work. but since we are porting content oer it's not as bad as it could be.
[20:34] Talina Juliesse: ooh good.. one big thing to look forward to.
[20:34] TriloByte Zanzibar: glad to hear it. While I speak EnglishI know a lot of residents are outside the US
[20:35] Pink Linden: we do too Trilo so we knew we wouldn't put that off
[20:35] Cara Ametza: ok for languages, perhaps not the most accurate, but it would be nice if it could auto translate perhaps? Obviously wouldn't be 100% accurate but would be nice
[20:35] Pink Linden: thanks Cara, note for a future releaes
[20:35] TriloByte Zanzibar: Englishl? apparently I can speak but not type :)
[20:35] Pink Linden: next question?
[20:35] Troy McLuhan: Google Translator can already translate any URL you give it
[20:35] Cara Ametza: lol
[20:35] Cara Ametza: [20:24] Vextra Messing: My question: Will the aspect ratio of the product images we have on xstreet be retained when items are ported over to the new marketplace?
[20:35] Pink Linden: how's the format, by thew ay, not too boring is it?
[20:35] Rachel Darling: Pink, by localization you mean we can offer multiple translations for a product, correct? Rather than offer our products in one chosen language
[20:35] Pink Linden: seems less chaotic then this morning O_o
[20:35] TriloByte Zanzibar: excellent format, a lot less combative than some of the comments this morning :)
[20:35] MenuBar Memorial: Bumping the image size question
[20:35] Ghosty Kips: yes, we need a standardizzation of image resolutions badly
[20:36] Cara Ametza: OH 1 was nutz o.o
[20:36] Pink Linden: Vextra, we will convert aspect ratios to 5:4.
[20:36] CarpeDiem Turbo: lol cara
[20:36] CarpeDiem Turbo: it was fun
[20:36] Pink Linden: on that note I want to invite those who were not in the afternoon session to a survey. I'll post the link in a second.
[20:36] TriloByte Zanzibar: please, for heavens' sakes consider 4:3 instead
[20:36] MenuBar Memorial: so there is no hope for 1:1?
[20:36] Vextra Messing: Surely will make it look terrible to squash people's images.
[20:36] Troy McLuhan: Maybe images could be letterboxed rather than stretched to get to the 5:4 aspect ratio
[20:37] Pink Linden: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22ALP6KF7QQ
[20:37] Sp3nc3r Cypress: im so lost in this world!!! :( /cry
[20:37] Pink Linden: this surveyhas a few questions we'd like your input on
[20:37] Ghosty Kips: i agree, 4:3 would make things lots easier on many of us
[20:37] CarpeDiem Turbo: took it last h our
[20:37] CarpeDiem Turbo: ?
[20:37] TriloByte Zanzibar: 5:4 and 700x560 means you're potentially deleting hundreds of thousands of images, if you stick to 800x600 (4:3) the existing max image size is uchanged
[20:38] Ghosty Kips: and 800x600 is a more standardized proportion
[20:38] Pink Linden: thanks guys, keep the feedback coming. we are reading it and considering it as we speak.
[20:38] Cara Ametza: perhaps keeping the ratio the same as images in world would be a good idea
[20:38] MenuBar Memorial still hopes and wishes for 1:1
[20:38] Cara Ametza: in world that isn't a size allowed, so why on xstreet?
[20:38] Pink Linden: I am not promising a change, but we will consider the cost of the effort, as we know your time is valuable.
[20:39] Kerhop Seattle: there was a mention of photo's from inventory being used, those will be wither widescreen or 4:3 typically is what most monitors are
[20:39] Rachel Darling: Multiple people have said this -- but if you simply limit the scaling of images to the horizontal side, the ratio does not matter. Is that not a consideration?
[20:39] Daima Viper raises her hand to ask what's probably a dumb question
[20:39] Rachel Darling: it's what XStreet does today
[20:39] Pink Linden: Kerhop that's way down the road, we were in imagination moe when dicussing that.
[20:39] Pink Linden: mode
[20:39] Kerhop Seattle: ah
[20:39] Pink Linden nods at Rachel DArling
[20:40] Vextra Messing votes to only scaling to the horizontal side, squashing people's ads is not wise imo
[20:40] Ghosty Kips: agrees
[20:40] Pink Linden: I hear you guys loud and clear on coI'll take these comments to the internal meeting we're having this week to discuss this very issue.
[20:41] Troy McLuhan: Letterboxing is where you put black stripes along the sides or the top and bottom, to keep the original aspect ratio the same while fitting it into a 5:4 aspect ratio
[20:41] Kerhop Seattle: if you change it hope we have time to adapt, I'm already updating my listings as we speak (literally)
[20:41] Rifkin Habsburg: Follow-up to my ANS Q: Currently we can verify transactions by sending an HTTP GET to https://www.xstreetsl.com/ans.php. Will that URL remain the same?
[20:41] Rya Nitely: 1:1 would suck for boats
[20:41] Pink Linden: understood kerhop.
[20:41] Kerhop Seattle: :)
[20:42] Pink Linden: Rifkin I'm going to have to follow up. you should be fine for awhile, but once we diredct to marektplace.secondlife.com that may change
[20:42] Troy McLuhan: The iPad has a 4:3 aspect ratio (or 3:4 in portrait orientation)
[20:42] Pink Linden: I've got this noted so we can follow up and make sure this is somethign we preserve or find a fix for.
[20:42] Pink Linden: next qustion please?
[20:42] CarpeDiem Turbo: Castor Jarman: When did work on the new design begin?
[20:42] Pink Linden: Castor, we started in early February
[20:42] Pink Linden: we just finished a week ago
[20:42] MenuBar Memorial: The image size thing is contentious, I understand you would like it tro be uniform but that doesn't work for a lot of people for a number of reasons
[20:43] Castor Jarman: Wow... I thought Carp had fallen asleep hehe
[20:43] Cara Ametza: [20:31] Otome Exonar: question: why are the lindens unwilling to provide a url link option for each listing on the new system?
[20:43] CarpeDiem Turbo: just waiting till pink is ready lol
[20:44] Talina Juliesse chuckles
[20:44] Pink Linden: the images will be consistent so some people will be unhappy
[20:44] Pink Linden: no matter what we pick
[20:44] Pink Linden: but that said, we nee dto make sure we're not unncessarily burdening you with extra work
[20:44] windyy Lane: when will we know this decision?
[20:45] Pink Linden: windyy, to be safe sayend of next next week
[20:45] windyy Lane: thank you
[20:45] Ghosty Kips: well, thats why the gods invented standardization :)
[20:45] Pink Linden: keep your eyes on the merchant wiki
[20:45] Ghosty Kips: Any chance of some web metrics made available for merchants who list on xstreet down the road? can we expect some web data, such as time zone of the purchaser, native language, and other metrics to help merchants tailor their offerings?
[20:45] TriloByte Zanzibar: excellent thanks. that should give us plenty of time to work on listings/images
[20:45] Pink Linden: Otome, for now we're looking for consistency but we are giving room for links in the merchant profile and a slurl in the listing
[20:45] Rachel Darling: there's room for flexibility while still providing standardization, however. We have the technology ;-)
[20:46] Pink Linden: please send questions to cara and Carpe
[20:46] Ghosty Kips: sry
[20:46] Pink Linden: so we have the queue
[20:46] Pink Linden: it's the fairest way
[20:46] Rya Nitely: it's a good system
[20:46] Pink Linden: next question?
[20:46] Otome Exonar: that was a great nonanswer -_-
[20:46] CarpeDiem Turbo: [20:28] Bitsy Giano: question on current thread of uploading pics from in world I often take pictures that I'm not uploading and paying 10 linden fees for, just to have mulptile photos, will we still have the option of uploading so we don't have to pay to have everything in world, this would up my fees substantially
[20:46] Ghosty Kips: ya i hit enter on impulse, srry bout that
[20:47] Pink Linden: Bitsy, just a reminder I was talking WAY down the road.
[20:47] You decline *!* Thalia's Fashion Collection - Chic & Sexy Clothing *!* from A group member named Thalia Tal.
[20:47] Pink Linden: there's a lot to work out
[20:47] TriloByte Zanzibar: I don't understand that one, I don't pay fees to upload pics to xstreet/marketplace
[20:47] Bitsy Giano: well it sounds like a nice feature if our old option isn't eliminated
[20:47] Pink Linden nods.
[20:48] Bitsy Giano: if so uploading each build would be much more costly
[20:48] Pink Linden: noted. I don't know why we'd charge for making it easier
[20:48] Bitsy Giano: well there is a 10 linden fee to get it in world
[20:48] Pink Linden: but again, I'm talking way out so there's time to consider the details down the road.
[20:48] Bitsy Giano: where there isn't from hd is the point
[20:48] TriloByte Zanzibar: we'd need to upload a pic in-world to use it on the marketplace?
[20:48] Pink Linden: no way trilobyte
[20:49] Pink Linden: now I wish I hadn'st speculated. ;)
[20:49] TriloByte Zanzibar: that's what I thought
[20:49] Ghosty Kips: *phew*
[20:49] Cara Ametza: it was mentioned as a possible feature down the road to just pick a picture from a magic box or other similar item to use for the product pics
[20:49] TriloByte Zanzibar: snap photo to HD, crop and watermark in photoshop, upload to XSL... L$0
[20:49] Cara Ametza: That's what Bitsy was referring to in her question.
[20:49] TriloByte Zanzibar: ah ok
[20:50] Pink Linden: it was a way to demonstrate how we can do more to tie the web and in world together
[20:50] Pink Linden: to make life esaier and more sales
[20:50] TriloByte Zanzibar: sorry, I got confused :)
[20:50] Bitsy Giano: wasn't well worded trying to watch this, and type sorry
[20:50] Cara Ametza: more sales is always good lol
[20:50] Otome Exonar: so if we dont get more sales do we get out money back? :P
[20:50] Pink Linden: next question?
[20:50] Cara Ametza: [20:37] Eslam Aljon: When the new marketplace is up aside with the current xstreet, which one we will use to Add/or edit our listengs? or both will be same?
[20:50] Ghosty Kips: well, more sales is good. more web, im skeptical. :)
[20:51] Pink Linden: Otome, no but neither do we. :)
[20:51] Daima Viper: ditto Ghosty
[20:51] TriloByte Zanzibar: well if we go to a uniform product shot aspect ratio then it'd be possible to do cool random stream stuff using the larger pool of marketplace product shots, for a randomized 'lookbook' by product category, for example
[20:51] Pink Linden: Eslam, great question. for now we'd like you to stick with xstreet as source for record
[20:51] Pink Linden: when we launch we'll have more information on that
[20:52] Pink Linden: we're working on what that plan will be.
[20:52] Eslam Aljon: even when the new marketplace beta is up?
[20:52] TriloByte Zanzibar: let's jump off that bridge when we come to it :)
[20:52] Pink Linden: right now we're still working that out Eslam, I don't have any information yet. I know what I'd like to do but I don't want to get anone's hopes up
[20:52] Cara Ametza: o.o
[20:52] Cara Ametza: big bonus for all? o/
[20:52] Cara Ametza: hehe
[20:52] Argus Collingwood: lol
[20:52] CarpeDiem Turbo: lol
[20:53] CarpeDiem Turbo: id like that
[20:53] Pink Linden: exactly Trilobye
[20:53] Ghosty Kips: free lindenz for everyyone!
[20:53] Pink Linden: I can see the lbog posts now....
[20:53] Cara Ametza: lol
[20:53] Pink Linden: ok, next question?
[20:53] CarpeDiem Turbo: [20:46] Ghosty Kips: Any chance of some web metrics made available for merchants who list on xstreet down the road? can we expect some web data, such as time zone of the purchaser, native language, and other metrics to help merchants tailor their offerings?
[20:53] Pink Linden: we're about 10 minutes from end of our time
[20:53] CarpeDiem Turbo: i have 1 left
[20:53] Cara Ametza: I have 1 left as well currently
[20:53] Pink Linden: Ghosty, I want to throw as much data at you guys as we can get. so over time, yes.
[20:54] Ghosty Kips: yay :)
[20:54] CarpeDiem Turbo: o/
[20:54] CarpeDiem Turbo: | Yay!!
[20:54] CarpeDiem Turbo: /
[20:54] TriloByte Zanzibar: woohoo
[20:54] CarpeDiem Turbo: i like that as well
[20:54] Ghosty Kips: as long as it's not identifiable stuff, that's all
[20:54] Ghosty Kips: no ips hehe
[20:54] Pink Linden: at beta, I think you will like what you see, but it's a v.1 and there's a lot more to go.
[20:55] Pink Linden: next q?
[20:55] Pink Linden: or is that it?
[20:55] Cara Ametza: [20:47] Talina Juliesse: In the merging over to the new marketplace, my understanding is that merchants will gradually be moved over by LL.. will this affect how they are searched on Xstreet while Xstreet is still running? I'm just a bit confused on how it will work. I'm sure Nooooooo! merchant would like to be the first to move to the new marketplace with the risk of not being seen due to the populace using Xstreet.
[20:55] Cara Ametza: haha your not getting out that easy lol
[20:55] Pink Linden: LOL
[20:55] Talina Juliesse: I'm just hoping that it will be tested extensively before merchants are shoved over to the new marketplace. Last thing I think anyone wants is for their listing descriptions to go poof.
[20:55] BizTutor Magic looks at Rachel. "Data? Did someone say data?"
[20:55] Pink Linden: Talna, good qeustion.
[20:55] Otome Exonar: throwing data at us? doesnt data have anything to say about that? Im against throwing a linden at anyone
[20:55] CarpeDiem Turbo: very good question
[20:56] Otome Exonar ducks and runs
[20:56] Pink Linden: we are actually testing a great deal with a small group of merchants who are also heavy shoppers, about 100 ppl. then the entire merchant base will come over together.
[20:56] CarpeDiem Turbo: i have 1 left after the one cara just posted :P
[20:56] Pink Linden: and we will slowly trickle shoppers in
[20:56] Talina Juliesse glances over at Cara with a quirked eyebrow as she counts all the 'o's :P
[20:56] Pink Linden: so it should be a level playing field for all
[20:56] Cara Ametza: it's a gesture, what can I say *ducks*
[20:56] Talina Juliesse laughs
[20:56] CarpeDiem Turbo: lol
[20:57] Talina Juliesse: okay good.. 'cause changes seem to break stuff.. the marketplace is a huge change.. smaller breaks the better. >.>
[20:57] Cara Ametza: most def
[20:57] Pink Linden: taline, I don't want to tempt fate but I have have confidence in this dev team.
[20:57] Talina Juliesse nods
[20:57] Pink Linden: have high confidence I mean
[20:58] Pink Linden: and they're working in a new way with test driven processes
[20:58] Cara Ametza: so if it goes wonky, who can we toss into the fire? lol
[20:58] Rachel Darling: it's an entirely new system..there will be quirks I'm sure. It kind of goes with the territory unfortunately. We just don't want BIG quirks ;-)
[20:58] Rya Nitely: customers hate changes too ,even if it is better
[20:58] Pink Linden: so w hat we release, will be new but It shouldn't be creaky.
[20:58] Cara Ametza: Yes they do a lot of times Rya
[20:59] Cara Ametza: though it is always a good reason for a press release and ramped up marketing to help win them over
[20:59] Ghosty Kips: customers hate changes, but they love additions. more is always looked at better than different.
[20:59] TriloByte Zanzibar: congrats to you and the commerce team on the account balance merge, btw... that was a big thing and it worked well
[20:59] CarpeDiem Turbo: agreed tril
[20:59] CarpeDiem Turbo: i love love love it
[20:59] Castor Jarman: You know what I didn't see a screenshot of on the Flickr stream is anyting about the search
[20:59] Cara Ametza: Yes I love it, my sales have gone up since that was done
[20:59] TriloByte Zanzibar: until last week's horrible outage we were riding on a nice wave of increased sales as a result of that
[20:59] Pink Linden: Trilobye, thanks, I see Colossus h ere and I want to tell you guys he led that effort
[21:00] CarpeDiem Turbo: ty ty ty ty ty
[21:00] Cara Ametza: I <3 Colossus
[21:00] Argus Collingwood: well done
[21:00] windyy Lane: thank you
[21:00] Colossus Linden: Thanks Trilo & Cara & Pink :)
[21:00] Pink Linden: you can applaud him for it. I seriously was not involvd. :D
[21:00] Cara Ametza: well my balance does at least lol
[21:00] CarpeDiem Turbo: lol cara
[21:00] Bitsy Giano: yes a larger percentage of my sales seem to be on xstreet lately
[21:00] CarpeDiem Turbo: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
[21:00] Colossus Linden: The whole team worked very hard and it's nice to see a large positive affect on sales
[21:00] Rachel Darling: xstreet balance merge = GOOD
[21:00] Argus Collingwood: +*+*+ WaY tO gOoOoO +*+*+
[21:00] Rachel Darling: and better sales too
[21:00] Rya Nitely: Xstreet sales have increased here too
[21:00] Ghosty Kips: yes, the balance merge was a great move
[21:00] Cara Ametza: very good and I suspect as more people are introduced to the site they will grow even more
[21:01] Pink Linden: it does show though that when we make it easy it driv es sales
[21:01] Cara Ametza: I have 1 question still and I think Carpe has one still too
[21:01] Pink Linden: ok guys, last two questions
[21:01] CarpeDiem Turbo: my final question in que atm [20:49] Kerhop Seattle: will referrer information be available to determine how they found our product listing? (i.e. search words, someone's blog, inworld media board, etc)
[21:01] BizTutor Magic: As to the INITIAL merge, I gotta give a high-five and props to the Commerce Team on that one, too.
[21:01] Pink Linden: Mr. Pink is giving me the stink eye
[21:01] CarpeDiem Turbo: lol
[21:01] Ghosty Kips: lol
[21:01] Argus Collingwood: lol
[21:01] Otome Exonar: I'm heading out. laters
[21:01] TriloByte Zanzibar: you need to host the evening sessions live from zeitgeist
[21:02] Pink Linden: referrer info is not in beta
[21:02] Kerhop Seattle: :/
[21:02] Brodesky Linden: like that trillibyte
[21:02] Pink Linden: I'd sy that one's a ways out but it's something that's totally reasonable to ask for.
[21:02] Kerhop Seattle: sounds good
[21:03] Pink Linden: and the last question?
[21:03] Cara Ametza: [20:56] BizTutor Magic: Question: After the last session, I sent my question as to Service Merchants rather than Goods Merchants. Will there be any useability by Service Merchants in the new SLM?
[21:03] Kerhop Seattle is going to keep at least one Linden in his XStreet account so the two never combine ;)
[21:03] Ghosty Kips: referrer info would be another great metric, being able to track our advert campaigns is crit stuff
[21:03] Pink Linden: Biztutor we are not adding features in beta for servcies but we want to do more to support them. could you send me a note card with your thoughts?
[21:04] Cara Ametza: Can I add 1 more super fast question? This one should be an easy one.
[21:04] Pink Linden: sure cara
[21:04] BizTutor Magic: You bet, Pink. Glad to. :)
[21:04] Cara Ametza: o/
[21:04] Cara Ametza: [21:02] MenuBar Memorial: One more - currency exchange is very fast on XStreet - will it be the same on the new marketplace?
[21:04] Pink Linden eyes Mr. Pink warily
[21:04] Cara Ametza: blow him kisses!
[21:04] Cara Ametza: he'll lub it
[21:04] Argus Collingwood: give him chocolate
[21:04] Pink Linden: yes Cara, we are not making changes as part of the beta.
[21:05] Cara Ametza: that clears my questions queue
[21:05] CarpeDiem Turbo: mine to
[21:05] CarpeDiem Turbo: im all clear
[21:05] Troy McLuhan: Yahoo empty queue, whew!
[21:05] Pink Linden: wow!
[21:05] Pink Linden: how did folks like this format?
[21:05] Ghosty Kips: i have one last fast one, if its ok and thre's time, im sorry :p
[21:05] CarpeDiem Turbo: wait just got 7 ims with questions
[21:05] Rya Nitely: loved it
[21:05] CarpeDiem Turbo: j/k
[21:05] TriloByte Zanzibar: excellent, thanks to everyone.. this session was a lot less bloody :)
[21:05] MenuBar Memorial: Good meeting! :-)
[21:05] Too many HTTP requests too fast.
[21:05] Bitsy Giano: lol I could ad one
[21:05] Talina Juliesse: I liked this format
[21:05] Bitsy Giano: LOL
[21:05] Cara Ametza: it was much slower, but easier to understand overall
[21:05] CarpeDiem Turbo: yes I agree
[21:05] Talina Juliesse: better than voice and text mixed
[21:05] Argus Collingwood: great session
[21:06] Pink Linden: last one of the day is usually the best, somehow it's a mellower crowed.
[21:06] Cara Ametza: huge improvement over OH1 that's for sure
[21:06] CarpeDiem Turbo: moreinfomative instead of all over the place
[21:06] TriloByte Zanzibar applauds the moderators
[21:06] Ghosty Kips: ya much smoother than the old ones
[21:06] Castor Jarman waves, "Thanks for your time Pink. Have a good evening"
[21:06] Rachel Darling: we're more docile when we're fed and ready for bed
[21:06] Pink Linden: yes, special thanks to Cara and CArpeDiem
[21:06] windyy Lane: thank you moderators
[21:06] Cara Ametza: lol
[21:06] TriloByte Zanzibar: :)
[21:06] Pink Linden: me too Rachel.
[21:06] CarpeDiem Turbo: ty Lindens for your time
[21:06] Argus Collingwood: ? Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ?
[21:06] Cara Ametza: yw!
[21:06] Too many HTTP requests too fast.
[21:06] Vextra Messing: Thanks for the meeting :)
[21:06] Colossus Linden: Night all. Thanks.
[21:06] Pink Linden: ghosty, what's up?
[21:06] Ghosty Kips: lol argus
[21:06] Cara Ametza: night Colossus
[21:06] MenuBar Memorial: Applauds ?
[21:06] Ghosty Kips: one last one ill maek it fast
[21:06] Pink Linden: last one really...
[21:06] Talina Juliesse: Night everyone.
[21:06] Bitsy Giano: night john boy
[21:07] Talina Juliesse: Thanks Pink
[21:07] CarpeDiem Turbo: Thanks again for all the hard work you guys do
[21:07] Kerhop Seattle: looking forward to transcripts of first two sessions :)
[21:07] Ghosty Kips: I just quit Facebook beause i am not compfortable wihthaving my dta all over the web. :) I dont want to see SL go this way either. can all this web 2.0 stuff we're headed for remain optional? opt-in? and still sell on xstreet?
[21:07] Pink Linden: thanks all for coming, transcripts thursday as I'm OOO tomorrow
[21:08] Ghosty Kips: in other words, cherry pick the bits we like and the bits we dont
[21:08] Argus Collingwood: Ghosty only Avatars sell on Xstreey
[21:08] Pink Linden: ghosty I work closely with the team working on that stuff and I promise they want to make sure you get to control privacy
[21:08] CarpeDiem Turbo: pink if you need oh 1 or oh 2 transcripts let us know
[21:08] CarpeDiem Turbo: Cara loged all 3 oh's
[21:08] CarpeDiem Turbo: so did i
[21:08] Pink Linden: hange on to 'em carpediem and if I missed anythign I'll let you know
[21:08] CarpeDiem Turbo: kk
[21:08] CarpeDiem Turbo: will do
[21:08] Argus Collingwood: "Goodbye!!"
[21:08] Argus Collingwood: all
[21:08] Ghosty Kips: its a major concern for me, im a big web pricacy advocate. just my thoughts.
[21:09] Ghosty Kips: thanks for all the As to our Qs :)
[21:09] Bitsy Giano: is there anything in the works for xstreet support to be tied to concierge?
[21:09] Pink Linden: we are too ghosty, we want to let people control their level of exposure
[21:09] Ghosty Kips: gawd argus lol
[21:09] CarpeDiem Turbo: ty
[21:09] Argus Collingwood: hahahaha
[21:09] Pink Linden: at the same time, somep people want to have their rw self in SL so we need to enble that too
[21:09] Ghosty Kips: thanks pink, thats good to hear]
[21:09] Ghosty Kips: ya, im not for limiting, im for choice
[21:09] Rachel Darling: love the new look, Pink; let me know if you ever need some extra humanoid clothing
[21:10] Pink Linden: they gie me an allowance rachel so I'll drop a few $L in your store
[21:10] CarpeDiem Turbo: ?
[21:10] CarpeDiem Turbo: ok I am outski
[21:10] Argus Collingwood: I'll see ya later Ghosty especially with a new hot pepper dress for Cinnco de Forumo
[21:10] CarpeDiem Turbo: have a great night everyone
[21:10] Pink Linden: I probably need a makeover
[21:10] Cara Ametza: I want an allowance lol
[21:10] Ghosty Kips: hahaha ok
[21:10] Cara Ametza cries...... mommmmyyyyyyyyyyy
[21:10] Pink Linden: not as bad as philip though I hope ::snicker:::
[21:10] CarpeDiem Turbo: lol cara
[21:10] Cara Ametza: I miss those days sometimes lol
[21:10] Bitsy Giano: you could dress like this ang get a cave ;0
[21:10] Ghosty Kips: ok thanks pink, later ppl
[21:11] Pink Linden: ngihts all
[21:11] Bitsy Giano: ni ni
[21:11] Cara Ametza: night
[21:11] BizTutor Magic: Cara: You logged all 3? YOU ROCK!
[21:11] CarpeDiem Turbo: Night
[21:11] Rachel Darling: heh...no need, Pink. My dresses is your dresses ;-)
[21:11] Cara Ametza: yeps, just gotta clean em up a bit to remove login/logout messages lol
[21:13] Pink Linden: cara I'll take you up on that transcript offer
[21:13] Pink Linden: I'm on my home pc and it's acting up
[21:13] Cara Ametza: ok I'll get those to you in a few minutes then
[21:14] Pink Linden: no worries
[21:14] Pink Linden: I won't be able to work on em til thursday
[21:14] Pink Linden: want to send to me at the office?
[21:14] Cara Ametza: okies, that's np
[21:14] Cara Ametza: sure
[21:14] Pink Linden: pink@lindenlab.com
[21:14] Cara Ametza: any particular format?
[21:14] Pink Linden: and I'll send you a bear
[21:14] Cara Ametza: o/
[21:14] Pink Linden: anything is fine word, text whatever
[21:14] Cara Ametza: okies that works
[21:14] Pink Linden: I have to send bears out en masse
[21:14] Cara Ametza: hehe
[21:14] Pink Linden: big pile from OH 2 for those who got me OH 1s
[21:15] Pink Linden: usually meta logs for me my first time trying on my own
[21:15] Rachel Darling: Pink that would be your hubby slowly pulling on the wifi cord....
[21:15] Cara Ametza: hehe
[21:15] Rachel Darling: to the router
[21:15] Cara Ametza: rofl
[21:15] Pink Linden: yes I better go!
[21:15] Cara Ametza: run!!!
[21:15] Cara Ametza: blowing kisses as you go

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